16 February, 2013

Let’s Get on the Same Page

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, Socrates, White identity, White ideology, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White solutions, White thought, William Pierce at 9:39 pm | Permanent Link

“First got to have the ideology and the organization, and the means of coping with enemies. Otherwise, you get infiltrated and set up. WN are all over the place and more important don’t think definitions even matter. Vdare = AmRen = VNN = Republican Party, it’s all the same thing.” — Alex Linder.

He’s right. White, racially-aware people are all over the map as far as ideology goes: Klan, Nazi, militia/patriot, Christian fundamentalist, and everything in-between. That’s not good. There needs to be unification in The Message. (One major Klan group, which I won’t mention by name, never mentioned Jews, which I found rather odd. Dr. William Luther Pierce’s ideology seems to be the most logical to the majority of VNN readers).

[VNN Forum].

  • 23 Responses to “Let’s Get on the Same Page”

    1. Virgil Says:

      Ave Dr. William Luther Pierce!

    2. Tim McGReen Says:

      Is that all you’ve got to say, Virgil? Eh?

      I doubt there will ever be complete unity among Whites on anything, let alone on something as “controversial” as race. What we need is to appoint a fanatically pro-White Guard, a sturmabeitelung, if you will, to keep the peace in any future White Aryan Republic. That way the White public can continue to go about their business any way they choose….so long as their business does not run afoul of Law or of the White Guard. What do you think?

    3. Virgil Says:

      Brevity is the soul of wit! That is why I often write a single sentence.
      To answer your question regarding the possible future role of a sturmabeitelung, I assume that as our traditional territories are liberated the will be a powerful trend toward complete and utter balkanization. This means that we could end up with several hundreds or even thousands of newly-created principalities, republics, city-states and even tribes all across our newly liberated territories. Each political entity will draft their own constitution and decide if they need a sturmabeitelung. The size of the population will be a factor; a smaller one having less means to pay for it. My own view is that the entire male population of honest character would de facto be a member of the militia as well as a deputy sheriff thus keeping the “police budget” to an absolute minimum. For several decades, if not forever, after the eventual and most necessary liberation of the West, there will be threats of invasion and warfare from the teeming hordes of non-whites outside our frontiers thus forcing us all to be a w.n. version of the Minutemen. The chain of command and the high standards of those future militias would ensure discipline thus rendering a sturmabeitelung redundant.

    4. John Q. Republic Says:

      Excuse me, gentlemen, but I think you mean sturmabteilung.

      Yes, the sturmabteilung was necessary in the beginning of the NSDAP Movement. They were tough, hard fighting, and hard drinking sons of bitches. Subversive, murderous communist forces were trying to take over Germany and turn it into a soviet collective. The SA was needed to fight the jew-commies in the streets and keep Hitler safe at rallies and other public functions.
      Eventually, however, Hitler realized that the SA had to be disbanded if he was to receive the support of the powerful industrialists, the Reichswehr, and the Prussian-dominated officer class of the Wehrmacht, who feared the SA would replace them as the new German army, very loyal to Hitler.

      Overall, the SA did it’s job well, with one man singled out who embodied everything positive about it: Horst Wessel. The song, Horst Wessel Lied, was from an old northern European folk tune which became the official NS Party anthem.

      With the rise of the Allgemeine SS, as Hitler’s personal bodyguard, and the ascension of Hitler to power in 1933, the SA became more and more irrelevent, and even dangerous, to Hitler’s needs. SA leader, Ernst Rhom, was too outspoken in his views and Hitler was under pressure from the Reichswehr, and other external forces, to get rid of the SA leadership and decided to do something about it. In 1934 he commanded the SS and the Gestapo to decapitate the SA, which became known as the Night of the Long Knives. The SA existed in name only after that and the rank and file members were either absorbed into the SS or to the regualr German Armed Forces.

      It’s interesting to me how the mass-media focuses so intently on this one event of killing some seventy to eighty-odd assortment of fags and other undesirables in the SA– and other government-in-general figures– while completely ignoring the thousands upon thousands ole uncle Joe Stalin killed in his purges of his own red army. That withered-armed, disgusting megalomaniac, always seems to get a free pass on that one, eh?


