10 February, 2011

Finger Painting Sells for $40 Million

Posted by Socrates in art, communism, jewed culture, Marxism, Socrates, Western culture at 7:45 pm | Permanent Link

Thanks to the Jewing of Western culture, a, uhhh, image created by the late communist Pablo Picasso has sold for a huge sum. Meanwhile, real art goes unsold in galleries from Seattle to Miami. Trivia: Picasso once admitted that the popularity of his work was manufactured, i.e., the public had to be conditioned/brainwashed into accepting his work as legit:


  • 23 Responses to “Finger Painting Sells for $40 Million”

    1. mrcrouton Says:

      One of the things I respect about Linder is his appreciation for the fine arts, and good taste.

      Modern art to me is mostly just comedy and I enjoy it if it is absurd like the one linked at Drudge of a German policewoman pissing. I enjoy soem of the clever funny art for the novelty, but after the jokes over you move on. I would never want it in my house, but I am glad if it’s kept in galleries before it’s sent to the landfill.

      The best art you can look at over and over again and enjoy for hours. And the best is western with classical ideals.
      Picasso was able to do a reasonable realistic painting in his early days, but put that aside and made millions selling garbage. it’s not that he painted that crap that annoys me about him, it’s who pormoted it and worse still, who fell for it that’s worse.
      When it comes to abstract art I like Dali better since he was able to focus and not just slap alot of paint around.
      Not that I’d necessarily buy or own one either.

      As for real art going unsold in galleries, it might be because they charge too much. In my town painters want 1000$ + for a decent impressionist painting that might take them two to three days to knock out.
      To be honest, I’ve bought some nice oil paintings for my house at about 200 to 400 a pop, usually from flea markets.

      If anyone wants to sell a nice realistic painting, I’d buy it since I still have a few empty walls, but I think about laying out 1000$ for a painting is a bit too much for my budget.

    2. Leviticus Jackson Says:

      I don’t know if Pablo was one of the tribe or not but if he wasn’t, I would say that he had the last laugh on them. He had a very lavish life at their expense! I am sure that most who buy and sell his works are of the tribe and many of them actually believe their own stupidity of the “hidden” meanings in his paint drippings. It is obvious from his early works that he was a good draftsman. He or his handlers soon saw the rich art buyers for the fools that they were and realized that he could produce works for less effort that would sell for more money. That is when he started producing the trash that now sells for 40 million.

    3. George Wallace Says:

      AMERICAN-IN-WAITING. Every person in the world is an American-in-waiting. A sub-human in a Bangladeshi rice-paddy is an American-in-waiting. They come here, poorer than dirt, at 75 and get free social security and $50K+ heart bypass procedures at 80; ALL for nothing. Every person in the world is an American-in-waiting. Who cares about “art” when we’ve been taxed for 100 years to pay for parasites the world over. Every person in the world is an American-in-waiting. Americans have been forced to pay taxes for welfare, affirmative action and multi-cultural immigration for Americans-in-waiting the world over. Ronald Reagan DID NOT WIN the cold war. The communists did. Gorbachov and the communists retired on free money from Ameircans for oil and the chicoms get free money for trinkets. Colonel Tibbet should have flown the Enola Gay over those cesspools and we would have derived benefits for the price of bullets, not trillions of U.S. dollars. The commmunists buried us. Every person in the world is an American-in-waiting and they haven’t waited long, over the past 65 years, to get everything free from taxpaying Americans. They buried us, took our wealth, culture and country and redistributed it all. Who cares about art? Every person in the world is an American-in-waiting…waiting for his share from the creator of redistribution…the rabbi of redistribution. America now. America tommorrow. America forever. Repatriation now. Repatriation tommorrow. Repatriation forever.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      Anyone with $40 million to spend on a painting that any female high school art student could paint deserves to fukkin’ DIE.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      No wonder the buyer wants to remain anonymous…he knows there are a lot of poor, desperate people out there who would gladly gut him like a fish just for the fun of it, that greedy selfish rat-bastard. And he only bought that Jew painting so he can sell it for a big profit five years from now.

      That George Harrison song “Piggies” tells it like it is. “What they need’s a damn good wacking.”

    6. Miller Says:

      I disagree. Picasso was a true genius. He was one of the few exceptional talents of the modern art era. His influences were Classical and Romantic. His output and scope is staggering. Read his words, his philosophies and you will realize his greatness.

      He never married a Jewess, nor did he have compromising relations with any Jewess. Nearly all other so called Modern artists bedded down with the kikes to advance their careers. Jackson Pollock, the cowboy from Wyoming? Look and the dirty Jewess who made his career. And look at his splatter paintings. And his early grave.

      No, Picasso beat them; he lived to a ripe old age surrounded by his beautiful family.

      His estate is still in the Picasso Family and not owned by Jews.

      Even Hitler and Goebbels couldn’t bring themselves to wholeheartedly label Picasso a degenerate artist and instead quietly purchased his works.

