7 May, 2007

VNN Free Talk Live Monday

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 4:51 pm | Permanent Link

Download the show archive!

It was a great show. Many thanks to the Hal Turner Network for simulcasting the show to thousands of new ears, and to Dietrich and OnThePathToTruth for getting the VNN Broadcasting Network back on the air. Also our guests: Dietrich, Leshrac, and Bud White.

VNNF thread here: http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=47924

  • 8 Responses to “VNN Free Talk Live Monday”

    1. Augustus Sutter Says:

      Hot dog! Stan Sikorski and Yankee Jim together! And Hal Turner to boot??? Somebody pinch me! This is truly going to be an historic occasion! If only Kievsky were going to be on tonight also, I might burst from joy! Just as King Agamemnon sacrificed his child to appease the gods and secure fair weather for the Greek armada, I shall sacrifice a bunny this evening in order to give thanks to the gods of old for this bounty.

      Yours truly

      Bad, Bad, Sutter.

    2. Davo Says:

      Break a leg, boys.

      I think it would be a good if in every edition of FTL you or one of your callers gave some helpful, practical tips on how white people can save money, protect themselves from roaming nigger and other savage non-white beasts, reach out to other whites with the WN message, and just generally prepare for the increasingly bad times ahead. Don’t let the show end without giving the listeners something that will be of real, practical value to them.

    3. Davo Says:

      Oh and this is another plea for the ever-growing back catalogue of FTLs to be archived. Remember, guys, more people download the archived shows than listen to the live editions.

    4. Septell Says:

      Please archive the shows guys… it’s not possible for many of us to listen live on occasion. Tx.

    5. sgruber Says:

      You guys just went off the air 5 minutes ago. 10:00 pm EST.

    6. Rabbi Moishe Tapirman Says:


      My b’casts are always . . . . *always* archived at my ‘blog. Always.

    7. Davo Says:

      “My b’casts are always . . . . *always* archived at my ‘blog. Always. ”

      Thanks, Rabbi. You ain’t too bad for a filthy, scum-sucking kike.

    8. Warrior of God Says:

      The only good kike is a dead kike…