10 November, 2006

Reader Mail: 11/10/06

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 4:53 pm | Permanent Link


Will We Be Ruled by the Facts on the Ground? In certain ways, it may hardly matter what happens to which party. By now – and this perhaps represents another kind of triumph for the Bush administration – the facts on the ground are so powerful that it would be hard for any party to know where to begin. Will we, for instance, ever be without a second Defense Department, the so-called Department of Homeland Security, now that a burgeoning $59 billion a year private “security” industry with all its interests and its herd of lobbyists in Washington has grown up around it? Not likely in any of our lifetimes. Will an ascendant Democratic Party dare put on a diet the ravenous Pentagon, which now feeds off two budgets – its regular, near-half-trillion dollar Defense budget and a regularized series of multibillion dollar “emergency” supplemental appropriations, which are now part of life on the Hill. What this means is that the defense budget is not what we wage our wars on or pay for a variety of black operations (not to speak of earmarks galore) with. Don’t bet your bottom dollar that this will get better any time soon either. In fact, I have my doubts that a Democratic Congress with a Democratic president in tow could even do something modestly small like shutting down Guantanamo, no less begin to deal with the empire of bases that undergirds our failing Outlaw Empire abroad. So, from time to time, take your eyes off what passes for politics and check out the facts on the ground. That way you’ll have a better sense of where our world is actually heading.



Saddam’s Sentence

It seems that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein now faces execution after an Iraqi court found him guilty of having some Iraqi people executed in the early 1980s.

While we aren’t fans of Saddam, we nonetheless find his death sentence to be hypocritical. Why? There must be dozens of world leaders who are responsible for the deaths of civilians – and many of those dozens of leaders have killed far more people than Saddam did. Yet most of those leaders are still in power, while Saddam was overthrown, jailed and tried in a courtroom.

By the way, we learned in Political Science class that all countries have natural sovereignty, so we must wonder what gave America the right to invade Iraq in the first place.

But what was Saddam’s ultimate crime – the crime that led to his current situation? It was Saddam’s launching of nuclear-warhead-capable Scud missiles at Israel during the 1991 Gulf War. That act painted Saddam as a serious threat to Israel – a threat that sooner or later “had to” be neutralized by Israel’s protector, America [yet how ironic that the Jewish agenda of using America to remove Saddam from power may backfire. In other words, as Iraq becomes more unstable and violent, the likelihood of an all-out civil war there grows – a war which could eventually result in a hard-line, Muslim government ruling Iraq, which would of course be bad news for Israel].




By Ted Rall

Like Cornered Rats, GOP Losers More Dangerous Than Ever









BNP leader Nick Griffin and party activist Mark Collett have been cleared of inciting racial hatred after a retrial at Leeds Crown Court. Mr Griffin, 46, from Powys, Wales, had denied two charges of using words or behaviour intended to stir up racial hatred in a speech in Keighley.

Mr Collett, 24, of Leicestershire, was cleared of four similar charges. The pair were charged in April 2005 after the BBC showed a secretly filmed documentary “The Secret Agent” in 2004.

This is a terrific victory over the forces of ZOG oppression. They were determined to hound both Messrs Griffin and Collett into jail and they LOST! A great legal precedent has been set and the System will think twice before it persecutes racial-nationalists after this terrific victory!


And in today’s episode of ‘Name the Jew’:

Israel, We Bless Thee
November 9th, 2006

Today, while driving through town, I wound up behind a minivan that had a big sticker on the back. The sticker had an Israeli flag in the middle of it, and under it the quotation from the book of Genesis that reads “I will bless those who bless thee.”

I would like to take this time to list my own reasons for thanking and blessing Israel, our lone ally in the Middle East, for everything she has done for us, since I am quite sure most Americans are unaware of just what kind of friend she has been to us.

For extorting from me and my fellow Americans $4,000,000,000.00 a year for the last 4 decades, we bless thee.

For taking our most sophisticated weapons technology and stealing it for yourself without paying the American patent holders, we bless thee.



Stupid women largely to blame for White political woes.


