9 September, 2007

Aryan Matters 15

Posted by Archives in Aryan Matters, audio at 1:01 pm | Permanent Link

Lee Gardener and James Hawthorne in Aryan Matters 15. Subjects include:

Pat Buchanan on Communism and Estonia
Schools forced to promote ‘race relations’ or else
Professor MacDonald hounded by SPLC-NKVD
Non-Whites in UK jails cost 398 Million Pounds

For more on Aryan Matters, go to www.aryanmatters.com

  • 3 Responses to “Aryan Matters 15”

    1. Hattsoff Says:

      I love it, the stupid Brits are hounding their own snaggle toothed, pasty face children out of existence ! For the sake of stinking Paki’s, Somalis and of course the Chosen. So much for a Brown Island governed by the Board of Jewish Deputies !
      Winnie – come see what your bloviating hath wrought !!

    2. Hattsoff Says:

      As for Prof. McDonald, truth is always a dangerous game in a Jew controlled culture – it simply underscores the need for WN’s to work together to form a public interest law firm, supported by committed WN’s who can and will contribute financially as well as provide para legal support (research, etc.) Such an enterprise could and would likely pay for itself in the long run – remember, the ADL has very deep pockets and several years ago had to shell out 15 + million to a White couple it had defamed in Colorado.

    3. Tommy Gun Says:

      I was not able to listen to this show until recently.

      Great show .. Lee and James put forward issues that can wake our people up. These guys are great and knowledgeable and can win our people to our great revolution…