14 June, 2009

Race Matters?

Posted by Socrates in race, Race Denial, racial differences, Socrates at 2:24 am | Permanent Link

Jew #1: “Race is just a social construct. It doesn’t exist.”

Jew #2: “Yeah, it doesn’t exist…unless you need a bone-marrow transplant, or you’re a Jew. Then it really, really exists.”


  • 39 Responses to “Race Matters?”

    1. Parsifal Says:

      Almost all of the people who donate blood, bone marrow, organs and their own bodies for scientific research are evil, cruel, overprivileged, selfish, slave-owning, environment-destroying, Jew-gassing, putting smallpox in Indians’ blankets White men. Booooo.

    2. Fiotheth Says:

      As soon as some egalitarian moron or Jew says that Race doesn’t exist I immediately ask them what their position is on Affirmative Action.

      Logically they should be banging down the door at the AA office or human resources if they really think that Race doesn’t exist. These are institutions with some real Power over peoples lives, unlike a Racialist Blogger like myself (hopefully that will change as the Truth is a Virus!! and speaking the Truth does give one Power!)

    3. ein Says:

      They banned you for being an idiot?
      That was very unfair! How awful!
      You’re not an idiot at all; you’re just mentally deranged.

    4. Blackshirt Says:

      Uh, what the hell was that all about? (re: ovidio)

    5. Waldo Starr Says:

      The ability to be unaware of race – part of the course in the article.
      I saw this illustrated while watching a boxing match between a yard ape and a white person. Both fighters were wearing almost identical trunks and the announcers were having a hell of a time trying to tell the viewers their names by the trunks they were wearing. It was almost impossible unless they were to say LeRoy is the negro and Bill is the white guy. But, being blind to race made it impossible for those announcers. We have come a long way, but thankfully I learned early on the difference in race and racial behaviors. In fact I learned over the years to never judge a person by the color of their skin, instead I judge them by the thickness of their lips. It works everytime.

    6. Mega Therion Says:

      “Thickness of their lips”. It’s not a bad barometer. Is it a coincidence that white people with thick lips tend to be Down Syndromic? The average nigger is like a retarded white. That fits.

    7. Paul Says:


    8. Stronza Says:

      “Needing” a bone marrow, organ or other transplant is a sign that you are at the end of the road. Time to let go. Such exchange of genetic material is a crime against nature and it will come back to sting you. In fact, the punishment for refusing to die starts right away, with the need to take antirejection drugs. Isn’t the need for these drugs a signal that something is very much askew here?

      With children, it is pure torture to see them die, but if they are kept artificially alive in this way, they will likely go on to make children even more inferior than themselves. I do not blame or criticize parents who take this route, but it certainly flies in the face of much of what I read on white nationalist forums.

    9. Parsifal Says:

      Stonza is correct. As a civilized White man, I always want what’s best for White people, esp. White children. But when they are born several months premature, or with serious diseases, Down’s Syndrome or profound deformaties, Nature is telling us to forget trying to save those poor wretches and focus our efforts on raising the healthy ones instead. I’ve been in various care facilities for the feeble-minded and physically deformed. They are terrible places and I myself would rather be dead than have to endure decades of benign neglect, isolation from normal Society and countless instances of humiliation and degradation in such places. We either have to get rid of our sickly, misguided Christian sense of “compassion” or our whole Race will surely die.

    10. Mega Therion Says:

      When I walk by the nearby elderly housing center and see octogenerian whites being pushed/prodded/assaulted by obese nigger “orderlies” of both sexes…what a horrible fate, indeed there are things worse than death.

      Misguided Christian compassion was warned against for centuries upon centuries and always ignored. That’s why we are in such rancid state today

    11. Parsifal Says:

      So, “Race doesn’t matter”, eh? “There’s no such thing as race”, you say? Then how is it that police forensic investigators can determine the age, race and sex of a decomposed skeleton or even just a skull at a crime scene? Why does the Red Cross secretly have to segregate donated Negro blood from regular people’s blood? Why are Negroes more likely to get AIDS, diabetes, strokes, etc. than regular humans? There are plenty of White folks with shitty diets and bad habits who don’t get those diseases.

