Von Brunn
Posted by Socrates in history, History for newbies, Hitler, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, jewed culture, Socrates, Soviet holocaust at 7:57 pm | 
There’s a lot that could be said about this incident, but maybe this fellow just got tired of hearing about the HolyCo$t every three days. Anyhow, questions for newbies to consider: why is there a HolyCo$t museum in every state in America when the HolyCo$t didn’t “happen” here? And when are they going to build a museum for the real holocaust – the one that Jews committed in the Soviet Union from 1917 onward which killed 20 million White people and the one that Hitler merely responded to?
12 June, 2009 at 10:40 pm
13 June, 2009 at 12:46 am
Is Von Brunn a great patriot? No.
But the genius “ZOG”(A term often used by Jews in their Hollyweird depictions of Kosher Nazis…just saying) has him as a Mossad operative!!!!
That’s what you’re trying to say right?
13 June, 2009 at 12:59 am
Oh and by the way…”ZOG”…the old fool/or “false flagger” as you put it…anyways, HE DIDN’T PASS THROUGH THE METAL DETECTOR!
The old man started to shoot BEFORE, most likely, he noticed the detectors and that’s why he shot the nigger. You don’t go to a Holocaust Museum to kill niggers. The old man probably panicked.
When did Von Brunn start working for the Jews like you implied?
13 June, 2009 at 3:29 am
ZOG is a god damn fool who just makes shit up……….He has zero credibility. And he’s probably beside himself with grief now that his hero “Tom McReen” is no longer allowed to post here.
But just think how this relatively small, isolated incident at the Holohoax Jew-zee-um has created so much strife and division among racially-concious Whites! Would there be this much division if there was a major assault on the Sytem by a White Resistance organization? Would everyone here be like ZOG and think the attack was a “false flag operation” or an “inside job”, or condemn it as an irresponisble and criminal act? If so, then what is it exactly that we should be doing?
13 June, 2009 at 5:40 am
A good thing to do is try and get Freedom Fighter von Brunns internet writings out into broader circulation.
13 June, 2009 at 11:16 am
“he’s probably beside himself with grief now that his hero “Tom McReen” is no longer allowed to post here.”
There’s no reason to think that Tom McReen is no longer posting here. Nothing has changed but the name.
“A good thing to do is get von Brunns internet writings out into broader circulation.”
I, like millions of others, never hear of him until this week. Certainly he’s getting more attention now than he ever got before.
13 June, 2009 at 1:13 pm
McReen may still be among us, but he can no longer bitch about the “sock puppets”, Jewish trolls and Mike Jahn. If he’s posting here, then all the circumspection must be driving him crazy, I should think.
13 June, 2009 at 2:34 pm
If this old coot had killed 25-30 Jews, effectively mowing them down.
THEN…I’d DEFINITELY think “false-flag”. But Von Brunn’s outright,abject failure tells me that this was him acting alone.
13 June, 2009 at 2:56 pm
Is this story a hoax?
I realize that this may be viewed as insensitive by some, but my objective is to be objective.
My point is that the timing, location, target and facts surrounding this incident are exceptionally suspicious, given the Zionists penchant for “producing” these type things at the appropriate moment in time, to further their ambitions.
1) Timing: Congress is debating hate-crime legislation which Israelis and Jews are particularly interested in, due to their desire to destroy freedom of speech.
2) Location: The District of Criminals, close to congress’ doorways, sending the clear message that the hate crime legislation is necessary for them to protect themselves, giving more weight to the Zionists in Zongress’ rants.
3) Target: The holohoax museum, which is the Jew/Israeli focus and that which hey wish congress would focus on too. Obviously Von Brunn wasn’t there to shoot a black armed guard, he must have been after Jews. Fortunately, all the Jews were unavailable for target practice.
4) Facts: Here is Von Brunn, supposedly a well trained white supremacist, who, without any real preparation, walks in off the street, carrying a rifle, and shoots and is shot by a security guard.
a) He wasn’t challenged for the rifle.
b) He had no idea whether jews would be available to shoot.
c) There are 70 armed security guards (cameras?) and countless visitors, yet nobody saw anything.
d) Immediately, he is labeled by the media as a white, anti-Semitic, supremacist, bent on making his own holocaust (a real one).
