8 January, 2007

Reader Mail: 01/08/07

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 2:14 pm | Permanent Link

Mr Linder,

I ran across this in Der Spiegel and thought you should see it. The director, one “Dani Levy” doesn’t
get it. Whether you reguard Hitler as a great leader or the devil incarnate (I belong in the former category) nobody thinks he is funny. This Levy is like some tone deaf person trying to learn a musical instrument. It’s typical of a jew to think you can make vulgar kitsch out of something fundamentally unfunny.

It is also typical that this is whole thing is being presented as some sort of catharthis. Gee, it’s 60 years after the war and we can finally make fun of Der Fuhrer. In reality it’s part of a non stop campaign to rub the German people’s collective nose in dog poop.

Here is the link:


All the best



Pissed off Arabs on youtube

Challenging Israel spokesbeeyotch


Not since the grimmest days of the Cold War has a New Year has opened with such a sense of foreboding for the United States. The sky is darkening with the flocks of chickens coming home to roost. The wretched mismanagement of the Iraq occupation has drained American credibility as a superpower and as the linchpin of the global economy.













The New State Concealed-Carry Permits: Great, But…

It’s good that some American states, such as Nebraska, are allowing citizens to carry guns concealed in order to defend themselves [although why people need a permit to exercise their Second Amendment right, we don’t know. Do journalists need permits to exercise their First Amendment right? Aren’t liberal ideas sometimes more dangerous than guns?].

However, we would like to see another matter addressed which also concerns firearms.

In 1996, a law was passed by the U.S. Congress which relatively few people know about. That law makes it illegal to own a gun if you have ever been convicted of a certain misdemeanor. That’s right: a misdemeanor. Specifically: misdemeanor domestic violence. And, that law was made retroactive. In other words, if you were convicted of that misdemeanor in 1970, you can’t own a gun today or ever. Which law are we referring to? We are referring to the so-called Lautenberg Act or Lautenberg Amendment, which came from the Jewish senator Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey [1].

Misdemeanor domestic violence would be, for example, grabbing someone’s arm, or maybe pushing them, depending upon state law.

Additionally, most anti-gun laws in America have come from Jewish politicians [2].

How did the Lautenberg Act pass in Congress? Why hasn’t it been overturned? [3]. In other words, how can a mere misdemeanor – not a felony – override a person’s constitutional right? We don’t know. But we would like to see that issue addressed by some American politician in the near future.

[1], [2] U.S. gun-control laws: http://wsi.matriots.com/gun_legislation.html

[3] as far as we are aware, only one attempt has been made in Congress to overturn the Lautenberg Act, which occurred in early 1997, and that was an attempt to repeal one section of the Act, section 658



Women in Politics

With the beginning of the new year, this is a good time to mention a topic that we should mention more often: women being involved in Western politics.

To put the matter bluntly, we don’t agree with the idea of women being involved in politics. Why not? Several reasons:

1. Men built the West. The ideas, values, customs and traditions of the White countries came from White males. How will the West remain Western if large numbers of women manage it?

2. Women aren’t, as a rule, natural leaders. They are instead natural followers who got their ideas and values from male society. Followers can’t keep the West socially, politically and racially intact in the long term. Women are quick to embrace minorities and special quotas favoring minorities. Women are easily swayed by emotional arguments – especially ones that “help” minorities. They usually think that the government will cure any problem. Their emotions often dictate their actions, since their brain circuitry is set up differently than men’s. In short, female attitudes won’t work in our Western societies in the long run. In fact, more than one writer has mentioned that fact already. So our opinion isn’t unique. But it’s rarely stated in public, since such an opinion is now labeled “sexism.”

3. Women should, whenever possible, be at home raising kids instead of being out of the home for most of the day. There is nothing more natural than women raising children full-time. Granted, a few women can’t have kids, or, they are not suitable child-raisers. That’s fine. But most are perfectly suited for child-raising. In fact, before the unnatural ideas of feminism came along, women-staying-at-home-to-raise-children was considered normal and routine. How sad that Western culture has become so warped that the idea of women-staying-at-home is now considered to be abnormal in many areas of society [especially in the media, academia and Hollywood].

Let us be even more blunt about this topic: women having and raising children at home is a very White, Western value. But feminism isn’t a White, Western value. In fact, feminism-as-we-know-it was pioneered by Jews in the 1960s and 1970s. Jews aren’t genetically Western, but are instead a unique mixture of Arab and other genes – a hybrid oddity. [Why is a hybrid oddity calling the tune in our White countries? Don’t they have their “own” country – known as “Israel?”].

