Toward the White Republic
Posted by Socrates in republic vs. democracy, secession, Socrates, White future, White identity, white nationalism, White philosophy at 9:54 pm | 
by Michael O’Meara.
“Without an organizational presence in the real world and with a ‘public’ largely of computer hobbyists, white nationalists at present have no hope of actually mobilizing the white populace in opposition to the existing anti-white regime. Rather, their immediate goal is to prepare the way for the development of a revolutionary nationalist vanguard to lead the struggle for white liberation, creating, in the process, a counter-elite capable of founding a White Republic. They aspire thus not to recapture the rotting corpse of the US government, but to free themselves from it — in order to be themselves, in their own land, in their own way.”
16 August, 2009 at 5:35 pm
in reply to Blackshirt:
you wrote:
in reply:
I looked at the tragic loss to the Race of Bob Mathews and David Lane.
I asked what was the fatal flaw in their reasoning, and what, in the circumstances in which they found themselves, drove them to make the choices they did.
I think it was because they made the choice that had been suggested to them by our Racial Enemy, in using the ONE tool of change – the use of force – that The System is prepared to match, neutralize, and overwhelm.
The Jews have all but conquered America; as Peter Schaenk so astutely noted, they did it in little more than a century, without firing a shot.
Let me repeat the phrase that pays there:
Without firing a shot.
Lane stated that. if he had it to do over, he would have formed small businesses, and developed linkages forming communities – all with an explicitly Racial foundation, of course – and from there, implicitly, a Homeland for OUR Race, where none may make afraid.
The biggest fault in what has called itself is White Nationalism is that its proponents always thought too small, and always accepted their Racial Enemy’s Terms, Definitions, and Frames of Reference.
By choosing the terms, they have all but won the battle before they took to the field of battle.
We can do something about that.
We can Do Better.
Fourteen Forever
16 August, 2009 at 5:40 pm
in further reply to Blackshirt and Parsifal:
For all of the criticism you and Parsifal have of Christianity, note that your position is the best support the Jews have.
After all, the Jews are very comfortable with all other religions, including the pagan faiths.
They pose no threat to the Jews.
The Jews will spend fortunes trying to stop Christianity at all places, at all times.
They control most of America with frightening ease.
What is it that THEY see in US that inspires such fear?
What is that THEY see in Christianity that inspires such fear?
Fourteen Forever
16 August, 2009 at 6:16 pm
New America, I genuinely respect your beliefs, as long as you are not Covington in disguise. Then I should have no respect for you whatsoever. But you’re right about the Jews’ hatred of Xianity. If, for example, a Jew converts to Buddhism or even Satanism, his family will just shrug their shoulders and say “Well, that’s our bubala Irving for you. He’s always been a little meshugganah.” But if a Jew should convert to Christianity! “Oy Gevelt! I have no son! Miriam, we’ll have to sit shiva for Irving. He’s dead to me!” So I take your point.
But what has nearly 2000 years of Xianity done to SOLVE the Jewish Problem? It gets worse all the time and if anything the churches are complicit in helping Jewry wreak their havoc. I think the problem is that Jews invent subversive movements like Xianity for the purpose of subjugating the GOYIM, only to have them boomerang on the Jews and bite them on the tookas.
Finally, I think it’s White racial conciousness and White racial intelligence that the Jews really fear, not the Xian religion per se. Our Race has been suspicious of Jews since our first contact with them in Alexander’s time. And many NSDAP leaders were not Christian, either.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to see what ZOG and Tom are up to. It’s not safe leaving those two nit-wits unattended for long.
16 August, 2009 at 7:51 pm
New America says:
“in further reply to Blackshirt and Parsifal:
For all of the criticism you and Parsifal have of Christianity, note that your position is the best support the Jews have.
After all, the Jews are very comfortable with all other religions, including the pagan faiths.
They pose no threat to the Jews.
The Jews will spend fortunes trying to stop Christianity at all places, at all times.
They control most of America with frightening ease.
What is it that THEY see in US that inspires such fear?
What is that THEY see in Christianity that inspires such fear?