      Why do Orientals who just arrived in this country and barely speak Ingrish score so high on IQ tests and other kinds of aptitude testing, whereas native-born Blacks and Mestizoes always do so poorly on them? Where’s the White “cultural bias” in those tests that the Jews and libs keep insisting is there? The Orientals obviously don’t see it.

      I know there are a lot of Jews and other apologists for the Blacks who patrol this site on occaision, so why don’t they step forward and make their case?

    12. Adam Says:

      It isn’t just in bone marrow transplants that race matters. It matters in almost any kind of transplant, though the strictures of political correctness will make even some physicians deny it. Tissue type compatibility generally is a good measure of genetic relatedness, and genetic relatedness is an important factor in limiting transplant rejection. Identical twins, who share 100% of their DNA, can donate organs one to the other without any rejection problems at all. Siblings or parents are usually the next best choice for donor organs. Third best is an unrelated member of the same race, followed by members of other races, followed distantly by members of other species (xenotransplants).

      However, organ transplantation is yet another area in which we can see the built-in egalitarian tendencies of the technological system. It seems readily apparent that the goal, the “promised land” of transplantation, is to produce a situation in which race truly does not matter. Once rejection problems are completely understood, a technical solution to them can be developed, and the goal will be attained. Unless the technological system is destroyed, or prevented somehow from reaching this likely conclusion, it could very easily happen within the lifetimes of some of you reading this. (One good effect might be that this would have the potential to at last make the otherwise useless nigger useful for something: Niggers or other muds could provide white people with a source of donor organs!)

      As for simply euthanizing people who need such treatments, as is proposed above, that seems to me to be a little simplistic. What if, for example, someone with truly valuable and unique talents – a Stephen Hawking, for example – were to be in need of a transplant? Or what if Hitler had needed one? Euthanizing him or just allowing him to die would probably not be the best course of action. And once that is granted, what about other, lesser lights? Where do we draw the line? Who is too valuable to let die, and how do we decide? There is a slippery slope here, or actually several of them. For example, would it be better to “strengthen the race” to allow our people to die of contagious diseases, or should we vaccinate them? Why or why not? What technical means of saving our people are allowable, and which are to be disallowed?

      And what about directly modifying the DNA to “improve” them? This will likely soon be possible. One can think of all kinds of “improvements” that might lead, and probably would lead, ultimately, in the extinction of the white race as we know it today. Don’t any of you want to preserve the white race as it is? Its continued existence in its current form is in great danger from the progress of the technological system; even greater, I would argue, than from the malevolence of the Jew.

    13. Bret Ludwig Says:

      Before I became racially conscious, nothing used to please me more than having relations with Japanese girls-young (but always, always legal) Japanese girls on vacation in major US cities. I would pick them up in the semi-swank hotels, take them out for dinner and then it would be a wild night all night.

      Then, my previous behavior became repellent. I put myself in the place of their fathers, thinking of what a loss to face it must be to them to even suspect-and surely they must have suspected-that their little girl was being invaded by some round-eye. That the girls were looking for it is quite irrelevant.

      I’m sure I never fathered any children because i always used rubbers, and besides, unmarried Japanese girls think nothing of abortion-they would never have had a half-gaijin baby out of marriage. But what I did was wrong. I will never do it again.

    14. Bret Ludwig Says:

      With regard to the dysgenic effects of lifesaving but massively invasive procedures. i believe they should be allowed but require that the recipient be sterilized.

      I wonder if a Sperm registry in which the best of our males would deposit at a young age. The sperm would be frozen and then if the donors had a medical, behavioral or other problem their sperm destroyed. This would enable children to be sired over many generations of the best of our men. Think of what a source of sperm from the great men of history would enable today!

    15. Parsifal Says:

      “What if, for example, someone with truly valuable and unique talents – a Stephen Hawking, for example – were to be in need of a transplant?”

      OK, but Dr. Hawking is really just a brain trapped inside of a useless body right now, so why not simply put his brain in a jar or an aquarium tank of some kind and let him live there instead? Either that, or you’d have to put Hawking’s brain in some kind of Frankenstein monster.


      “And what about directly modifying the DNA to “improve” them? This will likely soon be possible. One can think of all kinds of “improvements” that might lead, and probably would lead, ultimately, in the extinction of the white race as we know it today. Don’t any of you want to preserve the white race as it is? Its continued existence in its current form is in great danger from the progress of the technological system; even greater, I would argue, than from the malevolence of the Jew.”