If White people want to keep the West in a traditional, productive mode, they should consider this important topic at length.


Mr Linder:

Shame on you for posting a 325 kbyte oversize cartoon on
http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/?p=1427#more-1427 . It takes over a 100 seconds for dialup readers to download. Then they must scroll left and right. I have resized it for you as a gif file and it loads on dialup in 18 seconds. It can then be viewed without scrolling. You might want to post the original with a separate link to it.

Donald E. Pauly
Zionist Rastafarian


Is Hatred Everywhere?

John D. Tannhauser
posted December 24, 2006

Is hatred everywhere? Are anti-semites everywhere?

Former President Jimmy Carter has written a book about peace in the Middle East and he calls for a Palestinian State. He has been called an anti-semite. Even one of his advisors and consultants, by the name of Stein, quit in a huff about the same time a caller into a television program on CNN laid the mantle of anti-semitism upon President Carter’s aging shoulders. Now, David Horowitz, who is Jewish, and who claims to be a great conservative even though he was a former leftist, called Jimmy Carter a “Jew-Hater, Genocide Enabler, Liar”, and wrote in an editorial from FrontPageMagazine.com the following:

“[F]ormer president Jimmy Carter tours America with a new book

that describes Jews as racists and oppressors, and suggests they are also a conspiratorial mafia that intimidates `critics’, controls America’s media and war policy, are are therefore also the source of Islamic terrorism….”

James Baker III, former Secretary of State, and Lee Hamilton, former congressman from Indiana for more than 30 years, publish the Iraq War Study Group’s Report. Rush Limbaugh, who is working on his fourth wife, has no children, but has apparently enjoyed a drug addiction to oxycotin, called Baker an anti-semite, and mercilessly mocked the reasoned conclusions and recommendations of the bipartisan effort. All of this for considering a plan to bring peace to the Middle East while avoiding the killing of innocents.

On the evening of December 16, the nationally syndicated talk show host Dr. Dean Adelle announced how he has come to understand the importance of the Jewish phrase “Never Again”. He explained (and I am paraphrasing Dr. Dean) that the world stood by while the Holocaust occurred. He noted how during World War II the rail lines to Auschwitz and other death camps were not bombed when they should have been. The implication is, of course, that this failure to bomb the railways was on purpose. The further implication is that the United States, Great Britain, and what has been called “the greatest generation”, is anti-semitic.

President Carter an anti-semite. Secretary Baker an anti-semite. Congressman Hamilton an anti-semite. The Greatest Generation are anti-semites. What is going on?

Well, for starters, this shows the power of the Jewish people – the Israel Lobby, if you will, as described by Walt and Mearshimer (who were also called anti-semites) in their paper released in March of this year. But we did not really need all of these latest events to know how powerful the Jewish people are. We only need look at the Capital Mall in Washington, D.C. to see a monument to an event which never happened on American soil, which barely involved any Americans, and which was constructed years before a memorial to the 400,000 plus Americans who died and the 16 million Americans who served fighting to end the Holocaust. We know from experience that any comment that may be viewed as a criticism, or may be considered negative of Jewish people, will result in being called an anti-semite. We know that unfavorable depictions of Jews do not occur in entertainment, and there are no attacks on Judaism as there are on Catholicism (e.g., The DaVinci Code). We know that none of the countless, boring, carbon copy pundits in the electronic media or the paper press speak out in any way against Israel. We know these things and we always have. We just have not spoken of them out of fear. But we have to say something now, because the recent events show that things may be getting out of control, and the consequences of this will affect all of us.

A number of reasons have traditionally been advanced in support of attempts to silence any critics of Jews and Israel. One of these reasons is that such negative treatment will lead to another Holocaust. Closely allied to that is the argument that Jews are a minority, and hence without power.

The foundation of these rationales rests on the existence of a Holocaust that occurred in Europe in 1942-1945. (Some writers and thinkers, such as Norman Finkelstein, see something called “the Holocaust Industry” which is a name given to the ruthless exploitation of this event to advance the interests of Jews and Israel.) Such an event, which reportedly resulted in the death of nearly 6 million Jews (excluding the non-Jews who number in the millions, also), must have had a traumatic effect on the Jewish psyche. As a result, so the reasoning goes, Jews, and others, must work to prevent the re-occurrence of such a horrendous event. It is all fine and good to keep genocide from happening, but who does the prevention work is the trick.

