4 June, 2010

A Lot of Nothing

Posted by Socrates in America, AmeriKwa, General Decline, Socrates, women, Women Politicians at 11:47 pm | Permanent Link

Overheard: a group of women talking. Women never seem to talk about anything important. It’s just endless chatter about carpets, drapes, dieting, cats, hair-care and who’s Debby-at-the-beauty-salon dating? It’s a bunch of nothing. (Morning TV is the same way, which is probably why they watch it). Remember that these people now control half of our country.

  • 41 Responses to “A Lot of Nothing”

    1. CW-2 Says:

      Recently my employer decided to give some teenage girls some work experience by ‘interning’ for a couple of weeks in the office. The girls were a pleasant enough bunch but I was appalled by their reading habits. They had left some girls’ mags in the lunch room and out of curiosity I had a flick through them, well you can guess what was inside; page on page of ugly, snearing, cocky niggers with the obligatory baseball cap on backwards. If that wasn’t bad enough there were articles on sexual practices, all stuff a 16 year old girl doesn’t need to know!
      But wait, there was a feature on cake baking, somewhat relieved I turned the page but only to discover an article on making penis shaped cookies!
      If only I could get hold of the evil jews who own and publish these magazines.

    2. Henry Says:

      “Only Jewish, 18-34 year old males, or other Jew chosen Shabbos teacher are allowed to come in contact with these young girls, who are hidden away from society…”

      Huh? Young women are hidden away from society???
      Where? What world is that? (Saudia Arabia, maybe.)

      Jimmy, your arcane remarks are so inscrutable that I simply don’t understand what you are trying to say here. What is the message?

      Do we need a guidebook to interpret these oracular sayings, which are out of reach of the unitiated?

      Or are you just spaced out?

    3. Virgil Says:

      Women should not have the right to vote. They should also be barred from serving in the military, police and fire departments. They should marry young and focus on the hearth and motherhood.

    4. Jim Says:

      Virgil, you are absolutely right. In a healthy Aryan society, women will perform their traditional function of mothers, homemakers, and nurturers of Aryan men. The role reversal of Aryan women in today’s jewified and feminized ‘Kwa after the 1960’s has done more than any other jew scheme to turn our once healthy society into shambles.

    5. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      Think of the rampant materialism which afflicts our society nowadays, that is the product of airheaded women and the men who desire to impress these sluts with their stupid trinkets…

      Women are the Achilles heel of White Christian Culture who can be easily emotionally manipulated by the Jews media…

    6. festerbestertester Says:

      While White men work 8-5 , The Jewish media is stressing to our young about how trendy and great it would be marry a different race, how our White forefatheres are guilty of just about everything in order to hold back Blacks, Brown or any different shade. Its not cool to be White! Hate your own race but you dare not say one thing bad about another or the Jewish thought police will be at your front door! Smile White man and go get your mulatto grandkid a new toy and while you are at it sign over your house to him!

    7. Luek Says:

      Women do have a habit of being fixated on things that men don’t consider to be important.

      Men do think about important things like nigger ball players and where they will play after college. All sports of course. Getting shitfaced by drinking beer/liquor all weekend. Not giving a damn about what their children are being taught in government schools. Not being racially concious because some of their best buds at work are non-white.

      Women have to govern the country because men as a whole don’t care to in my opinion.

    8. Andrea Dworkin Says:

      We have to accept the fact that women are not our equals intellectually any more than non-whites…

      We can’t give birth to kids, they can’t think rationally or lead…

    9. Blackshirt Says:

      Andrea Dworkin Says:

      Think of the rampant materialism which afflicts our society nowadays, that is the product of airheaded women and the men who desire to impress these sluts with their stupid trinkets…

      Women are the Achilles heel of White Christian Culture who can be easily emotionally manipulated by the Jews media…

      Although I don’t care about the “Christian” culture statement you made, I agree with everything else. Materialism is definitely part of the web when it comes to the complex situation we find ourselves in with our women. For quite a few years I worked in a field where I found myself in customer’s houses quite often. While I was in these houses I observed how the couples interacted and what was important to them. More often than not the women in the house were overly concerned about material possessions and what they symbolized to others, more so then the men I encountered. Now with that said, many men were just as infected with materialism as were the women. But I think this isn’t a new phenomenon, it is in the nature of people to be this way, except that Consumerism and growth-centered Capitalism have exploited this human weakness.