      No, sir, for the most part I would not want to see the White Race preserved as it is today. There are a lot of fat, stupid, ugly, rude, useless and diseased White people lying around like rotting beached whales these days, people who need to be culled from the herd and permanently removed from the gene pool. I would like to see the White Race evolve to about 6 1/2 to 7 feet in height, full heads of nice hair, robust in appearance and with a median IQ of around 130-160. And live to be a healthy 150 years old. In terms of racial evolution, there’s plenty of room for improvement.

    16. Ein Says:

      Adam said: “As for simply euthanizing people who need such treatments, as is proposed above, that seems to me to be a little simplistic.”

      Indeed it does! I agree with you. It’s simplistic and shortsighted — and that’s putting it mildly. I said nothing before because I considered some of the comments to be beneath response.

      If those posters are against organ transplants, would they oppose blood transfusions too? If so, would they also oppose injections of penicillin, insulin, etc, because that too constitutes interference with Nature? Would they oppose all surgical intervention and operations because those are also unnatural? Is even such a thing as getting false teeth (or even having dental work done) considered interfering with Nature’s wish? (If Nature wants to rot your teeth, so let them rot!) And finally, when it comes down to them, personally, would they still refuse an operation, transplant, or transfusion because Nature was telling them that it’s time to die? It’s one thing to post callous, unthinking comments on the Internet; but I suspect when it comes to them, or a family member, they’ll feel quite differently about it.

    17. Parsifal Says:

      “I wonder if a Sperm registry in which the best of our males would deposit at a young age…………..This would enable children to be sired over many generations of the best of our men. Think of what a source of sperm from the great men of history would enable today!”

      But does it really work out the way you think it will? Have you ever seen some of those kids who are the result of some rocket scientist’s frozen sperm? They look and act pretty weird, not exactly Aryan supermen. I think we should let the Aryan goddess of Nature take care of such things and not tamper with the natural processes of human reproduction, unless the fetus has Down’s Syndrome or two heads or something like that.

    18. Parsifal Says:

      Ein, there comes a time when you have to let it all go. Holding on to the last tattered remnants of life at all costs is not dignified for a White person and it can put a tremendous financial and emotional strain on loved ones.

      Getting your appendix removed is one thing and multiple organ transplant surgery is another. You shouldn’t conflate the two. And when it comes to writing about death, I can assure you my comments are not “unthinking” in nature. You need to get off that moral high-horse of yours once in a while.

    19. Ein Says:

      I can assure you my comments are not “unthinking” in nature.

      I wasn’t necessarily referring to your comments. You shouldn’t take it personally. You’re not the only poster here.

    20. Ein Says:

      Bret Ludwig Says: With regard to the dysgenic effects of lifesaving but massively invasive procedures. i believe they should be allowed but require that the recipient be sterilized.

      The flaw there is that those massive lifesaving procedures don’t usually become necessary until a person is well past childbearing years. It’s not difficult or anything unusual, to look glowingly healthy when you’re young. But from about fifty on (depending on the individual), that’s when a little medical help starts to be needed.

      “I wonder if a Sperm registry in which the best of our males would deposit at a young age. The sperm would be frozen and then if the donors had a medical, behavioral or other problem their sperm destroyed.”

      It’s an interesting idea! But there again, the flaw is that almost everyone is healthy and looks great when they’re young and at their prime. So how do we know who is “the best”?

      Well, age sorts them out, but it takes time. By 35, some are pudgy, wrinkled and washed up, and look more like 55. Some by 40 are already in wheelchairs and living on pills and injections. Others are already dead by 50.

      But some others at 85 are strong, fit, and healthy, and look more like 40. They aren’t many, but there are some. I met such a man, a self-made millionaire, of Swedish extraction, on a European tour several years ago. He was 86, vigorous, and told me he had never been sick a day in his life. You would think he was in his 40s’. Meanwhile, his wife, many years younger, was a victim of Alzheimer’s, living in a nursing home, and virtually a vegetable. They used to travel a great deal, he said. Now, she doesn’t even recognize who he is. So he still goes on foreign tours and cruises, but he goes alone. He likes to travel in a group for the company, and has no trouble keeping up. He remains as active as ever, not one to sit at home and vegetate.

