23 July, 2006

For Sweet, Super-long Goyfire #35 taped this very morning!!!

Posted by alex in Goyfire, holocaust racket, VNN, White media at 6:37 pm | Permanent Link

Will be up later this week. Covered topics include Lebanon, speech censorship attempts by EU and ADL, Chelsea Brooks, the white girl impregnated/murdered by nigger monster(s), NPR on KKK in Colorado, toenail mites and how to get rid of them (or at least fight them to a draw), cheese – lower duodenum’s best friend?, call for team of writers to help build Sunlit Heights, and it all starts with a rich, ripe laugh at Dick Gregory, the celebrated monkey from Missouri, bearing warnings manganese (pronouce as though mang were Italian sauce), and our president bushy, canting chummily to the niggers duly sedated, pantsed, chaired by the jews offering technical expertise, still, to the NAACP.  I couldn’t tell a difference. Could you?

Here’s a link to PDF of a quarterly magazine put out by the EU commission monitoring racism and witches and halitosis and zimaphobia.


Quote from Wiesenthal grifters Abraham Cooper and Harold Brackman (pages 23-24):

In addition to Israel, eleven European countries Austria, Belgium, The Czech Republic, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland punish Holocaust Denial [sic].

  • 11 Responses to “For Sweet, Super-long Goyfire #35 taped this very morning!!!”

    1. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Elements to freedom of speech and freedom of expression:

      There has to be a democracy.

      You have to be a non-White.

      If you are a non-White, you are allowed to commit crimes against Whites and get away with it without being charged a hate crime.

      You can be a Holocaust survivor. If you are a Holocaust survivor or one that could be a Holocaust survivor, you are allowed to make up stories, write about it, and collect retributions or extort money for your pain and suffering.

      Special priveleges will be given to non-Whites who hate Whites.

      You are allowed to say hateful words to a White person without getting arrested.

      You are allowed to be hired over a White person with more pay.

      If you are a politician, you are allowed to only represent non-Whites.

      EU: This is what we call equal rights and equal speech for everyone. Any complaints?

    2. Lutjens Says:

      “Quote from Wiesenthal grifters Abraham Cooper and Harold Brackman (pages 23-24):

      In addition to Israel, eleven European countries Austria, Belgium, The Czech Republic, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland punish Holocaust Denial [sic].”

      And the US is not listed? Oh it only deports them to those countries, courtesy of Jew Chertoff.

    3. alex Says:

      Yes, there’s some truly remarkable statements in the publication, which we discuss on Goyfire. Dig this… “protecting people from racist and xenophobic discourse is a basic principle of any democratic society.” This from Beate Winkler, i believe, in the mag. Women, known for wearing makeup, see it as wholly natural to prevent crude cacklers from despackling – from pointing out, measuring with glee, the distance between face and facade. “Right not to be made fun of” – on the woman’s bill of rights, that would rank much higher than freedom of speech, which in fact wouldn’t make the list at all.

    4. alex Says:

      Germar Rudolf, too.

      One thing really brought home to me in a small town is how little of what happens ever makes the news, and of course it’s the same everywhere. Papers employ very few reporters. KDE seems to have one editor and about four reporters, three of which spend their time snapping shots of the high school girls’ golf team. The other reporter, a female, covers the town council. And then there are Rotary speakers. What is actually going on is little talked about until there’s either a lawsuit or a press release. Forums and blogs with responses are miles above newspapers when it comes to collecting and disseminating actual news. If you have a situation in your town or neighborhood that really pisses you off, the most cost-effective way to fight back is set up a local blog, free, and allow responses. you can ju-jitsu local coverage by printing its articles and allowing responses it won’t. If you do this faithfully, and can offer a good strong lead, you’ll get an audience.

    5. Nigger Sniffing Dog Says:

      I’m frothing at the mouth and licking my snout in anticipation of the next GOYFIRE!

    6. alex Says:

      Well, I think #35 was a good one. As soon as Stan excises the hemming, Jeeves will convey the Alpo, fresh and meatylike!

    7. Mark Says:

      “protecting people from racist and xenophobic discourse is a basic principle of any democratic society.�


      “protecting people from tyrannical Judaic thought control is a basic principle of any healthy society.”

      Our people tend to be more introspective and keep to themselves. Jews however are big mouths that want to fill people’s heads with so much nonsense that you don’t have room for other thoughts. It’s like business, the first ones there will own it and control it. Our people need to be more proactive rather than reactive decades after we’re in up to our necks in Kosher shite.

    8. Legal Eagle Says:

      We live in a bizarre alien world, in which otherwise-fully-functioning people cannot even acknowledge the utter lunacy of (1) professing the importance of free speech, and (2) punishing criminally the exercise of same with respect to an alleged historical event. These concepts are in direct conflict, are mutually exclusive, and any child can see this.

      Zhid-ish media control has lobotomized the White man.

      Q: Why doesn’t the United States have laws expressly prohibiting the public questioning of the Yiddish holoCo$t?
      A: We don’t need laws — the average American is already scared shitless of his own government, though no one dares to admit it.

    9. The Color Of Shit Says:

      I’ll admit it. I’m scared shitless of the American government (which means really: “I’m scared shitless of Jews).

    10. alex Says:

      Whites are taught to mind their own business; jews are taught that everything is their business. Nothing is safe from being mocked and attacked by jews with one of their patented smears, and jews are the ones putting ideas into the heads of the elite. Kids are encouraged to expose their innermost thoughts from the moment they go to public school – with journals and shamings and ridicule by brainwashed idiots who egg on their peers. Respect for other people is NOT a jewish value – jews are groupthink enforcers.

      Jews are a tribe at war with the rest of the world. It is time for Whites to acknowledge this. The evidence can’t be denied by any rational man any longer. The end of the destination chosen for us by jews is evident in South Africa and Zimbabwe – genocide. We are justified in doing whatever it takes to erase the jewish menace to our communities and our nation and our race.

      The time has come to form white defense groups in our communities, to fight back against jewish verbal and physical assaults. A good rallying point for those is local blogs, which can be used to put the lie to the jews’ and local rent-a-hicks’ claim to be the voice of the community. The race mixing genocidalists do not speak for the community, they browbeat, harass, and lie to the community – blogs allowing uncensored interchange of opinion will demonstrate this and allow locals to make direct physical connections that are difficult on a larger scale.

      Whites no more than Hezbollah are obliged to put up with jews running our nation. The jews have had their way up til now because times have been good, and jews, using their network and global mafia, can cow whites afraid of losing their respectability. More and more, as we see in the news we bring you, standing up to the jews is not a matter of losing respectability but of saving your life. As the U.S. turns into one large game park, the lines on the chart begin to cross. Fear gives way to anger, which gives birth to determination – and we right here are the nucleus. Israel has the right to defend itself using any means, going to any length? So do Whites.

    11. The Color Of Shit Says:

      Yes, but the jewzraelies use Mossad hitmen to assassinate anyone who gets in their way; that’s something whites don’t use, and a reason to be scared shitless of jewzraelies.
      How can one overcome one’s fear of being MURDERED??? When the fear is JUSTIFIED??? Nobody wants to just DIE. What to do about this fear?