      Luek Says:

      Men do think about important things like nigger ball players and where they will play after college. All sports of course. Getting shitfaced by drinking beer/liquor all weekend. Not giving a damn about what their children are being taught in government schools. Not being racially concious because some of their best buds at work are non-white.

      I have to agree with that statement. I have always felt that spectator sports are a HUGE diversion for our male folk, and it can be rightly argued that spectator sports to the White male populace is what soap operas and gossip mags are to the White female populace. Spectator sports are also a vehicle used to teach young White boys that non-whites are alright and should be looked up to.

      Glance through some of the sports channels on the TV when you get a chance sometime. One of the things you will see as the nigger ball players are going out to the field or at public events are White fathers bringing their children to ooh and ahh over some nigger ballplayer. There he will be, mesmerized by the nigger hero, wide-eyed and pushing his son or daughter to get the nigger’s autograph or picture. What sort of message is this sending to White children? That’s a rhetorical question, obviously.

      So as we as men here poke and prod at the deficiencies in White women, we should also take a good look at the state of White men in our society. We need to focus on how Jews and their allies use consumerism, materialism, and spectator sports to keep our people in a state of distraction.

    10. nom de guerre Says:

      “Women are deceived, men are not, they deceive themselves.”

      By the corruption of women, all evils entered the earth

      Who corrupts women? Men!

    11. Sgt. Skull Says:

      Most women who seem like they have character turn into catty bitches once they get in a group of their female friends. I have major differences with “Fred on Everything” Reed but his observations on American women are spot on. They act like high school male jocks when in groups and are becoming less feminine each year.

      Spend 10-15 minutes with the average American woman and you can’t help but notice her vapidity and intellectual emptiness. At times I can see why earlier Western societies restricted the female’s role to child bearing, rearing and domestic pursuits.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      What I’ve noticed is that in some cases (only some, not all), a young woman will actually be interesting UNTIL she gets engaged or married and then starts having kids. After that, it’s just “guess what Junior did today?” and “I think we’ll remodel the kitchen next month.”, or ” Does this blouse make me look fat?” Yak, yak, yak!!! Is it any wonder their husbands just want to go off with their buddies all weekend and fish? Or start an affair with the secretary? Or even kill the annoying bitch? It gets even worse when the broads become grandmothers, with the damn Christmas sweaters and cookies and shit.

      I guess it’s all thanks to evolution. At first, Nature makes the female attractive and desirable in order to lure a man in and start breeding with him. Once that happens, Nature lets her get fat and domestically-oriented, as well as extremely trivial, boring and superficial. The only way that terrible cycle gets broken is if the woman becomes divorced or a single mom. Then Nature makes her attractive and interesting again so that she can land another mate.

    13. George Wallace Says:

      Excellent! Someone is waking up to the fact that this is not America. THE VOTE was only for 21 year-old European males with estates worth at least 50 lbs. Sterling or 50 acres (1776 value). NEVER did the Founding Fathers intend for the common man/woman to gain control of and run this country. Additionally, the American Founding fathers OWNED SLAVES as legal property recognized, among others, by the British Crown (these were slaves sold to the West by the African tribal chiefs for their benefit and financial gain). To be sure, what America and Americans lost first was LOYALTY.

    14. Blackshirt Says:

      On White American women, some observations:

      Here in the Northeast if a woman is well educated there is a 95% chance she is a raging liberal or Social Marxist. That is my estimation based on my experiences.

      90% of the women with racial views I have met have them because they had a boyfriend or husband that was racial. Also, if you happen across a White woman with racial views who was not initiated in some way by a man, she will have a very shallow view of racial issues.

      I want to make sure and point out that there is a small population of White women out there who figured out the racial issue on their own and have a hard-core intellectual opinion about it. Unfortunately a vast majority of White racial women are not racist based on intellectual investigation.

      So here is the single White Racist man’s dilemma: How do you find a White Racist woman who is highly educated enough not to be a bore, and not superficially racist, but dedicated by her own experiences and observations? On top of that, can you find one who is actually attractive and physically fit enough to be worthy of bearing children?

      In my opinion the problem with women being educated isn’t the education itself, but the kind that is pushed on them. I prefer an educated White woman to a pretty bore of a White woman myself, so the problem in my eyes is that our enemies have made sure our women get Social Marxist educations. We must find a way to change that or we are doomed, because like it or not, we need our women to continue the race. You just cannot write them all off as lost to us White men, and you aren’t going to force them back into being housewives without turning them into slaves who will hate you and do things like abort your babies out of spite.

