19 December, 2018

VNN Forum Moderator Injured by Leftist Attackers in Oregon

Posted by Socrates in 'hate' haters, anti-fascists/antifas, anti-White terrorism, anti-White themes, communism, communism in America, left-wing violence, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, Marxism, Socrates, VNN Forum, War On White People at 5:29 pm | Permanent Link

Do you think this is still your country, White man? It isn’t. Wake up to reality.

“Jimmy was hospitalized on Monday after a run-in with “antifa” in Corvallis, OR. He was getting ready to return home after being out with his truck (see “Trigger Truck” pic below) when the incident happened. The details about what happened are unclear but he was found shortly after unconscious, slumped over in his truck. He was then taken to a local hospital and has remained there, still unconscious.”

[VNN Forum thread].

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