Charles Krauthammer, who is Jewish, wrote in a column published on November 24, 2006, that “it is a sign of the disorientation of a distressed and confused people that we should find it so difficult to distinguish our friends from out enemies.” If this is not enough to cause you some concern in light of the realities of today, consider this from independent writer and syndicated columnist Gwynne Dyer published on November 16:

“We are probably still twenty or thirty or even fifty years away from the day when Israel faces a real war for survival. Avoiding that is a very high priority even for Israel’s enemies, for a defeated Israel would certainly destroy the Arab world with nuclear weapons before it went under, and (if you believe the threats of some Israeli leaders) much of Europe as well. This outcome is still far from inevitable, but this is the year when the clock started ticking.”

Dyer is describing a dangerous mentality, one that we have not seen since the end of the Nazi Regime in Germany which also threatened destruction to all as the Allied armies advanced. Today, such a mentality is infinitely more dangerous as the stakes are made higher by the reach and destruction of the weaponry available.

During the confirmation hearings of the new Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates stated that Israel had nuclear weapons. Prime Minister Ohlmert of Israel admitted on December 12 that Israel had nuclear weapons, which caused an uproar among the Israelis as Ohlmert had violated the official policy of “nuclear ambiguity”. This policy was understood as meaning that Israeli officials would neither admit nor deny that Israel possessed nuclear weapons. Ohlmert’s comments are also significant as they were made during the same period a conference was being held in Iran concerning the historical accuracy of the Holocaust. Ohlmert’s remarks can only be considered as upping the ante or rattling of his saber. In either event, an unanswered question remaining is, how did Israel get these weapons of mass destruction?

Nuclear weapons. Against Arabs. Against Europeans. Against all of us. Be afraid, be very afraid.

The Jews evoke pity for their recent history of horrible persecution. But we cannot dwell in that pity and allow it to blind us to reality. That reality is, as a minimum, the deep psychological harm caused to an entire people by that history. For their own good, as well as the good of so many innocent bystanders, we cannot allow these wounded people, the Jews, to have such influence as they currently possess. The results are potentially catastrophic for everyone, as we are coming to see with the events of the last few weeks. .

For instance, we do not let those with histories of psychological trauma hold positions of responsibility in the police or in the military, or, for that matter, in politics. Everyone wants a mentally stable investment advisor or doctor or lawyer. That is because we know that important work requires the worker to have it all together. It is the same way on a larger scale, on the national and international scenes. You do not allow mentally or emotionally disturbed people put their finger on the trigger of a gun, much less the button that launches nuclear weapons. The safety and peace of all peoples demands the safety and peace of the Jewish people, who have so much influence in so many areas, and who have access to nuclear weapons, and other weapons of mass destruction.

So, out of a desire to protect ourselves and others, and out of a love for the Jewish people, we must take care of them. Love them. Protect them. Help them. Nurture them in right ways. Most importantly, serve as channels for God to work His healing on them. We must convert them to the Roman Catholic Faith. And to allow this to happen, we must first take from them the levers of power that so many of them hold and the opportunities for influence by which anyone can be so horribly seduced. Once these distractions are taken from them, and they are provided the ability and opportunity to live quiet, peaceful and secure lives with their families, can the healing of the Jews begin. With this healing, their suffering will cease.

Only then, can they come to know the true Messiah – Jesus Christ. Only then, can their tortured souls and minds find peace. Only then can God’s will be done.


A scientific book has just come out that presents the case that Albert Einstein, the man celebrated as one of the greatest scientific geniuses ever, together with his works amounts to the greatest fraud of the century. The book also contains a series of scientific discoveries which will undoubtedly revolutionize the science of physics.



An Arizona jury, acting in a lawsuit sponsored by the Southern Poverty Law Center, ordered border vigilante Roger Barnett to pay $98,750 to a family of Mexican-Americans he terrorized in 2004.
The verdict marks the first time Barnett, 62, has been held legally responsible for his violent treatment of Latinos.

Barnett, who controls 22,000 acres in southern Arizona through ownership and state leases, is one of the most prominent border vigilantes along the U.S.-Mexico border. He claims to have captured more than 10,000 people who crossed his land, and publicity about his personal campaign helped inspire other self-appointed groups of border watchers like the Minutemen.

The jury deliberated just three hours on Nov. 22 before ruling against Barnett for threatening two Mexican-American hunters and three young children with an assault rifle and insulting them with racial epithets.

“The Center’s support of the case was critical to our success,” said Jesus Romo Vejar, an attorney who received financial support from the Center in order to bring the civil action.