Fourteen Forever”
Well, I’ve seen this argument by Christians used plenty of times before and I don’t buy it. There are plenty of ways to refute this thinking. First, I take contention with the statement that “Jews are very comfortable with all other religions.” That may have been true before radical Islamic fundamentalism, but rest assured that is the #1 worry for the Zionists right now. Proof? Well all the proof you need is to see how they have used their proxy the US government to go after the hotbeds of this religion worldwide. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, anyone?
Second, using the logic that Jews hate Christinsanity so therefore we should foster and tolerate Christinsanity amongst our people is faulty logic. The Jews hate Islamic fundamentalism worse than Christianity, so should we all become Islamic fundamentalists? Christianity loses that argument, too.
I’ve never bought the argument that since the Jews are our enemies we have to do anything that is directly opposite of what they are doing. That’s just plain stupid and childish. If the Jews come up with a good idea here and there, are you not going to use the good idea because a Jew invented it? Now, one might try to use that argument to negate the Jewish origins of Christianity and say that Christianity is a good idea that some Jews came up with. I can easily destroy that argument by pointing to the negative effect that Christianity has had on our people and how Christian philosophy and thinking always works against rational, eugenic thinking based on natural law. Christinsanity is in direct opposition to natural law, therefore it is in direct opposition to racism.
Third, Christianity is tolerated and even promoted by Jews when it is beneficial to their them and their agenda. Case in point, Christian fundamentalists all over the Southern USA who collect money for Israel and support Zionist aggression worldwide. If Jews hate Christianity so much, how come Christian countries are a safe haven for them? Why are the small Jewish communities that have been scattered throughout the muslim world leaving for European countries or the USA when they don’t go to Israel?
Despite the history of Pogroms in Eastern Europe or the Spanish Inquisition, Christianity for the most part has been a POSITIVE thing for Jews, for it says right in the bible that Christians are to see and treat them as God’s chosen pets. As long as little White children have that drilled into their heads at sunday school, they will always put the Jews up on a pedestal.
16 August, 2009 at 8:58 pm
“New America, I genuinely respect your beliefs, as long as you are not Covington in disguise. Then I should have no respect for you whatsoever.”
Nobody cares what you think you loudmouthed schizoid nutjob, why are you still behaving like you are an authority around here?
“Case in point, Christian fundamentalists all over the Southern USA who collect money for Israel and support Zionist aggression worldwide.”
They are not really Christians, bright spark. ZIONISTS.
16 August, 2009 at 9:15 pm
McWeenie, nobody cares what you think you loudmouthed schizoid nutjob, why are you still behaving like you are an authority around here?
Fixed it for you, McWeenie.
16 August, 2009 at 9:16 pm
“They are not really Christians, bright spark. ZIONISTS.”
No, they are just like you McWeenie, they love the baby Jewsus and believe he is the savior of souls. They worship the same Jew on a stick that you do. Bow to the Jewish God, McWeenie, Bow!
17 August, 2009 at 1:35 am
Despite my disagreements with New America, he seems to be a civilized gent, so I thought I should reciprocate. But Tommy Tune is another story. All right then, McReen, define what a Christian is supposed to be, according to your whacked-out definition. Can’t do it, eh? Bullshit artist.
17 August, 2009 at 1:38 am
And I am an authority around here, boy. I’m an authority on detecting habitual liars, obnoxious troublemakers and bullshit artists who reek of cheap whiskey and pee.
17 August, 2009 at 1:43 am
In other words, I’m an authority on YOU.
See Mcreen run.
See McReen play with Jeebus.
See McReen passed out in a pool of his own urine and vomit (as usual).
17 August, 2009 at 9:08 am
Blackshirt Says: 15 August, 2009 at 6:07 pm
“Hey Will, thanks for all that info. I have actually met you twice in the past, once when I was stationed in NC back in the early ’90s at a gun show, and then once again at a NA function in Conn. I enjoyed our conversations and I hope you are well.”
You’d have to give me more than that to jog my memory, Blackshirt. I set up Alliance booths at 31 gun shows back then, last count, (got kicked out of 9 of them :o) ), and interacted with thousands of gun lovers and scores of Alliance members before gun shows were closed to us altogether.
