27 May, 2009

Journalists and Canadians

Posted by Socrates in Canada, jewed culture, Socrates, William Pierce at 1:45 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


A few years ago, when I first began describing the lemming phenomenon, I had the naïve idea that lemmings were mostly a pretty dull bunch: grossly overweight couch potatoes who munched snacks while they watched television and believed everything they were told. I thought that intelligence was a reasonably good guarantee that a person wasn’t a lemming. Since then I’ve learned that isn’t true. I believe there probably is some correlation between intelligence and the ability to think independently, on the average, but there certainly are many, many intelligent men and women who are just as much lemmings as the dullest couch potato or baseball fan.”

The rest is [Here]. (For the audio version, go [Here] and scroll down to 01-05-2002).

  • 13 Responses to “Journalists and Canadians”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      I have more respect for street-pushers and pimps than I do for journalists. Them, corporate lobbyists, lawyers, politicians, hedge-fund managers….Kill ’em all.

    2. -jc Says:

      I miss William Pierce. His American Dissident Voices broadcasts were a highlight of my week. This was one of his very best and lays the ax to the root of our political problems– the alien monopoly of the mass media of so called news and entertainment.

    3. Adam Says:

      I thought that intelligence was a reasonably good guarantee that a person wasn’t a lemming. Since then I’ve learned that isn’t true. I believe there probably is some correlation between intelligence and the ability to think independently, on the average, but there certainly are many, many intelligent men and women who are just as much lemmings as the dullest couch potato or baseball fan.

      There may be such a correlation, but it is undoubtedly very weak if it exists at all. A moment’s reflection will show that if IQ were the only important thing, or even important at all in leading to free thinking, that free thinkers would be much more common than they actually are. Thus, it’s obvious that the lemming mentality is really in no way dependent on IQ. The only thing a high IQ will do for a lemming is enable him to learn system propaganda faster, learn it more thoroughly, and become more adept at applying it. High IQ lemmings are able to parrot the company line perfectly, and are promoted in our colleges and universities so that they may make more copies of themselves by instructing other lemmings. Logic and an examination of the evidence compels the conclusion that the vast preponderance of people with high IQ are lemmings.

      With his usual perspicacity, Dr. Pierce goes on to say:

      … when it comes to matters of faith, a lemming really isn’t rational. He’s quite capable of believing two mutually contradictory things at the same time.

      This sort of tolerance of cognitive dissonance is an example of a non-IQ-based personality component that is exactly what separates lemmings from non-lemmings. Dr. MacDonald has written a recent paper on this, “Effortful Control, Explicit Processing, and the Regulation of Human Evolved Predispositions”, [Psychological Review, 2008, Vol. 115, No. 4, 1012–1031]

      If MacDonald is correct, the tendency to engage in lemming-like behavior is genetically conditioned. Certainly it would help account for the lack of success we have when trying to reason with lemmings, to “wake them up”.

    4. Blackshirt Says:

      JC, you are absolutely correct. I miss Dr. Pierce, too. He was truly a unique and extremely gifted person who was able to articulate so well what we all are thinking, but cannot put into right words. He and Tom Metzger are the only voices in the struggle I respect or try to emulate.

    5. Parsifal Says:

      In a nutshell, most people would rather be liked than be right, even the so-called smart ones who should know better. There is an innate need in most people to feel accepted by others. The desire to be part of a group is probably an old evolutionary strategy for individual survival.

    6. Chubby Says:

      Intelligence is probably a necessary but not sufficient condition to think independently. To think independently and be confident in the results of one’s analysis to the point of bucking the entire establishment and defy social pressures–including pressure from friends and family–is very rare. William Pierce was one of these very rare people who’s intelligence, insight, and perceptiveness gave him an almost prophet-like quality. I had not heard of him until only very recently (a couple of months ago) and I just am amazed how he foresaw the war in Iraq a year before it happened, correctly predicted the arrival of terror to our country, and foresaw the crisis of our changing demographic brought on by massive third world immigration.

      When I listen to his speeches, I am struck how prescient he was in understanding the crises we face as white men and women. He was talking about the Jewish problem years before Kevin Macdonald or Petras or Mearsheimer and Walt–professional academics. In fact, this just goes to prove his point. These academics speak about Jewish power only now–decades after William Pierce–so eloquently pointed out the Jewish power behind the figureheads and their plan to completely dispossess if not physically annihilate white European/American men and women.

      I like Alex Linder, too. He and I seem to be about the same age. We need to more people like Alex and Pierce. What we really need is people in the establishment who can help jail the corrupt elites and seize control of the media.