      Another such person was Cary Grant. Very good genes there. He was handsome as a young man, but that’s not anything unusual when young; and a lot of handsome young actors never make it to 60. Errol Flynn was burnt out and dead at 50. But at 80, Cary Grant was still going strong and looked great. He fathered a daughter at 62. His last wife was 47 years his junior.

      Still another was the wife of the boxer Jake La Motta — Vicky LaMotta. She seemed to remain perpetually young and still looked great when he had become a shriveled old man. She was posing for Playboy at the age of 51. Good genes again! But you couldn’t have known at 21 how she was going to look at 51.

      I saw a photo of Joan Collins the other day. She’s 76 now, but you wouldn’t believe it. She still looks absolutely terrific. Yes, I imagine she’s had a little help from plastic surgery, but that can only hide so much. Basically, she’s got good genes, and they show. But you wouldn’t have known that at 21.

      My point is that you don’t know for sure who has remarkable genes until quite a few years have gone by. At twenty, nearly everyone looks great and is healthy. That’s easy. But you don’t know how fit they’ll be at seventy. You don’t know who’ll reach a hundred and still be lively, alert, and spry …. you don’t know until they get there.

    21. Z.O.G. Says:

      Even if you yourself are not racist…

      * Cultural Racism

      o Aspects of society that overtly & covertly attribute value and normality to Jewish people and Jewishness and devalue, stereotype, and label non-Jews as “other,” different, less-than, or invisible.

      * Institutional Racism

      o The network of institutional structures, policies, and practices that create advantages and benefits for Jews and discrimination, oppression, and disadvantages for non-Jews.

      o The advantages to Jews are often invisible to them or are considered available to “everyone”


    22. Stronza Says:

      The debate on transplants and other high tech procedures intended to “save” biologically degenerate organisms is actually irrelevant, since these procedures are terribly expensive and only a very few people can access them. In the case of countries where you have free-for-everybody medicare, let me assure you that the continually increasing demand for, and normalization of, transplants, etc. is very much a factor in their economic woes.

      As to age of recipients of these procedures, there’s plenty of young children with enzyme deficiencies (Hurler’s, e.g.) who are subjected to incredibly expensive and painful medical experimentation, and the results are only so-so, including death. Just how much money, private or public, can be spent on trying to outwit Nature? Just do the math. Our resources are not unlimited.

      If white people produced great cultures, it is because they did NOT have penicillin, vaccines and transplants but rather because, early in the game, they were forced to let Nature take its course, and only the superior lived long enough to develop that which you all admire so much. But everything turns into its opposite, and those big-brained white men have gone soft and sour, now, with their obsession with “saving” everybody no matter what. Really, they are just a bunch of insecure neurotics trying to make a name for themselves.

    23. Adam Says:

      Parsifal Says:

      No, sir, for the most part I would not want to see the White Race preserved as it is today. There are a lot of fat, stupid, ugly, rude, useless and diseased White people lying around like rotting beached whales these days, people who need to be culled from the herd and permanently removed from the gene pool. I would like to see the White Race evolve to about 6 1/2 to 7 feet in height, full heads of nice hair, robust in appearance and with a median IQ of around 130-160. And live to be a healthy 150 years old. In terms of racial evolution, there’s plenty of room for improvement.

      This movement into the post-human is already underway. It’s called transhumanism, and the Jew Raymond Kurzweil is its foremost proponent. Thus it seems that the extermination of the white race as it exists today is a goal not only of Jews, but ironically, also some who claim to be fighting to preserve it; and in any case it is fated to happen anyway as a side effect of the growth of the technological system, unless this growth is stopped or reversed. Almost every day the news reports some advance in genetic engineering or gene therapy, and each time this happens we draw closer to this goal.

      The picture you paint of a white race consisting exclusively of tall, long-lived, good-looking geniuses is a nice one, but unfortunately there is little reason to think that things will turn out that way. Aldous Huxley covered this issue very well in his prescient novel Brave New World, which you might want to read, if you haven’t already. There are a great many tasks in a technological society that don’t require a high IQ, and where it would even be a detriment. It turns out that in many ways, the moron is an essential type. He is the bedrock of society! Consequently Huxley foretold a technological system which would purposely produce morons to fill the bottom tier jobs that any society needs filled. Furthermore, the type of white people you are complaining about are exactly what the technological system currently produces, and it produces them for a reason. It requires them at such a low level to preserve its function.

