VNNB Free Talk Live – August 30th 2007
Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Thursday at 6:54 am | 
An impromptu show with Bud White, Mishko Novosel, and Randy Gray.
An impromptu show with Bud White, Mishko Novosel, and Randy Gray.
31 August, 2007 at 11:22 am
For the truth about Joooo paranoid internet circus freaks, please visit my blog Judeophobe Watch.
Can’t stop laughing at you guys. Thanks. My Aryan wife thanks you too, though she really can’t believe how juvenile you dudes are.
31 August, 2007 at 3:21 pm
There has been a big discussion on how best to promo VNN and its programs like FTL. I made this suggestion before, and you can consider this professional advice.
Make a small sign on plastic poster board. The sign could be the size of a sheet of paper, or legal sized, or the size of your average political yard sign. Doesn’t have to be huge.
On the sign, in thick letters, with indelible ink marker, write:
white news
Post these signs in high traffic areas—they can be taped up, stapled up, or mounted on wire or wooden stakes.
Pick spots where you know political candidates and businesses regularly post signs. GOVNN.COM is a media business!
For you young fellows who get around, using your immigination, you can create lots of good free publicity for VNN. The cost next to nothing.
white news
31 August, 2007 at 6:36 pm
I liked the shorter show format, even if it wasn’t planned. It’s more focused, and it’s easier to digest an hour’s worth of material instead of 3-4 hours. I learned from sales experience that the human mind can only retain so much information in a short term, and that’s it. Example: see how it’s easier it is to digest this post I’m writing now, instead of a 15 paragraph post with 12 points?
Putting myself into the shoes of the broadcasters, I’d be less of a strain to come up with a hours worth of material. I’m assuming that they have lives outside of FTL, and it’d be easier to maintain a schedule with a shorter show format.
As it’s said, “my two cents.” Keep up the good work, gents.
31 August, 2007 at 6:36 pm
Judeophobe Watch Says: “For the truth about Joooo paranoid internet circus freaks, please visit my blog Judeophobe Watch.
Can’t stop laughing at you guys. Thanks. My Aryan wife thanks you too, though she really can’t believe how juvenile you dudes are.”
“Aryan wife”? Interesting. Does she know that Jews are not genetically White?
31 August, 2007 at 7:23 pm
# Judeophobe Watch Says:
31 August, 2007 at 11:22 am
For the truth about Joooo paranoid internet circus freaks, please visit my blog Judeophobe Watch.
Can’t stop laughing at you guys. Thanks. My Aryan wife thanks you too, though she really can’t believe how juvenile you dudes are.
A classic case of Jewish projection. This boy has “issues.” Anyway, the 70 IQ Talmudic retard who posted this quote is this “handsome gentleman:”
Here’s Curt Maynard slicing and dicing him into little bits:
Thanks for demonstrating, in real time, why kikes have been kicked out of country after country throughout history, BEAJ. Good boy!
31 August, 2007 at 8:06 pm
Great to hear Randy again.
Good show, gents.
31 August, 2007 at 8:18 pm
Here’s evidence that “Bacon Eating Atheist Jew” (Judeophobe Watch) ,or one of his fellow “God’s chosen” friends harasses 14 year old girls:
From Curt Maynard’s Blog:
Lastly, lest you still sympathize with these people and in order to reinforce what kind of person the bacon eating atheist Jew really is, consider what he and his compatriots wrote to and about a 14-year old girl, Stefania Glenn, the daughter of Mark Glenn:
“You’re the ugly one, you sicialian wop whore. You’re people are related to Arabs. Hell you married an Arab. What is Marc Glenns REAL last name. You’re a papist whore. Go back to North Africa and take your swarthy southern italian mafia with you’[18]
This from our special bacon eating guest, to Mark Glenn:
“You really are a stupid freak. You are a common retard. You have no argument. Nothing but an imbecile. You have an inferior complex, maybe because you are an Arab, I don’t know. Fuck off and die. You have kids. Hopefully they didn’t inherit your self loathing and inferiority and low IQ. If they did they did and think like you, they should have been aborted. You are a sad sad twerp”
It’s reported that BEAJ can be reached at:
And he considers himself “normal” and us the “freaks”
To the casual reader, reading this, BEAJ is a TYPICAL, not an extraordinary Jew. He’s part of the same group of people who lecture everyone else about “bigotry” and “tolerance.” Can you imagine the horror of having to live under these people’s rule? I can’t. I’d rather be dead.
I’m out for the weekend. BEAJ, feel free to spew more verbal dysentary, people will be able to see what you’re like. You’re our equivalent of a “useful goy” though I doubt you’re smart enough to grasp this. Carry on, boy.
31 August, 2007 at 8:39 pm
I’m sorry for veering off topic, but I thought BEAJ should be addressed.
31 August, 2007 at 8:55 pm
I just laugh at you pinheads. You dudes are so paranoid it is hysterical. You guys have lots of growing up to do.
Bye kiddies.