20 April, 2010

Commemorating the Anniversary of the Birth of Adolf Hitler

Posted by Socrates in Germany, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Socrates at 9:53 pm | Permanent Link

While most politicians are hated, tolerated, or, in some cases, liked, Adolf Hitler was genuinely loved by the German people, and there was a good reason why. Hitler took Germany from being an economic/social mess to being the richest and proudest country in Europe, and he did it in roughly 5 years. That’s an amazing feat which is probably unmatched in human history:


  • 81 Responses to “Commemorating the Anniversary of the Birth of Adolf Hitler”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      I agree wholeheartedly Gerald, with what you said. Especially the part about Hitler’s anglophilia and the Night of the Long Knives. It is often not mentioned in racial circles that a great majority of those killed during that purge were NOT homosexuals like Rohm. The old Army and industrial class (conservatives and capitalists) wanted Hitler to betray the “Socialist” in National Socialist by purging the NSDAP of it’s anti-capitalist elements such as the Strasser brothers.

      I consider myself a Strasserite type of National Socialist, so although I give Hitler credit for the good things he did, I at the same time condemn him for selling out to the industrialists and the Junker class to cement his power. So Hail the SA! Hail Gregor and Otto Strasser!

    2. Blackshirt Says:

      I’m with you guys, Wilton and Rommel. Far too many White Nationalists are such Third Reich fetishists that they take offense at any objective view of the Führer. Just take a look at all the thumbs down I got on my first post on this subject up top! Say one thing bad about Hitler and these folks get all defensive and accuse you of everything in the book. I’ve been dealing with this for a long time unfortunately.

      Wilton’s point about the waste of German manhood at Stalingrad and on the Eastern Front is spot on. Just think of the MILLIONS of White men (and women) who were killed in WWI and WWII. Just like I mentioned above, the war against the Soviet Union was a war of German imperialism. Yes, Communism is/was Jewish, but that doesn’t excuse the way Hitler treated the Russians and other Slavs. Hitler had no problem making deals with Communists when it suited his purposes (the Molotov/ Ribbentrop pact of 1939, anyone?) and the war against the USSR was a war of German colonization. Like it was pointed out before by Wilton, Rommel and myself, the Germans were treated as liberators when they first invaded. That useful attitude changed once the Slavs figured out that Hitler wasn’t there to liberate them, but to take their land and make them slaves.

      Sorry, but I’m not buying the Hitler worship anymore. National Socialism is the GREATEST political philosophy ever developed, and it was developed by MANY people, Hitler just being one of them. He just marketed National Socialism and used it to create/sustain his power. The ideas of National Socialism were there before Hitler, and they live on after him.

    3. Blackshirt Says:

      I’m with you guys, Wilton and Rommel. Far too many White Nationalists are such Third Reich fetishists that they take offense at any objective view of the Führer. Just take a look at all the thumbs down I got on my first post on this subject up top! Say one thing bad about Hitler and these folks get all defensive and accuse you of everything in the book. I’ve been dealing with this for a long time unfortunately.

    4. Blackshirt Says:

      Wilton’s point about the waste of German manhood at Stalingrad and on the Eastern Front is spot on. Just think of the MILLIONS of White men (and women) who were killed in WWI and WWII. Just like I mentioned above, the war against the Soviet Union was a war of German imperialism. Yes, Communism is/was Jewish, but that doesn’t excuse the way Hitler treated the Russians and other Slavs. Hitler had no problem making deals with Communists when it suited his purposes (the Molotov/ Ribbentrop pact of 1939, anyone?) and the war against the USSR was a war of German colonization. Like it was pointed out before by Wilton, Rommel and myself, the Germans were treated as liberators when they first invaded. That useful attitude changed once the Slavs figured out that Hitler wasn’t there to liberate them, but to take their land and make them slaves.

    5. Blackshirt Says:

      Sorry, but I’m not buying the Hitler worship anymore. National Socialism is the GREATEST political philosophy ever developed, and it was developed by MANY people, Hitler just being one of them. He just marketed National Socialism and used it to create/sustain his power. The ideas of National Socialism were there before Hitler, and they live on after him.

    6. Ein Says:

      “Far too many White Nationalists are such Third Reich fetishists that they take offense at any objective view of the Führer.” …. Blackshirt

      I also favor a calm and objective view, and I’m leery of “fetishists” of any stripe. I don’t like personality cults either. But, on the other hand, referring to him as “El Shitler” is not going to win over any converts to Wilton’s point of view.

