1 October, 2008

Ahmadinejad’s Reasonable Stance on the Holocaust

Posted by Socrates in Bradley R. Smith, holo-factualists, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Socrates at 10:04 pm | Permanent Link

by Bradley R. Smith/Greg Alan. There’s also a link to Paul Grubach’s article:


  • 28 Responses to “Ahmadinejad’s Reasonable Stance on the Holocaust”

    1. Cpt. Candor Says:

      The Iranians wanting to be able to reasonably deter what are essentially nuclear-armed pre-schoolers led by increasingly delusional zealots is apparently a sure sign of strong desires to repeat the miraculous events described in the great Holy Hoax story. If any part of our bought media is looking for an actual Holocaust to yap about, they might do a week-long, uncensored special concerning Palestine under jew-supremacy, with periodic jumps to post-2003 Iraq and Afghanistan for comparison.

      Even so, I suspect that most (White) Americans at this point would either tune out early on in, applaud the brutality, or at best express puzzlement at the whole affair. Mencken’s assertion that “no one ever lost a dime underestimating the intelligence of the American People” still rings true to this day.

    2. JewTracer Says:

      Which is Ahmadinejad, a Jew tool or one who can forge a positive destiny for Iran?


    3. Zararthustra Says:

      Just imagine……..Sixteen billion Jews perished in the gas ovens of the Holocaust! No wait, the new figure is six billion. No, it’s eight and a half billion. No, now it’s eleven billion………………….Whatever the number is, you Goyim better not disagree with it or you’ll go to jail!

    4. gw Says:

      And keep those reparations checks coming.

    5. apollonian Says:

      Holohoax: Integral Lie Within Hubristic Cultural Complex Of Lies
      (Apollonian, 2 Oct 08)

      Golly, but it’s so tragic the fact Jews are liars by their intrinsic, essential natures, holohoax being just one of their lies, but a primary one, by which Jews slander a far greater people, the Germans.

      For Jews are Talmudists, Talmud their basic document wherein war is plotted and justified against the rest of humanity by Jew monstrosities, worshippers of lies, hubris, subjectivism, hystericism, narcissism, etc. See RevisionistHistory.org, TruthTellers.org, and Come-and-hear.com for best expo/ref. on Talmud.

      Thus Jews, foremost liars (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44) run their COUNTERFEIT scam (see RealityZone.com for expo/ref. on US Federal Reserve Bank [Fed]), by which Jews eventually destroy a society/culture fraught with hubris and Spenglerian “Decline of the West.”

      Thus entire gentile culture is inexorably rotted out fm the inside by specific means of aforementioned counterfeit fraud which then controls and destroys everything else. Holohoax is primary, ancillary, instrumental tool of panoply of Jew lies, Jews now a gross, horrific parasitic disease-of-opportunity capitalizing upon gentile over-population, hubris, and self-induced guilt-complex, these stupid, hubristic gentiles pretending to “good” and “virtue.”

      Function of holohoax then is justification of and by Jews for their methodical, ritualized murder of gentiles, pretext for “hate-speech” and -crime laws by which freedom and dignitiy of gentiles are destroyed, and enslavement of gentiles is initiated and justified. After all, gentiles OWE Jews, as Jews are persuaded by holohoax that Jews are envied thence persecuted by gentiles.

      Thus WWII, for topical example, was instigated and initiated by Jews–but especially by topmost conspiratorial masterminds (see TheNewAmerican.com for expo/ref. on CFR-Bilderberg conspiracy)–against Germany. Concurrently and concomitantly, ancillary purpose of WWII was to roust lower-level (sociologically) Jews of Europe, compelling them to migrate to Palestine.

      Thus holohoax was and is both means and justification for Jew-Zionist invasion of Palestine and subsequent and on-going genocide of its previous inhabitants, Muslim and Christian. Such is the integral purpose and function of holohoax for present ZOG-Mammonist empire/beast, world-wide, serving purposes of Jews and their accomplices, both oligarchal and fm among the lower-classes who are inveigled by various delusions and heresies, like “Judeo-Christianity” (JC–see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo/ref.)

