21 July, 2009

Manhattan: Jew Chase Employee Looted Client Account by Duplicating ATM Card

Posted by VNNB in judaism at 7:49 pm | Permanent Link

“what’s  $100k of someone else’s money?”

Robin Katz is a “sexy 25-year-old financial planner working at Chase’s Midtown headquarters,” according to the New York Post, who allegedly ripped off a client to the tune of $110,000 so she could spend it “shopping” and “going out.”

Katz is a graduate of Smith College, and to judge by her Facebook friends—who hail from Yale, Harvard, Wellesley, Princeton, the Phillips Exeter Academy, etc.—she is pretty firmly ensconced in the ranks of America’s elite youth. She certainly seemed pedigreed and trustworthy enough for her clients to entrust her with hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Mistake! Because she is also a gangsta who is accused of running off a fake ATM card of one of those clients and withdrawing $110,000 since last June for walking around money. According to the Post, Katz’s neighbors describe her as “kinda kooky,” and her MySpace page described her interests thusly:

Politics: Fuck Bush
Sex: Fuck Me

Katz reportedly went on the lam in May, telling her bosses at Chase that she had a family emergency in California to attend to. The bank tracked her down and convinced her to come back to New York to explain what happened to the client’s money; she was arrested last week and is currently in Riker’s Island on $50,000 bail. According to the criminal complaint (below), cops found the ATM card and four receipts on Katz when they arrested her. Why would you keep the receipts? And according to the New York criminal courts web site, she’s currently being represented by the Legal Aid Society. How far they fall, and how fast.

  • 13 Responses to “Manhattan: Jew Chase Employee Looted Client Account by Duplicating ATM Card”

    1. Mega Therion Says:


      If the word means a hideous,vile Kike with a face that could stop a clock…

      Then yeah..she’s “sexy”. The “hottest” Jew broads were in ovens.

    2. Pebble Says:

      For you goyim reading this out there, this is who gets into Ivy League schools which White people created and funded, and whom gave them the respect they no longer deserve. Now your kid with the 1500 SATs and the B+ average can’t go there. Why? Oh, it’s because of hard working jews like this.

      Stop believing the lies and begin to ask yourself ‘What am I and my family getting out of all this multiculturalism?’. Get pissed.

    3. David Iamnotajoo Says:

      A face like a rat can only be “sexy” to another rat-face yid!

    4. Parsifal Says:

      That fish-faced Jew bitch would look real “sexy” with a shaved head and a striped pajama uniform, digging a latrine ditch in the mud with a submachine gun pointed at her and a sign over the gate that reads “Work Makes You Free”.

    5. Stronza Says:

      Shifty eyes, if you ask me.

    6. Mega Therion Says:

      Pebble makes a GREAT POINT about the Ivy League and who originally created/funded them and what they became…

      Hmmm…who founded those schools again? Here’s a hint…NOT Catholics.

      Just more evidence to use against certain trolls.

    7. Harsh_Henry14W Says:

      Put her in a cell between Pollard and Madoff!

      One has to wonder if the Jews are starting to dysgenically degenerate!

      Before a Jew would make off with this bundle of cash and then hop a plan to Israel. Now they hang out on the West Coast?!?!?!

      Are they getting dumber over time?? High on their artificially high position in this so-called Society?!?!?!

      One is reminded of that old addage: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely!!!

    8. zoomcopter Says:

      Parsifal, you really have a way with words.

    9. grep Says:

      This is one of the dumb kikes. Short term money grab, no long term plan. One suspects she won’t be getting a very harsh sentence once everything shakes out, though.

      Don’t be fooled; there are plenty of smart kikes who work much bigger scams and who don’t get caught, or who only get caught when it is far too late (Madoff, etc).

      As noted above they’ve taken over all of our elite institutions. Smart but poor and unconnected whites often don’t get much in the way of higher education, or have to settle for lesser institutions; all the top institutions are effectively barred entranced to all but a handful of non-elite whites.

      And let’s not forget that actual elite white gentiles have sold us out, too; they allowed this situation to develop and they go along with it.

    10. Veritas Says:

      “Hmmm…who founded those schools again? Here’s a hint…NOT Catholics.”

      The very first university was the University of Bologna (1088) and then the University of Paris (1160). Catholics invented the university system which the Protestants have copied quite well — in the land discovered by Catholics.

    11. Mega Therion Says:


      I’m speaking of American Universities..examples Harvard,Yale,U-Chicago. Protestant founded,and JEWED by mid 2oth Century.

    12. Lutjens Says:

      She probahbly tawks like Fran Dreschah! Kike women talk and do more than they think. Case in point.

      Sex: Fuck me (in the ass), right where you Jew whores like it.

    13. Chris Redfield Says:

      This jew cunt is worthy of DEATH. This type of the jew vermin is the very reason the economy is in the shitter.