“A CNN exit poll of Michigan voters suggested that the ban passed because of support from men. Sixty percent of men, but only 47 percent of women said that they backed the ban. By educational status, support for the ban was strongest among those who were college graduates, and opposition was strongest among those with postgraduate education. Among white voters, CNN found that 59 percent backed the ban, while only 14 percent of black voters did so.”


In other words a strong majority of White men opposed affirmative action bullshit, while a majority of women supported it.

T. Pyne


excerpts on Sailer’s blog

As we see, the Bolsheviks invited Jews starting with the very first days after assuming power, offering both leadership positions and administrative work with Soviet governmental structures. The result? Many, very many, responded positively, doing so without delay. What the Bolshevik regime needed above all were functionaries who would be absolutely loyal, and it found many such individuals among young secularized Jews along with their Slavic and international confreres. These people were not at all necessarily “renegades,” since some were not members of the party, had no particular revolutionary sympathies, and seemed apolitical prior to this point. … The fact remains, though, that it was a mass phenomenon.

“Thousands of Jews thronged to the bolsheviks, seeing in them the most determined champions of the revolution, and the most reliable internationalists … Jews abounded at the lower levels of the party machinery. A Jew, as an individual who was clearly not a member of the nobility, of the clergy, or of the old civil service, automatically became part of a promising subset in the new clan.” [M. Kheifets, Tel Aviv, 1980]

… Latvians, Hungarians, and Chinese were utilized in similar ways — no sentimental hang-ups could be expected from them.

The attitude of the Jewish population at large toward the Bolsheviks was guarded, if not hostile. But having finally attained full freedom thanks to the revolution, and together with it, as we have seen, a true flowering of Jewish activity in the social, political, and cultural realms, all superbly organized, Jews did not stand in the way of the rapid advancement of other Jews who were Bolsheviks and who then exercised their newly acquired power to cruel excess.



The US and Britain Did Not Win World War II, the Russians Did

Both the British and the American public have long been told that “we won the war” and D-Day, in particular, has been built up as the decisive moment… The attack on the Third Reich was a joint effort. But it was not a joint effort of two equal parts. The lion’s share of victory in Europe can be awarded only to Stalin’s forces and it is a fantasy to believe that he was fighting for justice and democracy… The forces of democracy played their part in the defeat of fascism, but were left controlling less than half the continent. In the greater part of Europe one totalitarian tyranny was replaced by another. More often than not, the rhetoric of “freedom” and “liberation” was misplaced.



Durham, N.C.: Land of Idiots and Tyrants
Posted by Thomas DiLorenzo at 06:43 AM

Mike Nifong, the government prosecutor who insists on prosecuting the Duke Lacrosse players despite no evidence, mountains of conflicting evidence, and admitting to not having even interviewed the accuser, was re-elected on Tuesday.

Send your kid to Duke; pay 50 grand a year or more; turn him (or her) into a politically-correct idiot.


Because I live in the U.S. rather than Russia, last night I had the opportunity to see Borat, which I highly recommend. In addition to making me laugh so hard I couldn’t breathe (the look on former Georgia congressman Bob Barr’s face during his brief encounter with Sacha Baron Cohen’s Kazakh alter ego is by itself worth the price of admission), it made me sympathize a bit (a teeny-weeny bit) with the Anti-Defamation League’s concern that people confronted by the outrageous anti-Semitism of Borat and his compatriots might not get the joke.

During the Running of the Jew, a traditional festival in Cohen’s version of Kazakhstan, the townspeople chase a giant papier-mache figure that looks like a Nazi (or Arab) caricature of a Jew down the street. The Jew is followed by the Jewess, who lays a huge Jew egg that the children of the village attack with gusto, smashing it to bits. It’s pretty damned funny, but I couldn’t help wondering if the rest of the audience at the theater in Dallas was laughing at it for the same reasons I was.