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Peanuts Kill More Americans Than Terrorists
If western governments were really trying win the “war on terror” they wouldn’t give terrorists so much credit



Scroll to Get a load of Senator Harry Reid’s kids.
Blessed With A Gaggle Of Hatchlings
They have five children, and fifteen grandchildren.



(01-04) 17:45 PST CHICAGO, (AP) —

An immigration judge ordered the deportation of an 81-year-old Wisconsin man accused of serving as a Nazi concentration camp guard, the Justice Department announced Thursday.

Judge Jennie Giambastiani ordered Wednesday that Josias Kumpf be deported to Germany, Austria or Serbia. The department said Kumpf chose Germany, though it was unclear when he would be deported.

Kumpf’s attorney, Peter Rogers of Pittsburgh, said his client would appeal the ruling within 30 days as required.

In July, the federal government asked the judge to deport Kumpf, who was stripped of his U.S. Citizenship in 2005 after a federal judge in Milwaukee concluded he had “personally assisted” in the persecution of prisoners.

Kumpf served as an armed SS guard at Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp in Germany, an SS labor camp in Trawniki, Poland, and at construction sites in occupied France, the Justice Department said.

Kumpf was born in what is now Serbia, immigrated to the U.S. From Austria in 1956, and became a U.S. Citizen in 1964. The federal judge in Milwaukee found Kumpf didn’t disclose he had been an SS guard because he feared it would disqualify him when he applied for a visa to the U.S.

In a 2003 interview, Kumpf said he was taken from his home in Yugoslavia as a 17-year-old and forced to serve as a guard, but he didn’t participate in any atrocities.

“We do not believe that ‘assistance and persecution’ would include a gentleman who was involuntarily inscripted into the army, assigned to the SS and then stationed at places where admittedly terrible things happened. My client never took part in them,” Rogers said.


  • 5 Responses to “Reader Mail: 01/08/07”

    1. Theseus Says:

      Replace “women” with “people” in the above “Females in politics” story and it still works.

      Nobody likes the “cuntocracy,” but there are many more male collaborators than there are queen-bee enforcers.

      Speaking of queen bees, check out what Mrs. Theseus found:

      Women more responsible for “glass ceiling than men:”


      Many people believe that when women reach such a position of power, that it will open the door for other women to prosper. Unfortunatley, a recent study claims this is not always true.

      The study found that when presented with applications for promotion, women were more likely than men to assess the female candidate as less qualified than the male one.

      The findings of this study are based on experiments that were carried out among more than 700 people. It suggests that the “female rivalry in the workplace” may sometimes be as important as sexism in holding back women’s careers.

      . . .

    2. Jim Says:

      “….we must first take from them the levers of power that so many of them hold and the opportunities for influence by which anyone can be so horribly seduced.”

      Yes, yes – remove them then convert them. ( To Christians, ash or whatever you want.)

    3. alex Says:

      Also true that both men and women prefer male bosses.

      As a general rule, women hate each other. The minute one woman gets attention, the rest fall on her. It is rooted in biology.

    4. jackumup Says:

      A German-made farce about Hitler would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. But the gradual dying out of the Nazi era generation has given the country a more detached view of the past.
      A view were the jew lie is enforced and the truth dead and buried with the past. “how jewish!”

      I visited the the simonized weesalthal holy$cost site and went to the online store there was plenty of poorly designed and ugly jewary and cheap candles and holders but no jew soap. “Whats up with that?”

      Albert Einstein a fraud?. But He had a Theory, E=MC-sq (What ever the fuck that means) sure he never invented any thing but nether did any other famous jew, Except the three Stooges they invented the double eye poke (that was fucking funny!). I Have a theory If einstein was not in Germany stealing other peoples hard work in the 1930″s but was in Hollywood i believe he looked funny enough to be a one of the stooges. in fact he would steal moes place, imagine al slapping curly across the snozz or pulling out larrys hair, boy that would of been hysterical.

      Bambi & Thump-er was the cutest Pictures I’ve ever seen. (now wheres my shot gun?)

      “We do not believe that ‘assistance and persecution’ would include a gentleman who was involuntarily inscripted into the army, assigned to the SS and then stationed at places where admittedly terrible things happened. My client never took part in them,” Rogers said.

      Fuck Him! He might of had bad thoughts against our chosen. He must leave!
      (all his possession will be confiscated and sold. the proceeds will be used to buy I-Pods and distributed to the poor jewish children of Manhattan )

    5. Beast Says:

      I wonder how many times Hitler gets punched, kicked, or otherwise hit in the genitals in Levy’s movie.