Race: It Doesn’t Matter…Does…Doesn’t…Does…
Posted by Socrates in double standards, Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish 'experts', Jewish 'science', miscegenation, race, Race Denial, race-mixing, race-mixing laws, Socrates at 5:55 pm | 
Census Worker: “We need to know your race.”
Citizen: “I thought ‘race doesn’t matter.'” [1]
Census Worker: “It doesn’t!”
Citizen: “Then why do you have race questions on the census form?”
[1] a leader in the “race doesn’t matter” movement was the Jewish “race expert” Otto Klineberg, who wrote: “There is no race but the human race.” However, race does matter in the state of Israel, where miscegenation is illegal
18 March, 2010 at 6:18 pm
This story reminds me of a recent edition of The (Jewish) Week news magazine. In one book review article, oncerning the history of White people in America, the Jew writer states that “race is not a scientifically or biologically recognized concept”. Then a few pages further on, another Jew writer, or possibly the same one, writes a glowing review about a new book that celebrates the “acheivements” of “African Americans”, implying there IS in fact such thing as race.
The Jew-taught lesson here, of course, is that being White is nothing special. Just keep on creating new medical and technological breakthroughs, obey the law and do what we tell you to do, you lowly White goy cattle. Only non-Whites have the right to celebrate their race, not you.
The nature of Jewish evil can be very subtle and is sometimes hard to pinpoint or describe. But its message is relentlessly consistent.
18 March, 2010 at 6:21 pm
Funny how liberals, who are always telling us to strive for a “color blind” society, are more obsessed with race than any Nazi or Klansman ever was.
I really hate liberals.
But I despise kahnservatives.
18 March, 2010 at 8:39 pm
I find it strange that only race is requested. Why not also religion.
18 March, 2010 at 8:48 pm
The same way they teach that interracial mixing is good, and also that racial diversity is good. In the long run, they are mutually exclusive. You can either have racial diversity OR race mixing. The only consistency is anti-white, which proves the objective.
19 March, 2010 at 4:11 am
The Jews and liberals love describing the ‘Kwa as a “melting pot”. What exactly is a “melting pot”? I think what they really mean is that America should be a racial chamber pot.
19 March, 2010 at 5:20 am
I really hate that jew phrase “melting pot”. Aryan steel was forged thousands of years ago by the furnace of evolution, the only things a melting pot is capable of producing is slag or sludgy amalgams.
19 March, 2010 at 8:10 am
Wasn’t able to find any mention of his coining the “one race” slogan in his obituary but it’s mentioned in the sidebar here:
19 March, 2010 at 8:16 am
So then why is it still the case today that niggers perform considerably worse than whites despite having had white taxpayers’ money thrown at them for decades and being bussed in to whiter school districts?
“His views were controversial. When he was quoted in 1931 saying there was no scientific basis for racial superiority or barring interracial marriage, the New York Herald-Tribune, in an editorial against him, said his assertions ran counter to most ethnologists, ‘any intelligent farmer’s knowledge of barnyard biology’ and ‘American experience.’
And who, exactly, was this Lewis Gannett who sung his praises? Not much info about Gannett on the web, but if the following article was his, then he was a communist who wrote propaganda for an American communist magazine called The Liberator:
19 March, 2010 at 8:18 am
The third paragraph in my last comment was supposed to be quoted as well.
19 March, 2010 at 8:22 am
But notice that he didn’t find that when blacks moved north to integrated, better-financed schools, their scores matched those of whites.
The correct conclusion to draw from his research is that blacks are naturally intellectually inferior to whites but that Southern blacks performed worse than Northern blacks because of Southern poverty.
19 March, 2010 at 8:25 am
It’s also possible that early on, a slightly higher breed of black moved north while the real detritus stayed south.
19 March, 2010 at 9:20 am
The Census is just another way to further the jewish communistic agenda.
It involves funding representation and adding governement funding to non-whites and their lobbyists. It is also to see how many non-whites have emmigrated into the U.S. from 3rd world countries and to measure how successful they are with their open immigration agenda. It really has nothing to do with race, but how many non-whites need to have extra perks from taxes which Whites pay.
