After Months of Negro Violence, Justice Department Says: No Charges Likely for White Ferguson Cop
Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, black culture, black icons, black violence, Ferguson, race, race riots, race-baiting, Socrates at 2:34 pm | 
Oops, it looks like the Blacks were wrong – again. The “hands up, don’t shoot” thing was pure baloney. It never happened. Michael Brown was a typical negro thug, plain and simple. But he remains a hero and martyr in the Black community (one Black journalist suggested, on TV, with a straight face, that Brown should receive a posthumous humanitarian award! Yes, Brown, the same guy who robbed a store and then tried to kill a White cop).
24 January, 2015 at 3:29 pm
Typical nigger thug gets gunned down by typical trigger happy state goon thug. Pig Wilson’s only saving grace is that he wore the correct uniform when he killed Brown. The State will always protect its own, even when their agents deprive the world of the life of a precious nigger.
As we saw in the Zimmerman case, if a Joe Sixpack with a carry permit dares to defend himself from one of ZOGs nigs, he can expect the full force of “justice” to be brought to bear against him.
This case is presented to the public as racial because is serves to further divide Americans of all colors so we are easier to rule. Of much greater importance is the message that the life of a ZOGbot enforcer is infinitely more valuable than any of ours. Brainwashed cops protect the jews, therefore ZOG must protect its cops. Plain and simple.
25 January, 2015 at 4:39 am
Talk about made up niggerwhine – just kidding.
Are blacks endangeered or Whites?
25 January, 2015 at 3:45 pm
Wilson would have shot a White man to death with equal enthusiasm.
25 January, 2015 at 7:25 pm
All our lands are under enemy occupation. We must act accordingly.
25 January, 2015 at 9:45 pm
Agreed, fd. I side with any non-White before I side with any cop, simply because the system the cop gleefully serves is the enemy of all humans. Even colored sub-humans. The enemy of my enemy is my friend…….for the time being.
26 January, 2015 at 12:37 am
There really are no good guys in the Ferguson melodrama, no one for pro-Whites to root for. Let’s just hope the whole rotten Jew/plutocrat-run system collapses while there are still enough White people left to salvage this country and deal with the Jews and race-traitors who destroyed it.
27 January, 2015 at 8:05 am
The groids posted “Black Lives Matter” signs and in the background they are looting and burning down their own neighborhood and stores. What utter hypocrisy. Just more Marching Looting Killing, MLK’s dream.
29 January, 2015 at 3:08 am
*Are blacks endangeered or White men?
Did anyone watch the video? Talk about n-ggerwhine.