      Stronza Says:

      If white people produced great cultures, it is because they did NOT have penicillin, vaccines and transplants but rather because, early in the game, they were forced to let Nature take its course, and only the superior lived long enough to develop that which you all admire so much. But everything turns into its opposite, and those big-brained white men have gone soft and sour, now, with their obsession with “saving” everybody no matter what. Really, they are just a bunch of insecure neurotics trying to make a name for themselves.

      You make a good point. I have a notion that there is a co-evolutionary dependency between a given state of technological development and the people it produces and sustains. Where are, for example, our contemporary Thomas Jeffersons? Why don’t they come forward to defend the Constitution? Or, why hasn’t the white race produced another leader in the class of Hitler? My thinking is that just as certain races or species of animals thrive in a given environment and die out when it changes, it may well be that such men could only emerge within the context of their own technological systems. There is an ecology here that we need to appreciate.

    24. Stronza Says:

      Underlying quite a few of the comments here is the idea that death and illness shouldn’t happen to anyone. I wonder what our truly great ancestors would think of this odd outlook.

    25. Adam Says:

      Stronza Says:

      Underlying quite a few of the comments here is the idea that death and illness shouldn’t happen to anyone. I wonder what our truly great ancestors would think of this odd outlook.

      Without knowing you or anything about your ancestry, it can nevertheless be predicted with confidence that ALL of your ancestors, without even a single exception, must have feared death, at least enough to have avoided it long enough to reproduce. Unless they did, you wouldn’t be here.

      The existence of the fear of death is itself an argument for the truth of Darwin’s theory. Everyone instinctually fears death in spite of the fact that there is no reason to do so. After all, for all we know, death could be an improvement! This irrational fear burns cold in our hearts because it confers a survival advantage upon those who have it. Only those who successfully avoid death can ever hope to emerge victorious in the struggle that is life.

    26. Stronza Says:

      Yes, Adam, I fear death also. Not “what comes after” so much as struggling at the end, which some have to endure.

    27. Bret Ludwig Says:

      It’s an interesting idea! But there again, the flaw is that almost everyone is healthy and looks great when they’re young and at their prime. So how do we know who is “the best”?

      Well, age sorts them out, but it takes time. By 35, some are pudgy, wrinkled and washed up, and look more like 55. Some by 40 are already in wheelchairs and living on pills and injections. Others are already dead by 50.

      That’s just it. You get a million men’s sperm at the age of 20 and you start deleting them when they die young (of biological causes), commit serious crimes, get diseases you want stamped out, etc. The sperm lasts virtually forever when frozen. The guy who was healthy at 86, wasn’t making healthy sperm at that age-but he was when he was 26, and sixty years later his young sperm would be the most desireable. Short of a time machine, it’s the best way of breeding for long term results.

      But we need regular old negative eugenics too. If we offered incentives for the under-92 IQ males to get a vasectomy at 15 in high school (i.e., free vo tech school, a car loan, etc) and required lower IQ teen moms to either give the kid up or accept a tubal ligation (now they have a fast, convenient-through-the-vagina Fallopian plug) for any kind of AFDC, we could achieve 90% of the benefits of a really ruthless exterm-the-stupid program with soley voluntary methods. Dr. Pierce commented on this-you could have libty friendly arrangements that would still be a vast improvement over the status quo and actually get them implemented, whereas our people are not going to go for simply killing the unwanted.

      Remember, AFDC has made the Black population measurably and clearly stupider in less than 50 years and all they did, really, was pay teen girls to spread their legs. Probablity did the rest.

    28. Bret Ludwig Says:

      Underlying quite a few of the comments here is the idea that death and illness shouldn’t happen to anyone. I wonder what our truly great ancestors would think of this odd outlook.

      They’re inevitable, but when-at 35 or 85? We want a beautiful, long lived, strong race. Yes, they will sicken and die-but at the limits of human lifespan, not halfway through, with young children left without parents, with years of professional training or education wasted in the best of our people.

      In my neighborhood a heart surgeon blew his brains out last year. He was 46. By that age, we found out later, is father, his older brother, and his grandfather all committed suicide or were institutionalized and died insane. Should the schools and residency programs in which he spent much of his young adult life have been permitted to consider this in his selection for the training he received? He had just paid off his medical training, in all likelihood.

