26 February, 2009

Bishop Williamson Apologizes

Posted by Socrates in Christians, Christians abetting jews, Christians who abet jews, jewed culture, Socrates, Vatican at 5:20 pm | Permanent Link

Big Jew: “Waterboy, oh, waterboy?? Where are you??”
The Vatican: “Here I am, master, ready and eager to serve you!”


  • 46 Responses to “Bishop Williamson Apologizes”

    1. Zarathustra Says:

      I noticed Williamson didn’t retract what he said, he only regretted having said it. That being the case, I’m sure the Jews will continue their relentless attacks against him.

      What do all you “pro-White” Papists think about your Jew-appeasing Church now?

    2. Angryyoungman Says:

      I wouldn’t be too hard on the Catholics. For all their nuttiness and universalism, they are nowhere near as psychotic as the Evangelicals.

    3. Veritas Says:

      I can only speak for myself, but I repeat that the Church has been taken over by Jews and Freemasons since 1958. That’s why the Jews scream bloody murder if any Catholic speaks of the Church as it existed before Vatican II, as though it is any of their business what Catholics do or think about their own religion. They compile lists of individuals or groups that adhere to the pre-Vatican II Church and label them “hate groups” (See SPLC report on same), which is a tacit admission that they are behind Vatican II and have infiltrated to the highest levels. In the Book of Apocalypse (which Protestants have renamed Revelation) this is known as the Great Apostasy. Foretold, in other words. It still sucks though.

    4. XTG Says:

      Vatican II 1962-65……..the twenty-first Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church. It opened under Pope John XXIII in 1962 and closed under Pope Paul VI in 1965…….the karmic debt these Purulent Pedos incurred makes me smile…….

    5. XTG Says:


    6. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      this retraction or apology or wtf-ever it is, is, basically, meaningless!


      because it’s been given under “duress”!…..either financial and/or physical (possible loss of employment, expulsion/deportation from a foreign nation, the risk or arrest/imprisonment or the possible infliction of physical harm!)

      that’s why i don’t put a great deal of creedence on Mr David Irving’s so-called “retractions” either!

      such an “apology” or “back-down” would only carry ‘weight’ if the ‘defendant’ was financially secure & their physical well-being was assured!

      that’s wtf properly constituted courts-of-law generally refuse to accept any “evidence” that has the slightest whiff of “duress”….it’s TOTALLY fckn WORTHLESS!

    7. Z.O.G. Says:

      Yes! In your face, you Catholic freaks!

      That’s what you get for putting your faith and hopes in a weirdo who wears a dress to work every day.


    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      Z.O.G. Yes of course.


    9. Veritas Says:

      Z.O.G. is a Jewish troll.

    10. Mark Says:

      “… the Holy Father and my superior, Bishop Bernard Fellay, have requested that I reconsider the remarks I made on Swedish television four months ago, because their consequences have been so heavy.”

      Can you blame him? He has no support, governments are against him, his superiors are pressuring him to recant. What’s the alternative, to be an outcast? Wars aren’t fought by one man.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:


      Though some have been started by one man.

      To be awake shows a man what 98% of Hollywood movies/stories were really about, and that is the total annialation of the Whole West.

    12. N.B. Forrest Says:

      Yet another humiliating capitulation from a White man who simply spoke the truth as he saw it.

      God damn the kike scum. If they had one neck, I’d gleefully strangle them all right now.

    13. Newbie Says:

      Had he persevered, he may well have found support–among ‘truthers’, antiNWO, white nationalists, historians, academics, people of good will everywhere–but now he will never know.

      His interests and intellect threw a wide net, but I guess the way he was immediately dismissed and thrown to the wolves did cause him to collapse psychologically and morally. I though his retraction a disgrace, as he accepts blame for causing scandal, like a battered woman who apologizes for getting in the way of a fist. Mea culpa.

      From now on I will refer to him only as Bishop “Winston” (from Orwells’s 1984) if I refer to him at all.

    14. Newbie Says:

      There are brave men elsewhere. On rense there is an article on one who did not fold like a cheap suit, and whose wife is already in prison.

      MUNICH – German dissident Horst Mahler has been sentenced to six years in prison for “Volksverhetzung” (racial incitement). The symbolically significant number of years imposed for “anti- Semitic hate speech” stemmed from his refusal to recognize the Jewish Holocaust®, which he described as “the biggest lie in world history.”