    5. fd Says:

      Testing 1…2. My text is being blocked……?

    6. fd Says:

      The censorship commisar won’t post my text.

      Centralized authority has been a disaster for White racialism in this country. Local and regional control will insure that strangers from different sections of the same land mass will mind their own busuness. A good example is the northern freedom riders who invaded the deep South in the first half of the 1960s to force race mixing on the folk.

      To avoid the dangers of republics, all governments should be decentralized. If Whites suffer an invasion by the colored hordes in their territory, it should be the duty of Whites from other sections to come to their aid. When the soil of OLE MISS was invaded by the Federals, citizens of the Sister states traveled to Mississippi to defend the campus.

      When the Huns invaded Eastern Europe to murder, rape and destroy, Central Europeans ignored the desperate pleadings of the Slavics for aid. Whites have a long history of not coming together until it’s too late or almost too late.

    7. fd Says:

      The censorship commisar won’t post my text.

    8. fd Says:

      The paragraphs below are not in order. Maybe the disorder will allow it to slip by the censorship commisar.

      When the Huns invaded Eastern Europe to murder, rape and destroy, Central Europeans ignored the desperate pleadings of the Slavics for aid. Whites have a long history of not coming together until it’s too late or almost too late.

      To avoid the dangers of republics, all governments should be decentralized. If Whites suffer an invasion by the colored hordes in their territory, it should be the duty of Whites from other sections to come to their aid. When the soil of OLE MISS was invaded by the Federals, citizens of the Sister states traveled to Mississippi to defend the campus.

      Centralized authority has been a disaster for White racialism in this country. Local and regional control will insure that strangers from different sections of the same land mass will mind their own busuness. A good example is the northern freedom riders who invaded the deep South in the first half of the 1960s to force race mixing on the folk.

    9. Jason Says:

      Whites need a plan and an organization, and I would also suggest a new religion or something that can take its place (Creativity movement tried to do this). We need a structure. A creed, a flag or symbol. We need strategic planners and highly-intelligent leaders of high moral caliber. We need publishing, white papers, position papers, periodicals. We need a platform with guiding principles and a manifesto sort of like what Volksfront tried to do. Most of all we need informed, intelligent members who are worldly and savvy, who can influence important people in society and propel our movement forward to reach as many of our volk as possible. Lenin created a cadre of professional revolutionaries, he was a piece of sh.t commie scumbag but I think a few of his methods would work for our cause, if flipped to a WN agenda, should be studied and practiced. Look the asians are doing this, with their “western science, eastern values” credo and we should stop this genteel sort of play-fair attitude and use any and all methods that can further our aims regardless of their provenance. I’m no fan of Lenin at all, but like Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Genghis Khan and other he had a few ideas about strategy and tactics that we can learn from as WN students of history, one example being his “Who does what to whom?” theory. EVERY white person needs to form a value system with that simple test as its touchstone. There can be no universal ethic, we need an ethic that is racially-focused and always looks for a solution to politics through that prism of “who does what to whom?” Oh and we need money and websites like vnn that stay independent.

    10. fd Says:

      My text that is being blacked out simply states that centralized authority has been a disaster in America. And it certainly makes it easier for the controllers to neutralize White racialism. Decentralized government with local and regional control is a better option. It prevents strangers from far away places telling people they have nothing in common with how to live.

    11. fd Says:

      All my efforts to post my text have been denied. I think I am being told to go away.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      By thunder, fd, you shall NOT depart from this site! This order comes directly from the High Command.

      Great commentary as usual, JQR, but my own views on Stalin have been modified somewhat over time. Now, if Stalin were not labeled as a Communist (he really wasn’t, you know), if he were re-classified as a National Socialist or Fascist, I think you would be inclined to cut him some slack. Yes, I think you would.

