4 February, 2010

The Persecution of Kevin MacDonald

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', jewed culture, jewed education system, Jewed workplaces, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 12:53 pm | Permanent Link

Maybe Dr. MacDonald could file a lawsuit against the activists for creating a hostile work environment at CSU/Long Beach or damaging his academic reputation:


  • 20 Responses to “The Persecution of Kevin MacDonald”

    1. tbow002 Says:

      The eternally persecuted turn persecutORs. How ironic.

      “Pay no attention to the jews behind the curtain.”

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      MacDonald looks kind of old, maybe he should retire. Then he could form his own Institute dedicated to genteel conservative Euro-centrism.

    3. J.E.D. Says:

      Psychology student Shavanda Williams said, “Why is he here if he has these white supremacist ideas?” Williams was among the students who walked out of one of MacDonald’s classes.

      Nothing like respecting the 1st amendment shavanda, its times like this when non-white inferiorists earn their salt, when the last white man drops down into the ground the mudanimal will do its best to erect a rudimentary monument and pray for their improvement, not realizing that they pray for the return of what they have previously murdered.

    4. Luke Says:

      Shavanda, just like nearly all non-whites, and most especially Jews – consider any pro-white attitude to be equivalent to white supremacist thinking. Why? Because Jews and Hollywood have worked non-stop for the last 50 plus years to equate positive attitudes about being white and a desire to survive and to preserve our race and civilization, free from being subjugated to rule by non-whites = with
      White Supremacy.

      News flash, Shavnanda: We whites not only have no interest in oppressing you or other minorities, we want to live as far away from you as possible. We’re your ticket to freedom, honey. No more whitey to worry about; you’ll be on your own, sweet cheeks.

    5. Howdy Doody Says:

      J.E.D. Says:

      4 February, 2010 at 7:06 pm

      Psychology student Shavanda Williams said, “Why is he here if he has these white supremacist ideas?” Williams was among the students who walked out of one of MacDonald’s classes.

      Nothing like respecting the 1st amendment shavanda, its times like this when non-white inferiorists earn their salt, when the last white man drops down into the ground the mudanimal will do its best to erect a rudimentary monument and pray for their improvement, not realizing that they pray for the return of what they have previously murdered.

      Thank you all for the thoughtful powerful but simple truthful insights.

      Except for one poster who is a POS.

    6. ajiarcher Says:

      the best way to handle shavanda and the rest is to tell them to eat shit and be done with it, never give an inch.

    7. Igor Alexander Says:

      “The eternally persecuted turn persecutORs. How ironic.”

      No irony. That’s always been the jewish M.O. “The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.”

    8. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Psychology student Shavanda Williams said, ‘Why is he here if he has these white supremacist ideas?’ Williams was among the students who walked out of one of MacDonald’s classes.”

      Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Shavanda.

    9. Igor Alexander Says:

      “No more whitey to worry about; you’ll be on your own, sweet cheeks.”

      If Shavanda really wanted to be on her own, she’d have moved from the bad ol’ rasisst USA to Mother Afreaka by now.

    10. Igor Alexander Says:

      “the best way to handle shavanda and the rest is to tell them to eat shit and be done with it, never give an inch.”

      Forget giving an inch; I want to take one! These niggers owe us a lot of money for the welfare and as reparations for all the crime they’ve committed.

      They didn’t think the welfare and prison accommodations were free, did they? :)

    11. Igor Alexander Says:

      Regarding the title of Brown Johnson’s article: hasn’t this “woe is me” approach been done before? And has it ever given us results?

      The anti-whites just laugh at us when we play the martyr; then they take another swig of whiskey and hammer the nails in deeper.

      The correct strategy is to strike back, not to whine about our “persecution” without doing anything about it. At least when a jew whines about persecution, he and his fellow tribesmen do something about it.

    12. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Professor MacDonald’s enemies try to cloak their radical agenda in standard liberal pieties…”

      “Standard liberal pieties” are the radical agenda.