    29. Bret Ludwig Says:

      The picture you paint of a white race consisting exclusively of tall, long-lived, good-looking geniuses is a nice one, but unfortunately there is little reason to think that things will turn out that way. Aldous Huxley covered this issue very well in his prescient novel Brave New World, which you might want to read, if you haven’t already. There are a great many tasks in a technological society that don’t require a high IQ, and where it would even be a detriment. It turns out that in many ways, the moron is an essential type. He is the bedrock of society! Consequently Huxley foretold a technological system which would purposely produce morons to fill the bottom tier jobs that any society needs filled. Furthermore, the type of white people you are complaining about are exactly what the technological system currently produces, and it produces them for a reason. It requires them at such a low level to preserve its function.

      If that were quite true, then we could hardly object to the mestizo, could we? (Apart from his unsightly appearance and propensity to asocial behavior, that is.) No, in our society there are very few jobs for people under about 92-94 IQ. Forty percent, thirty at the absolute least, of blacks in America today are so stupid they are utterly unemployable, even before mestizos ran them off so many jobs.

      The mestizos who have been in New Mexico for 130+ years live just like mestizos in other places here-and in Mexico proper-live. They knock their female cousins up at 16, get in razor fights, drive lowriders (or now, rice rocket FWD cars with fart cans and wide high wheels), and get jobs with no upward mobility at 20 they stay in until retirement . They are US citizens: they rarely leave New Mexico, they go to prison at way higher than white rates, and they don’t like white people any better than amy other mestizos. They are mostly in that 90 +/-5 IQ range that make good trash collectors and asphalt patchers.

      No, as we upbreed ourselves and keep blacks and mestizos and other browners out, we will automate and mechanize more and have fewer low-IQ jobs. The Japanese have following this line quite successfully.

    30. Bret Ludwig Says:

      The picture you paint of a white race consisting exclusively of tall, long-lived, good-looking geniuses is a nice one, but unfortunately there is little reason to think that things will turn out that way. Aldous Huxley covered this issue very well in his prescient novel Brave New World, which you might want to read, if you haven’t already. There are a great many tasks in a technological society that don’t require a high IQ, and where it would even be a detriment. It turns out that in many ways, the moron is an essential type. He is the bedrock of society! Consequently Huxley foretold a technological system which would purposely produce morons to fill the bottom tier jobs that any society needs filled. Furthermore, the type of white people you are complaining about are exactly what the technological system currently produces, and it produces them for a reason. It requires them at such a low level to preserve its function.

      If that were quite true, then we could hardly object to the mestizo, could we? (Apart from his unsightly appearance and propensity to asocial behavior, that is.) No, in our society there are very few jobs for people under about 92-94 IQ. Forty percent, thirty at the absolute least, of blacks in America today are so stupid they are utterly unemployable, even before mestizos ran them off so many jobs.

      The mestizos who have been in New Mexico for 130+ years live just like mestizos in other places here-and in Mexico proper-live. They knock their female cousins up at 16, get in razor fights, drive lowriders (or now, rice rocket FWD cars with fart cans and wide high wheels), and get jobs with no upward mobility at 20 they stay in until retirement . They are US citizens: they rarely leave New Mexico, they go to prison at way higher than white rates, and they don’t like white people any better than any other mestizos. They are mostly in that 90 +/-5 IQ range that make good trash collectors and asphalt patchers.

      No, as we upbreed ourselves and keep blacks and mestizos and other browners out, we will automate and mechanize more and have fewer low-IQ jobs. The Japanese have following this line quite successfully.

    31. Arminius Says:

      As usual, it is overlooked that the medical profession is a business, and a very successful one. Whether African, Asian, European, race doesn’t matter, as long the patient pays up.
      They have brought pharma industry, government, mass media, public opinion, even the gullible victim on their side with such success that no criticism is permitted.
      Whatever may come along with the body: Abortion, Artificial Insemination, arteriosclerosis, face lifting, road accidents, battle injuries, mental disorders, mexican swine flu’–you name it, never mind how repulsive and immoral, they thrive on that. And for the sake of such good business, they will never do anything seriously against what causes it in the first place.
      The multi-billion-dollar cancer industry is a classic example, where the medics have sabotaged knowledge of its origin for decades.
      They instilled the fear in the masses, health is so precarious, always threatend by danger and disease, that only the unselfish good doctor saves us from illness and death.
      But: There is no doctor of medicine in the whole world, past and present, under whose care did not a patient die! And their mistakes are quietly buried anyway.

