17 December, 2009

Open Thread

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 5:38 am | Permanent Link

Say what you want, but if the quality isn’t high enough, I just might delete. Less McWeen, more BRILL cream.

  • 67 Responses to “Open Thread”

    1. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      apologies to Sándor P on the Forum….i cut ‘n’ pasted yr latest post re: the Bill White ‘thread’ & stuck it up here …. sez it all!

    2. Kuda Bux Says:

      I warned about HW as being a “communitarian.” The head guy is jew Amitai Etzioni.

      “The communitarian agenda is to eliminate all nations and establish an all-powerful, central, global government. Amitai Etzioni is the founder and leading guru of communitarianism. Now that all of Europe lives under communitarian justice and the US adopts communitarian policies and programs, maybe we need to know a little bit more about this guy.

      For many elected and appointed U.S. re-development officials, Amitai Etzioni is the leading moral voice in the U.S. Regardless of his limited fame with American voters, Amitai Etzioni is probably the most influential voice in American politics today. And in case you’re wondering why you never heard of him, Etzioni considers working-class Americans to be too uneducated and too immoral to vote for officials (like himself) who hold the real power in the White House. We vote for Etzioni’s front men.

      His “moral voice” can be heard everywhere from the Oval Office to the Pentagon to the PNAC to the sacred halls of American universities and law schools, across the globe to quiet little policy meetings in Europe. He’s a very well-connected internationalist with strong ties to the top global players in London (Fabians), Moscow (Gorbachev) and Jerusalem (Ben Gurion’s Zionist revolutionaries). He’s definitely a “somebody.”

      Etzioni represents the confusion in modern party politics. His ideology controls the merger between the American left and right, although most Americans haven’t caught on to the name of it yet. When Etzioni’s name appears in the media, it’s usually as an “expert.” His resume is that of a revered elder statesman, but most Americans have never heard of him at all. Until Americans learn who Etzioni is and what his theory does, mass confusion and disorder will reign, and the potential for chaos and violence will grow. The progressive People For the American Way explain the rules of engangement against what they call the Radical Right’s Religious McCarthyism: “It is sad and disheartening, as well as reprehensible, that you would lend your name and position to such ugly and divisive political tactics,” says PFAW’s letter to Frist.”

      Etzioni doesn’t play kid games. This is deadly serious and we have recently been warned that some people in D.C. consider him to be a very dangerous and powerful man. This is almost a joke because we are really just a couple little nobodies who believe our duty as citizens carries the weight of official U.S. law.

      We’ve read so many blogs and articles of Americans trying vainly to explain why some leftists now sound like right-wingers (and visa-vera). Other Americans stick blindly to their “side” and totally blame the other side for what went wrong in D.C. The anti-Bush crowd focuses only on Bush and the far-right focuses on the loudest distractions the left can produce. Etzioni comes out of this fracas and calmly states thta he is our new moderator. What few Americans know (and many refuse to accept) is both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush are great admirers of Dr. Amitai Etioni. BOTH U.S. Presidents implemented Etzioni’s plans for rebuilding American society from 1992 to today.”


    3. alex Says:

      If there is a “No Covington” policy in effect, particularly in sigs, someone might want to put it out there for discussion, at best, or simply proclaim it, at worst.

      Clarification is offered, and further clarification would be appreciated.

      There’s no policy. Here are a couple observations, though. There’s no need for a signature on every post, not of multiple lines.

      A general observation is that you, Harold, have no respect for the law of diminishing returns. You say the same thing fifty times. People only read it once. You’d do far better to make far shorter posts, with a one-line signature or, even better, no signature.

      In general, altho you sometimes make an apt phrase, your posting here is in a quasi-religious mode that is not intelligible, let alone persuasive.

      Covington has made no conceptual breakthrough, and he is manifestly unwilling to take his case to the locals. He’s a virtual scold who does nothing but blame others for what he won’t do himself. He didn’t move to the NW to establish a homeland but to escape a court judgment.

    4. alex Says:

      I warned about HW as being a “communitarian.” The head guy is jew Amitai Etzioni.