19 March, 2010 at 9:23 am
It’s worse than that. I remember reading an article penned by a jew which was published on the front page of a major Canadian newspaper a few years ago in which the author decried that “white supremacists” were using advances in genetic science to buttress their views, and yet she devoted what was probably 10 paragraphs to extolling the intellectual superiority of jews over everyone else. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, loxist bitch.
19 March, 2010 at 9:29 am
19 March, 2010 at 10:41 am
Negroes had their own schools in the South up to the second half of the 1960s. For that matter, Negroes had their own bathrooms and water fountains too. The second Reconstruction operating under the guise of civil rights changed all that. The forced racial adjustment by the Federals destroyed White separation in the South and caused misery for Blacks and Whites.
Placing Negroes in White schools may have gave the former a better education. It’s called an artificial lift.
19 March, 2010 at 7:34 pm
Otto Klineberg, who wrote: “There is no race but the human race.”
That likes me writing: “There is no breed (e.g., dog) but the canine breed.”
When I read such blatantly false “statements from the vermin” I am reminded of Arthur Schopenhauer’s enduring quote:
“The Jew is The Great Master of Lies.”
To which I add: “Falsehood and duplicity are the weapons with which he fights.”
“But he also won praise. In 1935 the columnist Lewis Gannett praised Dr. Klineberg’s latest work, saying, “The Negroes are not inferior; they just have not had a chance.”
How many more centuries do we need for you to prove your case? :-D
19 March, 2010 at 7:53 pm
Igor Alexander Says:
19 March, 2010 at 9:23 am
“Then a few pages further on, another Jew writer, or possibly the same one, writes a glowing review about a new book that celebrates the ‘acheivements’ of ‘African Americans’, implying there IS in fact such thing as race.”
It’s worse than that. I remember reading an article penned by a jew which was published on the front page of a major Canadian newspaper a few years ago in which the author decried that “white supremacists” were using advances in genetic science to buttress their views, and yet she devoted what was probably 10 paragraphs to extolling the intellectual superiority of jews over everyone else. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, loxist bitch.”
A textbook example of Jewish chauvinism and hubris. Makes you want to vomit.
In addition to being “The Great Master of Lies,” Jews are also “The Great Master of Hypocrisy.”
I don’t know about you but I am more than sick and tired of this derogatory title applied to White Nationalists and separatists. Anyone who knows anything about what we believe and stand for can easily see we’re no “supremacists” at all in the truest definition of the word which has been twisted by Talmudic wordsmiths to mean something different.
The only bona fide supremacists are those of the Jewish variety which Dr. David Duke correctly concluded and dubbed:
19 March, 2010 at 8:01 pm
Tim McGreen Says:
18 March, 2010 at 6:18 pm
“The Jew-taught lesson here, of course, is that being White is nothing special.”
“The Jew is The Great Master of Lies.”
Let me apply the anti-dote to this Jewish venum:
To be White is very special, beautiful and wonderful sight!
19 March, 2010 at 11:31 pm
Trace your jewish dna ( new book)
20 March, 2010 at 4:32 am
CW-2 Says:
“I really hate that jew phrase “melting pot”.
Me too.
The term “melting pot” comes to us by grace of an “English” Jew (i.e. a Jew born in England) named Israel Zangwill.
From Wikipedia:
Zangwill was born in London in 1864 to a family of Jewish immigrants from Russia. He dedicated his life to championing the cause of the oppressed. Jewish emancipation, women’s suffrage, assimilationism, territorialism and Zionism .
Zangwill wrote a very influential novel “Children of the Ghetto: A Study of a Peculiar People” (1892). The use of the metaphorical phrase “melting pot” to describe America’s absorption of immigrants was popularised by Zangwill’s play, “The Melting Pot”, a hit in the United States in 1908 – 1909. Zangwill was writing as… “a Jew who no longer wanted to be a Jew. His real hope was for a world in which the entire lexicon of racial and religious difference is thrown away.”