I remember that Connecticut cookout though. 15 or so area Alliance members and families or girlfriends. I met Kievsky there for the first time. I had been invited to a wedding in RI to “give away” the bride and justified the long trip up there from NC because it gave me a chance to help organize that first gathering of the New England Alliance members.
It’s great to see Kievsky has carried on real world networking in his region. We can use a lot more of that. That’s what the Alliance had and lost, and what delusional fiction writer Covington has never had. He’s in hiding. Dr. Pierce was accessible.
All this chatter here comparing Dr. Pierce and our Alliance back then on par with Harold Covington’s bullshit is outrageous. If the perception here is that I am a “troll,” then so be it. I do not need validation from Covingtonistas or from Alex Linder for that matter.
I suggested to Socrates that he post Dr. Pierce’s “White Zion” speech on the Main Page and let Mr. New America have at it there rather than on this thread addressing Dr. O’Meara’s essay. Maybe he will; maybe he won’t? Here’s where the reader may find the
2-part ADV broadcast from November 2002:,_kevin/kevin_strom_works/Kevin_Strom_2002-2004/Kevin_A._Strom_20021130_White_Zion,_Part_1;_Jewish_Survival_Strategies;_by_Dr._William_L._Pierce.html,_kevin/kevin_strom_works/Kevin_Strom_2002-2004/Kevin_A._Strom_20021130_White_Zion,_Part_2;_by_Dr._William_Pierce.html
17 August, 2009 at 1:22 pm
Hi Will, without giving away to much to the agents who frequent this website, I was at that cookout in Conn. I think that was in ’99 or 2000, if I am correct. I know Kievsky pretty well, although I don’t see much of him anymore because he lives a pretty long way from me. Anyway, Kievsky is a good guy and I really like his ideas on self sufficiency. He’s one of those guys who has a multitude of talents, he even played his violin for us during that cookout.
I have to agree with you about Covington, and also your thoughts on Dr. Pierce. I feel that the NA under Dr. Pierce was the only organization that ever really worried the US government.
17 August, 2009 at 2:28 pm
I don’t want to get into a religious debate, but even here in the jewK there are a few regular Christians who would like to get some trigger time with jew politicos in the cross-hairs.
So why should WN of differing religious outlook actively alienate such people. We need all racially conscious Whites.
17 August, 2009 at 2:41 pm
I agree CW, but how can any straight guy worship Jeebus? I mean, if you’re going to worship a god, shouldn’t it be some big tough cool guy like Thor, Wotan or Hulk Hogan?
17 August, 2009 at 2:48 pm
“So why should WN of differing religious outlook actively alienate such people. We need all racially conscious Whites.”
“I agree CW”
No you don’t, you slimy troll. You’ve made that perfectly clear in dozens of posts.
17 August, 2009 at 4:21 pm
Tom’s post above is another example of how “McReen” is just a disruption. Just attack, attack, attack and nothing to contribute.
17 August, 2009 at 4:43 pm
Correcting a liar is not an ‘attack’. Also, read over my reply to CW, if you’re capable.
Continue your campaign to influence the mods all you want but:
You’ve posted lots of pointless attacks, insults, sexual filth and foul-louthed abuse, far more than I ever will.
My posts call out your propaganda, yours are just attacking and mocking people.
You use lots of sock puppets, I do not.
You’ve made violent threats, I have not.
You made an ‘ironic’ post about ‘fertiliser packed trucks’ (agent provocateur).
You post left-wing propaganda, call everyone ‘Conservatives’ and constantly post off topic with your insane obsession against Christianity.
You are a satanist who admires Crowley and the Manson murderers.
You’re written letters to Bobby Beausoleil, a bisexual satanist who had a queer affair with Kenneth Anger, a homosexual satanist.
You said the holohoax may have happened and mock everyone here who talks about the subject.
You said Saudis and Bin Laden did 9/11 and mock everyone here who talks about the subject.
You pounce on anyone who criticises the left or jewish liberalism.
You love the 60s and claimed that the hippie movement was White.
You use religion to divide people here.