This is far too pat, it is too perfect, just like so many Mossad false flag ops. It is timed to affect members of congress at a critical time in history, when they are debating limitations on free speech and thought.
We may never know the truth, but I personally don’t buy it. These are the same people who murdered JFK, Lincoln, and brought us 9/11. The same people who brought us into WWI & WWII, and who now seek WWIII and world domination. This legislation has no purpose but to limit criticism of their criminal acts and plans.
13 June, 2009 at 2:58 pm
You have no proof of this whatsoever. Have you seen the security camera footage? Were you there and witness the incident yourself? No and no. :-)
13 June, 2009 at 2:59 pm
13 June, 2009 at 3:25 pm
Just found this posting from 2 days ago on a Yahoo group:
Re:Crazed racist’s Holocaust Museum kill … message
Von Brunn, a mossad Patsy!
I realize that this may be viewed as insensitive by some, but my objective is to be objective.
My point is that the timing, location, target and facts sprrounding this incident are exceptionally suspicious, given the zionists penchant for “producing” these type things at the appropriate moment in time, to further their ambitions.
1) Timing: Congress is debating hate-crime legislation which israelis and jews are particularly interested in, due to their desire to destroy freedom of speech.
2) Location: The District of Criminals, close to congress’ doorways, sending the clear message that the hate crime legislation is necessary for them to protect themselves, giving more weight to the zionists in congress’ rants.
3) Target: The holohoax museum, which is the jew/israeli focus and that which they wish congress would focus on too. Obviously Von Brunn wasn’t there to shoot a black armed guard, he must have been after jews. Fortunately, all the jews were unavailable for target practice.
4) Facts: Here is Von Brunn, supposedly a well trained white supremacist, who, without any real preparation, walks in off the street, carrying a rifle, and shoots and is shot by a security guard.
a) He wasn’t challenged for the rifle.
b) He had no idea whether jews would be available to shoot.
c) There are 70 armed security guards (cameras?) and countless visitors, yet nobody saw anything.
d) Immediately, he is labeled by the media as a white, anti-semitic, supremacist, bent on making his own holocaust (a real one).
This is far too pat, it is too perfect, just like so many mossad false flag ops. It is timed to affect members of congress at a critical time in history, when they are debating limitations on free speech and thought.
We may never know the truth, but I personally don’t buy it. These are the same people who murdered JFK, Lincoln, and brought us 9/11. The same people who brought us into WWI & WWII, and who now seek WWII …
>>The poster is Aussiegubber
Here is the link:
13 June, 2009 at 7:13 pm
a) He wasn’t challenged for the rifle
That is weird!
I’m really not “up” on all the details of this story, and I frankly have not been following it with any enormous interest. But, I must say that it does strike me as exceedingly strange that the guard opened the door for him. Does that make sense? (That is what the news stories have said.)
I mean, here’s a guy walking up to the Holoc. museum carrying a rifle, and the security guard is so nice that he holds the door open for him!!! Is that what security guards are paid to do? Something doesn’t connect here.
13 June, 2009 at 7:28 pm
Anybody who thinks this was a “false flag operation” needs to get a grip. Pearl Harbor,The Liberty,OKC,9/11…well,now we’re talking.
This old man shooting a nigger guard. No way.
False Flag ops aim much bigger…
13 June, 2009 at 7:39 pm
What’s nice is that this story seems to have been pushed to the way side a bit, because the Kikes are upset over the Iranian election.
13 June, 2009 at 8:09 pm
False Flag ops aim much bigger…”
Getting guns confiscated and hate-crime laws passed ….. isn’t that what you’d call “big”? It’s an enormous win for the ADL and such.
I’m not trying to promote any conspracy theories here, but I think just the above statement is obvious and undeniable.