      Forcing women back into a 1950s housewife role is just pure masculine fantasy. The key to us as White men winning our women back to us is getting our education system out of the hands of Jews and White Social Marxists.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      I don’t like a lot of those college-educated females too much myself. They spent at least four years being indoctrinated with Jew Marxist/PC hogwash. And once they have their glamourous Sex in the City/Ally McBeal careers, they have become totally racially brain dead, their only concerns being money and “self fulfillment”.

      No, I’d say in 4 out of 5 cases, I would prefer the working class White girl over the pampered and privileged, PC-indoctinated, yuppiezed college girl.

    16. Sgt. Skull Says:

      College educated females are the absolute worst. Whereas the college experience made me a right wing radical, then white nationalist, most women enter college as moderate to conservative then wind up as foaming at the mouth left wing radicals at graduation. I witnessed the transformation among several girls.

      Even today, most women I’m acquainted with who possess college degrees then to be liberals and champions of every race except whites. White women are more impressionable and naive and thus
      more susceptible to the leftist, anti-white brainwashing that takes place on college campuses

    17. Ein Says:

      “90% of the women with racial views I have met have them because they had a boyfriend or husband that was racial. Also, if you happen across a White woman with racial views who was not initiated in some way by a man, she will have a very shallow view of racial issues.”

      Excellent post from Blackshirt! (And from many others above too.)

      I wonder if the reason may be that most females (no matter how “educated” or “liberated” they may be) tend to have far fewer out-in-the-world experiences than men do.They just don’t get around so much. Lacking very much worldly experience, they naturally tend to be naive “babes in the wood”, especially when it comes to racial things. They lack the same long line of experiences that turn so many men from indoctrinated lefties to raging racists.

    18. Doug Says:

      The most practical females I’ve met grew up in rural areas where their father farmed or did otherwise outdoor activities like hunt/fish. I personally didn’t grow up in that sort of environment, but it’s something I’ve noticed about the personalities, they just seem more personable and grounded in organic reality vs. abstract demonstrably false theories like racial equality. If a girls grows up surrounded with confident, productive white males, I think they are less prone to jewish marxist BS if presented it in school, but public schools are child abuse as Linder has said. Anyone with kids should pay attention to the authors of children’s books, it’s probably a similar trend to the early 80s. Now in my mid-20s, I discovered that every major children’s book that was read to us in class was a jewish author:

      Louis Sachar – Sideways Stories from Wayside School
      Maurice Sendak – Where the Wild Things Are
      Shel Silverstein – Where the sidewalk ends
      Stan Berenstain – Berenstain Bears
      RL Stine – Goosebumps
      David Schwartz – How much is a million

    19. Tim McGreen Says:

      Obviously, there are some people here who have no clue how sexual evolution works!

    20. Karen Says:

      Hey guys, I feel very lucky I grew up with a dad who was involved with Adrien Arcand in Montreal. He was educated in geo-politics. I have to say though for some reason my mom never went to college but by the time my father met her she was well versed with history and politics and they always had the most interesting conversations. She became a history buff, self educated. She is 88 now and is still cursing the jews!!! She has her own pc and searches lots of history. I would say that no one, male or female of the Aryans today have a love for reading history. TV ruins the mind. I have lots of interesting books that my parents always passed on to me. Both written in french and english.

    21. Ein Says:

      “She became a history buff, self educated. She is 88 now and is still cursing the jews!!! She has her own pc and searches lots of history.”

      Great for your mom! My compliments to her.
      I think almost nobody will arrive at such independent views unless they are largely self-educated. It take a log of reading and study — and independent thought. All the standard history that is presented to us though the lens of the schools and the media manages to make the Jews look like history’s angels who have been cruelly misunderstood and unappreciated by their host nations.

      Needless to say, of course, that “history” is written and controlled by Jews! It has gotten so that we are only allowed to see our own history through Jewish eyes.

      That was also a revealing comment from Doug about all those children’s books that he later realized were written by Jews! And what about the Dr. Seuss stories? And what about Dr. Spock who was for for many years the unchllenged “authority” on child raising? A whole generation of Americans was raised on Dr. Spock.

    22. Captain Slappy Says:

      This is exactly why I don’t go to that half of the country.

      50% of Women fuck up everything 100% of the time.
      The other half just make it dumber.

      The 50’s are starting to look so good it hurts.
      “The American Dream”…just without all the feminists, and jews.