You contribute nothing but disruption and division.
17 August, 2009 at 5:49 pm
Wow McReen, you are one PARANOID nut job!
17 August, 2009 at 7:12 pm
Tom McReen is exactly correct in his critique of Parsifal/Mega Therion/Zarathustra/Zoroastrao.
That’s why those sock puppets hate him so much.
17 August, 2009 at 7:16 pm
The multi-troll known as Parsifal/Mega Therion/Zarathustra/Zoroastrao also employs a LOT of double speak in his posts. He contradicts himself from one day to the next. I’ve caught him doing this several times.
17 August, 2009 at 8:51 pm
in reply to Z.O.G.:
you wrote:
in reply:
An observation that is both astute, and correct.
Note that if you remove Blackshirt and the various Parsifal entities from this thread, you have a lot of intelligent commentary, at best, and useful examples of why those who oppose O/Meara and Covington are wrong, at worst. Even these are useful as examples of why WN was energized by Pierce, up to a point, and gelded by Pierce’s inaction, past that point.
More to follow.
Fourteen Forever.
17 August, 2009 at 11:13 pm
What about what Will Williams wrote, New America? What do you say about that? It is obvious you have a low opinion about me and that is fine, but you haven’t addressed a thing Will said.
17 August, 2009 at 11:48 pm
in reply to Blackshirt:
you wrote:
in reply:
Actually, I have addressed Pierce’s “White Zion” address before on another thread here, which has been deleted as part of glitches the WordPress upgrade went through at the time.
However, I will address the issues Williams raised as an exercise in demonstrating how what could have been a “Movement” has been “reduced,” if you will, to a “Cause,” which might easily become a “Movement,” given time, and proper Leadership.
If Socrates wants to post a transcript of “White Zion,” fine.
Will Williams wrote:
in reply:
Yes, but not for the reasons you seem to think.
Covington offers us nothing less than the greatest opportunity of all – to consciously form a Nation based on the conscious placement of the development of the Race as its First, and highest priority.
Covington writes of our Posterity attending university at our Mars Colony.
Covington wrote of HOW we can reclaim what is ours, using all tools and techniques before us, many of which he described.
Above all, and this is what wins First Prize, Covington defined the MindSet we would need to not merely survive, but to conquer.
THAT is what wins First Prize.
The potential Warrior Caste, and the potential Priest caste, have been gelded by our Racial Enemy – the Jews, and their Race Traitor collaborators – and they need to rediscover the Spark of these Aspects of our Racial Persona within them.
Covington goes to the gelding of our Spirit, by our blind acceptance of the Terms and Definitions of our Racial Enemies, and the Framing in which they offer us “choices” they have already made for us.
THE – not “our” – former National alliance had a lot of goof Ideas, and many truly gifted and talented people working within it, and all of their efforts led to, not Covington’s Racially Conscious Nation-State, but a small, isolated plot of land with some buildings on it, all under the control of Eric Gliebe…
That’s, bluntly, little more than mud, and some outbuildings.
Keep the mud, the mud dwellers, and the Mud People.
I want to make it possible for MY Posterity to help to Create Covington’s Northwest Republic.
I can only offer them “Honor, Discipline, and the Stars.”
Pierce’s National Alliance will flounder in the mud, settle in the mud, decay in the mud, and die in the mud.
you wrote:
in reply:
Note the difference between what you just described, and what I just described.
You described your concern, and lack of came, for the beliefs of some people concerning, well, you.
I described the IDEAS – the Ideals – of Harold Covington, which really tie together quite nicely with the theme of this thread, the analysis of O’Meara.
you wrote:
in reply:
It’s not a bad idea.
O’Meara and Covington’s Ideas, and Ideals, blend together very well.
Pierce’s “White Zion,” his sad and pathetic “White Archipelagoes,” are thin gruel indeed, compared to the Ideal of O’Meara, and Covington, who offer us the Transformation of our Selves, today; the creation of a Nation, tomorrow; the conquest of a Continent, soon after, and the conquest of the Stars when WE Choose to do so.
Oh, and Pierce’s “White Zion” seems to be little more than a few outbuildings in a sea of mud.