One troublesome white holocaust-denier eliminated, and one Negro guard sacrificed as collateral damage. Not a drop of Jewish blood was spilled, yet they’ve reaped tremendous dividends. If this were an investment, it’s paid off magnificently.
In any case, for the Jews it’s been all win and no lose.
13 June, 2009 at 8:21 pm
Mega Therion Says: “Von Brunn’s outright,abject failure tells me that this was him acting alone.”
I wouldn’t suggest that he was acting in concert with them, or with anyone. But might it be possible that he was lured, or provoked somehow, into taking this last, desperate action? After all, cutting the Social Security of an 80-year old seems mighty strange! Can they do that? Could that have driven him over the limit? Could it have been DESIGNED to do so?
I don’t know the details of this, and don’t have the answers, but I’m just wondering if the old guy could have been set up and provoked to walk into a waiting trap.
Certainly the Jews have already reaped tremendous benefits in sympathy and propaganda, without it costing them a thing. It couldn’t have been designed better if someone had arranged it that way.
13 June, 2009 at 9:42 pm
But…here’s where I really doubt it. The age factor..the Jews would rather this shooter be 22 or 44…not 88. The ideal for them would be a guy in his late 20’s ala McVeigh.
14 June, 2009 at 12:59 am
Hey, you Konspiracy Kooks left out one vital piece of evidence that “proves” Von Brunn was a MOSSAD patsy: He is 88 years old, as in the familiar neo-Nazi greeting of “88”, as in “Heil Hitler”! What more “proof” could anyone ask for, unless they were a Jewish troll or a sock puppet?
And thank you, Shabbos, for pointing out what a cut and paste plagarist ZOG is. I thought that posting of his was a little too well-written and coherent to be anything he was capable of writing.
14 June, 2009 at 2:07 am
Hey, Zarathustra, you dumbass, I wasn’t trying to pass that post off as my own. So fuck off, okay?
14 June, 2009 at 2:09 am
Hey, Parsifal, isn’t it about time for you to be changing your name? I mean, you’ve been using “Parsifal” for a few weeks. That must be a new record for you.
LOL :-)
14 June, 2009 at 2:45 am
Hey, ZOG, I finally exposed you for the borderline ‘tard you really are. The other day you played a childish little game with me about pretending there were no Jews in Hollywood……..You deliberately mis-quote what other posters have written, you pass off other people’s postings as your own and if you don’t understand an event, you simply dismiss it as an “inside job” or a “false flag operation”. What a joke you are……a joke with no punchline.
14 June, 2009 at 4:45 am
Hmm… what kind of dimwit names himself ZOG on a White racial website? What next, someone named ADL, or perhaps FBI?
Really retarded.
14 June, 2009 at 5:50 am
As I’ve said before, using the name “ZOG” could’ve been construed as some kind of ironic statement, except this guy is so dumb that it’s simply out of the question.
14 June, 2009 at 3:27 pm
Hmm… what kind of dimwit names himself Blackshirt on a White racial website? What next, someone named Brownshirt, or perhaps Storm rooper?
Really retarded.
14 June, 2009 at 3:28 pm
“Storm Trooper”
14 June, 2009 at 3:28 pm
Hey, Parsifal and Blackshirt, why don’t you guys tell us again how 9/11 was done by “Osama bin Laden”. That’s always good for a laugh.
14 June, 2009 at 7:33 pm
9/11 was not brain surgery, ZOG. Any group of dumb, but determined Arabs could have pulled it off, because the US Government is even dumber than they are. And those Arabs had a good reason to do it, too, although I wish they would have picked another target besides the World Trade Center. I really miss those buildings and most of the people who were killed there were not Jews or Zionist agents. They were just normal people, many of whom were young and White, trying to make a decent, honest living. Killing them did not help the Arabs’ cause, however justified that cause is.
But that’s how Arabs are, ZOG, they’re DUMB. That’s why Israel can survive while being surrounded by dozens of hostile Arab countries and hundreds of millions of hostile Arabs. The Arabs are almost as disorganized and incompetent as the Blacks are. The Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam could have been serious threats to The System but they spent all their time smoking crack, killing each other and chasing White women around instead.