    15. Ein Says:

      Veritas Says:
      Z.O.G. is a Jewish troll.

      Agreed. The attack on the pope is baseless, illogical. As usual, there is no substance to it. Once again, he is mis-leading us with silly, unimportant irrelevancies that have no connection to anything.

      His attack on the pope’s garb only serves to shift attention away from the REAL issue here — the degree of control which Jews have gained over the Church.

      No matter what your position on Catholicism may be, what the pope wears is immaterial to what he thinks and represents.

    16. old_dutch Says:

      Vatican Says Bishop Williamson’s Holocaust Apology Not Enough
      Email | Print | A A A

      By Flavia Krause-Jackson

      Feb. 27 (Bloomberg) — The Vatican today said apologies from Bishop Richard Williamson, a Roman Catholic clergyman and Holocaust denier, are insufficient.

      Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi spoke to reporters today in Rome. His letter is “generic and ambiguous.”

    17. Howdy Doody Says:

      This is another episode showing us that the joooos have now power and how much “They” are persucuted etc.

      They are a piece of Work.

      The Dumbing down of Education in the West as served them well along with open border invasions.

    18. Howdy Doody Says:

      This is another episode showing us that the joooos have now power and how much “They” are persucuted etc.

      They are a piece of Work.

      The Dumbing down of Education in the West has served them well along with open border invasions.

    19. Andrei Yustschinsky (Andrei's Ghost) Says:


      DENY THE THE 6,000,000 MYTH-GO TO JAIL…..



      ADL Congratulates British Prime Minister For Being First To Sign Declaration Against Anti-Semitism

      New York, NY, February 25, 2009 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today congratulated British Prime Minister Gordon Brown for being the first head of government to sign the London Declaration against anti-Semitism and encouraged other heads of government to add their names to the document.

      “Gordon Brown set an important example for others to follow, just as the British parliament has taken the lead on parliamentary efforts to combat anti-Semitism,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. “The London Declaration was a response to the global outpouring of anti-Semitism that we are seeing around the world today, and it calls on governments and parliaments to act. Prime Minister Brown rightly called on other heads of government to join him in signing the declaration, and we support his initiative.”

      The London Declaration, adopted on February 19 in London at the inaugural conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism, called for various practical measures to combat manifestations of anti-Jewish bigotry around the world. ADL played a significant role in the conference, which brought together more than 120 lawmakers from over 40 countries spanning the globe to devise an effective framework and forge new strategies to confront anti-Semitism on a global scale.

      “Too many leaders were silent in the face of blatant anti-Semitic displays at recent demonstrations against Israel and following attacks on Jewish institutions,” Mr. Foxman said. “The British Prime Minister’s public signing and his strong statement of support show how every leader has an opportunity to demonstrate their personal commitment and their government’s policy to counter anti-Semitism. We hope the response to his call will be universal.”

      Among its recommendations, the London Declaration calls for the creation of an international task force of Internet experts to develop metrics for online anti-Semitism and policy recommendations for governments to combat it, the establishment of parliamentary inquiries to determine the state of anti-Semitism domestically and to develop policy recommendations, and a commitment to oppose discrimination against Israel in international organizations such as at the U.N.’s Durban II conference.

      The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world’s leading organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.

    20. CW-2 Says:

      Let’s hope ‘ordinary’ Catholics can now clearly see that ‘their’ church is controlled by the forces of globalism.

      As JC said, “by their fruits you shall know them”.

    21. Andrei Yustschinsky (Andrei's Ghost) Says:


      Jewish groups reject Holocaust-doubting bishop’s apology

      Friday 27 February 2009 00.51 GMT

      Bishop Richard Williamson, whose readmission to the Catholic church caused an international outcry, last night apologised for remarks in which he denied the scale of the Nazi Holocaust.

      In a statement on the website of the Rome Catholic news agency Zenit, he said his views on the Holocaust were not those of an historian. They had been “formed 20 years ago on the basis of evidence then available, and rarely expressed in public since.” Williamson added: “To all souls that took honest scandal from what I said, before God I apologise.”

      He caused outrage by saying in a TV interview broadcast in January that there were no gas chambers in the Nazis’ ­concentration camps. He also ­challenged the widely accepted figure of six million victims, saying he believed that no more than 300,000 Jews had died.