      Let’s briefly examine this argument: Stalin had no intention of attacking Germany, contrary to what the revisionist right wing claims. In fact Stalin admired Hitler. And he admired Mussolini. Stalin was someone Hitler could have worked with. Neither leader liked the Jews and Stalin really disliked the British. Imagine what a threat a Franco-Hitler-Stalin-Mussolini alliance would have posed to the Churchill-Roosevelt-Morgenthau mafia! I tell you what, King Kike wouldn’t be in the catbird seat right now. Something to chew on while you’re watching Phineas and Ferb.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      Nonsense, fd! Stay right where you are while I beat that bat-shit spam filter to within an inch of its miserable life. POW! BAM! ZOK! BIFF!!http://thatcleverchick.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/robin_pow.jpg


    14. Al Gator Says:

      This is one of the most vexing dilemmas. When I was organizing bikers to repeal helmet laws, we had an expression: “Organizing bikers was like trying to herd cats, only cats were easier.”

      They were strong willed, independent thinkers who tended to be ardent individualists. Just your average White man. Attempting to make them conform to “group think” almost always ended in confusion or stalemate or worse.

      Sometimes it had to be taken to the parking lot to settle differences.

      A “supreme leader?” Forgeddaboudit. Its why we never had “leaders” only “coordinators.”

      White people are typically deep thinkers, and at some point, (if you persevere and hash things out long enough) they will reach a reasonable compromise and conclusion, based on rational decisions.

      In my experience, it was (and is) a painful process, but well worth the effort.

    15. fd Says:

      A lot of White people suffer from group think. Most are devoted to the religion of political correctness.

      New subject: Centralized authority has been a disaster for White racialism in this country. Local and regional control will insure that strangers from different sections of the same land mass will mind their own busuness. A good example is the northern freedom riders who invaded the deep South in the first half of the 1960s to force race mixing on the folk.

      To avoid the dangers of republics, all governments should be decentralized. If Whites suffer an invasion by the colored hordes in their territory, it should be the duty of Whites from other sections to come to their aid.

      When the Huns invaded Eastern Europe to murder, rape and destroy, Central Europeans ignored the desperate pleadings of the Slavics for aid. Whites have a long history of not coming together until it’s too late or almost too late.

    16. fd Says:

      Hey Tim McGreen !

      I can use the images below against my enemies…….



    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      Say Al, is a biker gang anything like those 1960s drive-in movies? I think this one was directed by Ingmar Bergman, right after he finished filming Persona: http://wrongsideoftheart.com/wp-content/gallery/posters-w/wild_rebels_poster_01.jpg

    18. CW-2 Says:

      Unlike the French ‘nouvelle droite’ WN within the English-speaking world generally don’t pay much attention to the philosophy of the movement or even try to put our instinctive gut feelings onto solid foundations. I’m quite happy this as it gives us flexibility to appeal to Whites with many contradictory opinions on religion and culture.
      One of the greatest weakness of White people is paradoxically our rationality and belief in equity. Our enemies use these superior attributes to paint us into an intellectual corner. Therefore, we must appeal to emotion and irrationality in counter attacking our enemies. It is pointless even to try reasoning with a crazed liberal. What will work in motivating our folk is a direct appeal to blood, soil and honor.

    19. S.U.N. Says:

      I agree with 88% of Rev. Robert Jeffress’ agenda. Separatism is the Pathway To Victory.

    20. fd Says:

      Stalin out-smarted his competition. He went for the throat. He was willing to sieze power at all cost.

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      Herr S.U.N., the only solution is to kill off, sterilize and starve to death the inferior colored swarm. Just separating from them will not work because eventually the liberals, Christians and fags among us will start campaigning to bring them over here, in the Almighty Name of Fairness. So let’s make sure the enemy within never has any power or opportunity to use Muds against us.

    22. CW-2 Says:

      Don’t worry, a religion for White people is forming in the crucible of conflict and will be forged by the hammer of war.

    23. Sean Gruber Says:

      Jews should be exterminated. All of them.

      I don’t think we remind ourselves of that point often enough.

      We can all unite on this one point: DEATH TO THE JEW.

      After that aim is accomplished, after that load is lifted from our backs and psyches, our problems will be easier to hash out than they are now.