“White Zion?”
They could not even conquer the mighty citadel of Hillsboro, West Virginia.
Fourteen Forever.
18 August, 2009 at 12:41 am
I’ve never seen the kind of worshipful love this New America has for Harold Covington. It’s really kinda’ creepy. Sort of reminds me of the guys who have pictures of Adolf Hitler all over their house, with candles all around the portraits and miniature altars set up.
“Covington offers us nothing less than the greatest opportunity of all … Covington writes of our Posterity attending university at our Mars Colony… Covington wrote of HOW we can reclaim what is ours, using all tools and techniques before us, many of which he described… Covington goes to the gelding of our Spirit… I want to make it possible for MY Posterity to help to Create Covington’s Northwest Republic.”
Does all that sound like a man who is thinking for himself? Sounds like someone who is deeply involved in a cult to me. Someone has drank the cool-aide…
18 August, 2009 at 7:26 am
I couldn’t agree with you more, I can understand the Hitler worshipers somewhat however he did fail & it’s in the past. But to devote so much attention to a work of fiction & a pipe dream such as Covington’s is a little unnerving to say the least.
19 August, 2009 at 12:22 pm
Blackshirt Says: 17 August, 2009 at 11:13 pm
“What about what Will Williams wrote, New America? What do you say about that? It is obvious you have a low opinion about me and that is fine, but you haven’t addressed a thing Will said.”
Mr. New America never will address a thing I’ve said, except with the same lame circular doubletalk you see from him here.
I’ve got my TV hooked back up now and have had COURT-TV on as background noise for the past couple of days. There’s a fascinating trial that has been broadcast in real time for about a week now. Some nutcase schizoid paranoiac of questionable ethnicity murdered his father and is on trial in Chapel Hill, NC (was Harold Covington’s hometown). The expert witness being cross-examined by the nutcase’s nigger lawyer, as I write this, is an attractive blond psychiatrist for the prosecution. I say all this because what’s interesting is that this same prosecution expert witness worked for the nigger lawyer a few years back as an expert defense witness in the case of Wendall Williamson, a delusional, paranoid shizophrenic who murdered a couple of innocents in a shooting spree, and yet was found not guilty using the insanity defense.
I can’t search the VNN archive, but others reading this can. Search for ‘wendall williamson, chapel hill’, or ‘paranoid schizophrenia’ and you should find where Harold Covington’s brother wrote a letter to the editor of the Raleigh News & Observer which I transcribed and posted to the VNN forum. Forrest Covington, one of Harold’s brothers, was best friends with Williamson, and lamented the tragedy, adding that his brother Harold had suffered from paranoid schizophrenia for decades.
How ’bout we set aside the bullshit about Weird Harold’s grandiose “Butler Plan” for the time being and narrow the discussion to the documented mental instability of your Maximum Leader, the fiction writer who was kicked out of the Army in 1972 for paranoid schizophrenia and has been on and off his meds ever since. I have a recording of Forrest Covington talking about how sick his brother is and how he should be institutionalized to protect society from him.
Can we do that? Can you focus on this one issue for me, Mr. New Amerikwa? If you consent to doing this, and Linder allows my uncensored participation, I’ll participate, but it should be in another thread, not O’Meara’s.
You can also take it to nutty Pastor Lindstadt’s discussion board, the one from which your Tub o’ Lard mini-Fuhrer bailed as soon as I showed up to challenge him, offering $400 reward to anyone giving me his physical location.
It must really piss you off that I have your Leader by the short hairs, huh? He can’t come out of hiding; can’t ever own anything; can’t return to his birthplace and family home in NC without risking additional criminal warrants. He can’t even mention me by name without risking further warrants. Your hero is a fat lying coward, Mr. New Amerikwa, and, arguably, the biggest phony WN leader in the past 35 years or so.
Blackshirt, you also wrote this, on 7 August, 2009 at 1:22 pm:
“Hi Will,…I have to agree with you about Covington, and also your thoughts on Dr. Pierce. I feel that the NA under Dr. Pierce was the only organization that ever really worried the US government.”
