27 March, 2008

Marc Lemire vs. the Canadian Human Rights Commission

Posted by Socrates in Canada, Marc Lemire, Socrates at 5:20 pm | Permanent Link

Lemire seems headed for victory in his battle with the CHRC:


  • 3 Responses to “Marc Lemire vs. the Canadian Human Rights Commission”

    1. Wolf Says:

      Spying, entrapment, dirty tricks….

      Who are the haters?

    2. roxanne satinspar Says:

      Withering, Abhorrant Rube, Manifesting Apathy and Nothingness

    3. roxanne satinspar Says:


      Correction to above : should have been ‘Abhorrent’ This site is fun, but can’t spell!

      For the ‘Jadewarr’ debacle , check out