    32. Parsifal Says:

      Around 200,000 to 400,000 Americans die each year due to improper medical care or because of using dangerous medications their doctors prescribed for them. And yet how many doctors and pharmaceutical executives get sent to prison for killing their patients and customers? It’s not just the Jews or the Negroes who are the ememy, you know.

    33. Parsifal Says:

      I meant to write “enemy”, not mush-mouthed “ememy”.

    34. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      The mexicans next door have four vehicles- a mid-eighties Pontiac Fiero, a late-model Chrysler, a Cadillac Escalade,and a pickup. Only the father works, the truck is his.

      I have heard that HUD is guaranteeing car loans.

      >>”. . .as long the patient pays up. . .” If only that were the case. The problem is that patients don’t pay- it is the third- party payment system that sucks. Patients don’t even know how much the bill is, nor do they care- someone else is paying.
      They think the “company pays for my insurance”- it doesn’t. The employee pays- wages are reduced to cover the insurance payments- the employee pays the whole enchilada.

      In one sense, the patient pays. In another sense, he doesn’t. There is no out-of-pocket expense (except possibly deductibles).
      The (worker) patient does pay the insurance, but thinks the boss is paying, and thus tolerates this madness.

      Would you go to a store where the store decides how much money you are going to spend? That’z what the “medical store” does, thanks to government involvement.

    35. Adam Says:

      Bret Ludwig Says:

      The picture you paint of a white race consisting exclusively of tall, long-lived, good-looking geniuses is a nice one, but unfortunately there is little reason to think that things will turn out that way. Aldous Huxley covered this issue very well in his prescient novel Brave New World, which you might want to read, if you haven’t already. There are a great many tasks in a technological society that don’t require a high IQ, and where it would even be a detriment. It turns out that in many ways, the moron is an essential type. He is the bedrock of society! Consequently Huxley foretold a technological system which would purposely produce morons to fill the bottom tier jobs that any society needs filled. Furthermore, the type of white people you are complaining about are exactly what the technological system currently produces, and it produces them for a reason. It requires them at such a low level to preserve its function.

      If that were quite true, then we could hardly object to the mestizo, could we? (Apart from his unsightly appearance and propensity to asocial behavior, that is.) No, in our society there are very few jobs for people under about 92-94 IQ. Forty percent, thirty at the absolute least, of blacks in America today are so stupid they are utterly unemployable, even before mestizos ran them off so many jobs.

      For the humor-impaired, I guess I should point out that my choice of the word “moron” was not meant to be taken literally. My point was that society is, and for the foreseeable future will be, designed around the person of only average intelligence, not geniuses – the sort of white people we refer to as lemmings.

      Further, any society that at all resembles our own will certainly need a range of intelligences in order to function smoothly, and possibly quite a broad range. Clearly, a society in which everyone is above average isn’t possible.

      No, as we upbreed ourselves and keep blacks and mestizos and other browners out, we will automate and mechanize more and have fewer low-IQ jobs. The Japanese have following this line quite successfully.

      Fans of technological projects to “improve” the white race have a great deal in common with the Jews who wish to destroy it by mixing it away into the mud. Neither appear to have much use for the white race as it is, except to serve as a starting point for their “improvements”.

      When advances in our understanding of genetics allow us to engineer IQ, what would such people say if, as seems likely, such a technical means involved re-designing the white genome to more resemble the Jew’s, or the Chinese or Japanese, both of whom outscore the white average on some sections of IQ tests? This would be only a high-tech form of race mixing.

      Eugenicists who claim to favor the white race also must consider that, given current trends, direct intervention in the genome via gene therapy or genetic engineering is far more likely to be the case than “upbreeding” via Lebensborn-type programs which treat humans as just another form of livestock and take generations to have any effect. Given our current socio-political framework, such ideas are just a pipe dream, not very realistic. Plus, while a gradual “upbreeding” may have been the best technical means available for racial improvement in the 1930s, that is no longer the case. A characteristic of the technological system generally is that outmoded means are discarded once better, more efficient means to an end are discovered.

