MU Designed to Increase American Power in Mediterranean?
Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', America, France, globalization, Israel, Jewish politicians, NATO, tikkun olam, Turkey, Zionism at 7:54 pm | 
“The goal of Sarkozy’s Club Med is therefore not, after all, to reinforce the geopolitical weight of France, but instead to consolidate the power of NATO and the United States over the Middle East.”
Note: Sarkozy’s mother is Jewish.
Countries that are located on the banks of the Mediterranean sea include Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey. (As you read this, remember that Turkey and Israel are good friends):
17 March, 2008 at 5:06 am
17 March, 2008 at 6:13 am
17 March, 2008 at 9:05 am
17 March, 2008 at 9:06 am
17 March, 2008 at 12:32 pm
Read “‘French-Jew’ Sarkozy” and start calling a spade a spade: They’re simply racial Jews with citizenship wherever they’re domiciled but are essentiall without their own nation. Search for “The Mysterians” at and there they are– the “They” in the John Carpenter movie “They Live.” and their program was figuratively described in the 50’s, 40 years before “They Live:”
Turkey wants into the European Union but is not European. Israel would be next.
A Mediterranean Union, then a North American Union, all with interlockiing directorates, don’t you know. Then, one day, you wake up with, for all intents and purposes, one world government. Neat.
17 March, 2008 at 1:37 pm
Good post, .338, and good shot of Congo Lisa sucking-up to AIPAC
AIPAC: American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Should read “AJPAC: American-Jew Public Affairs Committee.”
17 March, 2008 at 2:21 pm
Isn’t about time that Turks and jews had their collective asses kicked back to the sands of Turkistan.
17 March, 2008 at 10:14 pm
“Isn’t about time that Turks and jews had their collective asses kicked back to the sands of Turkistan?”
Turks and Jews (Khazars) have a lot in common. They’re not the same people, but they come from the same place, and they understand one another. Their cultures are compatible.
18 March, 2008 at 12:27 am
“Good post, .338, and good shot of Congo Lisa sucking-up to AIPAC”
I didn’t consider it a good post! Are you kidding? I went to the site and all I got was a porn site. Is this somebody’s idea of a sick joke? Ha, Ha. Very funny. (not)
15 July, 2008 at 6:55 pm
We might be able to throw in Armenians too, though Christians, the are a few simularities.. Look at Kirk Kirkorian, the Oy Vegas mogul who’s worth 14 Billion bucks & got a break & a start from Canada’s Bronfmans.