10 June, 2009

Media-Driven Law

Posted by Socrates in media, media control, Socrates, William Pierce at 1:35 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


Last week we talked about the corruption of America’s judicial system, and I mentioned a few specific examples of this corruption. It’s a very big and very important subject, though, and we ought to explore it further.

I’ll talk about more examples of corruption in a minute, but first let’s look at the general context, at the overall framework of law in American life. The men who founded America and wrote our Constitution understood the need for a government and for laws. They understood that the country couldn’t survive, couldn’t maintain its identity and its independence, without a government to provide certain essential, collective functions, such as national defense. They also understood the need for laws and a judicial system, without which there will be only mob rule or some other form of tyranny, and civilization cannot flourish.”

The rest is [Here]. (For the audio version, go [Here] and scroll down to 02-02-2002).

  • 34 Responses to “Media-Driven Law”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      Lots of killing will need to be done if and when the Revolution comes. LOTS of killing.

    2. Tim P. Says:

      sorry this is off topic… but did you see what just happened with James von Brunn. The jewsmedia is foaming at the mouth.


    3. Parsifal Says:

      I’m glad you brought up the subject, Tim. Mr. Von Brunn is my Hero of the Month. I wonder what kind of cruel Talmudic torments ZOG will inflict on this brave 88 year-old man? I’m sure they’ll call in the MOSSAD to provide “enhanced interrogation techniques”.

    4. CW-2 Says:

      Re Tim P. We think or dream about doing something like that, but von Brunn has the balls to do it. What better way to enter Valhalla, if such exists, than as an Aryan warrior.

    5. Blackshirt Says:

      Regarding Mr Von Brunn, I don’t think what he did was all that smart. Yeah, he took direct violent action against the Jews, but not in a productive manner. At the end of the day he took out one negro security guard and that was it. Now if he survives he will spend what remains of his days in jail.

      But what has changed? All that will happen now is further scrutiny on us as well as more excuses for gun control. This sort of half-cocked action makes us feel good for a minute but really doesn’t advance our cause one bit. The patriotards are already labeling this guy a “kook” and hailing the security guard as a “hero”.

      Now if Mr. Von Brunn would have planned this sort of act well he would have inflicted the sort of damage that would have justified his sacrifice. As it stands an elderly White man has traded his life for a negro security guard… not a fair trade in my opinion.

    6. Ein Says:

      Parsifal Says: <“I’m glad you brought up the subject…Von Brunn is my Hero of the Month.”

      He is NOT MINE! No way! He’s played right into their hands. He has given them exactly what they want. What a fool! The ADL and Mossad must have been praying for something like this. Another 9/11. And just in time too, when Obama was wavering on Israel. They must be drooling! This will be a feast for them, just what they needed, a godsend.     Wow, the possibilities!   They’ll leave no stone unturned to ferret out all those evil white racists and anti-semites out there.

      Now, expect more hate crime laws. More censorship. More monitoring. More internet control. And the American public will fully approve, due to the alleged “necessity” for clamping down on “hate groups” It’s coming…..

      They’ll have a picnic with this.    Another looney white racist!  Ha! So they were right all along, you see. So there!   It’s all true! Jews are under constant threat from crazy anti-semites and violent white supremecists, just as they’ve always claimed.  Now, it’s a proven fact. Beyond doubt.  Poor, frightened, persecuted Jews live in constant peril from white racists.   The white race is the cancer of history.  Blah, blah.  

      More immigration urgently needed! Bring on the race replacement, the white race dilution. Whites are clearly dangerous.

      Now, more money and sympathy will come gushing in than ever.  Jews (and their actions)  will be more unquestionable than ever before. Congress and the media will be groveling at their feet to show sympathy and support  … Just name whatever they want and it’ll be theirs.     (How about more support for Israel, Mr. Obama?)

      Don’t give us that “hero” stuff! This guy is a disaster. Nobody could want this but trolls, psychos, agents, and short-sighted damn fools. Which are you?

      This is what comes of having Holocaust museums  here.  They are a provocation, an incitement    We don’t need them.   What does “The Holoc.” have to do with America anyway?   It’s not a US issue —  or it shouldn’t be. But now it is. This misguided screwball has proven (in the public’s eye) that the Holocaust is real, that racists are violent and dangerous, and that more hate crime laws are necessary. And right after the BNP win in Britain! What perfect timing!

    7. Ein Says:

      I’ll l bet this is already getting tremendous media attention in Britain (and all over Europe) to reinforce their contention that the voting rules have to be changed to prevent “racist” parties like the BNP from winning any further gains.