      Thus holohoax is mere particular lie integrally interlocked within complex of degenerate culture of lies founded in and upon subjectivism and Pharisaism-moralism of delusionary, hereticalist GUILT-complex and fraudulent “good-evil” (Pelagianism).

      Holohoax is then particular moralistic tool by which Jew sadists manipulate, intimidate, terrorize, and oppress pathetic, deluded, hereticalist gentile masochists, grossly over-populated suckers, dupes, and goons, caught-up now in hubris, moralism, sanctimoniousness, and Pelagian heresy.

      CONCLUSION: Gentiles must adopt Christian Truth and honesty–in rejection of Pharisaism-moralism and Pelagian heresy–to effect culture-wide Jew-expulsion and historic CYCLIC resurgence to save their very lives and culture. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

    6. jim donaldson Says:

      If the number at Auschwitz has been reduced by 2.1 million, why do I still believe 6 million were killed (Oy!) in the HOLOCAUST!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. Zararthustra Says:

      There were nowhere near 6 million Jews living in the National-Socialist liberated parts of Europe. Maybe, MAYBE, one or two million, tops. By 1939, almost all of Deutschland’s 600,000 sheenies had scurried off to England or Canada, along with almost all of Ostereich’s Jews.

      The “facts” of the Holohoax tale shift around frequently, but Gentiles are expected to believe every “Official” new version of the story that is promulgated…….or Else.

    8. Ahmadingyjewhadist Says:

      Dingy, ding, ding!

      Bottom line Dingy: When are you going to so much as talk about wiping those Eternal Victim Innocent Chosen Talmudists from the map of Tehran / Iran?

      I’ll be waiting patiently. Meanwhile …



      AHMADINEJAD: No, I have a question for you. What kind of a role did today’s youth play in World War II?

      SPIEGEL: None.

      AHMADINEJAD: Why should they have feelings of guilt toward Zionists? Why should the costs of the Zionists be paid out of their pockets? If people committed crimes in the past, then they would have to have been tried 60 years ago. End of story! Why must the German people be humiliated today because a group of people committed crimes in the name of the Germans during the course of history?

      SPIEGEL: The German people today can’t do anything about it. But there is a sort of collective shame for those deeds done in the German name by our fathers or grandfathers.

      AHMADINEJAD: How can a person who wasn’t even alive at the time be held legally responsible?

      SPIEGEL: Not legally but morally.

      AHMADINEJAD: Why is such a burden heaped on the German people? The German people of today bear no guilt. Why are the German people not permitted the right to defend themselves? Why are the crimes of one group emphasized so greatly, instead of highlighting the great German cultural heritage? Why should the Germans not have the right to express their opinion freely?

    9. Osama bin Laden Says:


      Actually, those photos just prove that he is not out to commit a “holocaust” against world Jewry like it is being claimed in the popular media.

      Showing a bunch of pictures of Ahmadinejad does not support your claim that he is part of some globalist conspiracy.

      Just because Ahmadinejad doesn’t want to exterminate the Jewish race does not make him a philosemite or part of whatever grand conspiracy you want to concoct (in reality, conspiracies do exist but each personality on the internet seems to have a different idea as to the players and agenda!).

    10. zoomcopter Says:

      In all the collected volumes of Churchill, DeGaulle and Eisenhauer, is there any mention of “The Holocaust” It is a complete fabrication. It is a money making myth which ranks second only to the myth of a Jew able to raise the dead.

    11. Zarathustra Says:

      Funny how all the Nazi “death camps” were located in the postwar Soviet zone of occupation, so the rest of the world couldn’t verify the Jews’ tales of mass extermination. How convenient!  FDR, a Dutch Jew, apparently never heard of the Holocaust either.

      I wonder if the Jews themselves actually believe all the nonsense they expect us to believe? They certainly have an alien mentality.

    12. Howdy Doody Says:

      Joos believe it true, no big deal. Big deal is White Rapture Bunnies believe it, because they viewed it on TV.

