Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, Linder appearances, radio, Socrates, VNNB, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White solutions, White thought at 2:17 pm |

Linder on MajorityRights Radio, 11/19/09: [Webpage]. More: [Here].
Linder on MajorityRights Radio, 11/19/09: [Webpage]. More: [Here].
By Nicholas Stix. Alex is mentioned in this article by the Jewish journalist: [Article].
Interview with Alex Linder of the Vanguard News Network: Jewish journalist interviews leading anti-Jewish activist Nicholas Stix – 10/11/2007 Alex Linder is the operator of the Vanguard News Network. The motto of the web site is “No Jews, Just Right”. The Southern Poverty Law Center criticized VNN stating that its web site “[offends] even many […]
Video of Alex’s speech at the Kalamazoo rally on August 4th, 2007 (note: you may need to download a video program to view this; if you have a dial-up internet connection, the video may take a while to download): [Here]
Great thanks to Soren Renner of Majority Rights for taping this interview between me and the reporter for the Knoxville News-Sentinel. Meta-interview is my name for an INTERVIEW BETWEEN ONE OF OUR GUYS AND THE JUNK MEDIA THAT IS TAPED BY SOMEONE ON OUR SIDE. The controlled media use nothing or next to nothing of […]
Alex, I had the good fortune of hearing you speak while you were a guest of the LA based radio talk show 97.1. Although the moronic hosts did their best to rile and besmirch you, you impressed me with your ability to articulate your views while steadfastly thwarting their idiotic attacks. Since then I have […]
MEXIMOM HELPS TEEN-‘CREMENTS SPRAY TOWN Mom Accused of Helping Sons Make Their Mark — on Buildings Police say an Echo Park woman drove five teenagers around so they could spray graffiti. About 100 sites were hit, authorities contend.
Download: Stream: [Conway & Whitman home site: Â Listen to Conway & Whitman online: Background: Tim Conway Jr is the son of the comedian; Brian Whitman is an impressionist who also does a political talk show Sundays on WABC in New York. Occassionally he fills in for Sean Hannity. The Conway […]