      “I can truthfully say I regret ­having made such remarks, and that if I had known beforehand the full harm and hurt to which they would give rise, especially to the Church, but also to survivors and relatives of victims of injustice under the Third Reich, I would not have made them,” Williamson said.

      Some Jewish groups expressed disappointment at his statement. Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, said it was “not the kind of an apology that would end this matter” because it failed to address the central issue.

      “The one thing he doesn’t say, and the main thing, is that the Holocaust occurred, that it is not a fabrication, that it is not a lie,” Hier said in a telephone interview. “You want to make an apology, you have to affirm the Holocaust.”

      Renzo Gattegna, the president of Italy’s Jewish Communities, described the apology as “absolutely ambiguous.”

      The bishop belongs to an ultra-conservative Catholic breakaway movement, the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), and was expelled from the church after being ordained in an unauthorised ceremony in 1988. Last month Pope Benedict lifted his excommunication and those of three other SSPX bishops as a first step towards healing the church’s only contemporary schism.

      The move caused fury among Jewish leaders and indeed many Catholics, especially in Germany and Austria. It has led to widespread questioning within the church of Benedict’s judgment and the way he reaches his decisions.

      Zenit said Williamson’s comments were released by the Vatican’s Ecclesia Dei commission, a body set up by the late Pope John Paul II to try to heal the rift with the SSPX, which broke with the church over liberal reforms enacted in the 1960s.

      In a passage hinting at pressure brought to bear on him, the bishop said “the events of recent weeks and the advice of senior members of the SSPX have persuaded me of my responsibility for much distress caused”.

    22. JewTracer Says:

      Very unimpressed with this.

      But hey, fuck the Jews. They’re going to pay for silencing this good man.

    23. JewTracer Says:

      “Had he persevered, he may well have found support–among ‘truthers’, antiNWO, white nationalists, historians, academics, people of good will everywhere–but now he will never know.”

      How will he do this if kike-owned country after kike-owned country deny him refuge?

    24. JewTracer Says:

      “Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi spoke to reporters today in Rome. His letter is ‘generic and ambiguous’.”

      That it is.

      World Jewry have put pressure on the Vatican which they own (not naturally but through Vatican II). They have sent instructions that only a totally self-deprecating all-encompassing apology a la Mel Gibson will do.

    25. gw Says:

      “They have sent instructions that only a totally self-deprecating all-encompassing apology a la Mel Gibson.”

      We have seen, time and again, that no apology ever quite suffices, no matter how abject. They require that their “victim” must get down and absolutely grovel at their feet, roll in the mud, beg forgiveness, and even then will never be completely forgiven for having dared to critize or question them. Such an individual will be a marked and ruined person forever after.

    26. Z.O.G. Says:

      I’m calling “false-flag” on this entire scandal, just like the Mel Gibson episode. It’s just too obvious.

    27. Z.O.G. Says:

      I still don’t get why some WN’s place any credence in a religion that literally preaches that the Jews are “god’s chosen people”.

      I mean, WTF?

    28. JewTracer Says:

      From the Jew Broadcasting Corporation of Britain:

      The Vatican has rejected an apology by a British bishop who denied the full extent of the Holocaust.

      It said the bishop needed to “unequivocally and publicly” withdraw his comments.

      Earlier, Jewish leaders said the bishop had failed to address the issue of whether he believed that the Holocaust was a lie.

      Richard Williamson said if he had known the full harm his comments would cause, he would not have made them.

      ‘Ambiguous’ apology

      The bishop said that his opinions had been formed “20 years ago on the basis of evidence then available”.

      But Vatican spokesman Rev Federico Lombardi said the bishop “does not seem to respect the conditions” it set after he had made the comments.

      Meanwhile Renzo Gattegna, the president of Italy’s Jewish Communities, described the apology as “absolutely ambiguous”.

      Until the Jew is happy, the Catholic hierarchy will not be happy.

      And if the Jew thinks the Catholic Church is happy to let things slide, he will order secular, atheist states such as Germany [make note of that ZOG] to kick up a fuss.

      The CC is then under simulatenous pressure from the kike community, media organs, and powerful kike-owned atheist nations.

    29. Z.O.G. Says:

      ..the degree of control which Jews have gained over the Church.

      “have gained”? In case you weren’t aware, Christianity is a Jewish Near Eastern mystery cult. Or did that small fact escape you?

