17 January, 2015

Franz Boas, the Jewish Fraud Who is Called the Father of American Anthropology

Posted by Socrates in anthropology, Boas, Boasian Jews, jew frauds, jewed culture, jewed education system, Jewed science, race, Race Denial, race science, racial science, Socrates at 3:56 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Franz Boas, one of the founders of the race-doesn’t-exist movement)

Before Boas, anthropology was known as physical anthropology. It focused on the physical details of man: bones, teeth, etc. Then along came Boas to upset the apple cart circa 1900. He changed anthropology from being physical-oriented to being cultural-oriented. Further, he made anthropology into a multi-part field. He “muddied the waters” of anthropology. Why? Because race can be better hidden in cultural than in physical anthropology. A clever Jew, Boas knew that he could dilute the science to the point where race would become irrelevant. Boas’ work was recently discredited, but nonetheless, he’s now an icon in anthropology. Thanks to him, roughly 50% of anthropologists today believe that race is meaningless, or, nonexistent [1], despite the fact that racial differences are easy to see [2].

[1] from Wikipedia: “Boas’s program at Columbia became the first Ph.D. program in anthropology in America.” (He became a professor of anthropology in 1899)

[2] differences between Asian and White skulls

  • 12 Responses to “Franz Boas, the Jewish Fraud Who is Called the Father of American Anthropology”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jews/liberals insist there’s no such thing as race, yet they constantly bitch about racism. But only when practiced by Whites against non-Whites. An example of Double-think? Cognitive dissonance? Or just anti-White Jew/liberal hypocrisy?

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      How about a side-by-side comparison between a Jew skull and a White human one?

    3. Thom McQueen Says:

      The big dog never says, I am just as good as that little chiwawa there.
      It is always the little dog who yaps at the big one.

      This guy is one ugly little chiwawa.

    4. fd Says:

      Scary Jew. Those people are physically inferior.

      Mr. Boaz insisted that differences in human groups was based on culture and environment, whereas, Carleton Steven Coon based his knowledge on race. Mr. Coon wasn’t color blind.

    5. fd Says:

      “Boas” whatever

    6. fd Says:

      Off topic

      Bonnie and Clyde (18 and 13) are on the lam in the South. The Federals are probably chewing at the bits to call them terrorists. It’s a Jew word……XXX

    7. Robert Cardillo Says:

      One look at this cunts face says it all. What a disgusting race.

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      fd Says:
      17 January, 2015 at 8:30 pm

      Off topic

      Bonnie and Clyde (18 and 13) are on the lam in the South. The Federals are probably chewing at the bits to call them terrorists. It’s a Jew word……XXX


    9. fd Says:

      Howdy Doody, the teenagers who went on a crime spree earlier this month are labeled real-life Bonnie and Clyde by the media. They were captured in Florida. Hardly news worthy, but the Jew media will sell anything to the public.


    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      This here’s a story about Billy Joe and Bobbie Sue
      Two young lovers with nothin’ better to do
      Than sit around the house, get high, and watch the tube
      And here is what happened when they decided to cut loose

      They headed down to, ooh, old El Paso
      That’s where they ran into a great big hassle
      Billy Joe shot a man while robbing his castle
      Bobbie Sue took the money and run

      Go on take the money and run
      Go on take the money and run
      Go on take the money and run
      Go on take the money and run

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      I love how the inner beauty of the Jews manifests itself in their physical beauty. Right, Dr. Boas?

    12. Mike Says:

      Older generation jews such as boas have strongly observable neanderthalic features.