Jews take root in Capitol Hill

Democrats may have conquered both houses of Congress, and so have Jewish politicians. Number of Jewish senators rises from 11 t o13 and number of Jewish representatives jumps to 30 thanks to six new faces creating all-time high of Jewish politicians in Congress. Another precedent: First Muslim elected to House

Ynet Published: 11.09.06, 12:52

The picture isn’t complete yet, but it seems that the Democrats executed a double takeover in the mid-term elections and have taken control not only in the House of Representatives, but also in the Senate. It also turns out that the number of Jews in the two houses of Congress has hit an all-time high.

Jewish Vote

87 percent of Jews vote Democrat / Yitzhak Benhorin

Democratic Party wins largest percentage of Jewish support since 1994. Elections expert: Jews voted for candidates good for Israel, but also focused on other issues

An accurate count shows that the number of Jewish senators has risen from 11 to 13, with the addition of two former representatives Benjamin Cardin (Maryland-D) and Bernard Sanders (Vermont-I) who were successfully elected to the Senate.

Sander’s and Cardin’s departure from the House didn’t lower the number of Jews there – on the contrary. The number of Jewish representatives elected to the House of Representatives also grew.

They now number 30 thanks to six new faces: Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona), Ronald Klein (Florida), John Yarmuth (Kentucky), Paul Hodes (New Hampshire), Stephen Cohen (Tennessee), and Steve Kagen (Wisconsin). They are all Democrats.

‘Time for US to see a moderate Muslim voice’

At the same time, a new precedent was set with the election of the first Muslim to Capitol Hill. Keith Ellison (Minnesota) was elected to the House of Representatives on the Democratic ticket. Ellison’s election is also unprecedented in that he is the first African American to be elected to Congress from Minnesota.

During his campaign tour, Ellison, 43, decidedly didn’t refer to either of these issues – the color of his skin, or the religion that he adopted at the age of 20.

He campaigned mainly on social and economic issues for advancing the middle class, and upgrading education. He was emphatic about not running as “the Muslim candidate,” but as the American who wants to improve the conditions in his country.

However, he said that he knows that his election will send a clear message to the American public and to the legislators on Capitol Hill.

“I think it’s time for the United States to see a moderate Muslim voice, to see a face of Islam that is just like everybody else’s face,” Ellison said. “Perhaps it would be good for somebody who is Muslim to be in Congress, so that Muslims would feel like they are part of the body politic and that other Americans would know that we’re here to make a contribution to this country.”





David Duke Offers ‘Antisemitism 101’ at a Ukrainian University

Nathaniel Popper | Fri. Nov 03, 2006

Ex-Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke visited Ukraine’s largest university last week to give a stump speech on what he calls “radical Jewish extremists” — his phrase for the Israeli and American government.

Duke has become a regular at the university, the Inter-Regional Academy of Personnel Management, which is known by its Ukrainian acronym, MAUP. Last year, Duke was a featured speaker at the university’s conference, “Zionism: Threat to World Peace,” and he has received both a doctorate and an honorary doctorate from the Ukrainian school. This time around, Duke’s talk in front of university administrators drew particular attention to MAUP’s legal battles with its Jewish critics.

“The Jewish extremists — the Zionists — they don’t want there to be academic freedom in this country, or political freedom in this country,” Duke said in a speech that was also broadcast on his personal Web site. “This university and your students and faculty are resisting this attack.”

Duke was referring to what has become an intense legal tug of war between MAUP on one side and Jewish activists and western governments on the other. The United States State Department has labeled MAUP the leading purveyor of antisemitic material in Ukraine. The American and Israeli embassies in Kiev, along with Jewish organizations, have lobbied the Ukrainian government to take a number of steps to force out the school’s current leadership.

MAUP’s leaders have struck back in force. In the past year alone, the university has launched dozens of lawsuits against Ukrainian journalists, rabbis, politicians and academics — anyone who suggests that the university is antisemitic.

A number of possible reasons have been given for MAUP’s anti-Jewish efforts. The State Department alleged in an official report that Middle Eastern governments funded the school. Whatever the explanation, the resulting confrontation has international consequences and is drawing in many of the most significant players in the Ukrainian political community.

Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko resigned from his place on MAUP’s board last December. Members of the United States Congress debated the situation during negotiations over a American-Ukrainian trade bill. And Vadim Rabinovich, a media magnate and a leader of the Jewish community in Ukraine, has been the target of repeated lawsuits.