      It’s exactly what their slimy politicians and media have been praying for. For them, it couldn’t be better news.

    8. hdumpty Says:

      CW-2 Says:

      “Re Tim P. We think or dream about doing something like that”

      You dream of being a (1) WHITE NATIONALIST who kills a (2) BLACK security guard in a (3) HOLOCAUST® museum?

      Could a provocateur design an act better configured to undermine white nationalism, and elevate the Holocaust® and everything it’s used for?

      “What better way to enter Valhalla,”

      Heroes like yours should proceed directly to Valhalla without causing disturbances en route.

      Ein’s incredibly excellent posts above describe accurately and eloquently what the effects of this man’s act will be.

    9. hdumpty Says:

      CW-2 Says:

      “Re Tim P. We think or dream about doing something like that”

      You dream of being a (1) WHITE NATIONALIST who kills a (2) BLACK security guard in a (3) HOLOCAUST® museum?

      Could a provocateur design an act better configured to undermine white nationalism, and elevate the Holocaust® and everything it’s used for?

      “What better way to enter Valhalla,”

      Heroes like yours should proceed directly to Valhalla without causing disturbances en route.

      Ein’s incredibly excellent posts above describe accurately and eloquently what the effects of this man’s act will be.

    10. hdumpty Says:

      (Apologies for the double post)

    11. The Red Skull Says:

      I agree completely with Herr Ein–This is a disaster for our cause!On all the levels he mentions,plus more.The jews are already pointing the finger with the “see!see!we told you so!-whites are bad!”They are also discrediting his previous works and writings as the thought-pattern of a looney.This attack is just what the jews were praying for.A complete disaster!Especially after the recent political wins in Europe.The jewsmedia now has a fresh bone they can run with and beat us over the head with for a LONG time.The guy couldn’t have given the kikes a juicier bone to gnaw on.
      Right in the heart of jew-town,no question now that the “hate crimes” bill will pass no problem.This tragic act is the rope they’ll use to hang the WN movement with.STUPID,STUPID MAN!Good Greif!We ARE our own worst enemy!The senile old buzzard has just thrown us to the jew-wolves,and they will have a feast.Sad,sad day for White America and our entire cause.

    12. Parsifal Says:

      No, this was not a stupid act. It was an act of bravery born of desperation. That is apparently a concept too advanced for the armchair anarchists and keyboard kommandos here to understand. He is 88 years old. What can they do to this guy that age hasn’t already done? He had nothing to lose. And he has shaken up The System, something that none of us have so far been able or willing to do.

      Yes, he could have planned things out better to achieve maximum effect, but I think he just said “I’ve had enough. It’s time to do something.” Why get all hysterical about this guy like the Jews are, Ein? I think you’re acting just like the System hoped you would, ie, like a shrieking female who just saw a mouse.

      Do I approve of this specific action? No. Would I do it? No, but I’m not Mr. Von Brunn. He sees things differently because he has a different life-history. I’m only sorry he got caught. ZOG will have to careful not to make a martyr out of him.

    13. hdumpty Says:

      Let’s put it this way, Parsifal:

      I have little doubt over your genuine delight in what this man has done.

    14. Parsifal Says:

      My only concern is that White kids were in that brainwashing center when the old guy went apeshit. If you are trembling over the possible ramifications of this incident, then your fear of The System is probably too great to overcome.

    15. Blackshirt Says:

      I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one Parsifal. Bravery would have been him taking out some politicians. This was just a piece of useless theater, that will bring us nothing but trouble. Yes, he is frustrated and decided to act on it. But actions can be productive and unproductive, and this action was unproductive.

      I’m personally not trembling over the ramifications of the incident in as much as I am perplexed by it’s uselessness and stupidity. Like I said in a prior post, one elderly White man has thrown away whatever life he had left for one dead negro cop- still not a good trade in my opinion.

      This situation reminds me of the skinheads who have went to jail over the years for giving a nigger a bloody nose in a street fight. All these actions ever do is take you out of the fight prematurely and they don’t go at the root of the problem. Someone once said “go for the head of the octopus, not the tentacles!”

