12 April, 2007

Jews – the Other Black Meat: From Zionist Watch

Posted by alex in blogs at 5:48 pm | Permanent Link

A beautiful piece of writing from a blog we found on Google…

This Is What They Do To Pretty Things

The jewsmedia is at it again, and why not? They are good at it, used to getting away with it and not at all scared of getting called on it. What is ‘it’, you might ask? Enforcing a racial double standard? Yeah, but that’s not ‘it’. That is too obvious of a topic to even discuss. We know the Jewish media filth were quite overjoyed with the recent suspending of Don Imus for relatively innocuous comments about our always victimized black friends, mainly because the ADL has been gunning for him ever since he went after “thieving Jews” and anti-Christian Jews whom he knew personally. Could it be the fact that the jewsmedia have covered up for and colluded with the black trash welfare community in America by concealing perhaps the worst racist hate crime in the history of this country, that being the rape, sodomy, mutilation and murder of two white college students, Channon Christian and her boyfriend Christopher Newsom by five 75-IQ blacks (and I’m being generous here) who have been raised in probably a Jew-owned ghetto slum run by a Jewish slum lord, with a steady dosage of rabid anti-white propaganda from the Jewish idiot box? Nah, again that is completely predictable.

What is ‘it’ then? The ‘it’ is always the same. The ‘it’ is the old Jewish war against the white race. The fact that Jews and their jewsmedia stand in the corner of black trash, welfare-collecting, drug-addled, illiterate criminal degenerates should not be astonishing to us. Most Jewish supremacists hate black people, and look at them as little better than jungle savages, barely higher than loin-cloth wearing spear throwers, and those blacks who are smarter than their inner city brethren rightly see extremist Jews as bloodsuckers on the Afro-American community. But the two groups, at least the hateful members of each group, both excel at one thing.

What is the one thing that ties Jewish supremacists and black racists together? It’s quite simple really. Both groups love tearing down things that other people have built. And we see it every single day, don’t we? There is only one difference between Jewish perfidy and black perfidy. The Jews, at least the hateful ones, do it with their brains. The blacks, the craven and white-hating ones, do it with their brawn. Jews as a group have been called many things, but never dumb. Blacks as a group have also been called many things, but never particularly intelligent. It is understandable to me that supremacist Jews would attach themselves–like a tapeworm attaches itself to an intestinal wall or a leech attaches itself to a gaping sore–to the black community.

And down come the Gentiles’ institutions once the always overreaching Jews arrive on the scene. They have purloined and degraded almost everything we have built up in America.

Edison created the technology for movies and television, and the Ashkenazi Jew has torn it down, used it as an instrument of destruction against the very race who gave it as a benevolent gift unto the world with a steady stream of perverse amusements and bemusements. Universities founded, funded and created by Christians are now used by the Jew as a weapon of mass indoctrination, teaching white kids to hate their own heritage, their own culture, their own religion and indeed their own country. The literary establishment, once rife with the names of great Gentiles, who composed the most ingenious literary works Americans had ever read, is now dominated by a left-leaning Jewish intelligentsia glorifying drugs, perversion, subversive fever swamp leftisms of every kind and chic anti-Americanism. We have gone from Fitzgerald and Hemingway to Ginsburg and Mailer. Our American military is now seen as as heartless and vile as the most despicable IDF officer as our President justifies torture, and unilateral and random disarmament of any country his finger touches when the globe stops spinning. We are now an annex for Israel and now take part in Israeli-stylized violence, more fluid, far-reaching and gratuitous than even Harvey and Bob Weinstein or a Jewish Hollywood elite could capture on the silver screen. Our blessed United States, once the greatest economic machine on earth, is being hollowed out, degraded and outsourced, while our once solid Euro-American majority is being literally readied for replacement as Jew lobbies work for and cash in on the down payment of our destruction.

The fact that the Jews, an ethnocentrist, indeed racist, group of people, would work with blacks then, should hardly surprise us. They don’t see blacks as equal partners in the ‘Destruction of America Project’ but figure that, what the hey, at least the blacks can do all that mindless wet work that Jewish hands are much too pristine for. I mean, heck, a rabbi probably wouldn’t knife someone in the street (unless he was in Israel and looking for a new liver or something) but a black thug with the IQ of Forrest Gump would be more than happy to rob or stab or rape the white devil. And let’s face it, it’s a good deal for the Jews who have already done all the intellectual heavy lifting, to let semi-literate ghetto denizens keep the disorder up to the fevered pitch it needs to stay at to guarantee that Jewish power stays firmly ensconced. After all, blacks like to destroy things that they didn’t create either. But it’s just never performed or acted out with the same velvet glove finesse that Jewish criminals use to ply their trade.