      Finally, we must also keep in mind that what constitutes an “improvement” depends very much on who is doing the judging and the planning. It is also a value judgement, not objectively true or false. Is it desirable to eliminate crime, for example? Who could be against that? Perhaps it would be possible to re-engineer whites to be more like Asians, who by comparison commit crime at very low rates. Soon such things may indeed become a reality, and it is unclear (to me, at least), how we can possibly reconcile that with advocacy for the white race. After all, if such things are counted to be good, why keep the race-mixing high-tech? Why not just come out in favor of race mixing and be done with it?

      The danger the technological system poses to the white race is subtle, since technological advances are always initially welcomed for the benefits they provide, but rarely are the side effects considered until it is too late. This has happened already with birth control technology, which has done more than any feminism or any legislation to advance the cause of sexual equality; and it has also happened with advances in medical and agricultural technology, which have enabled a population explosion among the mud races that now threatens to swamp the white race out of existence entirely. Or consider mass media technology, at first a boon, but which has also, as a side effect, given the Jew unprecedented psychological control over our people. Genetic engineering, gene therapy and other eugenic techniques which aim to “improve” the white race out of existence are just the next in an ongoing series of disasters that have befallen it.

    36. Stronza Says:

      Exactly correct, Adam. Every coin has 2 sides. Technological advances are seen as manna from heaven to most people, but after a few years, we get the sting in the tail. Always was this way.

      But your statement that white people of average intelligence = lemmings? I don’t know about anybody else here, but lemmings, to me, always meant people who go with what’s popular and being promoted heavily. They are folks who can’t bear to be different or left out. I don’t think that genius-IQ guarantees ability to really see the whole picture or to truly think independently.

    37. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Not exactly correct.

      The problem is the goddamn fucking GOVERNMENT.

      Ninety-five percent of “research” is financed by the feds.

      B. F. Skinner’s book Beyond Freedom and Dignity (1969) was financed by the taxpayers (NIH grant) to the tune of $2m (today’s dollars). And so on.

      A story without end. Blah blah blah. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

    38. Adam Says:

      Stronza Says:

      But your statement that white people of average intelligence = lemmings? I don’t know about anybody else here, but lemmings, to me, always meant people who go with what’s popular and being promoted heavily. They are folks who can’t bear to be different or left out. I don’t think that genius-IQ guarantees ability to really see the whole picture or to truly think independently.

      Quite true, Stronza. High intelligence doesn’t guarantee that one isn’t a lemming. All a high IQ will do for someone who is otherwise a lemming is enable him to learn system propaganda faster and more thoroughly. However, as Dr. Pierce said, there probably is some correlation between intelligence and the ability to think independently. I would be willing to bet that the average reader of VNN has a higher-than-average IQ.

      Racist numbers remain tiny with respect to the general population of whites because, for a “true” racist to emerge in the present environment, he must have both high intelligence (an IQ of at least 115 or so, I would guess, which means we mostly draw our ranks from about the upper 1/6 of the white population) and particular personality traits which enable him to defy societal conditioning on racial matters. The higher-than-average IQ is necessary for him to be able to connect historical data points in order to see the truth and the facts of racial conflict, and understand the racist position.

      There probably are some people who are racists who are of only average intelligence or even less, but I think, given the huge societal pressures to conform and the tremendous energy with which the dictates of political correctness are enforced, they are much more the exception than the rule. Because such racists must come to it on a purely emotional basis, not really understanding the reasoning behind the position they have chosen, they can often be swayed back to the lemming herd with particular ease.

      We advocates for the white race here are the REAL few, the proud, and the brave. ;-)

    39. Junghans Says:

      Some great insight in many of the posts here fellows. Adam’s statements about White technology coming back to haunt us, rings particularly true. In a sense, we have been too smart for our own good, and it may put our racial lights out as a result. Advanced technological cause and effect can have unforeseen, catastrophic consequences. This is especially true when the entire system has been hijacked by adversarial ethnic aliens, with an anti-white agenda. Without a strong sense of racial identity and purpose, whites, especially the clueless English speaking segment, are especially prone to the negative blow-back effects of high civilization.
      The upshot of this tech explosion is the white demographic decline, and the acceleration of dysgenics, state sponsored and otherwise. We can see the decline and fall of the white world occurring right before our eyes today. Literally!