    13. gw Says:

      “In all the collected volumes of Churchill, DeGaulle and Eisenhauer, is there any mention of “The Holocaust” It is a complete fabrication.”

      I have a very large and comprehensive Webster’s dictionary, published about 1960, a treasure. In it there is no mention of any “Holocaust” — only the term “holocaust” (small letters) meaning “widespread destruction by fire.”

      The thing called “The Holocaust” did not come into usage until the 70s, as I understand, when the TV drama “The Holocaust” was produced, accompanied with tremendous publicity from all the media. And we’ve never stopped hearing of it ever since.

    14. JewTracer Says:

      Jews like their holocausts. They see it as a burnt offering to the Gods.

      Just look at the holocaust the Jews did on 9/11.

    15. JewTracer Says:

      Even though the holocaust against Jews in the Nazi Germany didn’t happen, Jews spread the story because it’s an integral part of their twisted collective imagination.

    16. Zarathustra Says:


      Back in the mid 1970s, Israel was being justly villified around the world, thanks in part to Yassir Arafat’s PLO and a UN declaration that equated Zionism with racism. In response, the Jews devised a strategy that was designed to make it look as if Israel had the “right” to exist based on imaginary WWII atrocities against them. This strategy included making a TV miniseries titled “Holocaust”. And so, voila! The Holocaust was born! Strange how this “worst crime in history” wasn’t even discussed by any one, including the Jews themselves, until THIRTY THREE YEARS after WWII and the Nuremburg show-trials.

    17. zoomcopter Says:

      Jews have an inordinate amount of influence yet it is forbidden to talk about it. Mentioning that the holocaust is a hoax and you can find yourself in prison in Canada. Make no mistake, the Jews want the same laws here, too. Enjoy free speech while we can.

    18. Andrei Yustschinsky Says:

      Latest President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? from Newmax….

      Ahmadinejad: 2,000 Jews Control the World

      Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has launched new verbal attacks against Israel, saying Zionist leaders are “germs of corruption” who will be wiped “off the face of the earth.”

      Ahmadinejad’s recent comments on the Iranian News Channel were translated and released by the Middle East Media Research Institute on Thursday.

      “The Zionists are crooks,” the Iranian leader declared.

      “A small handful of Zionists, with a very intricate organization, have taken over the power centers of the world. According to our estimates, the main cadre of the Zionists consists of 2,000 individuals at most, and they have another 8,000 activists. In addition, they have several informants, who spy and provide them with intelligence information.”

      This “cadre” controls the world’s financial centers and news and propaganda agencies, and spreads “propaganda as if they were the entire world, as if all the peoples supported them, and as if they were the majority ruling the world,” Ahmadinejad asserted.

      “That is a great lie — just like their Jewishness is a great lie. They have no religion whatsoever. They are a handful of lying, power-greedy people who have no religion, who only want to take over all the peoples and countries, and to trample the rights of the peoples . . .

      “A Zionist organization with 2,000 [members] and with 7,000 or 8,000 activists has brought the world to a state of confusion. Let me tell them that if they themselves do not wrap up Zionism, the strong arm of the peoples will wipe these germs of corruption off the face of the earth.”

      Ahmadinejad also claimed that that Zionists “kidnap oppressed, destitute, ignorant people from other countries, and bring them to the occupied lands to serve as human shields.”

    19. gw Says:

      “if they themselves do not wrap up Zionism, the strong arm of the peoples will wipe these germs of corruption off the face of the earth.”

      I wish he would not employ such phrases as wiping germs off the fact of the earth. That is guaranteed to seized upon by propagandists to claim that he wants to wipe all Jews “off the face of the earth” when he is just using overly dramatic terminology, something quite common in the Islamic world, I understand. Thus, he unwittingly damages his own argument, and people in the West will dismiss him as just an insane Islamic nut.

      Whose purpose does that serve? Into whose hands does that play?

      At least someone is speaking out, true, but he is not the best voice or the ideal spokesman. Given his narrow Islamic “take” on things, and his limited view of the world, at times he is frankly an embarrassment.

    20. Zarathustra Says:

      But they are Germs of Corruption! Couldn’t have put it any better myself.