Is it a coincidence that Jews and blacks are both the biggest recipients of government welfare and American largesse? The Jews, with the help of lobbies possessing almost bottomless pockets, procure about six billion dollars a year from US taxpayers, all to fund their jackboot Zionist racist terror state. Israel’s economy is a socialist basketcase which would collapse without Gentiles infusing it with endless funds. Any criticism of this one-sided little arrangement is called “anti-Semitic.” Blacks, on the other hand (the hand not holding the gun or the needle), are given billions in welfare, so that they can continue to maintain a 70% illegitimate birth rate, commit murder at 12 times the rate of whites and scream “racism!” whenever their infantile demands are not met.

Extremist Jews and racist blacks salivate at the thought of destroying beauty created by others. Why? Because they see in the beautiful creations of white people, something that most of them are incapable of creating. They are like the serial killer who carves up the face of a beauty queen and then sneers “This is what I do to pretty things.”

The pretty, beautiful, comely and lovely handiwork of white people indicts them, shows them what they are devoid of. Hate-filled blacks kill whites because they see what most of them can never be, whether because of genetics or initiative or what have you. They go and trash once picture perfect neighborhoods and the jobs suddenly leave, not because of racism or prejudice or bigotry, but mainly because many blacks are not intellectually equipped to create a well-ordered, clean, orderly and healthy community. If that is an uncomfortable truth for you, so be it. Everything around you attests to its validity. Standards of intelligence, honest behavior and quality workmanship, all measuring sticks attesting to black deficiency must be scrapped, for the simple reason being that blacks either can’t or won’t measure up to them. But that won’t stop them from screaming for more destruction of more standards in particular, or excellence in general.

Jews are just as ready to destroy, but not because they can’t measure up. They don’t want to measure up. They want to control, they want to run the show. They surely don’t want to do the wet work, whether the wet work involves killing white Americans directly or killing Arabs for fun in Iraq or Afghanistan. Target practice on Palestinians, however, is a favorite Jewish pasttime in Israel. The Jewish hatred of beauty is apparent because there is almost nothing but ugliness which gapes and runs like an oozing wound from their offerings of entertainment. Most of them are also incapable of beauty. Nothing is sacred, except the Jewish people, and everything else is open to a good ol’ Yiddish trashing, be it chastity, Christianity, Calvinism, the nuclear family, America or apple pie. Vileness, as vile as their Talmud, is their stock in trade.

Hatred of beauty, and an indirect hatred of white people because of that beauty, animates and motivates Jewish and black extremists (a large percentage of both groups, sadly) and causes both their genocidal rage towards our culture and the subsequent killing off of our people. Blacks use inarticulate stabbings, murders and rapes, while Jews use their power over our communication to cut us down in more deliciously creative ways. They get the weak-minded among the Goyim to fund the killings of other Gentiles in wars. They help the Goyim to abort their own children and then abort their own future with open borders and ‘free’ trade. They kill the beauty of our heritage, our literature and our philosophers through deconstructionism.

For you see, the 75-IQ black may shoot you for your wristwatch, while the 130-IQ Jew may get your son shipped away to die in Iraq for Jewish lies, but the result is still the same. It is the killing, the gradual killing of the beauty our people have brought to fruition in oh so many ways. White European-Americans have wrought so much beauty, have brought so much of excellence to the world, that those full of ugliness, full of envy and full of hate, must kill both the message and the messenger. That is the ‘it’ that they are ‘at’.


  • 14 Responses to “Jews – the Other Black Meat: From Zionist Watch”

    1. Celtic Warrior Says:

      This article says it all!

    2. Antagonistes Says:

      Good article–brings together many loose ends. The author is perceptive.

      But I think the Jews are also pissed that the Duke athletes got off. Their ho let them down and couldn’t get her lies straight.

      Is not the timing suspicious?

      The Duke athletes, supposed racist rapists, get off. So we need a new White villain, who is a racist oppressor, and quickly!