One of the newest suits arose out of an effort to show just how excessive the legal battles have become. In September, a leading rabbi in Kiev, Yaakov Bleich, went on television. When asked during a television interview what problems Ukraine was facing, Bleich brought up MAUP.

“For instance,’” Bleich said he told the interviewer, “right now, I’ll say on television that MAUP is antisemitic and the guy who runs it is antisemitic. I can expect to be sued by them very shortly.”

“Sure enough” Bleich added, “two weeks later, they announced the suit. Now they are just attacking anything that moves. They feel the pressure.”

A spokeswoman for the university declined to comment on the court cases.

Little of the enmity and courtroom machinations is evident on a visit to MAUP’s campus in suburban Kiev.

The school was founded in 1989 as a private alternative to Ukraine’s public university. It now has about 57,000 students. Courses on business and agriculture are taught on a leafy campus that is decked with only a slight overdose of blue and yellow Ukrainian flags.

In general Ukrainian society, criticism of the school tends to focus on its low academic standards — the State Department described MAUP as a “diploma mill,” and the Ukrainian ministry of education revoked thousands of diplomas that were improperly distributed.

But students coming down the main walkway — through a gate that reads “Vivat Academia” — said they had heard little about MAUP’s problems with the Jews. Nastia Gukin, a 17-year-old banking student, said that “the students have their own lives. Whatever goes on in the publishing house is separate from us.”

It is at the upper echelons where the university is becoming consumed by the ever-widening campaign to expose the perceived misdeeds of the Jews. Last year, the president of the university, Geogy Schokin, founded a political party, the Ukrainian Conservative Party, which had an election list stacked with MAUP professors. While the Ukrainian officials rejected a request from the Israeli government to ban Schokin from the elections, the party garnered only .09% of the vote, far from the minimum needed for a seat.

Schokin laid out his philosophy in a lecture titled “Dialogue of Civilizations,” which he presented at a 2002 conference. In bombastic academic language, Schokin explained that Jews around the world are aiming for the “creation, above all, of an extensive and multi-branch network of secret societies coordinated from a single center and based on man-hating principles, ‘consecrated’ by appropriate religious and historical legends and traditions, the core and pivot of which reside in the doctrine of racial ‘selectness,’ and a maniacal dedication to and enthusiasm for the ‘super-idea’ of world supremacy.”

For critics, Schokin’s influence is felt most widely in MAUP’s publishing houses, which publish 400 books, including the works of Schokin and David Duke. Another title is “Sioniski Protocols: Sources and Documents,” which had a print run of 5,000. In the book, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” an antisemitic hoax created by the tsarist secret police, is treated as a genuine document from Jewish hands.

The English summary at the back explains that “Talmud ideology creates some tragic actions in human history, compares Hebrews to the world, and proclaims them as a ‘selected nation.’ This book is intended for researchers of said issue and for global audience.”

The MAUP presses also put out a magazine and a newspaper. One copy of the newspaper, “Personal Plus,” in late September included a piece about a Holocaust memorial service (“Tragedy is good for making money”), a book review (“Greedy American and Jewish corpocrats think that they can steal from other people”) and an article about an award for an Israeli poet at a recent book fair, where MAUP’s display booth was put next to the toilet (“The organizers showed where the place is for the opponents of the Zionists”).

It is these publications that have sparked a number of the lawsuits. A Ukrainian Jewish journalist, Eduard Doks, was sued after making comments at a press conference about the kiosks where MAUP sells its publications. That suit was dropped earlier this week, Doks said, after a judge found that MAUP did not follow “proper legal procedure.” MAUP has had more success in its lawsuits against Jewish tycoon and media owner Vadim Rabinovich, who is president of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine. MAUP has launched numerous lawsuits against Rabinovich’s Capitol News, and two months ago it celebrated a victory with a special posting on its Web site. The judge had ordered Rabinovich to pay the university $9,000.

The legal framework of these cases has not always been clear. Doks says that the Jewish critics have lost the court cases “because national legislation does not have a definition of antisemitism.”

