The Pure Meat! Pure Gold! Show #10
Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, audio, radio, TPMPG Show, VNNB at 2:00 pm | 
The Pure Meat! Pure Gold! Show, AKA The “Hotdog” Podcast (#10; 06-11-14) [Here].
– what’s new at VNN (writings I posted monday: book notes, movie thumbs, On Writing column, On Strategy column, Idee Midden: Writer’s Notebook; new update/plans for; ADF books added to pdf thread)
– my bookshelf (went through one shelf: the religious books)
– discussion of first part of article against racialism:…nd-liberalism/ (i attack christianity as the source of liberalism and point out how the christian is arguing that god is a nigger, that god is at odds with himself, that god must favor genocide; that religion is anti-social while science is pro-social and much more)
– close with stirring rendition (good example of the cliche-lite ‘stirring rendition’ i discussed in my On Writing column monday) of Mah Luv is Conditional
12 June, 2014 at 3:05 pm
Russell BAKER….That’s the columnist whose last name you forgot, Cap’n.
12 June, 2014 at 10:23 pm
Radio ? Shack ?
Comments are at the bottom of story.
13 June, 2014 at 2:23 am
Yes, if your in daily pain it does divert one’s drive, desire or spirit to do all you want to accomplish.
As for christian scientists it a man hating majority crazy women church, believe it.
13 June, 2014 at 2:36 am
Coke ?
13 June, 2014 at 2:45 am
7 of 8 people found the following review helpful
Smooth and rich
By bernie HALL OF FAMETOP 500 REVIEWERVINE VOICE on February 3, 2013
Okay where do I start?
Coca-cola around the world contains basically the same formula. However, some of the ingredients changes due to availability, government pressure, and probably particular tastes.
Coca-Cola has known to have been made with sugar, Stevia (Japan and Argentina), and the nefarious corn sweetener that dietitians are now warning us about. In Belgium, they still make Coke with the original citric acid, which gives it a rather nice aftertaste (fat chance trying to buy Belgium coke). Looks like we are stuck with phosphoric acid.
Not the government but Coca-Cola tried to put one over on us before the government stepped in to put the kibosh on sugar to boost the corn industry; the invention of “New Coke” was never meant to replace the original Coca-Cola. What it did was force us to drink mouthwash for a couple years so that when they brought out the Coke with corn sweetener they could call it classic, notice not original.
Many connoisseurs can tell the difference right from the beginning. Some people actually got headaches from corn sweetener and realized later what it was. Still today there are a handful of people that either cannot taste the difference or even prefer corn sweetener.
My suggestion is to get some Mexican Coca-Cola where you can and test it for yourself. For me it is not just the taste. It goes down smooth or and unless Mexico has a different formula, it tastes richer with a real sugar base.
27 July, 2014 at 1:54 am
Alex have you ever heard about William Finck and his website?? His stance on Christianity would embrace your belief that modern Christianity is a farce.