8 September, 2010

Two Items From the Occidental Observer Blog

Posted by Socrates in jew mentality, jewed politics, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates, Zionism at 9:20 pm | Permanent Link

1. Anarcho-Zionism


2. Policing the Elites


  • 9 Responses to “Two Items From the Occidental Observer Blog”

    1. Jim Says:

      It is a sure sign that the current jewish lie factory that masquerades as the US Govt is on terminal life support when the only acceptable “opposition” to the nigger-jew administration of Black Insane Obangoare fuck heads like Rush Limpballs, Sean Handtitty, Glen Beckerhead, and Sarah Painintheass. What the White Nationalist Movement needs today more than anything else is good leadership and a viable Pro-White organization that will spark the fires of the will to resist among the countless members of our Race who are painfully aware that something is wrong, but are looking for answers in every place but the right one.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      The way I see it, the American Empire is eventually going to break up into smaller revolutionary republics. The Regime in Washington, District of Coons will no longer be able to hold it all together, not when the Black and Spic gangs start waging open warfare against the police and against Whites. Then mobs of hungry, unemployed, disposessed and very, very angry Whites will start taking matters into their own hands. Their fear of and respect for established authority will vanish as THEY become the new authority.

      This could yet turn out to be a great time in history to be White!

    3. Jim Says:

      When the District of Coons can no longer hold it together, there may be a period of general anarchy, then Martial Law and a period of Military Dictatorship. Our best bet may be for a White Revolutionary government to arise in Russia. In the general breakdown of the economic, social and legal structure on the North American Continent, It may be possible for a White takeover of Alaska, parts of the Pacific Northwest, or British Columbia. Communications and trade could be established across the Bering Strait. Without a White Revolution in Russia, the ‘Kwa might possibly break up into smaller revolutionary republics as Tim says, but it is also possible that many of these small republics may be ultra reactionary. The main question that will determine everything else is how much power the jews will be able to hold on to in a post-AmeriKwan era.

    4. Justin Huber Says:

      Unfortunately, if there were to be any break off republics in America a fair amount would probably be “ultra reactionary” as Jim says.

    5. Ein Says:

      I agree, Justin. And furthermore, as Jim forsees, the Jews would most likely hold onto a lot of power, since most Americans are so un-savvy about Jews. And also since nearly all Americans, of whatever race, religion, or poilitical views, have been raised on Jewish media indoctrination and Jewish-controlled education. They have been thoroughly brainwashed all their lives. That can’t be erased overnight. They’ve known nothing else. Hollywood, Tin Pan Alley, the sports complex, and Madison Avenue, combined with the pulpit and blackboard, have done their job effectively.

      The Jews are so experienced in negotiating shifts of power down through the ages, that they can swim very deftly on either side of the pond and can switch their stripes overnight, depending who is in power and what ideology is in favor. It doesn’t really matter to them, so long as they retain ultimate control behind the scenes. That boils down to control over money and propaganda, and all of the influential professions.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      If there’s any revolution in the USA the Jews will instinctively scurry off like rats. Their plan will probably be to hide out in Africa or Latin America until it’s safe to come back. The main problem will be fighting against all those White reactionaries who will try and impose a Christian Teabagger dictatorship on the rest of us.

    7. Curious Says:

      Under ZOG cop-killing IS revolutionary.

      Jews infiltrating the opposition against Obama is very real; they have convinced countless Whites that Liberals are anti-Semitic.

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      Curious Says:

      25 September, 2010 at 11:08 am

      Under ZOG cop-killing IS revolutionary.

      Jews infiltrating the opposition against Obama is very real; they have convinced countless Whites that Liberals are anti-Semitic.

      1 0

      Leave a Reply
      Evangelical’s are their number one insane duped ass kissing fools who can’t use their brains to see who wrecked U.S. and they love Talk Radio Neo Con Bolshviks and their TV’s

    9. Howdy Doody Says:

      Justin Huber Says:

      9 September, 2010 at 1:58 pm

      Unfortunately, if there were to be any break off republics in America a fair amount would probably be “ultra reactionary” as Jim says.

      The evagelical nut duped case’s are trained idiots who believe all B.S. their media leaders have put and are the most anti Lettered men you will meet next to the left wing Nutz.