Maynard: O’Reilly is a Lying Son of a Whore
Posted by alex in Fox News for Children, media control, media criticism at 8:12 pm | 
Bill O’Reilly is a Lying Son of a Whore
By Curt Maynard
This article reflects my personal opinion and as such is protected by my First Amendment right to Freedom of Expression. If Bill or anyone else doesn’t like it, he can kiss my ass. No apologies.
How do I know Bill O’Reilly is the son of a whore? Well, in truth, I am not 100% certain, but it’s hard to imagine that Bill O’Reilly has ever experienced even a moment of legitimacy in his entire life. Some people are still fooled by O’Reilly’s spin on the “No Spin Zone,†but that number is dropping every day. According to a recent survey, the “O’Reilly factor†has experienced more than a 50% drop in the Internet traffic it once enjoyed, and that since March 2006, just a mere five months ago. In a recent article published by “National Journal’s Technology Daily,†and written by Heather Greenfield, the author notes the following:
“President Bush is not the only one facing falling polling numbers. Conservative pundit Bill O’Reilly of Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor†“is having to factor in his own losses when it comes to Internet traffic., which tracks Web traffic, shows a sharp decline to since March, when it had more than 100,000 visits for every 1 million Internet surfers. The decline has been steady and gradual, with visits dropping below 50,000 in August, according to a graph.[1]
Greenfield goes on to say:
Other conservative sites are losing audience this campaign season, too. Even the recent controversy over Ann Coulter’s remarks about Sept. 11 victims did not boost traffic to her site. Ratings there have decreased 16 percent over the last three months. Ditto for Rush Limbaugh, who is down 14 percent, and even the revered conservative site The Drudge Report has fallen 10 percent.[2]
So does this mean everyone has converted to a left-leaning democrat? Hardly, what these dropping numbers actually represent is the ever growing number of Americans that have figured out Bill O’Reilly is full of shit. Anne Coulter herself is a cumb dunt, something that real conservatives have known ever since she crawled out of whatever hole it was she crawled out of. Ole Pills Limbaugh is on his last legs, as is Matt Drudge the Jewish neo-conservative leftist we’ve all given far too much credit to ever since he “outed†Bill Clinton’s penchant for young Jewish interns. Their numbers aren’t dropping because America is swinging to the left, their numbers are dropping because even the most ignorant MTV-watching American buffoon can’t help but see their obvious biases towards Israel and their unwillingness to admit that the mainstream media are for all intents and purposes under the stranglehold of ethnic Jews (Zionists, for the faint of heart).
Greenfield in her article quotes David Rothstein, another Jew, who is the CEO of the IPD Group, the organization responsible for digging up the sagging numbers used in Greenfield’s article, as saying that the decreasing Internet traffic is a “barometer,†that shows the “right wing†is struggling.[3] Rothstein suggests that the left wing is now filling the void where the right wing once dominated. Rothstein’s suggestion is in reality nothing but a joke. The left wing as represented by pro-Zionist Jews like Al Franken can’t even get enough listenership on Air America to pay the bills – people are leaving it in droves too – and for exactly the same reason they are dropping O’Reilly: they are tiring of the lies. They are beginning to figure out that O’Reilly and the right wing he allegedly represents offer them a pro-war, pro-Israel point of view and that Franken and the left wing he allegedly personifies offer them a slightly different pro-war on terrorism, and pro-Israel point of view. Either way, Israel is given center stage and listeners are told to consider the Israelis as victims. The only people that continue to listen to any of these whores, including Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Alan Colmes, and Shepard Smith, are a few hopeless cretins whose lives are pointless. We shouldn’t waste our time on them, Jesus himself said, “Cast not pearls before swine.â€
Dear reader, please consider sending this essay to Bill O’Reilly and telling him I think he’s a lying son of a whore and that I’d be happy to appear on The Factor anytime in order to tell him and his audience so. I’d just like to ask him a few questions, questions I know he won’t answer, and when he dodges them, I’ll call him a lying son of a whore on national television. Nope, Bill O’Reilly won’t invite me on The Factor, because he knows I’m right and because he knows I won’t apologize for the statements I’ll make. While you’re at it, perhaps you could send Sean Hannity an email and tell him I said he’s a lying son of a whore too.
