Communism in America as a Jewish Movement
Posted by Socrates in communism, communism-as-Jewish, Marxism, socialism, socialism-to-communism transformation at 1:12 pm | 
Communism in America circa 1920 was a Jewish movement. Ditto Socialism. One Jewish expert, the historian Ezra Mendelsohn, said that, in that era, “Jewishness was synonymous with political radicalism.”
Here were some of the major communists and socialists in America in that era:
Major Jewish Communists:
— Jay Lovestone (true name Jacob Liebstein; a founder of the communist party; his father was a rabbi)
— Nicholas Hourwich (a founder of the communist party)
— Benjamin Gitlow (a founder of the communist party)
— Israel Amter (a founder of the communist party)
— Louis Shapiro (a founder of the communist party)
— Maximilian Cohen (a founder of the communist party)
— Bertram Wolfe (a founder of the communist party)
— Isaac E. Ferguson (a founder of the communist party and the son of a rabbi)
— Alexander Stoklitsky (Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of the communist party)
— Alexander Bittelman (theoretician of the communist party and editor of its magazine)
— Rose Pastor Stokes (t/n Wieslander; a founder of the communist party; a union organizer; amusingly, she married a millionaire! I guess money is only evil sometimes)
— Moissaye Olgin (a major communist writer/author; he founded The Morning Freiheit newspaper)
— Ludwig Lore (co-founded the Marxist theoretical magazine, The Class Struggle)
— Louis B. Boudin (related to Kathy Boudin and Chesa Boudin)
— William W. Weinstone (member, Central Executive Committee of the communist party)
— Abraham Jakira (co-wrote the communist party’s political program)
— John Pepper (Hungarian; t/n Joseph Schwartz; he spent only 3 years in America, and was recalled to Moscow due to infighting within the party)
Major Jewish Socialists:
(Confusingly, there was some cross-over between socialism and communism, since some socialists later joined the communist party; adding to the confusion, some communists are called “socialists” [which is technically accurate since true communism has never been achieved in any country, therefore you cannot actually be a “communist,” just a “wanna-be communist”; granted, there is a difference between the two, i.e., communists want violent revolution while socialists don’t. But nonetheless, communists and socialists use many of the same slogans]).
— Daniel De Leon (died 1914; a major labor activist; he pioneered “revolutionary industrial unionism”)
— Julius Hammer (founder of the Socialist Labor Party of America)
— Morris Hillquit (t/n Moishe Hillkowitz; a member of the socialist party’s National Executive Committee)
— Victor Berger (a founder of the Social Democratic Party of America; he was the first socialist elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1910)