9 September, 2008

Newsnet14 2008 Scholarship Essay Contest Winner: The New Black Death

Posted by Stan in Alex Linder at 7:40 pm | Permanent Link

(Thanks to everyone who donated, this years winner gets a $4560 Scholarship from Aryan Wear!)

The New Black Death

By G.A.

An ugly thumping sound is rising up from the apartment below me, vibrating through the floor and walls and drilling straight into my brain as I write this. My downstairs neighbors are two white guys, students, just like me. Yet, day in and day out, they continuously blast that awful, filth-spewing rap “music.” Usually, I try to ignore that noise, but when I hear it, I shudder at the very idea that those guys are listening to such loathsome sounds, so alien to our people, and that is equal to their spiritual death.


  • 16 Responses to “Newsnet14 2008 Scholarship Essay Contest Winner: The New Black Death”

    1. Borrowed Trophy Says:

      Very good essay. Unfortunately, I get the vibe that the majority of our race would either stop after reading a paragraph out of laziness/disinterest, or force themselves to stop in horror upon realizing that the author thought White people to be worthy of a higher form of existence than as degraded jew-slaves and occasional chew toys for the non-White hordes.

      The unofficial definition of “Racist” today is “Any White person who refuses to lick the shit of non-Whites.”

    2. jim donaldson Says:

      “So why, in this age of great medical and technological achievements, have we not yet accepted that there is a covert “disease” rapidly degenerating us, and that by not stopping it for so long, now we have just made it more difficult to effectively destroy the tumor at one go?”
      Because our definition of “health” is wrong. We are taught that “diversity”, miscegenation, permissiveness, etc are signs of a health mind, and a healthy society, while discrimination, ethnic ties, and family loyalty are signs of sickness and insanity (RE: Authoritarian Personality, with Hitler being the ultimate madman). For all other species, health consists of having as many offspring as possible, and, in the higher orders, of doing everything necessary to ensure their survival. Our ancestors did this. They were healthy. We are sick degenerates.

    3. Jon Says:

      Great essay. However, racially-concious and Jew-wise White men like me don’t need any more details! What I WANT, NEED and CRAVE is a SOLUTION to this cancerous disease!

      And so do many others!



    4. Stronza Says:

      Basic content is good, obviously. But it needs tightening up. Way, way too loose & wordy. The essay is written too much in newspaper reporting style.

    5. Olde_Dutch Says:

      McCain’s a piece of work too. LOL.

    6. ED! Says:

      I am forced to listen to this music all the time. They blare it in traffic with their windows down. They always tell me it is their right to play their music and that it is too bad if it bothers me. I do not try to reason with them anymore. I now say to them, “Excuse me, I hope you will forgive me, I noticed that you are white, so I am wondering, why do you go out of your way to look, act, and behave like a GOD-DAMN FUCKING NIGGER? It just leaves them speechless!


    7. Zarathustra Says:

      Those Groid “rap stars” would not have Doodley-Squat if it wasn’t for all the dumb teenage suburban Wiggers buying their music, merchandise and concert tickets. I guess the only two ways a Negro can become financially successful is if he is either a sports celebrity or a rap “artist”. In both cases, he needs a large following of White fans in order to become rich. So no matter how much “stickin’ it to da man” chest-thumping the Negro engages in, he just cannot survive without Whitey.

      Fortunately, I hear a lot of White kids are getting tired of that “gangsta” crap and are starting to listen to good White music again, like Led Zeppelin.

    8. paul maleski Says:

      If given a choice between enduring the clamourous caterwauling of the Congoid operatic society and contracting the Black Death. I would choose the Black Death every time (probably once); pneumonic or bubonic or both!

    9. Celtic Warrior Says:

      The jewK is not immune to this disease. Almost every shop, from clothing to hardware, plays this nigger muzak. The hardware chain B&Q is one of the worst offenders.

      Boycott those shops that play this foul ‘music’.