Now that we are on the subject of liars and propagandists, let’s look at a few “bloggers,†if you will. Most intelligent bloggers today have at least occasionally focused on the absolute and empirical fact that the American news media are monopolized by Zionists and favor Israel in their reporting. Some bloggers even identify these Zionists for what they are: ethnic Jews. Others prefer not to, as they still fear the stigma attached to that all-too-common, overused and now tired-out label of anti-Semite. In any case, it’s these bloggers and their blogsites that are now being tuned into by the now cynical former viewers of Fox, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc… Many of them are run by incredible writers, honest as the day is long; people like John Kaminski, Michael Collins Piper, and Christopher Bollyn are especially noteworthy, because they have completely cast aside the ball and chain of political correctness and its disabling requirements and expectations. However, there are a few lying sons of whores on the blogosphere too, people like Greg Szymanski, who seek to imbed themselves into the Internet dissident movement, first by writing coherent and in some cases even important articles. They do this initially in order to acquire the legitimacy they need in order to then begin their real agenda in earnest: to mislead the public. Just as their allies do in the MSM.
Greg Szymanski for instance, began his career writing for the reputable American Free Press, and was then asked to leave after he began to write articles that suggested the Pope and Catholic church were behind all the world’s evil’s – it became obvious he wasn’t interested in telling the truth, just continuing the same old lies so common on The factor and Hannity and Colmes. Szymanski isn’t interested in the fact that the Catholic Church doesn’t own a single television network in North America, and he isn’t interested in telling his reader that ethnic Jews own them all, with the possible exception of Fox, whose owner, Rupert Murdoch is said to be a gentile, but may in fact have had a Jewish mother named Elisabeth Joy Greene. The attentive reader knows that if Murdoch’s mother was in fact a Jewess, then too is Rupert, it’s not a matter of this writer’s opinion, it’s a matter of Jewish and Talmudic Law. I’m not a Catholic myself, and not particularly interested I defending Catholicism, but I can tell you with clarity and certainty, that the Catholic Church doesn’t have 1/10th of the influence worldwide that Jewry has; the Church can’t even seem to convey to Christians that circumcision at birth is not only not necessary, but that it is actually harmful in that it increases the likelihood of acquiring a venereal disease and may also result in a degraded ability to successfully breed. Of course Jews are circumcised as part of their religious traditions – it isn’t an accident that Jews were primarily behind all of the allegedly scientific studies in the late 1930s that “proved,†the benefits of circumcision, studies that were foisted into the mainstream via the media, which was firmly in the hands of ethnic Jewry by that time. Interestingly, at the same time, Germans were identifying Jews that denied their Jewish identity in Germany by compelling them to reveal their penises, an absolute way to identify a Jew from a non-Jew, in a society that didn’t seek to convince all its members to get circumcised at birth.
In any case, Szymanski recently wrote an article entitled “Americans Have Never Confronted The ‘Real Enemy’,†which was given far more circulation on the net than it deserved. In it Szymanski asserts the most unlikely idea that the Catholic Church and the Jesuits seek to place the blame for all the world’s evils on the hapless Jew. Szymanski states:
“Let’s remember the key to the Vatican’s fascist role is to deflect all negative attention to Jewish-Zionist leaders who have sold out their own people and strategically put into positions of power and wealth in order to trick Americans into believing Israel is the real enemy.â€[4]
So if we are to believe Szymanski, we have to believe that the Pope has assigned certain Jews to their unbelievable positions of power – perhaps the Pontiff actually appointed Michael Chertoff to his position as Director of Homeland Security right here in the United States as well. Perhaps the Pope and the evil Jesuits actually boarded a rubber dingy in 1967 and attacked the USS Liberty too, something that has been blamed on Israel at least up to this point anyway. Perhaps all those Israeli Jews arrested just prior to 9-11 for espionage in the United States are in reality Catholics parading around as Jews, with Jewish names and all. Perhaps Asher Karni, the Israeli Jew arrested on January 2, 2004, at Denver International Airport, for having sold more than sixty nuclear weapon detonators to Pakistan was set up by a few Bishops at the Vatican? Don’t be fooled dear reader, Szymanski is just as full of shit as Bill O’Reilly and Al Franken, and he, just like them, seeks to mitigate the actual crimes committed by same people, Zionist Jews and their Shabbas Goyim, and blame them on someone else. Greg Szymanski also claimed at one time to live in a very small town in Idaho by the name of Spirit Lake, that is until I told him, “Wow, what a coincidence, my mother lives in Spirit Lake too.â€[5] Once I said that, Szymanski quit corresponding with me and eventually took the Spirit Lake PO Box off his website[6] after I started telling people he was lying about that too.
