VNNB Free Talk Live – ***January 11th 2008***
Posted by VNNB in Announce, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Friday at 6:22 pm | 
FTL 01/11 “this week in organized Jewry” with John De Nugent, Art Jones, and Mishko

“It’s not a crime, as long as the children are gentiles”
Join me your co-host Bud White and my guest co-hosts John De Nugent of the Barnes Review and VNN badboy Mishko Novosel. Featured guest: Art Jones.
We’ll be covering all things TJB including more jewish child molestations, Historian Shocks Poland with Charges of Ethnic Cleansing, In Germany a Jewish group protests sale of pro-smoking T-shirt bearing Star of David, Spy Handler In Jonathan Pollard Case Meets With Bush, Rabbi Metzger Thanks President Bush for Intervening in Iraq plus a whole lot more TJB reporting.
Music Starts 6:30 est
Talk starts at 7:30 est
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11 January, 2008 at 10:21 pm
Abraham Foxman is the lowest common denominator, that guy has got to go, simple fact of the matter.
12 January, 2008 at 12:29 am
Great interview Art. Keep up the good fight!
12 January, 2008 at 2:33 am
There are millions of veterans of Jewish wars, those instigated and profited off by the worldwide Judaic/Talmudic criminal gang. Vietnam was just one of them. The present Iraq fiasco is another one (”How did our oil get underneath their sand?” ask the arrogant criminals.”). If you want to get at the root of understanding how America has descended into an abyss of corruption and immorality (4,000 dead aborted babies every day, homosexuals galore, multi billion $ pornography industry, etc., etc.) study the Jewish Talmud, the “great Jewish holy book” which among other Jewish “truths” informs us that Jesus Christ is in boiling excrement in hell and that the Blessed Mother was a whore impregnated by a Roman Soldier. I’m not making this up. Find it in the Talmud, and not one of the sanitized versions the Judaics have produced for viewing by the goyem.
Wake up and smell the coffee. Don’t be one of the sheeple. Go to for a reality check if you can handle the truth. If there are any true American Patriots left — and there are — let’s fall down on our knees and pray and then struggle to take back our once sovereign nation. Let us proclaim and fight for “AMERICA, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, NOT UNDER ISRAEL.” Elect Art Jones, one of the few who is willing to state the horrible truth: “The United States Congress and the White House are presently Israeli occupied territory.” VIVA CRISTO REY – VIVA!
12 January, 2008 at 10:16 am
12 January, 2008 at 11:07 am
12 January, 2008 at 11:47 am
Chief rabbi thanks Bush for ‘war against Iraq’ & blowjob
Andrei Yustschinsky , THE JERUSALEM POST Jan. 10, 2008
During a short oral copulattion quickie by George Wanker Bush Wednesday at the Ben-Gurion Airport Terminal, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger thanked President George W. Bush for the US’s military intervention in Iraq and the blowjob in the airport.
“I want to thank you for your support of Israel and in particular for waging a war against Iraq,” Metzger told Bush, according to the chief rabbi’s spokesman.
Bush reportedly answered that the chief rabbi’s words “warmed his heart and the rabbi’s love muscle.”
Metzger’s stand on the Iraqi war, while reflecting the Israeli majority and Orthodox Jewry, is “not” shared with most US Jews. The American Jewish Committee’s annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion, published last year, found that 70 percent of US Jews “disapprove” of the Iraq war, with 70% backing it.
In a related story, Metzger was chosen as one of the 12 most influential religious figures in the world for a CBS documentary called In “God’s” Name that appeared at the end of December.
Jewsweek also devoted a story to the documentary complete with pictures of Metzger and the other religious leaders telling dirty jokes.
Metzger was chosen along with figures such as the David Berkowitz of New York State, Jackie Mason and Harvey Firestein.
12 January, 2008 at 4:38 pm
This very good show has one shortfall – de Mugent needs a mike he can MUTE when he it talking to people off-line. I suspect a USB headset mike might solve a lot of problems.
Much better audio quality on this one! Thanks!
Mark from Cali shows signs of being the heir to Harold Covington, Bill White and Alex Linder in his willingness to grab the bull by the balls on the pragmatic issue of “What Is To Be Done?”
At 104 Mark addresses this issue with Art Jones, who gives a short, brief, elegant summary of why “we” have failed to accomplish much of anything.
Incidentally, Jones notes that – as I have stated before – uniforms WORK, if they are neat, clean, crisp, and the people who are wearing them are neat, clean and crisp. The example of the WN groups in Sweden makes my point; THEY even pulled off a (small) torchlight parade…
Jones noted that backbiting tore apart all of the attempts at White Nationalist organizing from the beginning, with the most trivial of reasons being cited for someone not doing what they really did not want to do anyway…
In short, as in all of Life, you are always doing what you really want to do.
People who go “Yes, as long as I can wear my hooded robe and set crosses on fire on people’s lawns at night” are really saying, “I’m pretty much a failure, and being in a professional organization would make my ineptitude all the more obvious, so, I’ll form some reasonable-sounding rationalization to justify my impotence, and mask it in terms of racial glory.”
I’ve discusses this issue here so often my head feels like it is about to explode, so I’ll let one and all listen to Art Jones describe how we can succeed DAMN NEAR IN SPITE OF OURSELVES, and what we must do to have even the slightest difference for our Family, and our RACE.
Congratulations to all on a great show!
This would be even better if they could fit Chain in there, say, on a show they could record at a different time, and replay at VNN’s convenience.
I like Chain’s ability to elegant describe the situation before us in a few well-chosen words, and Agis as the introducer, with de Nugent as a commentator – maybe with Art Jones along from time to time, as well…
Would that be Free Talk Live, or Goyfire?
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
13 January, 2008 at 6:51 am
I was thinking about a point Briseis touched on in an earlier FTL, concerning the economic situation of so many of our Brethren, and our potential Brethren.
I am developing the outline of an Idea around this, based on a comment Mark from Cali made where he described his amazement that our Brethren don’t seem to “get it,” in terms of Racial Consciousness.
I think that, for want of a better term, that we are trying to develop the beginnings of something like Christianity, in a social order that is totally devoted to snuffing out the merest hint of something like this for us.
We are – this is a poor choice of words – essentially, “aliens” from whose efforts, the substance of whose lives, are required for Creating the foundation of a Better Society, trapped in a social order that is (1) inherently opposed to THE HIGHEST AND BEST WITHIN US, and (2) is essentially collapsing from its adherence to archaic models of social organization.
We are, essentially, trying to build a new social order in a society that denies the Reality of our Dreams…
This might be why, in part, so many of us find it so difficult to “get along with others.”
You will recognize that phrase from your old report cards…
Doesn’t it seem like so many around us are trying to make something like the high school model of organization – the Eternal Adolescent – work, in a world where it never really worked, in the first place?
More to follow on this Idea.
I REALLY think VNN Admin should form an Open Thread for each month, and pin it to the top of the page.
While we can…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!