Zangwill supported the feminist and pacifist movements, but his greatest impact may have been as a writer who popularized the idea of the melding of the races into a single, American nation. The hero of his widely-produced play, “The Melting Pot”, proclaims: “America is God’s Crucible, the great Melting-Pot where all the races of Europe are melting and reforming”…
Of course, that miscegenationist concept has now been extended to include all the races of the planet. It could have been predicted. It was inevitable. And yes, they’re still working on throwing away (or outlawing!) the entire lexicon of racial differences, as well as any discussion thereof.
Oh, and check out his photo. Would you call that an Englishman?
20 March, 2010 at 11:23 am
Liberals come closer to being white supremacists than white nationalists do, since like colonialists and Christian missionaries before them, they want to impose their whiteness (in the form of democracy, “human rights,” consumer culture, etc) on the other races; in not so many words, they want to civilize the backwards races of the world. As a white nationalist, my only objective is to keep our traditional homelands white, and I don’t much care what other races do as long as it doesn’t harm mine.
20 March, 2010 at 2:55 pm
Racial anthropology was on the right track at the beginning of the 20th century. It was subverted by the Boasian tradition shortly thereafter. What is interesting is that the major contributors to the “race doesn’t exist” nonsense have been jews, from founder Boas, through Lewontin and Gould, Zimmer and Kammen, Rose and Diamond. Some of them, like Gould, openly bragged of suborning science to an ideological agenda. The modern mainstream opinions regarding race are the result of one of the most politically-charged, mendacious campaigns of deception of all time, directly coinciding with jewish control of educational institutions.
20 March, 2010 at 3:24 pm
Sure. And how did he reconcile that aspiration with being a zionist? So typical of jews to ascribe a universalist, humanitarian motive to things that ultimately only benefit them.
20 March, 2010 at 3:31 pm
“Oh, and check out his photo. Would you call that an Englishman?”
Hell no. You couldn’t pass that off as a Gentile if you tried.
20 March, 2010 at 3:49 pm
So Zangwill coined the term “melting pot,” Klineberg the “there is only one race” mantra, and Gertrude Stein popularized using the word “gay” as a euphemism for homosexuality.
Gee, I think I’m seeing a pattern here. :)
I wonder who came up with “diversity is our greatest strength”?
20 March, 2010 at 3:56 pm
It’s striking how early the jews got started on destroying America. We (or at least I) tend to think of their ascendancy as only having come after WWII, but really, they were already halfway there before the First World War broke out.
As for America being a “melting pot,” that was nonsense even before the term started being applied to mean multiracialism rather than just multiculturalism. America was a WASP country and that was always understood to be the dominant culture.
20 March, 2010 at 4:52 pm
“So Zangwill coined the term “melting pot,” Klineberg the “there is only one race” mantra, and Gertrude Stein popularized using the word “gay” as a euphemism for homosexuality.
Gee, I think I’m seeing a pattern here. :)
I wonder who came up with “diversity is our greatest strength”?”
Maybe it was a line invented by the same Jewess who said that all male sex with women was rape?
Or was it said by the Zionist Jew terrorist who claimed that Israel was “a land without people for a people without a land”?
Or was it said by all the Jews who want us to believe that Moses, Marx, Freud and Einstein are the world’s greatest minds?
Or maybe it was said by that Jewess Sontag, who once famously stated that the White Race “is the cancer of human history”?
Or maybe it was said by the Harvard Jew professor Ignatiev who argues for “abolishing the Whtie Race”?
Or could it be attributed to the famous 19th century Orthodox Rabbi who always compared Gentiles with lowly beasts of burden?
Or the Jew poetess who defaced the Statue of Liberty with her vulgar poem about huddled masses yearning to be free?
Well, no doubt some Jew asshole came up with that Orwellian line about Divershitty.
20 March, 2010 at 9:11 pm
Who coined the term “racism”? Apparently it was a jew, but I’ve heard conflicting reports on who the jew is.