    30. JewTracer Says:

      Incidently all mainstream-media organs are reporting the Vatican’s “dissatisfaction” (at the behest of the Jewish lobby, the Germany Government, and others). Not so much Williamson’s statement itself.

    31. Z.O.G. Says:

      I was raised Protestant, but do you guys see ME defending those scum-bag crypto-Jew televangelist preachers on T.V.? In fact, do you see me defending ANY Protestant churches or denominations? Hell, no. If I did that, everyone here would mock and ridicule me. But for some reason, you guys are allowed to defend the obviously Jew-controlled Catholic Church and its shabbos goy Pope, and nobody bats an eye.

      Hmm, that sounds like a double standard to me. I hope the irony isn’t lost on you. :-)

    32. JewTracer Says:

      “In case you weren’t aware, Christianity is a Jewish Near Eastern mystery cult. Or did that small fact escape you?”

      The Mystery cults were typically polytheistic and pagan.

      Christianity departs from polytheism and paganism on a large number of aspects.

      Talmudism (aka Judaism) on the other hand, is a clear derivative of the Babylonian Mystery religions.

    33. Ein Says:

      I have just received this interesting link from a correspondent in Argentina. It may be of some interest here. Do no note that the “bishop” shown is disguised behind large, dark glasses, does not stop or show his face. Is he the real bishop? His step is also quite brisk for a man nearing 70 years. And the guards’ feeble attempts to restrain that so-called “reporter” are plainly pathetic! They aren’t trying very hard … look more like actors.
      He’s my friend’s e-mail (part of it):
      – – – – – – – – – – –

      Here is a link to a video clip from a news station in Buenos Aires shot yesterday.

      It is supposed to be Bishop Williamson leaving the country after being forced out by the Government of Argentina. In any event, it most definitely is Amateur Hour. It is NOT Bishop Williamson at all!
      In fact, no one I know here can even recognize the “Journalist” trying to grill him for questions. So hokey.

      The whole scene was so obviously staged and so hopelessly cheesy that only an eight year old would believe it.

      This is how low they are prepared to go to get what they want.


    34. 2050 Says:

      Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, said it was “not the kind of an apology that would end this matter” because it failed to address the central issue.

      “The one thing he doesn’t say, and the main thing, is that the Holocaust occurred, that it is not a fabrication, that it is not a lie,” Hier said in a telephone interview. “You want to make an apology, you have to affirm the Holocaust.”
      Funny how the big shot jew affirms that, just like us anti-semites go on about, the “central issue” is trying to make sure that us goy never say out loud “that the Holocaust didn’t occur, that it is a fabrication, that it is a lie.”

      Yes, it is a shame that the Bishop apologized, and hopefully he won’t crawl and lick their boots more like so many others and say “that the Holocaust didn’t occur, that it is a fabrication, that it is a lie.”

      These are not the droids you’re looking for.

    35. 2050 Says:

      To be honest, I think Z.O.G. has a point. I think the good Bishop was duped and led into making those statements on Swedish TV, with someone knowing that this ‘lifting of excommunication,’ was coming, perhaps with Vatican knowledge and approval just to cause this ruckus.

      Helps the case of, “Oy vey, the Nazis are coming, we’ve got to …”

    36. 2050 Says:

      The oath of the Neo-Inquistion:

      “you have to affirm the Holocaust”

      Neo-Inquisitor: Put your right hand on the bible and swear. Do you affirm the Holocaust(tm)?
      **insert sound of physical/mental torture here, or at least of a mean-spirited editorial in the newspaper**
      neo-white man: Yes sir, I’m sorry, I solemnly affirm the holocaust.

    37. Zarathustra Says:

      Z.O.G. is spot-on about the origins of Xianity. It comes from a mystical, near-eastern form of Judaism called Esseneism. Esseneism, in turn, came from other savior-god cults practiced in the western Orient, like those of Mithras, Zoroaster and Horus.

      It’s fine with me if people want to believe in mythical gods and cults. Many Aryan deities, like Aphrodite, for example, were “imported” from Asia. But White people ought to know better than worship anything Semitic in origin.

      I knew Williamson’s mea culpa wouldn’t satisfy the Jews. I think he should have just stood by his original remarks and let the chips fall where they may. Now he will get absolutely no respect from anyone and will be constantly hounded until his dying days.

    38. exalted grand-master oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      re: “Zarathustra” ….. to be fair to the good Bishop, we’ve only got the ZOG MSM’s “word” that he made this retraction/apology or what-ever!