But what am I doing trying to have a serious converstion with you? I keep forgetting what a nit-wit you are, ZOG.
14 June, 2009 at 7:49 pm
Thanks for putting your foot in your mouth, Parsifal/Zarathustra. I am now going to demonstrate what a complete and utter fool you are.
Parsifal’s Double Speak:
Idea #1: A group of HIGHLY organized and competent Arabs pulled off the biggest and most spectacular terrorist attack in world history, outsmarting the most sophisticated and powerful government and defense establishment in the history of human civilization.
Idea #2: Arabs as a group are HIGHLY disorganized, incompetent, and unintelligent, and therefore pose no threat to the state of Israel or Zionist interests.
Game, set, match. You’re done, Parsifal.
14 June, 2009 at 7:51 pm
Parsifal’s Double Speak:
Initial Statements: “9/11 was not brain surgery, ZOG. Any group of dumb, but determined Arabs could have pulled it off, because the US Government is even dumber than they are.”
Contradictory Statements: “But that’s how Arabs are, ZOG, they’re DUMB. That’s why Israel can survive while being surrounded by dozens of hostile Arab countries and hundreds of millions of hostile Arabs. The Arabs are almost as disorganized and incompetent as the Blacks are.”
14 June, 2009 at 8:31 pm
Where’s the alleged contradiction, numb-nuts? The Arabs are dumb, but not quite as dumb as you are. It didn’t take a group of highly skilled and intelligent people to hijack some planes and fly them into large targets. Even YOU could have probably been trained to do that, although it would’ve taken several months’ less time to train an ape instead.
14 June, 2009 at 8:37 pm
Give it up, Parsifal/Zarathustra. Nobody is buying your bullshit anymore.
You’re finished.
14 June, 2009 at 9:08 pm
Funny how you use the exact same words as your hero Tom McReen………….”You’re finished”, “Nobody is buying your bullshit anymore”, etc. Have you EVER written anything original???
14 June, 2009 at 9:10 pm
Funny how you use the exact same words as your hero Blackshirt. Have you EVER written anything original???
14 June, 2009 at 9:30 pm
Go play in your sandbox, ZOG. You don’t have what it takes to match wits with me.
14 June, 2009 at 9:45 pm
Is that what you call changing your handle every other week?
14 June, 2009 at 11:28 pm
Parsifal Says:
Hey, ZOG, ….The other day you played a childish little game with me about pretending there were no Jews in Hollywood……..
Where was that?
I would like to read it.
15 June, 2009 at 12:28 am
(The following is an edited transcript:)
Money-Magicians Running Out of Tricks
Posted by Socrates in Federal Reserve system, Socrates, jewed finance at 8:40 pm | Permanent Link
Z.O.G. Says:
9 June, 2009 at 2:04 pm
It’s not true that Jews control Hollywood and the mass media. That’s just an old anti-Semitic canard.
Z.O.G. Says:
9 June, 2009 at 7:20 pm
I’m surprised to see Parsifal/Zoroastro/Zarathustra/Heinrich Himmler(It’s hard to keep up with all his names.) repeating the old discredited conspiracy theory about Jews controlling the media and Hollywood.
Perhaps Parsifal should wrap his head in tin foil to protect his brain from the mind control signals being emitted by the Joos’ satellites in space.
Z.O.G. Says:
9 June, 2009 at 8:31 pm
Parsifal, let’s see proof of your claim that Jews control Hollywood and the mass media. I haven’t seen you provide a shred of evidence to support this idea. Blanket statements and vague generalizations aren’t proof or evidence, sorry. ;-)
Parsifal Says:
9 June, 2009 at 9:10 pm
Well, there you have it, folks……ZOG is officially on the record as saying the Jews do NOT run the mass-media. Is it even worth acknowledging this fool any more? I think not.
Z.O.G. Says:
9 June, 2009 at 9:20 pm
Sorry, Parsifal, but you still haven’t provided any evidence or proof that Jews control Hollywood and the mass media. If you had proof of this supposedly obvious fact then you would have already presented it, right?
