5 October, 2009

The Roman Polanski Case: Once Again, It’s Hollywood vs. America

Posted by Socrates in Hollywood, jewed culture, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 12:09 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

“Over 30 years ago, director Roman Polanski raped a 13-year-old girl. The details aren’t pretty. According to the girl’s Grand Jury Testimony, Polanski plied her with enough alcohol and Quaaludes to make her dizzy and disoriented. He then had oral copulation with her, followed by sexual intercourse, and ending with sodomy because he did not want to get her pregnant. In her testimony, the girl made it clear that she went along with Polanski’s advances because of fear.”


  • 73 Responses to “The Roman Polanski Case: Once Again, It’s Hollywood vs. America”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      Adam said:

      “Has it occurred to you that the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution were related, and that you might not – or even couldn’t – have had the one without the other? If I’ve been trying to tell you guys anything, it’s that the type of culture a society has is a reflection of the prevailing state of development of the technological system.”

      OK, so am I to take it you think that the French monarchy was a good thing and some sort of revolution was not justified in France? Mass uprisings and revolutions happen because vast numbers of people within a nation are treated unfairly or unjustly. The French aristocracy was mostly cruel and unjust to the lower classes, and as a result you had the extremely bloody overthrow of the “ancient regime”. I get the feeling you want us all to go back to a society of starving peasants living in squalor and completely at the mercy of a privileged aristocracy. We already know you favor a “return to religion” Adam, so I can only imagine what that would look like combined with a return to monarchy and de-industrialization. Sort of reminds me of what Morganthau wanted to do to the Germans after the Second World War (not the monarchy and religion part, but the de-industrialization).

      Anyway, none of that is going to happen, so it’s all hypothetical talk and fantasy.

    2. Ein Says:

      “I get the feeling you want us all to go back to a society of starving peasants living in squalor and completely at the mercy of a privileged aristocracy. We already know you favor a “return to religion” Adam, so I can only imagine what that would look like combined with a return to monarchy and de-industrialization.”

      I’m not at all sure of how far back in development he wants us to go: back to serfdom or all the way back to cave dwelling. I don’t believe he has elucidated this little detail. Will we be be like the Amish, riding in horse-drawn buggies; or will we have to give up the wheel too?

      But why quibble? At any rate, as you said, it’s just not going to happen. People will never go back to tediously sewing clothes with needle and thread when a sewing machine can go fifty times faster. People aren’t going to laboriously pick the seeds by hand out of cotton when a cotton gin can do it a hundred times faster. People aren’t going to reap wheat with a scythe when a modern harvester can probably do it a thousand times faster. Never again. You can’t turn back the clock.

    3. Ein Says:

      “She was born Samantha Gailey. Geimer is her married name.”

      So she married a Jew. I guess she got addiicted at an early age.

    4. Adam Says:

      Blackshirt Says:

      OK, so am I to take it you think that the French monarchy was a good thing and some sort of revolution was not justified in France?

      I’m not passing a moral judgment here. What I’m saying is that, justified or not, for almost a thousand years it did not take place because the underlying technological substrate did not support it.

      Anyway, none of that is going to happen, so it’s all hypothetical talk and fantasy.

      The so-called Dark Ages you are deploring are proof that the technological system sometimes runs backwards as well as forwards. Technology can indeed be lost as well as acquired. There are numerous examples throughout history: the lost technology of ancient Egypt, the fall of the Roman Empire, the Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan, etc.

      Moreover, deliberately inducing a civilizational collapse becomes more feasible every day. As the global technological system elaborates in complexity, it becomes easier and easier to break. The technological tools that could potentially be used to break it become more numerous and powerful. It is already vulnerable from a thousand different directions, and that number increases with each passing day.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      Where the hell was the father of the girl that Polanski raped? And why didn’t he pulverize Polanski’s ass? As I’ve said before, there are, unfortunately, a lot of selfish, irresponsible, nigger-like White “fathers” who allow this kind of shit to happen to their daughters all the time. But I’m sure this was not always the case.

    6. Kuda Bux Says:

      We’re gonna go back, way back- troglodyte


    7. 2050 Says:

      Adam Says:
      7 October, 2009 at 2:03 pm

      2050 Says:

      Technology is fine, it’s the jews using it against us that’s the problem.

      Edison invented the motion picture camera. There was nothing wrong with that. Warner the jew stole the camera from Edison’s studio in New Jersey, and took it to California.

      Ein Says:

      That’s the same thing with xerography. …

      Heh. This kind of stuff reminds me of Afrocentrism. Dem niggers in Afreaka was doin’ jes fine. Dey had built demselves a cibbilization. Dey was flyin’ ‘roun da pyramids in dey helicopters, inventin’ shit like crazy! Den dose dam RACISS honkies showed up and STOLE all dey inventions an’ shit! Da white man eben swiped dey numba systems! Den dey ENSLAVED da blag main. An’ from dat day to dis’, ain’t been nuttin’ but a hissry o’ oppresshun an’ shit!