      Unfortunately, I can’t blame the Jews nearly as much as morons who have kids, and refuse to raise them. Who instead, let the Media run by those people do it.

      Instead, you are seeing more and more people “pull out” of the current system(s), even women, as the Interwebs has brought a whole new game to “History”, and brought out actual fact that isn’t controlled. They are also undoing what the media and “teachers” are doing to them as well. In fact, some schools have begun to kick back.

      But…in the narcissistic society we have now (I notice Jews are really bad about narcissism obviously), you just gotta let a bunch go to the slaughter, and save what you can. Meaning yourself.

      In my opine, it is the “citified” females (as stated above, “college Karl edumacated”) that seem to eat the stupid with the shovels, and the rural gals (at least where I inhabit) are still “normal”.

      Well, more normal than the big cities. Can’t claim much, but can claim that! (It is even getting to be here, and beginning to infect and create Zombies where no one would think….)

    23. Captain Slappy Says:


      +50,000 Al Gore Carbon Interwebs Cookies!

      Excellent point!

      If you want to be intelligent and FREE, if you want TRUE education (where you have to work to find it, and ASK your own questions, not just let someone else force-fuck it into your head)….

      Self-Education wins every time. Plus, it is extremely cheap, and the SINGLE most important thing (to me) the Interwebs has done to actually advance humanity. You get to learn ACTUAL fact, and truth.

      It’s the same as the analogy I use that goes like this:
      (About giving high tech to lower tribal civilizations and going WOW! It all got clustered up)
      “If you give a retard a .357, don’t be surprised when he shoots you instead of the dude that needs it”.

      In other words, “If you give a lazy know-nothing moron all the choices of information in the world, they will run right to a College, and end up destroying the guy trying to teach them the truth.”

      It seems like almost ALL of these boneheads pick the quick and easy path (college, higher education, etc.) and absolutely REFUSE to ask the questions themselves, and learn from REAL people.

      So in the end, these Marxist slobs at Colleges are literally handing incoming morons the most powerful, and MOST untrue and non-factual information on the planet, and they are leaving in droves, infecting the population, and destroying everything in their sight.

    24. Tim McGreen Says:

      I will never forget an amusing little incident that took place years ago during a night-school class I was attending. We were supposed to watch a documentary about something in class but the VCR was not properly hooked up to the TV. It was a class of about 25 people, 23 of whom were women.

      For almost half an hour, at least a dozen of the female students and the female instructor took turns trying to figure out what the problem was. Of course, they were giggling and gossiping the whole time. Exasperated, they all gave up and went into another classroom to watch the videotape on another VCR.

      After they left, the other male student (besides me) took a shot at fixing the problem. It was a very minor thing, something like a switch that had to be turned to the VCR postion or a cable that wasn’t plugged in all the way. At any rate, he fixed the problem withing 30 seconds. I said to him “Amazing how almost 20 girls tried for over 20 minutes to fix…” But he cut me off with a laugh, saying “No, no…Don’t go there!”

      I think that incident says it all about the “equality of the sexes”.

    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      PS..the guy was White, of course.

    26. Ein Says:

      Gee! I assumed he was black!
      On TV, only blacks can come to the rescue, have all the answers, and fix something in 20 seconds.

    27. Tim McGreen Says:

      Ein, I’d love to see Morgan Freeman or Samuel L. Jackson hold forth on some ponderous issue (since they are the smartest colored fellas who ever lived) and then open a box and let out a skunk or a snake in front of them. Oh, to see their eyes bulge out of their burr-heads and then take off like scalded cats! Too much fun.

    28. Sean Gruber Says:

      “the rural gals (at least where I inhabit) are still ‘normal’. Well, more normal than the big cities. Can’t claim much, but can claim that! (It is even getting to be here, and beginning to infect”

      Listen to “NEW COUNTRY” “music”. Jew-produced brainwashing: the jew teaching women (and men) how to feel about everything.

      Linder calls it “CUNT-ry” now. He’s right.

    29. Howdy Doody Says:

      Listen to “NEW COUNTRY” “music”. Jew-produced brainwashing: the jew teaching women (and men) how to feel about everything.

      Linder calls it “CUNT-ry” now. He’s right.

      ALL NEW CUNTRY is Kosher.

      I would bet you ALL the performers know it !

      There are not artist’s, but Con-Artists!

    30. Dagon Says:

      I think the generational changes in widespread Western cultural sensibilities are really what is at fault here and not so much the innate incapacities of women – or many men for that matter.