According to Metapedia, it was coined by Leon Trotsky (born Leon Davidovich Bronstein):
Curiously, the Wikipedia article on racism doesn’t address the topic.
20 March, 2010 at 9:46 pm
“Zangwill was writing as… “a Jew who no longer wanted to be a Jew. His real hope was for a world in which the entire lexicon of racial and religious difference is thrown away.”
Wow. After seeing Zangwill’s photo, I can understand why he “no longer wanted to be a Jew”!!! (Who would?)
That was from the old days before they invented nose jobs. Without the plastic surgery, hair-straightener and bleach, half of Hollywood would look like that.
20 March, 2010 at 9:53 pm
It’s hard to draw a caraciture of a Jew, because they already look like caracitures of themselves.
20 March, 2010 at 10:04 pm
Kristian was on the mark about Jewish subversion of anthropology.
But he forgot to mention another prime suspect: Ashley Montagu — another one born in London, real name Israel Ehrenberg.
21 March, 2010 at 9:19 pm
Health Care Reform bill has an incentive in the bill which will furnish 2+ billion dollars to non-whites in grants and scholarships. CSPAN had a hand full of mexicans and blacks in favor of this bill. All were blantanly disregarding the long term negative effects of creating not only another trillion dollar deficit, but also the high taxes that we will be seeing either at the end of the year, paychecks, state/city sales taxes, etc. In addition, none of them cared how this bill is unconstitutional. Does race matter in this case? Yes and no. The non-whites only care how much money they can squelch from the U.S. and care how easily it can be given to them. A few jews, of course, are also in favor of this bill. Anything to bring the U.S. down further and quicker is fine with the jews. The other non-whites don’t care just as long they get the money.
Most of the Whites ARE against this bill. Does it have to do with race? I think it has to do with more common sense and intelligence and more than likely the need to survive knowing these “others” are out to destroy.
22 March, 2010 at 1:43 am
I am dead set against ObongoCare (single-payer is the way to go, but such is the power of the evil health-care empire in the USA that it will never happen). But naturally, the Jew/Capitalist right wing has no problem with spending hundreds of billions every year fighting undeclared, unprovoked wars of imperialist aggression in other peoples’ countries and givng “foreign aid” to the Zionist Entity. No matter what, there is always money available for such evil purposes as those.
22 March, 2010 at 8:49 am
Ashley Montagu — another one born in London, real name Israel Ehrenberg. – Henry
Thank you, I’d forgotten him and he was a big one. Isn’t it funny how they take Anglo-Norman names so that their subversion is less likely to be linked to their ethnicity?
22 March, 2010 at 11:32 am
Next time you want to elaborate on my post, I expect you to have an in-depth response. Did you grasp at all what the 2+ billion meant? It means free education for the non-whites and lesser/no incentives for the Whites. Which means what, Timmy? The loans which the Whites have to pay back will be at a much higher interest rate. Which then means what, Timmy? Higher taxes placed on businesses for the health care bill fiasco means more major cut backs and no jobs. This means no jobs, no way to pay bills, and no way to pay back loans, which then leads to bad credit. With no credit or money, what do you think happens next?
I can see that your favorite jewy, Sarah Silverman TV show hasn’t taught you much.
22 March, 2010 at 12:45 pm
Wow, it looks like Tim caught it that time!
Where did he go wrong?
22 March, 2010 at 1:11 pm
Rat-Hal Turner interview with Larry Sinclair…Listen, 2 hours, Funny!!!
22 March, 2010 at 5:20 pm
Coup de Twat’s post above is more of a rambling screed against C-Span and niggers than a coherent argument about anything. It reads like something that was written by a kook about to go up to the top of a university clock tower and open fire on a bunch of hapless co-eds on the quad below. You’re getting more meshugganah with each passing day, Sarah.
Ein Says:
22 March, 2010 at 12:45 pm
Wow, it looks like Tim caught it that time!
Where did he go wrong?