      (besides which, any thinking person could see that, even if he did make such mea culpas, they must “ring hollow” because of the various & diverse threats, both legal & financial, hanging over his head!)

    39. Zarathustra Says:

      Very good points, sir. How can any “apology” be acceptable when it’s made under duress? Unless, of course, the tormentors aren’t really interested in any apologies, just in making an “example” of the vicitm.

      And I hadn’t stopped to think that the good bishop’s words may have been twisted all out of proportion by the Jewsmedia. “Anti-Semitic Bishop Begs for Forgiveness”, “Holocaust Denier Given Chance to Redeem Himself”, “Bishop’s Hateful and Hurtful Remarks Shock and Outrage Entire World”………..that sort of thing.

    40. Newbie Says:

      ‘JewTracer Says:
      27 February, 2009 at 3:58 pm

      “Had he persevered, he may well have found support–among ‘truthers’, antiNWO, white nationalists, historians, academics, people of good will everywhere–but now he will never know.”

      How will he do this if kike-owned country after kike-owned country deny him refuge?’

      Well I don’t know but he might have explored his options before capitulating, he might have found sanctuary with the Russian Orthodox, or joined with Brother Nathanael Kapner of Real Jew News online; the Bishop was a writer, and a good one. I think that Williamson’s own bishop, Fellay, was less than worthless, so I am frustrated that Williamson abandoned the revisionist group that offered to help him to crawl back to SSPX.

    41. JewTracer Says:

      That’s a good point Newbie and he can still persue those options as he didn’t say that the Holocaust definitely happened.

    42. Justin Huber Says:

      I just so on the IHR web site that the Vatican rejected Bishop Williamson’s apology. Apparently it didn’t go far enough are something to that effect. Basically, no one can question any aspect of the Holocaust. Reading between the lines of Williamson’s apology, it sounds as if he’s accepting David Irving’s version of the Holocaust which goes something like this: 2 to 3 million Jews were killed in the Heydrich concentration camps in Poland. However, according to Irving, this was going on unbeknownst to Hitler. Also, there was no mass gassing of Jews at Auschwitz at least not in the sense that has been described in popular history. The reason I say this, is because Williamson was known to have attended one of Iriving’s lectures this fall. Having attended one of Irving’s lectures myself, this is the version of events that he is now proclaiming. Myself, I’m not sure what to think. One thing is for certain though, I DO NOT accept the version of the Holocaust that I was taught growing up. Would like to hear other WN’s opinions on this as well.

    43. Z.O.G. Says:

      <blockquote…David Irving’s version of the Holocaust which goes something like this: 2 to 3 million Jews were killed in the Heydrich concentration camps in Poland.

      “2 to 3 million Jews” my ass.

      David Irving is a lying traitorous coward.

    44. Sgt. Skull Says:

      I won’t even bother to read the extend of the Bishop’s mea culpa. Reading the story in “The American Free Press” it seemed this bishop had some balls and wouldn’t compromise but yet again we are betrayed by a member of a religious order. So much for Catholicism and good riddance. To think that that religion has gone from one of violent conquest (in the crusades) and a defense of the West to trembling and stuttering before Muslims and jews and advocating for illegal aliens and criminals.

      Utterly f*cking pathetic. I figured out long ago that whites can seek no refuge in organized religion.

    45. JoeG Says:

      I was raised Catholic and eventually became a Traditionalist as I discovered more about the Papal conclave of 1958. Upon further research, I’ve come to the conclusion that organized religion is just another form of control of the masses. I would classify myself as a believer in some potential form of higher intelligence, but I can not calculate it’s existence or dimensions based on my current intellectual abilities. Hence, I do not practice any organized religion at this point.

      As others have pointed out, it is futile for any WN to put his/her faith in any organized religion at this point in time. The Catholic church is definitely the biggest embarrassment to anyone who knew of it’s once great power. The only thing you’ll get out of it now is a slow indoctrination into becoming a modern day jewish serf.

    46. gw Says:

      Meanwhile Renzo Gattegna, the president of Italy’s Jewish Communities, described the apology as “absolutely ambiguous”.

      Who the bleep is he to be dictating to the Vatican what its bishops must believe or say? Or what they must apologize for? And I do mean MUST. This is disgusting!

      (But it’s also revealing – for anyone who doesn’t know it – as to who holds the power.)