      An’ dats da TROOF!


      Yeah, that is funny. LOL.
      Only difference is that the things me and Ein posted were true.

    8. Ein Says:

      “Only difference is that the things me and Ein posted were true.”

      Yeah! Thank you. Truth does make a BIG difference.

    9. Blackshirt Says:

      Adam says:

      “The so-called Dark Ages you are deploring are proof that the technological system sometimes runs backwards as well as forwards. Technology can indeed be lost as well as acquired. There are numerous examples throughout history: the lost technology of ancient Egypt, the fall of the Roman Empire, the Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan, etc.”

      So after admitting the loss of ancient knowledge as a result of the fall of ancient Egypt (I presume the loss of the library at Alexandria) and the fall of the Roman Empire, you still advocate a “return to religion” and abandonment of science? It all doesn’t make sense to me. The Dark Ages were “dark” because it was a world like you envision, Adam. A world where the library of Alexandria burned by Christian zealots because it was pagan, and a world where most of the accumulated Greek and Roman knowledge was lost due to the backward Christian religion. A brief mention should be made of the efforts of some forward thinking Christian monks who did manage to save some of the ancient knowledge, but most of it was lost for the ages thanks to Christian ignorance.

      No, I don’t think the White Race needs a “return to religion” and the abandonment of technology, especially if that means a world more like the one that existed in the Dark Ages.

    10. Adam Says:

      Since I’m not trying to build a mass movement, it really doesn’t matter whether my ideas are popular or not. I don’t even expect them to be. They are correct, and that’s the only important thing.

      As Ellul states in his book on propaganda:

      Propaganda is forced to build on these presuppositions and to express these myths [e.g., the myth of Progress], for without them nobody would listen to it. And in so building it must always go in the same direction as society; it can only reinforce society. A propaganda that stresses virtue over happiness and presents man’s future as one dominated by austerity and contemplation would have no audience at all. A propaganda that questions progress or work would arouse disdain and reach nobody; it would immediately be branded as an ideology of the intellectuals, since most people feel that the serious things are material things because they are related to labor, and so on.

      This is the propaganda reason (as opposed to practical reasons that may be advanced) why it is futile to argue against the technological system. Appeals to virtue, or racial survival, or any other high-minded principles, are bound to fail when opposed by the powerful myth of Progress. Swept along in the currents of the myth, most are simply unprepared to accept that the project of human progress is vanity and illusion, and that what we have been told is “progress” leads only into unhappiness, enslavement to technique, and death. A lifetime of conditioning makes most everyone a dedicated meliorist, in spite of the facts.

      Visualize before us two doors into the future, and only two doors, the first marked:


      and the second marked:


      Just about all of you would prefer to go through the first door. With such feckless champions, is it any wonder the white race is on the verge of being destroyed?

    11. Adam Says:

      Ein Says:

      “Only difference is that the things me and Ein posted were true.”

      Yeah! Thank you. Truth does make a BIG difference.

      The truth, as ever, is debatable. What’s funny is the victimology, which is in each case the same. I don’t think white people are always helpless victims of the Jews, as you guys apparently do. If anything, they are more like unindicted co-conspirators. As Terrible Tommy Metzger says, “You deserve what you permit.”

    12. 2050 Says:

      Nope, given those two choices, I’d pick door number one.

      I’ve got no problem living a life where I have to hunt and gather. Use my cunning to beat the beast and nature and feed my family. I just don’t get the way to get there. You have offered only hints at the possibility of a maybe a great and inspired white scientist coming up with a technological solution via robotics and genetic engineering to technological problem.

      Some manner of worldwide destruction of all things man made. Or maybe the genetically engineered lack of ability to create and invent by mankind.

      Seems though it may indeed be a solution, I just don’t see it being possible. I’m no visionary, so maybe I am just not smart enough to grasp it.


      oh, Blackshirt. The kind of thing I was talking about is exemplified by Socratres’ latest post about jew homo activists. VNN’s full of examples of jew/homo/feminist type affiliation.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well, at least in the Dark Ages the Jews would occaisionally get burned at the stake, so those times weren’t completely bad. And under the rule of the Habsburgs, Romanovs and Bourbons the Jews had to stay in their ghettoes and could not cause any trouble. But they shouldn’t have been allowed to remain in Europe at all.

    14. Ein Says:

      “under the rule of the Habsburgs, Romanovs and Bourbons the Jews had to stay in their ghettoes and could not cause any trouble.”

      But consider also that the Jews were under the rulers’ protection. The people didn’t like them. The rulers shielded them from the populace, whom they exploited and who hated them. The rulers, on the other hand, generally favored them because they found them handy for things like tax collection, loans, minting coinage, and running the treasury.