Ein (assuming it’s really you and not ZOG or some other useless half-wit), What the fuck are you talking about? Oh, you don’t know either? Jerk.
22 March, 2010 at 7:04 pm
Igor Alexander Says:
20 March, 2010 at 3:49 pm
“Gertrude Stein popularized using the word “gay” as a euphemism for homosexuality.”
And what a euphemism it is! Like I said: Talmudic wordsmiths, great masters of word-twisting to suit their agenda. My retort is: “There is nothing ‘gay’ about homosexuality.”
I didn’t know the origin of this euphemism, thanks for enlightening me.
I’m not suprised in the least this term was coined by a Jewess, one in a long line of pestiferous, nation-wrecking, progressive* kikes that have dismantled and continue to pervert and dismantle our once-great White culture and civilization.
*Jewish progress–not ours!
22 March, 2010 at 7:48 pm
Krystian Says:
20 March, 2010 at 2:55 pm
“Racial anthropology was on the right track at the beginning of the 20th century.”
Yes, and German anthropologists were on the cutting edge. Here is a very good book that covers that subject:
Racial Anthropology
and Genetics in
the Dialectic of Volk
by Christopher M. Hutton
You can download it from any of the links below:
From which I quote:
“The psychiatrist Alexander Pilcz (1871-1954) confirmed that in his experience homosexuality was relatively common among Jews.”
When I read that sentance I had the “Aha!” moment where everything now made sense! I always had my suspicions but could not substantiate it. That also explains why many Jews support this perversion (I’m not inferring that they are queer) and are its key players in the, pardon the expression, “gay rights” movement.
“Among Jewish women there is high frequency of unfeminine psychological characteristics, with a loss of passivity, which means that normal psychological inhibitions, such as in relation to appearing in public, are set aside. This explains the large number of Jewish women in public life, and the general disregard of, and loss of the normal instinctive sense for, the traditional social and vocational division between the sexes.”
Oiy!! Such “anti-semitism” and “hate!”
As well, another “Aha!” moment.
You need to download and install a DjVu viewer to read this non-pdf book.
Here’s a link to the (free) viewer I use:
24 March, 2010 at 7:21 am
According to this article, the term “racism” was invented by Magnus Hirschfeld, a jew and arguably the founder of “gay rights”:
So which of these jews came up with the term — Trotsky or Hirschfeld? Does anyone know?
25 March, 2010 at 12:58 am
I don’t claim to know. But I have seen it ascribed to Hirschfeld before. This is the first time I’m seeing anything about Trotsky. I think that’s a litte dubious. Either way, they’re both Jews; it’s from the same source. Water from the same well.
In fact, come to think of it, a lot of this “-isms”, that have brought so much grief to the world, have come from the same source. The Jews have been a fertile source of “–isms”.
25 March, 2010 at 1:01 am
Meant to type “these -isms”. Oops, sorry. Some picky person is bound to get all bent out of shape about that. I wouldn’t want to spoil anyone’s day!
25 March, 2010 at 1:28 am
“Ein (assuming it’s really you and not ZOG or some other useless half-wit),
What the fuck are you talking about? Oh, you don’t know either? Jerk.”
Yes, it’s me. I was joking, for God’s sake!
I don’t understand what you misunderstood….(bizarre construction, that!)
Thanks anyway for the nice compliments.
Usually, “Tim” has a good sense of humor (as well as good sense). I guess that wasn’t his best day.
Ah well, I should have stayed away from that. Coup d’ Twat sets everything aflame.
25 March, 2010 at 2:52 pm
Ein, I apologize for the misunderstanding. At first glance, I thought ZOG or Sean Gruber had hijacked your handle to make their usual immature, ad-hominem insults. The fault is mine and mine alone. But I wonder what that broad Cunt de Twat is really like? A kinky-haired, camel-faced Jewess, perhaps? Or a morbidly obese, effeminate male? In any case, that person has no couth, I tell you.
25 March, 2010 at 3:09 pm
Right! C. de T. just ain’t go no couth.