      Sure, being in higher ed as a grad student, and before as an undergrad, I saw more than my fair share of brain-less and materialisitic young females. Having said that though, I like and respect many older women who I know who are in the fifty to seventy age range. I can’t imagine my Mom or any of her friends from her own generation acting as younger women of today do.

      Yes, they are all women. However, I see changes as being as much generational thanks to the influence of the break down of the family and the dominance of the Frankfurt School over the commanding heights of entertainment (and ‘info-tainment’).

      I think Blackshirt and Andrea also made excellent points that many young, white men today are just as bad as their female counterparts. Some of the lower middle class and lower class white male youth I talk to can barely express themselves without profanity and a kind of psuedo-ghetto black ‘swagger.’

      The solution to all this? Change the discourse, the rest will follow. I know how tall an order that is but the potential necessarily rests with the rest of us who are awake, and us alone.

      Bare in mind too that once such discursive changes are brought about, peoples’ behavior will change. Most people, be they good or bad, are in some sense lemmings. If your average 15 to 35 year old female – or male – white ‘lemming’ models themselves after MTV today, under a rational, sane discourse they will just as eagerly clean themselves up and follow the new line. We just have to become the unchallenged arbiters of that new (old) line first.

    31. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      “Valley Girl” by Frank Zappa


    32. Blackshirt Says:

      Good observations, Dagon. Changing the discourse is the best strategy for us and I believe as you do about that. The solution in my mind is that we MUST get our education system out of the hands of our enemies. There is nothing wrong with educating women in a strong, pro-White, educational system.

      As far as the current generation goes, we’ll just have to write them off- there is no saving the majority of them. We need to have the children and educate them at a young age. This was our enemy’s plan and it worked out wonderfully for them, as it will for us.

    33. Ein Says:

      Great post, Dagon! I’m glad you brought in the Frankfurt School… “The dominance of the Frankfurt School over the commanding heights of entertainment (and ‘info-tainment’). ” Very well said! The Frankfurt School has had TREMENDOUS influence in re-shaping America and transforming it into non-America, the Jews’ New Utopia, and most people never even heard of it. (Which is exactly the way the Frankfurt School likes it.)

      I also agree fully with your comment that … “some of the lower middle class and lower class white male youth I talk to can barely express themselves without profanity and a kind of psuedo-ghetto black ’swagger.’ ” Exactly! Yes, many of the young men are just as vapid and shallow as their female counterparts. Even the so-called “educated” cannot converse without including “Dude” in every sentence, and they’re not much more articulate than the black ghetto types they so admire. “Black is cool” is the theme … and they’ve been raised on that notion all their lives, without ever hearing a contradictory word.

      Yes, most people are “in some sense lemmings”, so they’ll go with whatever the currently orthodox attitudes seem to be. People don’t want to go against the herd. They don’t want to rock the boat. The answer, as Blackshirt says, is to get our educational system out of the hands of our enemies.

      That is the easy answer. But “How?” is the question.

    34. Ein Says:

      I could add that this (the question of who dominates education and media) is no longer a relatively simple Jewish question, as it once was. They (the Jews) specialize in training and sending out “apostles”, as it were, who fit into the surrounding population. Their mission is to go out in the world and preach to the other gentiles and spread the word of the new “religion” …. in this case, the new religion of ‘Holy Diversity’.

      The analogy with the spread of early Christianity is striking. By now, they have trained so many passionate converts to the new religion that they (the Jews) can practically step back, appear to wash their hands of it, and let their apostles do the heavy work and take the heat from now on.

      They (they Jews) did exactly the same with the blacks, starting a century ago, by training of an elite cadre of Negroes, to advance the cause of ‘Integration’ — never before an issue in America, and which most blacks did not want or need — which was also promoted under a pseudo-religious patina. The black “leaders” trained by the NAACP and other Jewish-funded organizations, took up the issue of integration as a ‘sacred’ cause that was not to be questioned, a moral issue, and made it The Black Cause for the entire next century — causing untold social mayhem, upheaval, and hardship in the process.

      Candlelight parades, sermons, prayers, black “reverends” leading solemn marches — it all had a heavily religious and moral overtone which implied that anyone who disagreed or resisted was a moral reprobate, if not downright evil or insane. Thus, “decent” people were morally blackmailed into giving in. There simply was no other acceptable position.