      Ever wonder why he was able to stand down the Nazis while under the occupation?

    7. Jürgen Says:

      Only in this sick Judaeosphere.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      Miller, before you get your well-deserved “comments hidden due to low rating” punishment, here are some other examples of the crypto Jew Picasso’s “art” :




      BTW, this is what REAL art looks like, not that you’d be able to tell the difference:


      Miller, your emperor has no clothes. Now be quiet and return to your seat.

    9. Miller Says:

      Whites invented modernism in art.

      Jews exploited it.

      Very few Jews in the Modernist canon.

    10. Brian Says:

      You guys just haven’t thought about what’s going on here. Surprising for this site. This is just another tax scam, ya know Schlomo needs tax deductable decorations for his law offices

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Miller, before you get your well-deserved “comments hidden due to low rating” punishment, here are some other examples of the crypto Jew Picasso’s “art” :




      BTW, this is what REAL art looks like, not that you’d be able to tell the difference:


      Miller, your emperor has no clothes. Now be quiet and return to your seat.

    12. Thom McQueen Says:

      Pcasso’s painting of the carnival people is beautiful, and full of pathos.

    13. Bigduke6 Says:

      Picasso was a great artist and I enjoy his drawings the most. He could do wonders with a simple single line.

    14. CW-2 Says:

      NS Germany had the right idea, in Berlin they had a ‘museum of degenerate art’, needless to say it was full of jew trash, you know, the sort of stuff that the Rockefellers would have on their walls. The good people of Berlin could then compare the Cubist crap with the refined techniques and noble subject matter of Aryan art.

    15. Bigduke6 Says:

      Now Diego Rivera and his whack job of a hungarian jew mestiza wife Firda Kahlo, now there are some commie degenerates. Frida did Trotsky and worshipped Lenin
      She had the USSR flag drapped over her coffin. She was bi sexual and aborted two cildren

    16. Sean Gruber Says:

      Much of Picass-o’s stuff is garbage. What isn’t is ugly.

      He had glorious fun destroying every vestige of standards (legitimate and non-legitimate) in art. A great spree, like the failed painter in Gogol who bought beautiful works and then destroyed them on purpose. The scraps of PIcass-o’s spree constitute his work. It was fun, for him, and for some other nasty people, including the kikes, and lucrative, but was nihilism.

      There is nothing behind the PIcass-o style except rejection of everything.

      As someone said, Dali indulged in same, with some crazy publicity-stunt twists, but at least he focused on his work and did produce images of beauty, clarity, and interest (of a kind).

      PIcass-o scribbled a couple lines on a scrap of paper and sold it for a small fortune, again and again. He was the first of the con men in that regard. It isn’t admirable.

    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      Interesting observations, Big D and Gruber. I know Frida Kahlo made a famous self-portrait of herself that she dedicated to Trotsky, but I didn’t know they were schtupping each other. Marxists are such libertines, eh?

      Gruber’s analysis of Picasso’s “art” is on point. The paintings of “artists” like Picasso, Pollock, Chagall, Rothko and Freud could be better described as Anti Art. I much prefer the imaginative, far out paintings of Dali and Magritte.

    18. irwinrsteffy Says:

      Helpful hint for the undereducated:

      It the picture looks like somebody dosed a cow with a strong laxative and back it up to a canvas, its’ Art.

      If the picture looks like the what brass nameplate says at the bottom of the frame, it isn’t Art.

    19. Tim McGreen Says:

      Now, this is REAL art:


    20. CW-2 Says:

      Semitic people being nomads have no understanding or appreciation of representational art. They reject it and do their best to destroy it.

    21. Virgil Says:

      All post-modern garbage will be obliterated! Classicism rules! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c1/Charles_Le_Brun_-_Entry_of_Alexander_into_Babylon.JPG

    22. Tim McGreen Says:

      Herr Virgil, the magnificent works of Jaques David and Charles Le Brun show that the Aryan’s artistic spirit cannot be destroyed by the Jews nor by their export version of Judaism, which is generally known as “Christianity”. Even after centuries of Semitic pollution and corruption, that artistic spirit still manages to survive, like a pretty little flower sprouting from a radioactive pile of shit.

    23. Susan Says:

      There’s almost always a difference in jew “art” and White art. Whenever I’m with Whites who I think might understand something of what I am saying, I always make some comment about jew “art” and how ugly it usually is, compared to art done by a White person.

      Was Salvadore Dali a jew? The High Museum down in Atlanta just did a long showing of his so called “artwork”. If he wasn’t a jew, he should have been. God, his stuff was awful. But, as usual, with all the jews and kike alikes down there, the show was a big hit. Sheeple and all.

      If you’re White, you should remove as much of the jew from your life as you possibly can. Remove jew literature, jew tv, jew movies, jew “art”, etc. It will at least make you feel a little better. Not a whole lot, but a little.