Good Quote About Racism
Posted by Socrates in black crime, black culture, Black mentality, Black racism, race, racism, racism accusations at 1:19 pm | ![](/wp-content/themes/zigzag/images/post.gif)
From the web:
“So when people say, “white people are racist”, I ask them to name a neighborhood a black man would be in danger in. They don’t have one. Then I could quickly point out huge segments of Chicago white people can’t go in.”
Yes. The truth is, Blacks are much more racist than Whites. If a White guy goes into Chicago’s South Side, he’ll get beaten or stabbed real quick, just for being White. “White racism”?? Where is it?? It’s a phantom. It doesn’t exist anymore, except in the minds of Blacks and Jews. White racism — what little there was — died circa 1970.