      I like the guy’s writing a lot. He has a real and near-unique knowledge of American racial history. However, his politics are a blend of the worst of left and right, topped off with a faith in a theory (Overton window) that simply won’t work for Whites, and for pretty obvious reasons. I did not realize, until we had the environmental debate, that he is a typical leftist – religiously anti-corporate and pro-government. He uses all the conventional terms, and with a conventional faith in them. I’m not even sure why he disagrees with the left on race when he agrees on the rest.

      What he misses is the entire tenor of the times. Government has never been bigger or more bankrupt. It is pissing people off beyond belief, particularly the upper-middle-class smarties he and TOQ are trying to reach, and yet it continues to gorge, trying to jam another huge segment of the economy into its maw through the nationalization of medicine. The libertarians have made huge strides in educating whites as to the money problem causd by the Federal Reserve, and also to the pig-state brutality and government omni-incompetence in general. We WN should simply steal any good libertarian arguments and paint them with race; put them in the correct racial context, which the libertarians will never dare do. This makes far more sense than snuggling up to jews like Gottfried and the faileocons. Treating the paleocons as friends merely blurs the difference between our cause and theirs. It might bring in more middle-class money to do it that way, but politically it is counterproductive. All White effort should be put into polarizing the American public between jews (including paleocons, neocons, illiberals, multiculturalists and communists) and Whites – us and us alone.

    5. alex Says:

      Conservatives, particularly paleoconservatives, are bourgeois snobs and materialist status seekers. The ones who aren’t tend to be religious mystics. Although there are many intellectuals in their ranks, they are not activists, they’re quietists, quiescentists, passivists, declinists, gloomists, forget-it-ists, and hopelessists. The libertarians have a different mentality. Altho they are individualists by ideology, in practice they work together better than WN do, and, like us, they are far more likely to be crusaders. Conservatives are chortlers. Self-satisfied snifter-swirlers. Winning isn’t respectable, and Anglo-conservatives care about propriety more than anything else. Wining, to conservatives in the Anglo-American tradition, is for losers.

    6. alex Says:

      [Good example. Ron Paul, altho his approach is non-racial, truly does scare the elite, at least to some extent, if not to the extent that Lew Rockwell thinks. What he’s doing is very good for WN. He is carrying a lot of our water, since we say the same things about the Fed. All we have to do is add the jewish element he and his supporters fear to mention. The same general approach works for any libertarian criticism of government. Anything they do to advance the dismantling of what they call “the state” is good because, well, the state is ZOG. Just because they fear to call it that doesn’t mean we can’t. They’re working to disempower ZOG, no matter they don’t acknowledge the jewish cast of and jewish agenda served by the official control mechanism in Washington, D.C.]

      WaPo Afraid of Ron Paul
      Posted by Lew Rockwell on December 19, 2009 10:56 AM

      Here is the interesting part of a terrified editorial from the Washington Post, the house organ of the Fed and the DC power elite, on Ron’s Audit the Fed amendment:

      Whatever good [the financial regulation bill] might do would be canceled out by the inclusion of Texas Republican Ron Paul’s proposal to subject the Federal Reserve’s monetary policymaking to regular audits by the Government Accountability Office, an arm of Congress.

      Supporters suggest that the measure would merely provide “transparency” for a secretive, powerful institution. But for all its wide, bipartisan backing, this is anything but a prudent or centrist law. In fact, it is an attack — born of crisis and the attendant emotions — on the political independence the central bank must have to do its job.

      The case for political independence at the Fed is elementary. Elected officials, such as members of Congress, are inherently loath to tighten the supply of money available to their constituents, even when that might be necessary to fight inflation. U.S. experience, and that of countries around the world, confirms this, which is why Congress exempted the Fed’s money-supply decisions from GAO scrutiny in a 1978 law. Mr. Paul’s proposal would effectively repeal that. Investors already spend enough energy and money trying to figure out where interest rates are heading without this additional dose of permanent uncertainty. Trust in the Fed, and, by extension, the dollar, will evaporate if markets believe that the Fed is courting the approval of Congress’s auditors.

      Mr. Paul doesn’t care; he’s an “end the Fed” man. In the past, other members of Congress have basically just humored him. It’s a sign of the times — and not a good one — that they have been Fed-bashed into following him now.


      Washington Post editorial

    7. Kuda Bux Says:

      The left can’t argue against liberalism (as in liberty, its older meaning) so it grasps at straws such as “the environment.”

      Libertarians are used to being marginalized and radical. (Except for Reason/Cato) Some may be recruited, leading to a chain-reaction.