    21. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Which is Ahmadinejad, a Jew tool or one who can forge a positive destiny for Iran?”

      You must be one of those conspiracy nuts who believes that all international events are orchestrated by the Illuminati/Satan/Reptilians/Great White Brotherhood/whatever to fool the otherwise oh-so-perceptive beer-bellied American masses. Get real.

    22. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Showing a bunch of pictures of Ahmadinejad does not support your claim that he is part of some globalist conspiracy.”

      What’s worse is that Jew Tracer is misrepresenting photos of Ahmadinejad hugging Jews from the anti-Zionist Naturei Karta sect at a revisionist conference as evidence that he is a “Jew tool.”

      All these allegations that Iran and Ahmadinejad are bent on exterminating Jewry is nonsense anyways. Ahmadinejad never stated that he was planning to “wipe Israel off the map.” I listen to Iran’s English broadcasts on the shortwave every once in a while and they hardly ever talk about Jews. Iran even has its own native Jewish population.

      Stop swallowing the neo-con war propaganda.

    23. Igor Alexander Says:

      “I wonder if the Jews themselves actually believe all the nonsense they expect us to believe?”

      Of course not. They’re lying through their teeth. And we’ve made it so easy for them.

      The next time a Jew asks you, “are you calling my [relative who is a supposed holocaust survivor] a liar?,” answer, “Yes.” They don’t have a comeback for that one, other than going berserk and threatening to murder you and your family (which only serves to show bystanders what a bunch of hate-filled homocidal lunatics they are underneath their fake perennial victim exterior).

    24. Igor Alexander Says:

      “I have a very large and comprehensive Webster’s dictionary, published about 1960, a treasure. In it there is no mention of any ‘Holocaust’ — only the term ‘holocaust’ (small letters) meaning ‘widespread destruction by fire.’ The thing called “The Holocaust” did not come into usage until the 70s”

      Excellent point! I have an Encyclopedia Britannica from 1961. It’s 24 volumes of small print. I have gone through the whole set with a fine-tooth comb looking for references to “the holocaust,” and the only thing I found was one 4 or 5 sentence paragraph under the article for Adolf Hitler. That’s it. It didn’t even call the alleged extermination program “the holocaust.”

      Until the 1970’s, the holocaust was, as Jean-Marie LePen said, a mere “footnote of history.”

    25. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Strange how this ‘worst crime in history’ wasn’t even discussed by any one, including the Jews themselves, until THIRTY THREE YEARS after WWII and the Nuremburg show-trials.”

      That would be news to the Germans who got nooses around their necks for their roles in running the alleged “death camps.” According to revisionist Arthur Butz, allegations about the “death camps” started surfacing around 1943.

    26. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Ahmadinejad’s recent comments on the Iranian News Channel were translated and released by the Middle East Media Research Institute on Thursday.”

      Who runs the “Middle East Media Research Institute”? Might the “Middle East Media Research Institute” have a vested interest in mistranslating some of Ahmadinejad’s comments?

    27. Zarathustra Says:

      Igor, my point was that the Holohoax, supposedly the greatest crime in history, was not a big deal to the Jews until the late 1970s, more than 30 years after their Nuremburg show-trials against Nazi political prisoners ended. Surely you agree with that?

    28. gw Says:

      I remember when the TV spectacular, “The Holocaust” came out in 1978 [it had been preceeded in the previous year by the spectacularly successful attention-getter, “Roots”, another tear-jerker which served the same purpose for blacks] it was accompanied by a great flurry of discussion in newspapers and magazines.

      It was stated then that the WW2 generation of “survivors” was dying out and that it was felt it was necessary to give this a specific name, and document it, and memorialize it, and rub it in, so that the Jews who died during the war would not fade away into the pages of history and be forgotten. After that, we started getting “Holocaust” museums and were bombarded with a whole array of “Holocaust” things that hadn’t been heard of before.

      Intersting side comment: A number of new stars were elevated to prominence via their roles in “The Holocaust” … eg. Meryl Streep — (Sephardic Dutch father), and have been getting rewarded ever since.