14 June, 2007

STEELE: Please Don’t Throw Us in the Briar Patch

Posted by alex in Edgar Steele, Russia at 3:03 pm | Permanent Link


by Edgar J. Steele

June 14, 2007

My name is Edgar J. Steele. This is a Nickel Rant.

“Do anything you want! You can do anything! You can throw me in the water. You can throw me off the cliff. But please don’t throw me in the briar patch!” Thus pleaded Bre’r Rabbit, who had become stuck to the lump of tar dressed up in clothes and set out as a trap by Bre’r Bear.

An overly-proud Bre’r Rabbit had taken silence from the “tar baby” in the face of his own greeting as a personal slight and kicked out in retaliation. His foot stuck, then his fist. The harder Bre’r Rabbit struggled to free himself, the more securely he became entrapped.

Bre’r Bear slowly drew up to the normally-elusive Bre’r Rabbit and considered what to do, now that he finally had captured his nemesis.

America’s current predicament in the Middle East is quite like that in which Bre’r Rabbit found himself. The harder the Bush Regime struggles, the more firmly stuck America becomes with problems of her own creation. Problems stemming from vanity, greed and overweening ambition.

Suddenly, we find ourselves eyeball to eyeball, once again, with Mother Russia. America’s media is demonizing Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, and refusing to accurately report the warnings he has given: “for the first time in history – and I want to emphasize this – there are elements of the U.S. nuclear capability on the European continent. It simply changes the whole configuration of international security,” said Putin at his recent press conference that you never read about.

Has Putin any choice? We have backed him into a corner by installing military bases throughout the Middle East, taking the old Iron Curtain satellites into NATO and, now, seeking to install missiles all around Russia herself. But they are merely defensive missiles, you say? There is no such thing as a defensive nuclear weapon, grasshopper. Just what do you suppose JFK might do in Putin’s place?

Bre’r Rabbit’s entreaty to Bre’r Bear is an American classic, one that imparts an important moral lesson, like all good fables and folk stories, yet one that is disappearing down the memory hole, pushed there by those who seek to eradicate America’s sense of her own origins. One might well infer that there is no room in politically-correct America today for morality.

For younger readers unacquainted with fictional narrator “Uncle Remus,” the Bre’r Rabbit stories are a compilation of Deep South folk tales, allegedly originating in Black plantation-slave oral traditions, but preserved in writing by White writers, most notably Joel Chandler Harris.

Mine was the last generation to receive full exposure to traditional fables and folk stories. Just try to find the originals of Aesop’s Fables or Grimm Brothers’ Fairy Tales or, even, the more recent “Uncle Remus” stories in your local book store or school library. “Too racist,” say the polyglot engineers of American education today as they toss out literary classics from the likes of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), as well.

Even Bre’r Rabbit now has fallen victim to American social engineers. Disney refuses to re-release “Song of the South,” the single best-known version of the Uncle Remus stories. And you won’t find it on DVD.

But, getting back to the Bush Baby … er … tar baby … to which we have become stuck. What now? How on earth do we get out of this predicament? The answer comes echoing up to me out of my childhood.

Our escape route was charted clearly by Bre’r Rabbit: “Please don’t throw us in the briar patch!”

Bre’r Rabbit knew he would survive being thrown into the briar patch, where Bre’r Bear dared not follow, and that the thorns would scrape off the tar baby, as well. Bre’r Bear, thinking that being thrown into the briar patch really was the last thing Bre’r Rabbit wanted, did just that, of course. In quick order, Bre’r Rabbit was free and off down the road, casting a scornful laugh over his shoulder to Bre’r Bear, calling out, “…us rabbits was born in the briar patch.”

That’s what we must say to Bre’r Putin: “Please don’t throw us in the briar patch!” Is it simple coincidence, do you suppose, that the Russian animal icon is the bear? Or that America’s is the ultimate airborne predator?

It will be painful and difficult, escaping from the briar patch, but its barbs and thorns are just what will be necessary to scrape off that with which we so thoroughly have become enmeshed. And what, exactly, is the briar patch, you ask? Good question. Here’s the answer: Nuclear war.

Win or lose, America will be decapitated. Of that you can be sure. Then we can round up what’s left of the criminals who have stolen our America, try and execute them, then start over. I no longer see any other possible way. Like it or not, that is exactly where the new American tar baby, George Bush, is taking us.

If you have not yet left the major cities and moved upwind of likely fallout zones, now would be a good time.

New America. An idea whose time has come.

My name is Edgar J. Steele. Thanks for listening. Please visit my web site, www.ConspiracyPenPal.com, for other messages just like this one.

  • 13 Responses to “STEELE: Please Don’t Throw Us in the Briar Patch”

    1. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Nuclear war proposed as a remedy! That is totally insane. We don’t need ‘surgery’ that will destroy us faster than the disease we are trying to cure.

    2. lokuum Says:

      New bumper sticker

      Nuclear War, don’t knock it till you tried it.

    3. Lutjens Says:

      Yeah there will be a nuke war, and the Israelis will strike the US first (with the newly acquired Dolphin submarine courtesy of the greatest race on earth). No one else (besides Russia and maybe China) has the balls or capability to do so.

    4. someone Says:

      I think you have all lost your minds, it’s YOU white americans who should do something instead of dreaming about someone from outside solving your problems. How could it be that in European nations you have the BNP, FN in France (now a mess), NPD and other groups while America with 200 million whites and being invaded by mexicans do not have anything serious. Why is it that you don’t have like 10000 David Dukes?

    5. Junghans Says:

      Mega Bingo, ‘someone says’ ! Why are white Americans such slow learners? Why aren’t there 10 million David Dukes out there turning the tables on the usurpers and traitors? The answer? They are somnolent, apathetic, overfed, greedy AMERIKINDER ! They haven’t been hurt financially enough yet and they aren’t hungry enough yet.
      But never fear, their comeuppance is rapidly befalling them, and we will see whether they have the will to live or not.

    6. 2050 Says:

      steele, i think you are right.

      if someone thinks that’s bad, then they don’t understand what’s going to happen to their children and grandchildren after the dreaded year 2050.

    7. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      You European observers need to understand that we have a political problem in America known as the “lesser of two evils” syndrome. What that is is a bunch of cowardly a-holes that always vote for someone from one of the two so-called “mainstream” (jew-owned) parties, because they’re not as bad as the other guys. That’s bullshit, of course, the difference in these parties is like the difference between getting shot in the head with a .38 and shot in the head with a .45; sure the .45 does more damage initially, but in the end you’re just as dead either way. The bottom line is this just KILLS the chances of real political resistance emerging. If Buchanan would have garnered enough votes in 2000 to cause Bush to lose, the Republican party would have nominated someone in ’04 who would have been much more likely to secure the borders, now we’re truly fucked, with this amnesty about to void all the state and local legislation that’s beginning to be passed against illegals. And all of that can be laid at the feet of these goddamned lesser-of-evils-sons-of-bitches. I fucking DESPISE these morons.

      That idiocy reaches all the way into the White activist movement, specifically to many people in positions of leadership in the Council of Conservative Citizens, and THAT needs to be dealt with first. Until we start rejecting these L.O.T.E. idiots, nothing will change. Most reading this will remember the “scandal” a few years ago when Trent Lott’s ties to the CofCC came to light; now Lott is one of the biggest boosters of Maddog McCain and open-borders. More misleadership from the CofCC, which has for years been sucking up to these fucking Democrat/Republican politicians, causing gullible Whites to vote for serial race-traitors like Trent Lott and George Bush. I’m not going to shut up about this until the rank-and-file over there get off their asses and puts some new pro-White leadership in control. This James Edwards fella seems like he’d be a good man to take over the reins, from what I’ve seen so far.

    8. Gerald E. Morris Says:

      Steele, the half-wit Bible Bumpkin Shyster blunders again! His grip on reality is as good as his knowlege of The song’s of the South, half assed. it was B’rer Fox who set the Tar Baby for B’rer Rbbit, but anything to make some half-wit protestant pinhead point eh? Plenty of these bible-thumping snot nosed small town sister-fuckers share Steele’s sick little fantasy of seeing Aryan Civilization destroyed by jew-nuclear bombs, as preparation for their perverted Whitey-Christ Millenium, with Geezuss coming down in his flying saucer with Elvis. These are the fantasies of incompetant COWARDS who’ve stampeded out of the City, ostensibly out of their terror of darkies, in reality because they’re too chickenshit and stupid to make the Grade in any Civis larger than their own incestuous bible-toting families!

      As a half-wit, Steele gets half the problem right, America DOES merit total destruction as the price for saving the Aryan Race. Let there be No”New Jew america” to replace it, and let us not be fooled by this noxious little Cocksuckers, Idiots and Assholes plant who is singing Hosannahs of praise for the ZOG’s plans to start a Third European War which would result in the extermination of the Aryan Race.

      Steele embodies the Aryan Revolutionary Truth I’ve long harped on, that “America” was from its very founding a jew enterprise, meant exclusively for their benefit. Hymie’s pet puritan pud-pullers, whose semen Steele regurgitates on cue, have defined “white” as being “jew-like.” Same goes for little wanna-be jews like Kevin SuckDonald, who just creams his panties over how “smart” jews are. These are anglo-suck-pecker disorders, not to be emulated by those of us with Aryan Minds and Souls as well as skins.

      Aryan Revolution is the ONLY acceptable Solution. The destruction of jew-masonic “america” is the sine qua non for this. As soon as the Last Kike in North America strangles to death in it’s own stinking guts, then we must attend in like fashion to those crypto-kikes in “white” skin who aspire to replace them in some biblical bucolic pig plantation.

      The Bush Regime is the latest symptom of a collapsing jew-masonic state. Being intellectually, morally and fiscally bankrupt, they CAN be exterminated by a well organized Revolutionary organization on this continent. If the Aryan DNA pool fails to produce this organization, others will and then this mob of mutt, de-cultured, suburbanized, generic and above all judeophiliac “white americans” will be deservedly exterminated itself.

      Village idiots just HATE Civilization. Steele, Duhbyuh Bush and the lot of these tiny-dick bible bigots were bred over 400 yrs to suck kike cock, and so they do.Being incompetent to lead a Revolution, all these whining reactionaries can do is hark to the siren song of a mythical “yesteryear” which never existed save in the tiny minds of purveyors of these fantasies.

      Those of us with the balls and brains to organize and lead the Revolution will do so by remaining in the centers of power, on the front lines and there will we succeed. Driving the jew and ALL its operatives into their graves will be Stage One of that Revolution, after which, we can settle accounts with other elements far more advantageously once jew leadership and jew provocateurs are gone from among them, just as with us.

      DEATH to I$rael!
      DEATH to America!
      Hail Aryan Victory!

    9. expat Says:

      Disney refuses to re-release “Song of the South,” the single best-known version of the Uncle Remus stories. And you won’t find it on DVD.

      I saw “Song of the South” about a year ago on Costa Rican TV- in Spanish, of course.

    10. van helsing Says:

      Song of the South is available from websites in the UK.

    11. uncle cremus Says:


    12. Petrarch Says:

      Gerald E. Morris Says:

      This poster betrays himself a genetic jew with his repeated sexual references that contribute to his “point” in no meaningful way what so ever. Does anybody seriously believe such garbage came from an Aryan?

      Interesting how the poster attacks two of the highest profile members of the “It the jew stupid!” movement?

    13. Petrarch Says:

      Gerald E. Morris Says:

      [nothing worth quoting]

      This poster betrays himself a genetic jew with his repeated sexual references that contribute to his “point” in no meaningful way what so ever. Does anybody seriously believe such garbage came from an Aryan?

      Interesting how the poster attacks two of the highest profile members of the “It the jew stupid!” movement?