    16. The Red Skull Says:

      He might have had nothing to lose Parsifal,but we as a political movement sure do.Bravery?That depends on your definition,bravery is serving a noble cause with honor.IMO,he DISHONORED OUR CAUSE,himself,and his family by his unthinking “desperate” act.I see it as 5 steps back,when we had just gone 2 forward,that were very hard fought for.Anyone out there thinking this was “cool” is an unthinking ASS, and should be properly horse-whipped.I shook my head in disbelief,as he has ruined years of work by more thoughtful,intelligent people in the movement.The SPLC and ADL will have a Field Day,carping on this shit endlessly.
      Do I like their evil brainscrew center?No.Is what Von Brunn did the right way to present Our Cause to the public?HELL NO.Now he has painted US ALL-Good,Bad,Ugly,as psycho-murderers waiting to strike.A more complete FIASCO could not have been dreamed up by our enemies.Bravery?Bravery and Our Cause are best served by proper action,well thought out,not psycho murdering with the loss of any message we might have gotten across lost in the Jewcircus of dead-horse beating.

    17. Ein Says:

      This incident is good news for the Jews.
      Anyone who thinks it’s good news for us is deluded.

    18. Parsifal Says:

      I guess if the old guy really felt he had nothing left to lose because of his advanced age and he really wanted to inflict some damge before being whisked off to Valhalla, he could’ve driven an armor-plated bus full of explosives into a crowd of Jews and Christians for Israel at a pro-Israel rally on The Mall, or up the steps and straight through the doors of the US Capitol building.

      This is the same kind of wasted opportunity those dumb Arabs had on 9/11. Instead of flying into the heavily reinforced concrete Pentagon, something which caused only minor structural damage to the building, they could’ve aimed their plane at the US Capitol or the White House, two targets that would have been damaged beyond repair if hit.

      As far as the public’s perception of White activists is concerned, well, they hate our guts anyway! They believe all the lies that the Jewsmedia spoon-feeds them about everything. The masses are asses, so who needs their approval, other than slimebag politicians looking to get re-elected?

      PS…I’m sure the Feds are monitoring this website very closely now, so I wonder what they will make of all the diverse comments being posted here?

    19. Ein Says:

      This stuff about blowing up the Capitol building and the White House is INSANE! It turns my stomach.

      That is NOT what anyone here should be interested in. And if they are, they’re no friend of ours.

    20. Ein Says:

      “I wonder what they will make of all the diverse comments being posted here?”

      Diverse? What’s “diverse” about it? It’s just your opinion (and the new Tom McReen) aligned against EVERYONE else! We want nothing to do with it. Get lost! Good bye.

    21. Parsifal Says:

      Can the hissy fit, already. I’m just wondering why people who are so determined to commit mayhem miss such “golden” opportunities to do it right. Jesus Christ, I’m not telling anyone to go out there and do anything, I’m just curious about what goes on inside people’s heads when they decide to act.

      And please spare me your righteous idignation routine. You’re obviously scared out of your mind at the prospect of going to jail for something you posted online. Don’t worry, they’ll send you back home when you start sobbing uncontrollably in the interrogation room.

    22. ein Says:

      “Don’t worry, they’ll send you back home when you start sobbing uncontrollably in the interrogation room.”

      We’ll take your word for it. Sounds like you have some knowledge of that. Have you conducted many interrogations, or are you new at this job?

    23. CW-2 Says:

      Ein, hdumpty, Blackshirt; on sober reflection you guys are right. Von Brunn, although a brave man, hasn’t advanced the cause. His actions were produced by the frustrations we all feel, but we must exercise self control and look at the consequences of our actions.

      There is an up-side to all this. The system cannot cope with seemingly irrational behavior, particularly when old White guys who have nothing to lose say they have had enough.

    24. Ein Says:

      “There is an up-side to all this. The system cannot cope with seemingly irrational behavior, particularly when old White guys who have nothing to lose say they have had enough.”

      What do you mean it cannot cope? It certainly will try!

      It will cope by confiscating guns, imposing restrictions on the Internet, passing more “hate speech” laws and tightening those that exist, and more closely surveilling “white supremicist” organizations. I don’t see the up-side.

    25. Ein Says:

      This von Brunn is said (by the papers) to have been very intelligent. Perhaps senility was finally getting to him. The Washington Post said that his Soc. Sec. had been cut and he was barely existing on practically nothing. His wife had divorced him years ago, and he had no resources and no one to turn to. For all his supposed “intelligence”, after 88 years he ended up in life as a total loser, lying on the floor in a pool of blood, with the Jews crowing.

      That’s bright?

      A friend of mine remarked to me today that “like the Unibomber, he was intelligent but not smart.”

      I could not have said it better.

