12 June, 2007

Majority Rights Interview with Linder

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, radio, White media at 2:14 pm | Permanent Link


  • 6 Responses to “Majority Rights Interview with Linder”

    1. Anti Says:

      Pretty funny how the interviewer comes on with the New Right question. Linder, a real intellect, brushes it aside. What “dark forces”? Sounds like something from Star Wars.

    2. Eager Says:

      In “Back,” Alex wrote: “As soon as I break the world indoor record for consecutive hours of sleep I’ll be writing a trip report. A tease: went to Channon’s grave, talked to her friends, went to KPD to get my speech notes back, went to Newsom’s cemetery, went to crime scene on Chipman, talked to new residents at 2316, distributed a few hundred papers, drove 700 miles back home.”

      I am eagerly awaiting the trip report, especially in learning what Channon’s friends had to say.

    3. alex Says:

      Yeah, sorry, I”m just behind. I’m working on it, though. I have the photos.

    4. Mark Says:

      I enjoy the guests Majority Rights Radio has on, but I think the interviewer needs to work on his professionalism and try to keep the interview going smoothly and not go off on obscure tangents. His voice also sounds like a 14-year-old, but he can’t help that. Good effort anyway.

    5. Logic88 Says:

      I agree with Mark. Alex, you were brilliant as always. I’ve listened to this guy interview other people before and he considers himself some sort of academic or scholar that likes to blindside people with “did you read X?” and “do you know what Y said?”. Which is really easy to do when you’re the interviewer. But trying to look good doesn’t mean that you are good. He offered nothing to the conversation that was original and only earned half a point for himself by offering a reporter for the next Knoxsville rally — that should be a no brainer for any pro-White group to do — and gets another quarter point for his support of eugenics. That we’re suffering from dysgenics which is enormously harmful to our race is beyond question as Pierce and William Galey Simpson pointed out years ago. That there’s something to eugenics is known by default by all cat and dog show goers who want “best in breed” as well as by your typical cattle farmer and racing horse owner, et al. Society was sort of naturally eugenic years ago when people separated themselves by achievements, such as people who were really smart enough to be in college marrying others who had also went to college, etc. Now, college and universities being the Marxist institutions they are, the number of students who deserve their place by merit is minimized. As as has been said before, from what they’re teaching in courses other than hard sciences, these schools are even worse given all the lies about race and White guilt — and even moreso White male guilt — indoctrination.

      Btw, Socrates, you’re finding a lot of good articles and making some good comments. Keep up the good work! The real Socrates has always been one of my heroes.

    6. shabbos shabazz Says:

      The real Socrates refused to drink the Kool Aid, therefore had to drink the Hemlock.