9 July, 2014

Bosch/Bin Laden

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, William Pierce, William Pierce Wednesday at 6:38 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William Pierce.


“Certainly, the couch potatoes, the lemmings, are not concerned about such things as the nation’s soul. As long as the bread and circuses continue, as long as the ball games and the “entitlements” keep coming, they will believe that everything is all right. They really don’t see anything amiss. They don’t have any sort of moral compass inside themselves to tell them that things are very wrong in our national life. They simply believe what the media tell them, without even a twinge of misgiving. That’s one of the surreal features of life in America today. The great bulk of the population — the White population — is marching happily toward national and racial extinction. That isn’t natural. It doesn’t seem real — but it is happening.”


For the audio version of this article, go [Here] and scroll down to “Bosch/Bin Laden.”

  • 10 Responses to “Bosch/Bin Laden”

    1. CW-2 Says:

      The good doctor was in many ways a moralist, in the positive and proper sense of that word. The last paragraph sums up the current situation; an institution particularly a nation can muddle through under incompetent leadership but it cannot survive under morally corrupt leaders.
      “The street is always watching”. Kennedy found that out during the Cuban missile crisis. When Khruschev met Kennedy in Vienna the Russians judged Kennedy to be inexperienced, weak and ‘preoccupied with non-essentials’. They were correct, and it was only with trouble that Kennedy was able to save face and compromise over the Cuban missiles.
      Barry Soetero hasn’t been tested by any difficult international crisis, but ‘the street’ knows his incompetency, illegitimacy and will, given the opportunity, subject him to an evolutionary challenge.

    2. Nom de Guerre Says:

      “a nation can muddle through under incompetent leadership but it cannot survive under morally corrupt leaders.” That’s a good summary CW2. The question is what is our moral code? Isn’t the moral code the opinion of the powerful? And it looks like Whites for over 2k years have believed that is the “Holy Bible”. wow look into it and you find such paragons of virtue as King David, an adulteress who ploted the murder of Uriah the Hittite, or even an assassin named Ehud who killed the king of Moab. Hell the jews are just carrying on a family tradition. Why aren’t we doing like our ancestors did? When Julius Caesar got to big for his toga he was ventilated.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      If only we had someone like Julius Caesar to lead our country today, instead of the liars, cowards, fools, criminals, tyrants, hypocrites and race-traitors the Jews keep installing to oppress us. All forms of government are bad but the ones that are controlled by a hostile alien tribe are by far the worst.

      It is encouraging, though, to see the monolithic Kike media empire starting to crack and crumble. Major Jewspapers like the Washingcoon Compost and the Jew York Times no longer have the power they once did. Even Kikebook, Jewhoo! and Joogle are starting to lose at least some of their control over the Internet.

      And once enough goy cattle realize that the Holohoax, the Christian religion and the “Federal Reserve”/Wall Street financial system are all Jewish schemes designed to extort money and control over them the Jews are finished.

    4. CW-2 Says:

      Nom, morality is a bit hard to define, although I like to think healthy Aryans instinctively know what actions are honorable and those that are not. I’m probably being way too optimistic.
      Our ‘pagan’ Germanic and Celtic ancestors didn’t tolerate lying, cheating, or homosexuality and those attitudes were in accord with early Christianity. But now with the jew-driven fag steamroller crushing all opposition the churches are falling over themselves in their praise of fags. They don’t know it, but the churches are making themselves redundant.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      Early Christianity was no doubt heavily influenced by the paganism it sought to overthrow, so if there was anything good about it the credit goes to the pagans.

    6. fd Says:

      Winter solstice (now Xmas), Spring festival (Easter), Madonna and Child, Angels, and the Crucifix were stolen from White paganism.

      The pagans chose light and life, whereas the Christians based their religion on Jewish scriptures. They chose darkness. Christians demand that you waste your entire life by preparing for death.

    7. Nom de Guerre Says:

      It’s interesting that Dr. Pierce used a comparisom between a painting and the social situation of a sick society. I’d say the present situation in the kwa is generating a monstrosity that even Bosch couldn’t portray, and I even find that Orwells 1984, or Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 seem like utopias, at least Orwell and Bradbury couldn’t foresee the cell phones and i-pads and the 24hr. advertisement, everything is a fukkin jew racket. Peoples lifes revolve around 24 hr consumerism of junk and junk tv. The biggest players in the field of infotainment are the local jew control media pundits, dangerously plugged in at every level, you can’t imagine how a minor flap over a jew nigger ball team owner can be circulated on every wall in every office and restaurant.

    8. Nom de Guerre Says:

      in ever venue you see the smiling rat face of Big Brother, the shadow jews like, Alfred Hitchcock, Rob Sterling, commenting wryly about the episode they cut from entire bullshit. OY VEY PUBLIC BULLSHIT TVITZ aired a docudrama about a supposed Leanardo Da Vinci painting found in of all places Jew Dork Shitty, then we see the rat faced rat Silverman purchasing the art and using several paid hacks to authenticate it from Paris to London and finally Warsaw Poland, you get to see how the jew operates to pass on false data and or to throw up a cloud of smoke, and tears ala the holohoax.

      Than later in the afternoon, you get a smoke n’ mirrors jew with a goy accomplice on xian station beating the tom toms for the end of the world scenario they’ve concoted about the lil shitty.

      Speaking of xianity, have you ever wondered why the masses could not read the entire text of that jew trash in the vernacular until the invention of printing? It’s like you were told a pack of lies for 1500 years, and then all of sudden you see the utter nonsense and complete forgery that it is, but oh too late you’ve believed the lie so long you can’t shake it off. You’d saw all the nice artwork, and listen to the monks chant and all that smoke and inscence, and then you saw the contract.

    9. Sean Gruber Says:

      The media today are as dishonest as the Soviet media were. So, I am beginning to doubt… was there really ever such a person as Osama bin Laden to begin with?

    10. KM Says:

      @tim mcgreen, if you can look at the concentration camps for yourselves, witness piles of Jewish skulls and many other varieties of evidence left from the holocaust, you might not be so blatantly racist. To say the Jewish community is responsible for hoarding of money in America is far from ignorant, it’s a childish resort to blaming one particular group for a problem the population shares responsibility for. Maybe read a book that isn’t filled with pages of antisemitic bias and you’ll see that the problem with media and information runs far deeper. You think Facebook and google are receding in influence? No, they are the information giants of the internet, they buy, sell, trade, and analyze more data than you could fathom. Media pulls wool over people’s eyes because their brand of news telling attracts views in accordance with human habits. The newscasters aren’t the problem, it’s the population. And, the last time I checked, Christian history is far from flawless. Genocides, crusades, retardation of scientific and literary progress, extortion, and hoarding of wealth are all frequent happenings in history, all done happily with a cross in hand in the name of your lord. Before you criticize for hipocrisy, take a look at your own legacy.