But Bleich, the chief rabbi, says the reason for the court victories is easier to understand: MAUP has been willing to bribe judges. “They are paying off judges; there is no question about it,” Bleich said.

MAUP’s spokespeople did not return phone calls for comment. When a Forward reporter visited the administrative offices, a spokeswoman shut the door after saying, “You can see everything on the Web site.”

The pressure on MAUP has been increasing during the past year. The school was drawn into negotiations earlier this year in the United States over the Jackson-Vanik Amendment, a piece of legislation that restricted America’s trade relations with Ukraine. According to Jewish activists, when Congress was deciding whether to end these restrictions on Ukraine, the decision became linked to the Ukrainian government’s promise to rein in MAUP.

“We’ve been pressing the government on this for a long time,” said Mark Levin, executive director of the National Conference on Soviet Jewry.

The Ukrainian government has not ignored these requests. The government’s ministry of education has shut down a number of MAUP’s regional branches over the past few months. In the Ukrainian parliament, a Jewish member, Alexander Feldman, has pushed the president and prosecutors to do more; however, even if he succeeds with this, Feldman told the Forward he is not sure what silencing effect it will have.

“They enjoy lawsuits,” said Feldman, who is initiating his own suit against the university. “The more they get sued, the more P.R. they have. It supports their image of victims.”

Nathaniel Popper traveled to Ukraine on a World Affairs Journalism Fellowship administered by the International Center for Journalists. The fellowship is funded by the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation.




Voting by Emotion, or, Fun with Democrazy, Part II

This is an approximate recreation of a short conversation that we had with a White, usually-conservative, female voter on election day, November 2006:

Us: “So, did you vote for the conservative candidate? Probably, right?”

Female: “No. I didn’t like him.”

Us: “What does that mean?”

Female: “It means that…I just didn’t like him….I voted for the other [i.e., liberal] candidate instead.”

Us: “So, you gave the liberal candidate your vote, simply because you ‘didn’t like’ the conservative guy? Is that what you’re saying?”

Female: “It’s….my choice…”

Please remind us of why we men gave women – i.e., natural emoters – the right to vote in America. Because the majority of women vote “liberal” in most American elections. And, most voters are female as a percentage of the population.

In other words, if you’re gonna emote when you vote, why don’t you stay away from the voting booths?


Newly re-elected Sen. Joe Lieberman has been promised by Sen. Harry Reid – who is in line to become the next Senate Majority Leader – that he will support Lieberman’s efforts to become chairman of the powerful Homeland Security Committee.


Dear reader,

we apologise for the long delay in keeping you up to date with the work of the Deutsches Kolleg. The English site http://www.deutsches-kolleg.org/english is still being updated. Unfortunately, good and accurate translations are very time consuming indeed, time which the workers of the DK often lack.

Below are three new translations:

– The Storm and the Flood (01 September 2005)

– Perverted Emancipation (27 April 2006)

– the particularly noteworthy Introduction to the “Educational Texts for the Fourth Reich” from 1998

With best regards
The Deutsches Kolleg





Le groupe MANAU répond à Novopress ::

V+endredi 3 novembre 2006, le groupe MANAU (La tribu de Dana en 1998),de passage à Chauffailles en Saône et Loire pour un concert dont la première partie était assurée par Mickaël Jones (guitariste devenu célèbre par sa participation au trio Fredericks – Goldman – Jones) a accepté de répondre en exclusivité à Novopress.

Au cours de l’entretien, Martial Tricoche, le leader du groupe, s’exprime sur son amour de la culture celte, de sa musique, de ses légendes, mais aussi sur la banlieue dont lui et les autres membres de MANAU sont issus ainsi que sur leur prise de position contre le FN, alors que la municipalité qui les accueillait ce soir là, rappelons-le, est récemment passée du parti de Jean-Marie Le Pen à celui de Philippe de Villiers, ce dont ils avaient été informés quelques jours auparavant par la presse locale.

Un discours vrai, parfois inattendu de la part d’un groupe un temps courtisé par les grands médias qui avaient découvert en lui un nouveau style – le “rap celtique”- et, finalement, pas toujours très logique quant à son “engagement” politique.