    26. CW-2 Says:

      Ein, when men have nothing to lose, as when they are nearing the end of their lives, they tend to become outspoken, sometimes obnoxiously so. Von Brunn’s escapade is an extreme example of this type of behavior.
      We may decry such actions as counter-productive to the WN cause but the present situation is not static. The system intends tightening the noose around our collective neck no matter what we do. Even if we are good little boys some excuse will be used to attempt the restrictions you describe.
      We are playing for high stakes here, namely the survival of the White race and our civilization. What are we going to do when the jews and their globalist allies really unleash the colored hordes against us? Sacrifice our young men to the fighting? No, that would be a tragic mistake. Young men and women are the greatest genetic treasure we possess. Older men who have raised families would be the ideal fighters. What they lack in physical stamina is compensated in experience and nothing to lose bravado.
      A young man is often prevented from engaging in “valorous acts” by the prospect of future years, an older man is not so encumbered.

    27. Ein Says:

      “when they are nearing the end of their lives, they tend to become outspoken, sometimes obnoxiously so. Von Brunn’s escapade is an extreme example of this type of behavior.”

      I fully realize that, absolutely, but my point was that for someome allegedly so “smart” he had nothing to show for his life after 88 years of living. He was broke, homeless, friendless, and even his wife had dumped him. Very sad, but that spells “loser” to me. Not a person to emulate.

    28. Z.O.G. Says:

      I’m glad you brought up the subject, Tim. Mr. Von Brunn is my Hero of the Month. I wonder what kind of cruel Talmudic torments ZOG will inflict on this brave 88 year-old man?

      No, this was not a stupid act. It was an act of bravery born of desperation.

      Anybody who writes things like this is either a provocateur or an idiot.


    29. Z.O.G. Says:

      This is the same kind of wasted opportunity those dumb Arabs had on 9/11. Instead of flying into the heavily reinforced concrete Pentagon, something which caused only minor structural damage to the building, they could’ve aimed their plane at the US Capitol or the White House, two targets that would have been damaged beyond repair if hit.

      Ah yes, you didn’t miss the opportunity to associate this incident with the 9/11 attacks, did you? Nice job. :-)

    30. Me Says:

      “David Letterman,” a damned stinking jew with more human rights then everybody else because he is a jew, uses his media pulpet to attack and denigrate the teen daughter of a viable, intelligent, WHITE MOTHER WITH WHTIE CHILDREN WHO IS PRO LIFE. This subhuman pig of man and his advertisers are worthless double-standard pushng hypicritical SCUM rejoicing in the aborting of white civilization and the REMOVAL OF CIVIAL RIGHTS FROM WHITE AMERICANS BY VIRTUE OF SO-CALLED HATE CRIMES. Murder is murder in a fair man’s eye, but when its war, the enemy declairs you less then human–and that is exactly what our “government,” Ted Kennedy number one, has done to white males in America, regardless of thier REAL RACE, creed, or color. These communist bastards have raped Liberty, have taken over a once free nation, and will now grow like a melinoma unless stopped dead in their thier tracks.

      Keep your powder dry? No. Seek out and destroy. These worthless hypicritical hate crime pushing communist pigs have no moral ground left to stand on. Thier intentions are clear, they are hostile to the Republic, they have commited TREASON.


    31. Parsifal Says:

      ” “David Letterman,” a damned stinking jew with more human rights then everybody else because he is a jew, uses his media pulpet to attack and denigrate the teen daughter of a viable, intelligent, WHITE MOTHER WITH WHTIE CHILDREN WHO IS PRO LIFE.”

      I agree with Letterman when he ridicules that stupid bitch Sarah Palin and her trashy hick family. Palin is not “pro-life”, she is PRO-JEW.

    32. Me Says:

      To support Israel as a nation is to support nationalists. I support nationalists, even if I don’t like the nation. You support a jew in a non-jewish nation working like a termite to attack one of the few viable examples of white leadership willing to show itself, a man who cleary wishes to harm our republic by virtue of attacking such. I encourage you to reconsider your postion.

      This isn’t about race, it’s about Liberty, and recognizing that the enemies of Liberty must be openly labled.

    33. Blackshirt Says:

      Me said:

      “one of the few viable examples of white leadership willing to show itself”

      You’re talking about Sarah Palin right? You aren’t actually suggesting that this woman is part of a “white leadership” are you? She is a system politician, a pretty one with nice curves, but a system politician no less. As such she is nothing but a puppet of the Jews, plain and simple. Not only that, but her husband is half (or some percentage) Asiatic Eskimo.

    34. Parsifal Says:

      The only good thing about Palin is that she is a hot-looking MILF.