14 March, 2008

Just in case you weren’t aware…

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Goyfire, Radio Istina at 5:45 pm | Permanent Link

I spend most of my time at VNNForum these days. It has been reorganized to make it, along with this site, the best place on the net to get up to speed on real politics, as opposed to the sports-fan crap on Fox.

Join vnnforum.com if you haven’t already, and help make the revolution.

You can also help by circulating the urls to our archive material, which cover every area of relevant to the “why” of the world and the “how to live White.”

Our radio shows:

Master Index to Goyfire

All 2008 Radio Istina shows, numbered and dated, archived with show notes

[2007 Linder Radio shows have been renamed Radio Istina and numbered. They are stickied in the Radio Istina subforum in broadcasting forum.]

  • 5 Responses to “Just in case you weren’t aware…”

    1. sgruber Says:

      We noticed. The Forum is very improved. The mods (whoever they are) are doing a good job, too.

      Many people (including me) have slammed the door on the Forum, and later crept back in. What draws us back is the consistent quality you bring to the enterprise. It’s noticed – the organization is logical and convenient – and Radio Istina is a good thing to burn to CDs and give out everywhere. Blank CDs are always $2 for 5 at Walgreen’s – i.e., just 40 cents apiece. Since one show usually goes on 2 CDs, an Istina can be distributed for less than a buck. IMHO, they are more effective than printed material, such as newsletters. Most men interested in politicial questions want to hear another one, like they hear Rush Limbaugh or Handjob Hannity. Well, we all have our favorites but 03-04-2008 is mine so far.

      Most of us may enjoy Istina more than you do.

      Kudos for bucking up the plant and cranking out some superior product. When’s the next Istina?

    2. Jan L Says:

      What does Istina mean?

    3. alex Says:

      Istina is the opposite of pravda.

      Pravda is ideological truth. What “should” be. Like, racial equality.

      Istina is the reality. The street truth. The facts.

    4. alex Says:

      Glad you appreciate Radio Istina, Sgruber. My goal is to do it twice a week, for a few hours apiece, and then fill in with Stan on Monday and Dietrich on Friday as needed.

    5. Robert Cardillo Says:

      This is the first time I have gone on this website. I like it. The format is done well. Good job guys!!!