    7. Chubby Says:

      A final thought about intelligence:

      Intelligence is used to serve much baser emotions and needs. It seems to rarely be harnessed to find truth, so it really is not surprising that otherwise intelligent people will be resistant to confronting uncomfortable truths.

    8. GenoType Says:

      “Intelligence is used to serve much baser emotions and needs. It seems to rarely be harnessed to find truth, so it really is not surprising that otherwise intelligent people will be resistant to confronting uncomfortable truths.”

      Very, very good. There are racialist “highbrows” of the leather armchair variety who could benefit from this statement; that, or fall to pieces. May I quote you?

    9. Truthteller Says:

      The power of Pierce….

      A friend of mine who was once a lemming, saw Dr. Pierce on a TV program. Now this guy is an engineer, thought Pierce was wrong and decided to prove he was wrong. He found the National Alliance website and Dr. Pierce’s ADV Broadcasts. He took in six broadcasts and found he was being in fact being “deprogramed”…He later became and still is an active WN..

      .Such is the Power of Dr. William Pierce.

    10. Adam Says:

      Parsifal Says:

      In a nutshell, most people would rather be liked than be right, even the so-called smart ones who should know better. There is an innate need in most people to feel accepted by others. The desire to be part of a group is probably an old evolutionary strategy for individual survival.

      Yes, I believe this is absolutely the case. Very few people concern themselves with objective truth, and that’s why trying to awaken the masses using reasoned argument and evidence is so futile. The lemming doesn’t spontaneously inquire about objective truth, particularly in socially sensitive areas where having the wrong opinion can be costly. It would never occur to him to do so, and he isn’t at all curious. If an unpopular objective truth is forced upon him, he will find some excuse to reject it and side with majority opinion. “Just tell me what you want me to believe, and I’ll believe it!” he seems to say to society at large. Because, in evolutionary terms, a group will almost always outcompete an individual, it’s clear how such a personality type has evolved to become the dominant type worldwide. For millions of years, being an accepted member of a group has been a matter of life and death. Conformity to group norms is an essential survival characteristic that has been coded into human genetics.

      In spite of this, among all the races of the world, only the Aryan has developed a real concern with objective reality, something which can potentially place him in conflict with those norms. His racial characteristic of individualism – at once a strength and a weakness, and which reaches its highest efflorescence in the geniuses his race produces – has permitted him alone to reach these heights. In this lies the key to the uniqueness of his race, which has led him to develop the scientific method and thereby create, almost singlehandedly, the entirety of technological civilization.

      Chubby Says:

      A final thought about intelligence:

      Intelligence is used to serve much baser emotions and needs. It seems to rarely be harnessed to find truth, so it really is not surprising that otherwise intelligent people will be resistant to confronting uncomfortable truths.

      Since, like all other characteristics of an organism, intelligence evolved as a means of enhancing survival, this is what we’d expect. Intelligence is applied to finding objective truth only sometimes. At other times – in fact, the majority of the time – objective truth is ignored or even reviled, especially if such truth is perceived as a threat to survival. Falsehoods are willingly and wholeheartedly believed if, by doing so, survival prospects are enhanced. This is as true of groups as it is of individuals.

    11. Ein Says:

      “What we really need is people in the establishment who can help jail the corrupt elites and seize control of the media.”

      Excellent comments, Chubby, both of them. And Adam too.

      Yes, I think that Jewish power can never be broken, nor even challenged, until control of the media is wrested from them. Mind control, perhaps even more than money, is their major asset. But that won’t be given up without a tooth and claw battle.

      As for intelligence, it is most commonly used to get one’s way, not to find truth; to seek personal advantage, not justice. With some (especially you-know-whos), it’s used to circumvent truth and evade inconvenient laws.

      It’s interesting, too, to see the tremendous emphasis placed on consensus that exists in Japanese and Chinese societies. Rugged western indivualism is given no value there but is perceived as a threat to harmony of the group.

    12. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      I’ll put this here. An excellent youtube about NLP being used on Fox:


    13. Parsifal Says:

      “Rugged western indivualism is given no value there but is perceived as a threat to harmony of the group.”

      Well, that’s sort of true, but the Japs are still strong admirers of the Third Reich, which is to their lasting credit. And the Chinks have no problem with Hitler, either. To them, he was a powerful historical figure like Alexander or Napoleon, but not a criminal or anything Jewish like that. In fact, that’s how over 90% of the world regards Herr Hitler. It’s only the Jews and their trained Goy cattle who get hysterical about all that stuff.