Free Talk Live 01/13/08 “9/11 and The Israeli Connection” Part 2
Posted by VNNB in 9/11, Chertoff, VNNB, VNNB-Sunday, WTC demolition at 6:05 am | 
Do you still think that jets flying into the massive twin towers and steel girders defying the laws of physics is what brought them down? WAKE UP! Listen to Mark Faust as he goes through the evidence and uses a whole lot of common sense to explain the truth.
*UPDATE* Show was not live tonight, server troubles so the show was done offline and archived HERE
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13 January, 2008 at 8:13 am
Ron Paul to raise millions on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Hugo Mann
Published 01/11/2008 – 1:22 p.m.
Hugo Mann
Republican Ron Paul was questioned on CNN about a racist newsletter that went out in his name over 15 years ago. Paul who did not write the letters had already accepted moral responsibility for not paying more attention to what went out in his name in the past and said that he never read the letters.
The issue came up again in a New Republic hit piece recently but Ron Paul eloquently defended Civil Rights and said that the issue came up because he is getting more support from blacks than any other Republican.
Paul said, “Rosa Parks is one of my heroes, Martin Luther King is a hero because they practice the Libertarian principle of civil disobedience, non violence.” He continued, “Racism is a collectivist idea you see people in groups, civil libertarians like my self see everybody as an important individual. It is not the color of the skin that is important as Martin Luther King said it is the character that is important.”
“I attack two wars that Blacks are suffering from” Paul said, referring to the Iraq war and the drug war. Paul also said, “I would pardon all blacks, all whites, everybody that was convicted of non violent drug crimes.”
Paul also pointed out that his grassroots supporters have planned a mass donation day scheduled on Martin Luther King Day to honor Dr. King and Dr Paul. The event was planned before the newsletter controversy began to honor Dr. Paul as a national Civil Rights leader for his defense of the Bill of Rights and individual liberty. Video below:
13 January, 2008 at 10:10 am,1,408602.story
The Moron From Texas Warns About Iran’s Ambitions
6:27 AM CST, January 13, 2008
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates
A cockeyed President George Wanker Bush said Sunday that Iran is “threatening” the security of the world (Israel), and that the United States and it’s bought and paid for Arab allies must join together (by the hip?) to confront the “danger” “before it’s too late.”
The drunken imbesel Bush said Iran funds “terrorist” extremists, “undermines” peace in Lebanon, sends arms to the Taliban, seeks to “intimidate” its neighbors with alarming rhetoric, defies the (social-Marxist) United Nations and “destabilizes” the entire region by refusing to be open about its nuclear program (just like Israel).
“Iran is the world’s “leading” state sponsor of terror (Where does Israel come in?),” the drunken moron Bush said in a slurred speech he delivered about mid-way through his eight-day Mideast trip that began with a renewed push for an Israeli-Palestinian “peace” pact — an accord he said whose “time has cum.”
“Iran’s actions threaten the security of nations (Israel only) everywhere,” Bush said while blowing farts in the podium. “So the United States is strengthening our “long-standing security commitments” with our “friends” in the Gulf, and rallying “friends” around the world to “confront this danger” before it is too late.”
The stinko Bush lauded “democratic” reforms in Gulf nations ruled by authoritarian leaders. He said the Iranian government in Tehran “needs” to make itself accountable to its people (not Israel?). And he called on the Palestinians to reject extremists (Jewish extremists?), although he did not mention the Islamic “radical” group Hamas, which has gained control of the Gaza Strip.
“This new era (plastic era) is being built with the understanding that power (Jewish power?) is a “trust” that must be exercised with the “consent” of the governed,” the bombed Bush said.
A fried Bush spoke at the Emirates Palace, at an opulent, gold-trimmed hotel where a suite goes for $2,450 a night. Built at a cost of $3 billion, the hotel is a kilometer long from end to end and has a 1.3 kilometer white sand beach — every grain of it imported from Algeria, according to Steven Kike, a spokesman at the U.S. Embassy here. Half the audience was dressed in western attire and the other half in Arabic clothes — white robes and headdresses for men and black abayas, many with jeweled edges, for women.
