10 February, 2015

Jewish Dual-Citizenship: How Can You Be Loyal to Two Countries at Once?

Posted by Socrates in Congress, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed Congress, jewed politics, Jewish dual citizenship, politics, Socrates at 6:26 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish dual-citizenship is a big problem, especially when the people-in-question are very powerful and very rich.


  • One Response to “Jewish Dual-Citizenship: How Can You Be Loyal to Two Countries at Once?”

    1. Howdy Doody Says:

      Weekend Edition February 13-15, 2015
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      The Casino Republic
      The Real Ruler of Israel: Sheldon Adelson
      by URI AVNERY

      Who is the ruler of Israel?

      Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, of course.


      The real ruler of Israel is one Sheldon Adelson, 81, American Jew, Casino king, who was rated as the world’s tenth richest person, worth 37.2 billion dollars at the latest count. But who is counting?

      Besides his casinos in Las Vegas, Pennsylvania, Macao and Singapore, he owns the US Republican party and, lately, both Houses of the US Congress.

      He also owns Binyamin Netanyahu.

      Adelson’s connection with Israel is personal. On a blind date, he fell in love with an Israeli woman.
