23 December, 2010

Thoughts on Government

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 11:21 am | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce. (This week’s William Pierce Wednesday item is being posted today).


“Actually, however, most of us are moral because morality has had survival value for us for a very long time. It evolved with us. We developed the tendency to be moral over the course of many thousands of generations because those groups of people, those communities, with a high percentage of moral people in them were more likely to survive and prosper than those groups consisting primarily of amoral people.”


For the audio version of this article, go [Here] and scroll down to 12-11-1999.

  • 11 Responses to “Thoughts on Government”

    1. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Yep the political ho’s have no intentions of doing anything to stop the hemorrhaging going on, what they’re hoping for now is to have a nice lil xmas , while the kwa burns and churns in a mud swamp. Look goody goody what Santa Kwa brought us 10% gain in mud population! And they still have their jobs, and then the Xian televangelitz are telling the flock they have to obey these amoral politicans and judges, cuz jaysus sez so.

      Its time for an immoral majority to take over

    2. Virgil Says:

      It is time to take out the thrash!

    3. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The Chinese have no better friends than our politicians and business class, why look at this end of the year rummage sale, Pie on earth as it is it is in heaven.

      The Zog may not be defeated militarily, but it is going to encounter an obstacle more formidable, dwindling oil supplies, dumber and dumber population which can’t manage anything above slash and burn consumerism. The chinks are patient, they could have let Zog have a couple of black eyes, a lil more egg yolk , but heh the laugh is on Zog, why get upset if zog rattles its baby rattle over North Korea..

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      I never forgot Clinton’s “Monica Missiles”, which were weapons of mass destruction aimed at Belgrade and Baghdad whenever scandalous news about the Jewess Monica Lewinsky or some other Clinton scandal began boiling over. Clinton was a war criminal responsible for the deaths of several hundred thousand Iraqis and tens of thousands of Serbians. He also abused his presidential authority to grant a pardon to billionaire Jew swindler Marc rich, whose bleached blond Jewess of a wife Clinton was schtupping at the time. Oh yes, Slick Willie also allowed the disastrous de-regulation of the financial industry to take place. And he, along with his loathsome lesbian bitch wife Hillary, was responsible for the Waco Massacre.

      Yet here it is 10 years later and Clinton still walks around….breathing, laughing, schtupping. That shows just how stupid and docile the ‘Kwans really are. Forget about trying to “educate” the masses. That’s just a right-wing fantasy. Let them all perish with their Jewish gods and Negro sports-heroes.

    5. Howdy Doody Says:

      He also abused his presidential authority to grant a pardon to billionaire Jew swindler Marc rich, whose bleached blond Jewess of a wife Clinton was schtupping at the time. Oh yes, Slick Willie also allowed the disastrous de-regulation of the financial industry to take place. And he, along with his loathsome lesbian bitch wife Hillary, was responsible for the Waco Massacre.
      Un Quote

      He is a criminal, but it took a pure yes man whore to give US a full bore war and pillige with a full open border invasion un fettered.

      along with full bore spying on ant US who dare to say a word about it.

      If the evanjellies with there thirst for energy drinks did not exist the enemy aliens would have created them, but all they need do is keep them corraled for now.

    6. Howdy Doody Says:

      Forget about trying to “educate” the masses. That’s just a right-wing fantasy. Let them all perish with their Jewish gods and Negro sports-heroes.
      Un quote

      Oh yeah. Nothing is worse than an arrogant flox news disciple who swallows every bit of media slop thrown in their faces daily, as they dodge savages.

      The brain washing is so thick that few will wake as they would take actual serious reading and NOT watching TV/moron movies.

    7. Sean Gruber Says:

      Happy Yule to you and yours!

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      Christmas?…..It’s all about Jew-owned ad agencies convincing stupid goyim into buying a lot of Chink-made crap that’s sold in Jew-owned stores for people they don’t even like. And all that phony bourgeois sentimentality surrounding Christmas makes me sick.

      Happy Winter Solstice, god damn it.

    9. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The problem isn’t government , it’s law. Like Cicero implied, the sign of a corrupt government is the multitude of laws. The American system was a sure recipe for disaster from day 1, not because what was written, but because what was implied. It can’t be changed by changing faces of putting repukes or demorats in office.. A recent candidate here for office had the quip: “you can’t change the status quo in Washington by sending back the status quo”, that’s good, but why send anybody up there to that groid district of corruption? Do we want a government of law? Hell no! Do we want a government of Comittees? Hell no!

    10. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Any capitol situated in a shitty 80%groid is a black hole.
      Its just seems like niggers and government go together like stink on shit, Notice how many god damn niggers you see working in government buildings, even if you had statues of R.E. Lee and Stonewall and Confederate flags all over, it seems like niggers like stray dawgs just turn up in droves. As far as I’m concerned the only source of power in the White World should be a nuclear reactor, and every day we nuke the lil shitty

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      NdG, you are totally, absolutely, positively correct. I don’t think any future White Republic should even have a capital city. Why? Because after a while, they all become centers of bureaucratic tyranny as well as ghettoes full of welfare parasites and traffic jams. Their great monuments become nothing more than places for pigeons to shit on or for niggers to tag with spray paint.

      No, our Race should not be ruled by any army of politicians and civil servants headquartered in some distant capital. Government should be as small, as localized and as accountable to the people as possible. No one should be permitted to make a career out of “government service”. Anyone who works in government must have a REAL job to return to after a few years. And no more god damn pensions. Grand imperial capitals and imperial monuments are for Persians, Turks and Chinamen, not White people.