      My parents were conservative, but I never had anything to do with it. There is utterly no way out save through radicalism. That includes radical common sense. (Radical simply means fundamental.) We are in war to-day, not to-morrow.

      Conservatives will re-arrange the deck chairs forever. They like the ‘kwa the way it is. The tomorrows that were off in a distant future in 1970 are today. The comfort zone will crash- will conservatives be awake, or asleep when it happens?

    8. Dave Says:

      “Toys for Tots and other Christmas programs here in California usually benefit the illegal mestizos and their brood of kids.”

      My wife and her Brilliant sister are off right now to help with toys for tots. They are from a Marine family. I just told my wife what Annie Oakley is doing for white kids. My wife then informed me that today they are packing up the toys for the browning kid’s. Browning is the local Reservation town. How sickening. For as much as she seems to agree with me on racial matters,a bit to much at times,this really sickens me and leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

      I told her she was wasting her time.Those reservation kid’s get everything free anyhow.Everything!Plus…They are just fucking Indians! heh…

    9. Irma Grese Says:

      Annie Oakley Says: That’s my form of white activism. Helping my own. The government AND corporate America hates us and wishes we were dead, especially white men. So, I’ve started this right now in my own backyard.

      Dear God, Annie, you are a most sweet and wonderful lady! Were you here with me now I would give you the BIGGEST hug! :)

      I love!!! your idea and will see about implimenting something similar for downtrodden whites in MY area. How WONDERFUL it is to have something to actually DO! Bless you honey!

    10. Howdy Doody Says:

      “Kobe tell me why my ass bled” rape victim raps

      That Video posted on VNNF’s front page asks the Question IMO as to why and how that White women was a stage with some A.H. White metro pierced whigger type parrotting hear words.

      This Women most likely has NO father and an air mother, lawyers and boyfriend.

      The video show is a sad thing IMO.

      I notice there is not one comment.

      At the time I hear Mike the Savage Kike on the Radio while driving five years ago Denouceing this White Women air as just another hussler etc.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      Air head Mother, Lawyer, and Boyfriend.

    12. chubby Says:


      I couldn’t find the thread in which Linder was discussing Christianity and Protestanism’s Masonic and Jewish influences. The link above is to Hoffman’s discussion of the matter.

    13. Dave Says:

      I’ve mentioned it here before. Now in the open thread I will again. I tried posting this already but accidentally closed it,so if it double posts that is why.

      White Americans make the best electronics on the planet! Not the Japanese and for sure not the Chinese.just view these images of true white art!






      This equipment sounds as wonderful as it looks and they are all built to standards you probably thought had vanished from the face of the earth. And they are all white made,by hand.There are hundreds of such companies.

    14. Bret Ludwig Says:

      I’ve been building and repairing tube guitar and hi fi amps for decades and have a large collection of foreign books on the subject as well. The Japanese actually do some interesting stuff which is sold only over there but it is all fairly derivative. The original work is either American or British.

      I will say the Japanese are building some of the best output transformers and oil dielectric capacitors there are. We used to joke about the caps were wound only by virgin Japanese girls while not menstruating, but it turns out it was no joke. They are fanatical about execution and it shows. But they never could have invented the basic concepts, only polished and detailed and refined them.

      The J’s also have the best analog oscilloscope tech with bandwidths up to 2 GHz. They simply put a CCD on the end of a small CRT. Tektronix never did better than 1 GHz in an analog scope and it was a real bastard to use. It used a 4CX250 to drive the horizontal plates and was generally ridiculous. You have to admire the little buggers, they really do some impressive development, where whites say “fuck it” and go on to the next thing.

    15. Dave Says:

      Ill agree with you there. The Honda plant in Japan is another case in point.

      However,they Do not have the ear to design real hi-fi equipment. I do not know why but even the costly gear they make sounds bad to me.

      So I’m not alone here! That’s nice to know!

      I think you honestly pegged the Japanese.

    16. Brian Says:

      eau menstruel-covered up with cheap perfume
      wound only by virgin Japanese girls while not menstruating

      You seem to have an obsession with that.

      Just sayin’.

    17. Dave Says:

      hey Bret Ludwig do you have an email address I can reach you at?
      I’d like to know more about your tech knowledge and amp building.