JOG certainly doesn’t fear the neutralized “new” National Alliance under Gliebe & Co. And it doesn’t fear Covington’s bullshit, either, any more than they feared followers of their boy, Hal Turner, or their other boy, Commander ASSWIPE, or even poor, totally neutralized, Matt Hale, with his FBI bodyguard. I know what JOG fears. They feared Pierce and they feared Klassen and they still fear the potential that those founders of new, militant, exclusivist White religion/philosophy posed to Jewry.
Speaking of Hal Turner, I just got off the phone with Turner nemesis “Paul Drake,” who used to post with purpose on VNNF. He finally had a bellyful of this sandbox and tells me he doesn’t come here any more, but he told me he was glad to hear that Mr. Linder is sounding more like Paul Drake these days when he mentions Turner and Bill White and other known federal assets. Maybe one day he’ll be saying, “I told you so” about your Mr. Covington, too.
I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for that Epiphany. Linder thinks the constitutional liar Covington is a “brilliant writer,” and that this is what counts. He also says out of the other side of his mouth that our being truthful is what counts. I can see where some would be confused by such a glaring contradiction.
Just found this N&O article on GOOGLE:
“…Similar to ’95 case
“The Castillo case [tho one being featured currently on COURT-TV] echoes the insanity defense used by Wendell Williamson, the former UNC-Chapel Hill law student whose rampage Jan.16, 1995, in downtown Chapel Hill left two dead.
“Williams [the nigger public defender], who also represented Williamson, convinced 12 jurors in the November 1995 trial that his client, a diagnosed schizophrenic with a history of escalating delusional thinking, was not guilty of the murders he was charged with because he was too severely mentally ill to be held criminally responsible…”
Rest of N&O article here:
“Escalated delusional thinking” [read: the brilliant Harold Covington’s NW Migration Movement]
19 August, 2009 at 9:05 pm
in reply to Will Williams:
You seem to keep trying to turn an O’Meara thread into a forum for your sad, pathetic, over-the-hill rantings.
I don’t have time to exhaustively detail the flaws in your reasoning.
I’ll make it easy on everyone, and just take the topic sentence from your paragraphs and respond to it.
you wrote:
in reply:
See my reply in this thread on 17 August, 2009 at 11:48 pm.
Another straw man set alight!
you wrote:
in reply:
See above.
you wrote:
in reply:
Another howling-at-the-moon attack on Harold Covington personally.
Fine, fine, fine.
This resembles few things so much as a junior high school cafeteria clique.
Most of us left high school years ago.
you wrote:
in reply:
This is so stupid, trivial, and irrelevant, that it is not worth discussing.
Tie it into the topic of this thread.
No, can’t do THAT, can you?
you wrote:
in reply:
I think you keep missing the point.
I don’t care if Harold Covington is bat-shit crazy, institutionalized, and lies awake at night howling at the moon.
It’s his WORKS, his IDEAS, that are so damn right they stand as mute testimony to the intellectual shortcomings of those who followed Pierce, but did not have the intellectual acuity, or sheet testosterone, to even try to Do Better.
It’s what he has DONE, for you RACE, that matters so much.
you wrote:
in reply:
I have focused like a laser on every issue that matters, and, in dealing with you, issues that do not matter in the slightest.
Not ONCE have you discussed any- ANY – aspect of the Northwest Republic Analytical Model, except to condemn it when you compare it to Pierce’s White Zion, and Pierce’s White Archipelagoes.
I already won this argument with you – easily, without even trying – in a thread here dealing with “Kevin Alfred Strom Sentenced.”
Note, in that thread, if it’s still around, my comments concerning Briseis’s remarkably astute Insight, which is worthy of much discussion, particularly in the context of the Creation of a White Nation.
you wrote:
in reply:
Do you notice that you keep referring to the people who were attracted to White Nationalism in the past, and not to those who are trying to build the future?
Does that tell you something?
you wrote:
in reply:
Like looking in that rear-view mirror, don’t you?
“Asked and answered.”
you wrote:
in reply:
This is beneath consideration.