      Yes, AH made mistakes — as we see now IN HINDSIGHT — but who hasn’t? What military leader hasn’t? Name me any political leaders who were 100% right all the time? I’ve made plenty of mistakes too; I just didn’t have armies at my disposal. My own mistakes were only costly to ME.

    7. Dave Says:

      My father always hated the French,he loved the Italians and Greeks. I always hated the Italians and Greeks but loved the French. One day I met some Italian and Greek WN’s and changed my opinion that I held for years!I based my opinions on what,( I say what and not who) turned out to be gypsies from those countries.

      Hitler made a lot of mistakes but they were not mistakes I am even qualified to make. He may have done a lot wrong,but at least he did something. My little meetings and get togethers. My organizing attempts,so little in comparison.

      If nothing else,he has laid out a blueprint for us to follow,so clear and so easy to see.Do not attack your fellow man,and beware the international jew!

    8. Howdy Doody Says:


    9. Howdy Doody Says:


      The trench – the end

      60,000 English died mostly in the first two hours of the Somme in 1916.

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      Gentlemen! Let’s put the blame for all those countless millions of White deaths during both World Wars where they belong….

      With the International Jew and his shabbos-goy politicians.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      60,000 English died mostly in the first two hours of the Somme in 1916.


      In 0ct. 1941 two years after Germany was defending Europe a poll was done and the results were that 90% of men wanted NO part of fighting with or for STALIN! Believe it.

      Hence Pearl on Dec. 7. 1941

      Don’t forget the Flying Tiger’s were set in motion a year before Pearl, so WHO was starting what ?

    12. Blackshirt Says:

      Actually, I don’t think you can pin starting WWI on the Jews… but the Versailles treaty is another matter. WWI was mainly the result of two factors, the rivalry between Germany and England to control the European continent and colonies/trade/influence, and the complex system of pacts and mobilization that set the process in motion after the spark blew the powder keg. The spark that blew the powder keg was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

    13. Wilton Says:

      I apologize calling Hitler, El Shitler. Lets not underestimate the mistakes he made though, it is not like he forgot to pick up a gallon of milk on his way home from work. He sent millions of men to their death when it could have been avoided. Lets not turn the Jews into some mythical people either, they did play a factor in starting plenty of wars, but they aren’t the sole reason. We shouldn’t give those who are manipulaited by Jews a free pass either. if we did we would be no different then the wishy washy Christians who believe a simple “sorry” is all that is needed. We aren’t a bunch of stupid niggers, we Aryans have a sense of responsibility.

    14. Tim McGreen Says:

      Blackshirt, we cannot let the Jews off the hook for their culpability in starting WWI. I believe Gavrilo Princip, the “Serbian” anarchist who asassinated the Austrian Archduke and Archduchess, was a Jew. Jewish bankers and the Zionist movement both stood to gain a great deal from a major European war. The Jews also financed the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05 in hopes of forcing the Russian Empire to collapse. We all know about their financing of the 1917 Revolution.

      The Jews in Germany betrayed their friend the Kaiser during the War for the sake of establishing a Zionist State in Palestine. Many Jews in Germany avoided military service and did everything they could to sabotage the Reich’s war effort from within.

      I also recall a statement made by Samuel Roth or Maurice Samuel that the Jews postponed the start of the First War from 1912 to 1914 to get the maximum bang for their buck. Jewish newspapers in the Allied countries also stirred up lots of irrational hatred of the Central Powers. White Americans were even persuaded to smash phonograph records of Beethoven’s music in the streets! Sick! Insane!

      Never underestimate the Jews’ determination to foment war. They are NOT invincible, all-powerful gods, but they do know how to manipulate and decieve the public when it’s to their benefit.

    15. Ein Says:

      “White Americans were even persuaded to smash phonograph records of Beethoven’s music in the streets! Sick! Insane!” – Tim

      Yes, it was an incredible example of mass hysteria. Mozart, Wagner, Brahms, and other German/Austrian composers were banned; many families of German descent were terrorized and were forced to anglicize their names (for their own safety). The German language and literature were outlawed. There was even a case of a university professor who was arrested for stating in his class that … “English is a low-German dialect.” (A statement that is absolutely correct!)

    16. Wilton Says:

      I never heard of Gavrilo Princip being a Jew. I thought he was held in high esteem by Serbian and Slavic Nationalist. I think there was even a Muslim part of the assasiantion squad to take out Archduke Francis Ferdinand. The hero of Serbian Nationalist a sephardic kikenvermin? They must feel like idiots! LOL

    17. Blackshirt Says:

      I’m a little skeptical about Gavrilo Princip being a Jew also, Wilton. In general, people involved with the racial movement/struggle are very quick to label anyone a Jew. I know the Serbian Nationalists are VERY anti-Jew, so I would think they would be the first ones to disown a Jew.

