18 March, 2006

Fox News (whooof) for Children

Posted by alex in Fox News for Children, graphics/toons at 5:05 pm | Permanent Link


  • 4 Responses to “Fox News (whooof) for Children”

    1. Farwell O. Kirk Says:

      Of course the same goes for all the other networks,it isn’t just Fox.

    2. Carl Loerbs Says:

      Farwell – You are correct in identifying this as a systemic problem. What earns Fox special attention is that they profess and pretend to be different. They loudly proclaim themselves to be the “fair and balanced” alternative. Unlike MSNBC and CNN, they don’t merely offer you the “kool-aid”; they try to convince you the “kool-aid” is vintage wine. And, as such, that makes them apostates.

    3. alex Says:

      Fox serves smug bourgeois types. It is in some ways better and in some ways different from what the viewer gets on the old big three,but in the essential ways it is exactly the same. As the old pol said, there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats, and that goes for the different tv networks too.

    4. Harry Tuttle Says:

      Two sides of Marxism – Leninists and Trotskyists. All of these so-called opposition parties, networks and media are just a slightly tinged yooish shade of communism. Democraps and Republicraps are both leftists. The fact that the entire century is a museum of failed leftist ideas doesn’t deter people in the least. They never bled either way so they just take the easy ideology which is everything should be free.

      I said it before and I’ll say it again – the majority of whites are nothing more than fancy pants niggers in drag, with an average IQ 15 points higher, more law abiding instincts and good at cooporating with the rare genius thrown in … otherwise they’re just pale boofers with shorter dicks.