Cette interview est disponible à l’adresse suivante :








Origin of the phrase “Chinese Fire Drill.”

  • 5 Responses to “Reader Mail: 11/10/06”

    1. Charley Says:

      Re: AA Banned In Michigan Thanks To Men

      “In other words a strong majority of White men opposed affirmative action bullshit, while a majority of women supported it.”

      They are also saying that this majority of White men opposed to affirmative action are uneducated.

      Re: Duke Rape Hoax

      “Send your kid to Duke; pay 50 grand a year or more; turn him (or her) into a politically-correct idiot.”

      And chance seeing him convicted by a non-White jury of raping a nigger whore.

      Re: Election Reaction

      We’re hearing a lot of explanations as to why the Republicunts lost Congress. Almost all of it is bullshit.

      Simply list the Congressional Districts lost by the ‘Cunts. Subtract scandal-tainted incumbents from the list. Note that the remainder are districts located in or near the (former) heavily industrialized Ohio River Valley. Note, too, that the incumbent ‘Cunts in the Ohio Valley who managed to save their seats did so after suffering a near death experience – that is, they nearly lost.

      That settles it for me. The Republicunts lost a substantial portion of the White working class due to Free Trade. The Iraq War had nothing to do with it.

    2. Charley Says:

      Want more proof that the Iraq War had nothing to do with Republicunt losses?

      Anti-war Republicunt Chafee in Rhode Island and Hochstettler in Indiana got buried alive. And the legless Democrap war hero candidate in Illinois, ARNG pilot Tammy Duckworth, is still unemployed.

    3. van helsing Says:

      But now we get further sovietization from marrano nancy pelosi.

    4. Sean Says:

      Wait, I’ve re-read your comments on Borat a few times looking for sarcasm. Maybe I’m just missing it…

      Did you really like that movie?

      I can’t understand why; the movie was about as anti-white as you can get.

      Sascha Cohen’s “Borat” is a blatant stab at white culture. First, he’s pretending to be white. All the anti-semetic jokes in the movie are completely over the top and are really geared towards making anti-semetism seem as completely ridiculous as possible.

      If you notice who the “bad guys” are in the movie, they’re all white. From the moment Borat arrives in the U.S., whites are consistently mean towards him. The first “nice” people he found in the film were those in the gay parade. And the scene when he walked up to some hoodrats in the ghetto only to find they were nice, welcoming people? What the hell?

      Throughout the rest of the film, Cohen continually portrays whites as ignorant, stupid, asshole goy’s, like he thinks we are.

      The scene in the antique shop; where he “accidentally” destroyed all types of memorabilia in regard to the confederacy was just appalling to me. Damn jew, literally trampling over our heritage; making one big joke out of it…

    5. Olde Dutch Says:


      Will We Be Ruled by the Facts on the Ground? In certain ways, it may hardly matter what happens to which party. By now – and this perhaps represents another kind of triumph for the Bush administration – the facts on the ground are so powerful that it would be hard for any party to know where to begin. Will we, for instance, ever be without a second Defense Department, the so-called Department of Homeland Security, now that a burgeoning $59 billion a year private “security” industry with all its interests and its herd of lobbyists in Washington has grown up around it? Not likely in any of our lifetimes. Will an ascendant Democratic Party dare put on a diet the ravenous Pentagon, which now feeds off two budgets – its regular, near-half-trillion dollar Defense budget and a regularized series of multibillion dollar “emergency” supplemental appropriations, which are now part of life on the Hill. What this means is that the defense budget is not what we wage our wars on or pay for a variety of black operations (not to speak of earmarks galore) with. Don’t bet your bottom dollar that this will get better any time soon either. In fact, I have my doubts that a Democratic Congress with a Democratic president in tow could even do something modestly small like shutting down Guantanamo, no less begin to deal with the empire of bases that undergirds our failing Outlaw Empire abroad. So, from time to time, take your eyes off what passes for politics and check out the facts on the ground. That way you’ll have a better sense of where our world is actually heading.