    10. Booger88 Says:

      This was an exellent essay and makes several good points.Not sure if the author is male or female but they are quite observant.I have felt for a long time that there was something evil,wrong and sinister behind “rap” -it doesn’t deserve the word “music”.It is a sign or symptom of the jew-authored illness that infects the country.Upon surfing the net,gee, guess what it turns out that crap is a jew(surprise,surprise)inspired,led and development designed to turn our people into “cultural niggers”.Imagine that.another cog in the wheel to destroy whitey.Most people are so damn brain washed anyway,and under the constant influence if they’re students of the marxist education system.I recently worked with someone who i at first took to be a mexican.I realized in short order that he was actually white,just afflicted with “ghetto speech holmes” and had grown up around non-whites and in order to “fit in” had adopted their mannerisms,and speech.I recognized he was a clear cut case of Cultural Contamination,a malaise many of our young people suffer from.He even mentioned something about me “sure acting white” and i told him-“at least i act like myself and not somebody else”.In the interest of work politics i couldn’t say-at least i don’t act like retarded gang-land wanna-be nigger or thug pal.But it beggars the point-Big Jew has turned so many of our people and especially our youth into Cultural Niggers and Thugs that many would fight against us because “niggers are cool”.They are the braindead buyers of hip-hop and victims of the “plague”as the writer astutely puts it.Another thing i noticed is the writer says they were homeschooled,and i think that that is the direction we have to go to break ZOGs mental stranglehold on our people.Capture the youth and you capture the future said the Fuehrer.Apparently,Big jew took the lesson to heart,and combined with their absolute control of the media,have managed to Poison many,many of our people.Networking among friends and family are the best we can do,as serious reform in our interests in the “system” are now imposible.They will not allow a reform candidate(Dr Paul) or serious third party to upset their agenda of slated destruction.If Obama is “bad” then i say “good”. Let the nigger in office.He does represent the jew-planned future for the US.Mixed race,rootless,subserviant slaves,thats what big jew wants.Through the controlled voting process,we’ll get who they want us to have.I think that there is hope,but the longer we wait the dimmer it gets.Nice to see some young people are awake.Kudos to Newsnet 14,Aryan Wear,and all the writers who participated.I wouldn’t mind reading the other articles that were being considered also.

    11. Zararhtustra Says:

      Imagine, there was a time when White kids listened to The Cowsills and The Partridge Family? There was even a time when Sonny and Cher were considered “dangerous”. How things have changed.

    12. Mutant Swarm Says:

      “I am forced to listen to this music all the time. They blare it in traffic with their windows down. They always tell me it is their right to play their music and that it is too bad if it bothers me. I do not try to reason with them anymore. I now say to them, “Excuse me, I hope you will forgive me, I noticed that you are white, so I am wondering, why do you go out of your way to look, act, and behave like a GOD-DAMN FUCKING NIGGER? It just leaves them speechless!”

      What a coincidence…we have a group of young idiots calling themselves the “Dumb Azz Kidz” that like to spray paint various squiggles on freshly painted walls. They are obviously white (small letter ‘w’ until they start acting White). I was thinking just the other day about leaving them a note on one of their favorite locations asking the same question as yours. Not spray painted, but printed on a sheet of paper and taped to the wall.

    13. Celtic Warrior Says:

      A worthy essay with some good observations, such as each awakened White person helping another out of the jew contrived hole, one at a time.

      While mention was made of the importance of family life, more stress should have been placed on increasing our numbers by producing more beautiful and intelligent White children.

    14. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      As bad as rap music is, I can still stand it far better than jazz. Jazz makes me want to kill. I am thankful that the Negroes have forgotten how to play it.

    15. Zarathustra Says:

      Really? You prefer Gangsta Rap to jazz? What about Astrud Gilberto and Stan Getz? Or Dave Brubeck? Some jazz has a lot of class.

    16. paul maleski Says:

      A Plague on your Louses!

      How can so many of you be so wicked? How can a so called civilized human being belittle/insult the bacterium Yersinia pestis? By comparing the bacillus to the great classical rap composers . Crucify me if you want to but even an amoeba has feelings; I am not too sure about a rap composer. To be honest they do both have one thing in common, they each have a single cell.