Parsifal Says:
9 June, 2009 at 9:38 pm
Oh, I get it, ZOG. You’re trying to get a rise out of me. Nice try.
Z.O.G. Says:
9 June, 2009 at 9:45 pm
Nope, I’m not trying to “get a rise” out of you. I’m just trying to get you to provide some proof of your claim that Jews control Hollywood and the mass media.
Still waiting.
Parsifal Says:
9 June, 2009 at 10:58 pm
Well, there’s Barry Diller, who was the head of Universal Studios, I believe; William Paley/Palinski, who founded CBS; Michael Eisner, head of Paramount and then ABC/Disney; ABC founder Leonard Goldenson; famed TV producers Aaron Spelling and his daughter Sherry Lansing; famed movie director Steven Spielberg; David and Robert Sarnoff, who founded RCA and NBC, respectively; Movie moguls like Louis B. Mayer, Sam Goldwin and the Warner Brothers, all of whom were from the Pale of Russia. What a coincidence!
Then there’s liquor billionaire Edgar Bronfman, who until recently owned Universal/MCA; FOX/News Corp. owner and founder Rupert Murdoch; Mort Zuckerman, owner of the NY Daily News and US News and World Report; Don Hewitt/Horowitz, head of CBS News and creator of 60 Minutes; Washington Post owner Donald Meyer Graham; The Ochs and Sulzburgers at the Times; The late Brandon Tartikoff, who was Programming Director at NBC for many years; Jeff Zucker, former NBC News Director and now doing Tartikoff’s old job; Sumner Redstone, owner of Viacom and MTV; The powerful movie producing brothers Harvey and Max Weinstein; Movie studio exec and producer Scott Rudin; Film director Roman Polanski……….
Legendary actors Dustin Hoffman, Gene Hackman, Harrison Ford, Richard Dreyfuss, Roy Scheider…..actresses Alicia Silvrstone, Gwenneth Paltrow, the one who played Phoebe on Friends, Sara Jessica Parker…………………
And that’s only a tiny list that I could recall from memory! Convinced yet?
Z.O.G. Says:
10 June, 2009 at 12:21 am
Parsifal, are you telling me Jews control Hollywood and the America media at its highest levels?
Hey, Parsifal, here’s another piece of shocking news that will make your jaw drop to the floor. Ready? The Jews run the American economy! Oh, no. He’s passed out! That news was just too unbelievable for him to bear.
Parsifal Says:
10 June, 2009 at 12:39 am
ZOG, are you a retard?
15 June, 2009 at 6:50 pm
How dismissive of the intelligence of people can you be? Parasifal and this zog fantasy are of course the same person.
I smell the Jewish hostility and ARROGANCE but still I can’t believe this guy doesn’t have something else to do with his time. Must therefore be either a group of people or somebody being paid to sit in a chair and generate this shit. The papers were talking about this site being monitored. No kidding.
Really think 95% of the posts come down to a few European posters, the odd new person, people who visit in and out only a couple of times a month and this one set of Trojan horses.
1 April, 2010 at 4:37 pm
Z.O.G., here’s a tune I wrote about Jewish prominence in America. Sung to the tune “Great King Wenceslas”
“We don’t run the media, we don’t run the courts
We don’t run the government, ‘don’t make a dime on torts
We are victims of white males, those bigots hate our guts
So we started both world wars, we needed census cuts
We were not the Bolsheviks, we never hurt a fly
So Kulaks who caught our tricks mysteriously died?
Gulags were a Stalin tool, Jews never were around
So the commissars were Jews, they were out of town
Now your nation’s faltering, your faggots want to wed
Your women are litigious queens, your Bill of Rights is dead
And only Jews are protected by laws we make ourselves
Goyim struggle to survive in Neo-Bolshevik made Hell!”
I also added: “With Jews, it’s all a matter of percentages. They spend eighty percent of their time gaining wealth and power by any means they can, while the remaining twenty percent is spent vehemently denying they are doing it. When those figures are reversed, it’s time to go…”