      It’s important to understand that Integration is not merely “good for the Jews”, it is NECESSARY for the Jews, in order to be able to maintain their stranglehold on the host society around them. Integration has given them everything they have today. It has been extremely “good for the Jews.” Without it, they would be just a tiny, powerless minority living in their own community, wielding no influence beyond it. Ever since their emancipation from the ghettos, they have depended on the appearance of assimilation to furnish them access to all the wealth, power, and high positions in the larger gentile society, by which they can control the world around them. Thus, integration must be promoted for everybody as a high moral cause, no matter how deleterious it happens to be for everybody else.

      But real Negroes — not the high-yellows of the NAACP, such as DuBois, who were almost white and chafed at not being entirely so — had no real wish to live alongside whites, marry whites, or socialize with whites. They were satisfied and happier among their own people with their own customs. The whole thing was a Jewish notion, utilizing angry quadroons to advance it in the “black community”.

      And so it is now with the latest “cause” — Diversity. The fanatic acolytes (in this case whites) of the new religion of Holy Diversity, Christianity’s replacement, are passionately committed to their new cult and will go out into the world and do most of the work, while the Jewish originators and promoters of the cult remain safely hidden behind the curtain. Like all religion, it is advanced as dogma, based solely on belief and revelation, exempt from question or any need for proof.

      Thus, what was originally a Jewish cult, like Christianity, has become a mass psychosis affecting the general population, by no means no longer limited to Jews alone. It is “good for the Jews”, but it is very bad for us.

    35. Ein Says:

      “by no means no longer limited to Jews alone.”

      Oops! Sorry. Meant by “no means any longer limited to Jews alone.”

      Grammar or not, my statement remains unchanged. The critical Jewish connection to INTEGRATION is an essential one to understand; and I can’t stress enough that the Negroes in America (or anywhere else!) were never demanding any such thing, nor even imagined it, before the Jews arrived and got involved in pushing them on white society.

      It is a JEWISH concept, which has been, historically, very good for the Jews. In the past 200 years, they have profited immensely from it. Now, they see the further extension of it to other races as doing additional good for the Jews by diluting and weakening the host population around them, in their drive to take over and rule that population, as a new plutocratic aristocracy.

      The Jewish-led minority coalition has given them votes and political power far beyond what the Jews’ own numbers could command. Not to mention providing them cover so they will stand out less in a confused multicultural Tower of Babel. The blacks (and lately other “minorities” as well) are just tools to that end. They think it’s all about them, but it’s not! They’re expendable.

    36. M. Kraus Says:

      Morning TV is the same way, which is probably why they watch it

      Evening TV, by contrast, presents women as stone-faced, super-competent careerists who are only held back by the stupidity and laziness of the men around them. If a man makes a feeble attempt to criticize them, they cut him to ribbons with their razor tongues, and he retreats sheepishly. It’s pandering to the sex with the most fragile ego. Real life doesn’t work that way, but neither men nor women who watch TV seem to be able to make that distinction.

      Television is a non-stop feminist agitprop box.

    37. Tim McGreen Says:

      Seeing as how Mr. Shabazz linked to a Frank Zappa song, how about another cool tune for White people, albeit one not exactly known for any social commentary:


    38. Robert in Arabia Says:

      Touching McDonald’s ad from France.

    39. Robert in Arabia Says:


    40. festerbestertester Says:

      The media depicts the black as a moral leader.There is nothing he cant do. But in real life, the black always knows how to do the job until time to actually do the job!

    41. Sean Gruber Says:

      Ein said:

      “The critical Jewish connection to INTEGRATION is an essential one to understand; and I can’t stress enough that the Negroes in America (or anywhere else!) were never demanding any such thing, nor even imagined it, before the Jews arrived and got involved in pushing them on white society.”

      We can look on the concept of racial “integration” like we look on any concept that drops from jew mouths: as a flipped term. What integration actually is, is disintegration.

      Integration DISINTEGRATES things.

      It disintegrates – tears apart – racially homogeneous societies, neighborhoods, families. It disintegrates the races it’s allegedly integrating.

      This is a point made by Linder in a Radio Istina in ’08. The races are already integral, together, complete. The jew’s MO is to break up settled situations and create chaos, so they bust up what is complete by pushing incompatible elements into it. Forget about the oil spill in the gulf – kikes are forever trying to mix oil and water, and are thereby ruining both.

      Injecting jigs into anything destroys it. But that’s “integration” – in other words, kike-speak for DISintegration. When the jews say “integrated,” they mean shattered.

      The time has come to get rid of the jews.