      In fact, the only reason they were in Europe was because Charlemagne invited them, gave them special treatment, and protected them.

      The rulers, with their incompetence, greed, wars, and addiction to loans were part of Europe’s problem.

    15. Ein Says:

      Speaking of incompetence, greed, wars, and addiction to loans …
      Gee, come to think of it, sounds like our recent line of American presidents, doesn’t it?

    16. Joe 90 Says:

      What I can’t work out is they dared to lay a finger on this ‘jewnius’! After all Woody Allen claims he’s innocent (‘he’ being Woody Allen)!

    17. Blackshirt Says:

      2050 says:

      “oh, Blackshirt. The kind of thing I was talking about is exemplified by Socratres’ latest post about jew homo activists. VNN’s full of examples of jew/homo/feminist type affiliation.”

      I’m trying to figure out what you are saying here. What do you mean about “affiliation”? Are you saying I support the enemy?

    18. hdumpty Says:

      So it seems our intelligentsia and other other upper levels of society have had a strong biological Jewish component for many centuries.

      And on this thread (I haven’t read all the posts yet) there seems to be a positing of a biological difference sufficiently great between Jews and non-Jewish Europeans that this infusion of Jewish blood did us harm. I don’t know enough about biological Jewishness to see why that would be, and I hope someone will expand on that.

      Or maybe I’ve just misread, and the point that’s being made is that Jews retained their predatory habits (not necessarily biologically rooted), and their self-consciousness of being Jewish and apart even a couple of generations after conversion. That idea alone I find fascinating.

    19. Ein Says:

      In a small concession to Adam (not too much though!) I have to acknowledge, after thinking about the cotton gin and its greatly improved efficiency over hand production, that it was the discovery of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney (a Massachusetts Yankee) which re-invigorated and prolonged the existence of slavery in the American South.

      According to what I have read, slavery was slowly dying out and would have died a natural death because it was an inefficient mode of organizing labor and production. But the cotton gin changed all that, making cotton growing (hence slavery) highly profitable for the Southern states. And — despite the spectacular short-term profits that were made (by some) — because of this, the country has been suffering from the results ever since.

      As for hdumpty’s interesting comments, I hope some poster wiser than I can enlighten us with some further insights. There is an obvious parasite/host relationship. Whether this Jewish cohesiveness is biologically driven or social, there is definitely something going on there.

    20. 2050 Says:

      No no no, Blackshirt. I was afraid I was a little unclear in that last sentence.
      I meant that vnn showed the relation between jews and feminism, and between jews and homo activism, etc.

      I think in fact that you are a lot like me, and that you’re pretty much right about most things that I see you post on.

    21. Tom McReen Says:

      “As I have pointed out before, much of what modern Western society considers “smut” and “porn” is based on Christian morality which would be considered silly and prudish by our Pagan ancestor’s standards.”

      Note the ‘pagan ancestors’ excuse when he really just posted judeo-liberal dogma. Predictable.

    22. Tom McReen Says:

      “It is largely owing to the traditional Christian culture of America that the Civil War was fought”

      That’s bollocks too. Nothing to do with being pro or anti Christian. It’s just bollocks.

    23. Adam Says:

      Tom McReen Says:

      “It is largely owing to the traditional Christian culture of America that the Civil War was fought”

      That’s bollocks too. Nothing to do with being pro or anti Christian. It’s just bollocks.

      Christianity had nothing at all to do with it?

      Julia Ward Howe (May 27, 1819 – October 17, 1910) was a prominent American abolitionist, social activist, and poet most famous as the author of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.”


      Howe’s “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”, set to William Steffe’s already-existing music, was first published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1862 and quickly became one of the most popular songs of the Union during the American Civil War.

      The Battle Hymn of the Republic (1862)

      Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
      He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored,
      He has loosed the fateful lightening of His terrible swift sword
      His truth is marching on.

      His truth is marching on.

      I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps
      They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps
      I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps
      His day is marching on.

      Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
      Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
      Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
      His truth is marching on.

      I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnish`d rows of steel,
      “As ye deal with my contemners, So with you my grace shall deal;”
      Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel
      Since God is marching on.

      Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
      Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
      Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
      His truth is marching on.

      He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat
      He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat
      Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
      Our God is marching on.

      Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
      Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
      Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
      His truth is marching on.

      In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
      With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
      As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
      While God is marching on.

      Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
      Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
      Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
      His truth is marching on.


      The moral justification for the war was provided by the Abolitionists. Some of these Abolitionists exceeded even the Jews in their fanatic efforts to encourage race mixing.

      “The negro is superior to the white race. If the latter do not forget their pride of race and color and amalgamate with the purer and richer blood of the blacks they will die out and wither away in unprolific skinniness.”
      Rev. Henry Ward Beecher