      I’m going to do some investigation and I’ll let you all know what I find out.

    18. Ein Says:


      Gavrilo Princep is described by Wiki as “a Bosnian Serb” nationalist. He sure doen’t look like much of a prize specimen, whatever he was, and not too very white either.

      Being not yet 20, he could not be sentenced as an adult, and only got a sentence 20 years (but died during WW One).

    19. Ein Says:

      Wilton says: “I thought he was held in high esteem by Serbian and Slavic Nationalist. I think there was even a Muslim part of the assasiantion squad to take out Archduke Francis Ferdinand.”

      Whatever he was, there is an excellent example of the results of multi-culturalism. The Austria-Hungarian empire was a hodgepodge patchwork of squabbling nationalities, all hating each other, while the folks in Vienna were TRYING to make it work. It didn’t work! And they didn’t even have disparate RACES to deal with there, as we do. Just like the Ottoman Empire didn’t work either. And like the USA is trying to become!

      Don’t we learn anything from history? But the Jews always prefer a multi-cultural babel in which they can lose themselves among the swarm of minorities, and thus attract no attention. (Question: what kind of people must hide in the shadows and avoid attracting attention?)

      So they keep telling us, despite all the lessons of history, that “diversity gives us strength”. Yeah, sure. Well, at least it’s good for them. They might as well tell us that tuberculosis is good for us too.

    20. Wilton Says:

      @Black Shirt, I know what you mean about people involved in this movement being quick to call everyone a Jew, it has gotten very tiresome. Gavrilo Princip was basically a poor kid doing dirty work for people in a higher position, that doesn’t exactly fit the profile of a Jew! If anything, he was most likely a patsy!

      @Ein, there are some dusky looking Serbs out there, a few who play/played in the NBA come to mind. Don’t forget there has been a long held gypsy community in Serbia/Bosnia, and the Turks did their fair share of genetic damage to the area.

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      I think Wilton is a Jew.

    22. Tim McGreen Says:

      Wilton = Weissberg = Jew


    23. grant Says:


    24. Henry Says:

      No, I don’t see.

    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      Then put on your thinking cap, Henry.

    26. Joe 90 Says:

      Whether you are for or against Hitler, his enduring legacy has ensured that any pro-White movement is tainted by association and so doomed to failure. The shadow of der Fuhrer has cast a baleful spell from which the movement has been unable to extricate itself.

    27. Ein Says:

      “his enduring legacy has ensured that any pro-White movement is tainted by association and so doomed to failure.”

      Of course, that is not his fault. But the Jews have “ensured” that taint. It serves them very well. They have twisted and shaped his “legacy” to make him serve their purpose. Just call anybody a Hitler or a Nazi, and it will shut them up quick. And it will scare the wits out of everybody else. In the Middle Ages, people were terrified of the Devil. Today, Hitler is the modern Devil that keeps people in line.

      If there had never been a Hitler, the Jews would have had to invent one. In fact, the Hollywood “Hitler” that we know now, through movies and such, is largely a Jewish invention.

    28. Tim McGreen Says:

      I just watched an old movie starring Alec Guiness about Hitler’s last ten days in the bunker. Real Hollywood Jew nonsense. I thought a fine actor like Sir Alec would have brought some depth and complexity to the role of Der Fuhrer, but no, he didn’t dare displease his Jewish bosses.

    29. Ein Says:

      Just get a look at these Hollywood “Nazis”. These are the Nazis that Hollywood and the media all adore. Well, that they love to hate, anyway.

      These tattooed, wacky, weirdos have probably never read a word out of Mein Kampf and wouldn’t know what the Weimar Republic was, but Hollywood has been making a living off types like these for many, many years now. What would Hollywood do without them?

      So picturesque! So Photogenic! So scary! And a little bit of sex and sadism never hurt at the box office either.


    30. Jim Says:

      In spite of all his faults, a truly great man like Adolf Hitler only comes into incarnation probably once every thousand years. How long must we wait for another White Man of his stature to arise among us. Will we allow the jews to persuade us to crucify HIM too?

    31. Joe 90 Says:

      Well I agree Ein, the Jews, who usually don’t give away anything for nothing, have supplied the goyim first with Christianity and now its substitute Holocaustianity. They haven’t neglected to invent a new incarnation of the devil, none other than Uncle Adolf!