The most powerful military force in the history of the world, the most total intelligence system in the history of the world, has exactly NOTHING to fear from us, if history is any guide.
The sole exception is if we can change the thinking of ONE PERCENT of our Race.
They have everything to fear from that, and the Northwest Republic Analytical Model is the most substantial way to make that happen.
you wrote:
in reply:
NOBODY feared Pierce.
NOBODY feared a man who had it made; his little country squire operation up and running, and making money for him.
Do you know what they WOULD have “feared?”
They would have feared Pierce using the National Alliance to form the foundation of a pro-White national political organization, with an above-ground party, an underground “component” – about which we shall be silent – and Rounder’s “feet in the street and boots on the ground” guys who looked sharp, and were examples of what White MEN could do when they decided to Do Something.
THAT is what they feared, and, with people like Alex Linder and Bill White criss-crossing the country, speaking at at VFW conventions and country music shows, Kevin Alfred Strom writing, directing, and producing the American Dissident Voices broadcasts, “Dr. Bob” developing economic analysis for the Party’s position papers, and “Jerry Abbott” providing sagacious analysis, the Old Man would have showen he could pick up the standard from the fallen Commander Rockwell and move ON!
And, all it would have taken for him to say one word:
He never did.
you wrote:
in reply:
You keep making this about Covington, personally.
That is not the issue, for the Adults among us.
The issue is his Creation, the Northwest Republic Analytical Model, and what it means for our Race.
you wrote:
in reply:
Make sure that is “JUNIOR high school.”
“Mommy! Mommy! I just caught Alex Linder in what looks like a contradiction! See!”
you wrote:
in reply:
One, irrelevant.
Two, “asked and answered.”
Three, some of us live in the past.
For everyone else, there’s a Future – a Brighter, Whiter Future in a Homeland of our own Creation.
Good luck living in that “White Zion,” Will.
I’d like to drop by “White Archipelago Estates, ” which I am sure has some of the finest mobile homes of the Fifties and Sixties, in all of “White Zion.”
I suppose the tenants all go to the “Cosmothesist Church,” as well.
With all good wishes!
Fourteen Forever.
20 August, 2009 at 7:21 am
jewboyamerikwa said:
“You seem to keep trying to turn an O’Meara thread into a forum for your sad, pathetic, over-the-hill rantings.”
Look in the mirror fuck head.
28 August, 2009 at 11:37 am
Let’s admit this up front: that there are powerful, compelling pros and cons on both sides of this question.
NewHarold wrote:
“In its desire for cheap labor, Sam thought a separate white nation,
would simply repeat the process that got whites into the present mess— as if the struggle for secession (and all it will entail) wouldn’t lead to an explicitly racial definition of nationality, to an
inversion of the market’s primacy, and to a spiritual triumph over
the materialism that has corrupted so many whites.”
This healthy reorganizing process of Aryan Life must begin from the ground up. Cramming us all into one box and hoping that this will happen from the top down won’t work. Revolutions begin from the ground up, not analytical models down. American Aryans are lacking fundamental and basic ground up human connections. For proof of this, just look at this site. Who here is not at someone else’s throat? Or better yet, who is actually WORKING with someone else? We need to regrow healthy human connections around legitimate terms that can resonate with (some of) the masses. And those legitimate terms and values BEGIN WITH US because they are part of our character. And this DEARTH OF CHARACTER is why WN has gone nowhere in a thousand years.
“What skills would you develop, how would you make your way, and what would be the organizing principles – your Values, your Beliefs – you would use in guiding you in making those decisions? Why aren’t you moving in that direction now?”
This is a very good point that NewHarold makes. This is where the revolution will begin: with real skills that foster cooperation and construction with others. None of us can build anything paradigm-shifting alone. Most of us have lived so long now geared in solitary opposition that we have forgotten what it’s like to live with meaning and purpose among others. Can we find this again? Think of what Alex would do if he did not exist in opposition. What purpose would his life suddenly take on? All of us who can need to begin to shift gears into this new mode of positive thinking and working, locally. This is how a sea change of legitimacy is born.