      So, Don Imus? Focus on the evil White Don Imus, crowd out of your mind the innocent White Duke athletes? After all, this man has said worse about others.

      Am I getting paranoid? I might have thought so before, but now I am not so sure.

    3. sgruber Says:

      On that writer’s blog, a commenter reports the reaction of friend who read the piece. A Christian, the friend wrote of the situation revealed in the piece “it’s hopeless” and wailed “we can only pray.” “The presence or absence of moral values,” the friend implied, is decisive and cannot be predicted, and therefore can’t be resisted.

      In a flash of blinding purple anger, I tried to respond by leaving a comment. But the site requires posters to register, so the comment is here below the asterisks, instead. Perhaps this will reach the Jeboo fool.

      The situation is solved by removing the bad races. The “evil” isn’t a free-floating force that visits everyone equally often. Instead, it’s no other than the specific behavior patterns of specific types of people, specific ethnicities. Just as you wouldn’t cry “evil has overtaken my pit bull” because your pit bull acts more like a pit bull than like a poodle, so you should not cry “the absence of moral values” happens to everyone equally. There’s a pattern. Different breeds of dog are different, and behave differently. And, different breeds – races – of people are different and behave differently. That’s all. You want to eliminate pit bull behavior and increase poodle behavior? Eliminate pit bulls and increase poodles. You want to stop the evils that the jews and niggers are visiting upon us? Get rid of jews and niggers. The trouble is thinking in irrational abstractions, like “Evil” in the universalist sense. “There are plenty of White killers!” people shriek. But there are no Whites who are black; and there are no Whites who are jews. You can’t turn society into a utopia, but you can take out the trash. Our situation is “hopeless” to some people only because they are battling a phantom – the will o’ the wisp called “the absence of moral values” or “Evil” or “Satan.” I look at the world and I see different people who by behavior and appearance are plainly of different races. Some races are harmful to us. To decrease the harm, decrease those races.

      And: throw away the childish fables known as “the Bible,” and stop going to church and listening to that poison of universal “morality.” Maybe pioneer churches gave society some solace 200 years ago; but since then, their influence on our race has been that of a cancer. The end result is a palsied spinster trembling that “there’s just no way to fight the evil of humanity…give up the earth, it’s the only answer…” DISGUSTING. Religion and degeneracy are identical. They’re not merely related; they are the SAME THING.

    4. honkey tonk man Says:

      There are more whites alive today then at anytime in our history as a race. About eight hundred million. Thats a hell of alot of whites. We are not going anywhere anytime soon. The white nationalist movement has a huge pool of people to recruit from. We are growing stronger everyday and I’am sure that soon you will see the iron fist of the white race in the form of an IRA/Hammas type of group. This scares the fuck out of our enemies. Let them be scared shitless because it is going to happen!
      Whites are not going to lose this genocidial war waged against them. We will strike back. We will destroy jewish power forever .We will get our revenge against all our enemies. Every fucking one of them!. …….We will win!!!

    5. New America Says:

      This is a very useful analysis, because it deals with the goddamn JEWS from an intelligent RACIAL perspective.

      If we define Judaism as not just a state of Consciousness, which it is, but also as the EXACT OPPOSITE of Western Civilization, and Western Civilization’s spiritual foundation, Christianity – what Christianity SHOULD be, we see a fascinating dynamic at work.

      To the goddamn JEWS, their purpose is to insure that Mankind (the goyim) servies Humanity (the goddamn JEWS). That is IT. Period. That is their sole motivation, their sole dream at night, their sole function during the day.

      “Duplicity” is simply a concept that does not apply to them, for they do not see themselves as being “duplicitous,” merely “clever,” and simply have no more obligation to he “honest” with us than cattle ranchers have to their cattle.

      Thus, they have one purpose – the STOP us, by any means necessary, from getting ahead, in any realm at all. The most effective way to do this is to make sure that we never look to the Stars, but simply keep focused on the diversions they use to keep us looking down, and never up.

      To do this, the Asiatic Hive Consciousness, in its role as Parasite, take our Energy, our Ideas, our Creativity, and perverts them – literally turning them against themselves, and using the tools of our Better Natures, to support our Other Natures.