A wrecked Bush said advancing “democracy and freedom is the core” of his administration’s foreign policy (dictated by neocon American Jews & Israeli Jews) and critical to U.S.(Israel’s) security.
“The United States has no desire for territory (oh yeah?) (but Israel does). We seek our “shared” security in your (bullshit) liberty. We believe that “stability” can only come through a “free and just” Middle East (With Israel ruling the roost?) where the “extremists” are marginalized,” the shit-faced president said.
He noted “democratic reform” in Iraq. “You have made your choice for “democracy” (or is it plutocracy?) and have stood firm,” the inebriated Bush said, slurring his words and repeating himself to the Iraqi people. “The “terrorists and extremists” cannot prevail.”
Making an equally “direct appeal” to the Palestinians, the hammered Bush said “The “dignity and sovereignty” that is “your right” is within your grasp.”
Copyright 2007 Associated Pricks. All rights not resoived. This material can and will be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
13 January, 2008 at 1:52 pm
When we talk about the events of 9/11, let’s remember to ask about two things that seem to have disappeared.
1) What happened to the airport videos of the Arabs and other passengers as they passed through the airport and boarded the plane? We saw such a single video featuring two Arabs at an airport in Maine from 9/11, but all such videos featuring the personalities condemned by the US governmental conspiracy theory as they board the four airplanes have been suppressed. Why the secrecy?
2) Why haven’t the names of those investors who sold airline company stock short been released to the public? Up to 50 persons allegedly sold their shares short in the airlines during the 2 to 3 days before 9/11. Why the secrecy?
After all, if the US government conspiracy theory is correct, revealing the airport videos and the short-sellers of airlines would certainly overwhelm other conspiracy theories.
13 January, 2008 at 6:47 pm
Hey Mark-Great show last Sunday,you do a great show by yourself.
What happened to the Canadian Wed. night show?
Thanks-Dawn Landry
13 January, 2008 at 7:40 pm
Rev. Frank Lawrence is seen outside the University Avenue courthouse on Tuesday.
Mixed verdict in pastor’s sex assault trial
A jury has delivered a mixed verdict in the sexual assault trial of a Toronto pastor, convicting him of sexually assaulting one female parishioner while acquitting him of raping another woman.
Jurors deliberated for three days before returning the verdict Thursday night against 59-year-old Rev. Frank Lawrence.
The spiritual leader of was accused of forcing sex on two women who sought his so-called healing powers when he ran Toronto Mount Zion Revival Church of the Apostles, in the city’s west end.
The incidents were alleged to have occurred between 2000 and 2005.
Lawrence maintained he had consensual sex with the women, who bore his children.
The women testified they paid Lawrence more than $100 for nude “healing” baths and naked rubdowns aimed at ridding them of evil spirits.
The complainants said they gave in to unwanted sex with the pastor numerous times because they feared his influence over the spirit world.
The jury found Lawrence guilty of sexually assaulting the 29-year-old woman, but acquitted him of charges involving the 45-year-old, who said she was raped during a ritual beside a freshly dug grave.
The Crown had argued Lawrence abused his position of trust over the women who came to him with emotional or physical problems.
Lawrence was also acquitted of several charges of assault and threatening involving the women.
The pastor has 11 children with various women from his congregation. Court documents show his monthly income in 2005 exceeded $19,000, CTV Toronto’s Chris Eby reported.
Lawrence is to return for sentencing on Feb. 28.
With a report from CTV Toronto’s Chris Eby
© 2007 All Rights Reserved.
13 January, 2008 at 7:59 pm
I had to do the show on Thursday (the Candian show) It will be this wed as planned….Tune in!
14 January, 2008 at 11:13 am
The jews can disrupt the forum until hell freezes over, it’s too late…”I KNOW THE TRUTH AND WILL SCREAM IT LOUD TILL THE DAY I DIE” Thanks to VNN and all it’s broadcasters.