The problem we face with taking positive action is that almost everything/one has been reengineered in unhealthy ways, ways that suit the parasite and drain our energies into feeding it. What organization and company is not infested with jewthink & jewzombies?
Only when reconnecting on the most basic level – one on one – can we be sure that we have a healthy, organic foundation, i.e., with your new neighbor who needs a hand with his deck or car.
In most cases we don’t need to move to the North West Republic to find this neighbor.
Moving there bearing the same internal barriers and mental baggage solves nothing.
Start overcoming them where you are. Make meaningful human connections with your non-Kwa neighbors.
12 December, 2009 at 1:09 pm
I received an email notice today that this long dormant thread had been bumped by “Randolph,” but when I clicked on the link his post is missing. Odd.
Anyway, while I’m here, I just took a stroll down Memory Lane and looked back at some of the exchange I had with this Covingtonista named New America. I should update what I’d written here (below) back on August 19th:
“Speaking of Hal Turner, I just got off the phone with Turner nemesis “Paul Drake,” who used to post with purpose on VNNF. He finally had a bellyful of this sandbox and tells me he doesn’t come here any more, but he told me he was glad to hear that Mr. Linder is sounding more like Paul Drake these days when he mentions Turner and Bill White and other known federal assets. Maybe one day he’ll be saying, “I told you so” about your Mr. Covington, too.”
Since I wrote that Hal Turner got his just desserts, may he rot in his Xian. So did Bill White get his, thank you. Mr. Covington, OTOH, is being interviewed on Internet radio shows, promoted here on VNN and even in otherwise scholarly journals as legitimate.
I listened to a couple of those interviews with HAC. The one where he was talking about “what WN needs is men of good moral character” is the one that grabbed me, almost as much as when he said his NW Migration movement is “sort of like White Zionism.” Mr. New Amerikwa really ought to get talking points straight with his man in the cave.
All that soap aside, what I’d like to report to those VNNers who might be interested is that “Paul Drake” is dead. His wife emailed me this a few days after his passing:
“Jay passed away on Thursday, October 22.
He went into the hospital on the 16th of October with Pneumonia. He was
there until Monday October 19 and then checked himself out. He hated
hospitals, drugs, doctors and needles and said that he would lose his mind
if he had to stay any longer. He was still running a fever and still very
sick; but insisted on coming home. He made me promise not to take him to a
hospital ever again. A Hospice room opened up on Thursday morning and they
arranged for an ambulance to transport him there. The Hospice people were
wonderful and Jay died peacefully at 6:30 PM that night.
Jay, that’s Paul Drake’s given name. His wife wrote more a few days later:
“I know that his passing was probably a blessing so he didn’t have to suffer and watch his quality of life dwindle to nothing; but, what saddens me is that he had such a love of life and such beautiful dreams for our future and he didn’t get to fulfill those dreams.
One less beautiful white man in this ever degenerating country.”
I’m blocked from searching VNN forum for Paul Drake’s posts, so I don’t know if he left a farewell post. I doubt it, that wouldn’t be his style. I knew he was dying for over a year but he swore me to secrecy. Perhaps someone reading this will resurrect a few of his pearls of wisdom in a thread to his memory? Looking trough a few of his old emails to me I found this one VNN link: where he was defending a friend.
The rare, trusted comrade Jay was. I’ll sure miss him.
Jay was a devout Odinist. He sent me this eloquent greeting last year, which could be his epitaph:
“I trust you’re making the most of this beautiful solstice-time!
Plus the planning ahead for it’s opposite, the longest of nights.
…The very quality that set our people on the evolutionary path to begin with.”
If anyone from VNN has made it to Valhalla lately, it would be Jay aka Paul Drake. Think of your departed kinsman as you celebrate mid-winter this year.
17 June, 2010 at 1:29 am
Promote something of ‘value’ and you can even turn a promotion into ‘content’ :) I have heard the 90/10 rule works best, but the point is, whether its 80/20 or 90/10 or 75/25 doesn’t matter as much as how VALUABLE is the CONTENT you are delivering :-) If you follow 99/1 and your 99% content is irrelavant, untimely, and just plain valueless to your readership, you really don’t have a 99/1 ratio ;-)