      The goddamn JEWS are, literally, the parasite that perverts its hosts, in all possible ways, brags about it, and moves on to the next host…

      The goddamn JEWS have a hatred of all that is Beautiful, because it is all they can never be; more importantly, to the goddamn JEWS, as the author of this piece so astutely noted, it is not a matter of them doing better than us…

      It is a matter of them destroying us, by all means available, and any means necessary.

      Yet, all we have to do is simply stop feeding the parasite, and gradually detach it from us.

      This is where Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic – based on his Northwest Trilogy book series – lays out HOW this can be done, WHY it must be done, and how a better system of government flows organically into place once we have removed our parasites from our environment.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    6. Vue d'sprit Says:

      Antagonistes, I was thinking much the same thing. Drown out the Duke victims by plowing us under with Imus, Imus, Imus. Plus, the yids have been gunning for him since he described one of their crews as ‘money grubbing jews’. They didn’t go after him too hard on that, don’t want too many people noticing the jews think they’re special. So they laid into him first chance they got with the niggers. But it wasn’t the niggers that got Imus. It was the jews.

      Thanks for posting this well written piece. The author knows the deal and sums it up nicely. We need a hundred more Imus incidents, all at once. Unfortunately, it’s going to take a tidal wave of Channon Christians courtesy of niggers and their sub-human counterparts called ‘latinos’ to get whites riled up enough to finally take physical action. But it will happen.

    7. Me Says:

      Well Done.

    8. Anti Says:

      “Extremist Jews”…etc. He’s already making allowances. The definition of “Jew” is Hebrew extremist, or should be. Anyone still making allowances for Jews is at heart afraid of public opinion and still caught up in its “discourse”, which is to say, the parity of all groups. “Jews”, as a group, are essentially different from any other group — while other groups exhibit similar behaviors, the Jews are historically different. It shows a total lack of understanding of this problem, or rather a modern understanding, to still be talking about good Jews and bad Jews. But this is evident in the blog’s very title: zionistwatch.

    9. Anti Says:

      If the author of that essay has ever met a Jew who did not make him feel uneasy, like he had to walk on eggshells, which is to say like a frightened field animal, he should let us know. But it may just as well mean his sense of danger is blunted, as it tends to be among die-hard goyim.

    10. Roger Says:

      To the point, clearly written. A fine piece by someone who knows the score. Right now, Whites are losing the game big time. Yet, the pace of the game has changed. There’s a subtle change in the air….people know things are fucked up for the white man. The dots are becoming easier and easier to connect all the time. Imus will end up to help convert a few thousand fence sitters into white racialism.
      It gets worse, it gets better.

    11. Stuart Says:

      It seems you forgot to mention something about the things the Jews “tear down” – study medicine for awhile and you will find out that Jewish doctors are responsible for MANY of the advances in disease treatment, care and everything from brain surgery to mental health advances.

      In other words, it is very probably that many of the white men here are alive and health today because of those jewish folks who “tear down” things.

      The world is a complex place, and when speaking of low IQ, always remember that a sure sign of one is the attempt to simplify the way things are!

    12. Hello Everybody Says:

      “The world is a complex place, and when speaking of low IQ, always remember that a sure sign of one is the attempt to simplify the way things are!”

      Talking about a complex place, it all depends on how complex you want to get. The problem with the Jews as Alex has pointed out infinitely many times is not that they are not making progress in their respective fields–be it BT, IT or what have you, but they often create an environment that makes difficult for whites to do the same(i.e. forced integration, continuous bombardment of the message “whites are evil”, etc). I personally know a German woman who was called a stupid Nazis and told to go home by her grade two teacher in the early 80’s. I can’t imagine how she would have felt at such a young age.

    13. van helsing Says:

      The Duke case is also drowning out real news. 2 of the accused were kikes, LOOK AT THEM.

      Now, Channon Christian, there’s news. Now, W wants to call up the entire national guard, there’s news.

      Besides since ANS’s bodyguard is also in the Bahamas, looks like he and Stern may have had a deal cooked up. Till Stern offs him too.

      Modern medicine is heavily dependent on “modern medicine”, not the stuff that always existed before. The jewish controlled medical and medicine field cant get rich off natural remedies.

      Jews excel at taking credit for the work of others. Who publishes most books and broadcasts most news?

    14. Slobodan Says:

      Edison was not benevolent, nor was he brilliant! He was a money-grubbing jew who stole all of his ideas from the Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla.