3 July, 2007

FTL Tuesday

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 9:23 pm | Permanent Link

Free Talk Live Tuesday
Show starts at 9pm cst.
Alex will join us at 10pm cst.




  • 4 Responses to “FTL Tuesday”

    1. dq Says:

      First I think the Australian guy is great to hear from and alex talking on the 50th episode of goyfire is what made me like VNN the best. I have only known about this site for about a month so I am not really familiar with everyone and their ideas. I am wandering about your discussion at around 10:20 est. I remeber hearing about some of the differences between VNN and other sites. The main one is that VNN allows criticisum and others do not. In the discussion you were talking about criticisum. Do you tolerate and maybe like conscientious criticisum of someones ideas but not attacking the members? I can fully understand not wanting to attack people who are working on the same side but I think it is ok to criticise people’s ideas if they are percived to be harmful or have a flaw. I am 21 and became aware of the struggle about a year ago when I read Mein Kamp.

    2. dq Says:

      I was eating dinner when I heard the Australian talking about Russia and missed part of the commentary. Was he saying that Russia is part of the NWO?

    3. ubersaxon Says:

      Hey OTPTT,

      Can you play a tune or two before beginning the broadcast? I have some software that allows me to easily rip the stream but if you don’t begin at 9:00 sharp it will not copy, so if you can, make some sort of bumper music. If not, I’ll have to find some kind of work around. Thanks.

    4. blond Celt Says:

      Have alex mention WHY it’s VITAL to wear soap-on-a rope in a KOSHER SAUNA or goldbergerwitzenstein’s GYMs..!!