    13. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Of course Kauffman, Cabral, & co. are not liberals. They are left-wing totalitarians.”

      Modern liberalism is left-wing totalitarianism, and if history is any indication, practically all leftism is totalitarian, so it goes without saying.

      Who are these pedantic word games aiming to impress?

    14. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Before Kevin MacDonald is nailed to the cross of tolerance, I hope we will hear some voices of protest from the genuine liberals — faculty, administrators, and students — at his university and in academia at large. … We will be watching.”

      Don’t hold your breath. What’s really needed are some gutsy and able-bodied young white men to get in the faces of these “agitators” and do a little counter-demonstrating.

      White students should also sign up for MacDonald’s courses while making it explicitly and publicly clear they’ve chosen him because they agree or sympathize with his views.

      I can’t stress enough that playing the victim will not work for us. As we lay on the ground acting weak and pathetic, our enemies will continue to kick the crap out of us. They want us to act like possums; their entire strategy depends on our passivity. The only thing that’ll work is to fight fire with fire. They’re not prepared for that.

    15. Kuda Bux Says:

      Marxism assumes that the stuff Whites have was either taken or withheld from The Other. Whites arrived, saw a pile of stuff, sequestered (roped off) said stuff, AND HELD IT BACK FROM NIGGERS. The stuff that Whitey has is, above all, UNEARNED.

      White Supremacy is assumed to be an attempt to bring back White hegemony/privilege, wherein Whites will once again extract goodies from the actual owners- the coloreds.

      White separatism implies that Whites will have no one to exploit, and will do their own dirty work. This puzzles the left.

    16. Igor Alexander Says:

      That any attempt on the part of whites to organize in their interests is met with cries of “white supremacism!” is an unwitting admission on the part of those making the allegation that whites are, in fact, superior.

      They’re basically admitting that without state and other intervention to “level the playing field,” no one would be able to compete with whites. Therefore, to remove such coercive measures to “equalize” things would be to effectively put the white man on top again.

    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      {White separatism implies that Whites will have no one to exploit, and will do their own dirty work. This puzzles the left.}


      Exactly! The anti-White Bolshevik scum will never understand the distinction between White “supremacists” and White “separatists”. I’d say that the overwhelming majority of racially conscious Whites are the latter. We don’t want to exploit or enslave anyone. We can pick our own cotton and wash our own dishes, thank you very much.

    18. Igor Alexander Says:

      Posted February 4, 2010 at 5:25 pm | Permalink

      Well White people allowed themselves to be pushed around for so many years now and haven’t done anything about it so the enemy feels quite emboldened. Can you blame them? There will be even more of this intimidation towards our people as time goes on so get used to it….or fight back.

      A man after my own heart!

    19. th Says:

      It’s only aryan people that can respect different views on the same subjects. Jews want to erradicate all free thinking and have everyone thinking like niggers. To me the current system is one that pushes everyones thought and ideas far underground. No one knows what anyone is really thinking because thinking out loud is the road to certain ruin. This current event where Prof Macdonald is under the radar of the nigger is an outrage to me. Why should a free thinking man have to worry about what some low life nigger or jew has to say about him. To me its a threat to his life and liberty. These threats should be met head on by him with what ever means he sees required. Like he I am to old for this type of crap as well as to old to go to prison. It’s basically like Luke said, we don’t give a shit about niggers, we just don’t want to live near them. It’s a lot to ask, but not really.

    20. Ein Says:

      White separatism implies that Whites will have no one to exploit, and will do their own dirty work. This puzzles the left.

      It completely baffles them. They just can’t “get” it. It doesn’t fit into the Marxist/Jewish paradigm of someone exploiting someone else, which is the only thing they can conceive.

      [paradigm: a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline.]

      And that’s a great post from Luke! No more whitey to blame for all their problems, but no more whitey to mooch off either.