There are other sons of whores out on the blogosphere as well – recently a gentleman by the name of Daryl Bradford Smith has developed quite a following as a result of his Internet radio show, “I Am the Witness.†I don’t disagree with much of what Smith has to say about Zionism on his radio show, as he appears to be a vociferous critic of the Zionist state, but appearances can be deceiving, Daryl Bradford Smith is in reality an Internet agent provocateur focused almost entirely on smearing the good names of other dissidents, anti-war activists and historical revisionists. Recently he claimed that Michael Collins Piper of all people is an agent of Zionism and that the American Free Press has suppressed articles written by Christopher Bollyn, in some sort of unexplained nefarious plan to deceive the public. Smith attacked John Kaminski on his show earlier this year, he set him up, invited him on the program and then blindsided him with accusations of racism and anti-Semitism. I became highly skeptical of Smith at that time, now I am convinced the man is an agent provocateur, Mike Piper is anything but a Zionist agent, in fact he may well be one of the most insightful and prolific critics of Zionism on the Internet today, which is probably the real reason Smith is now attacking him and the American Free Press. In a recent letter, Piper challenged the fraudster Smith and his deceptive sidekick Eric Hufschmid:
“Please feel free to spread the word that I have sent an email to both Daryl Bradford Smith and Eric Hufschmid inviting them BOTH to come on air LIVE on my program and explain how I am covering up for Zionism and how I am a part of the criminal Zionist network, that I’ve “been with them for a longtime” or otherwise recently joined the network! (Seriously, folks!) They are also spreading the Hellish and easily refuted lie that American Free Press has—of all things—been “censoring” and “suppressing” the work of Christopher Bollyn. They even cite supposedly “suppressed” stories that WERE published in American Free Press! Amazing!”[7]
I wouldn’t hold my breath and expect Smith to appear on Piper’s radio program, for exactly the same reason Bill O’Reilly will never invite me on The Factor, Piper would tear Smith to pieces and wouldn’t feel in the least bit bad for doing so.
Another very interesting fact about Daryl Bradford Smith and one he has never attempted to explain is that he lives in France and his radio program is therefore headquartered in France. He has been very critical of Zionism and on occasion Jewry itself, yet he remains on the air and unmolested. In France one can find oneself arrested for saying naughty things about Jews, just ask Professor Robert Faurisson, a noted French revisionist currently charged with holocaust denial or Jean LePen, the leader of French Nationalist Party and most popular politician in France today, who also has been brought up on charges that he said nasty things about the Jews. My question is, how is it that these two remarkable men can be charged with crimes for saying something critical about Jewry, but the mediocre and comparatively unknown Smith remains at large and on the air in the heart of France? That by itself should be enough for one to legitimately question just whom Smith works for. Smith is just slightly trickier than Szymanski, but in the end they both seek the same thing, to discredit those that honestly and seriously seek to expose the status quo. Smith has appointed himself as the spokesperson of the 9-11 movement, but fortunately he remains a relatively small personality in a large field. Hopefully now, after attacking a truly monumental individual, Michael Collins Piper, and fully exposing his divisive agenda, he’ll become nothing more than a memory.
Oh yeah, by the way, Daryl Bradford Smith is a lying son of a whore too, and you can tell him Curt Maynard said so.
[5] This writer’s mother actually does live in Spirit Lake, and she’ll tell you Szymanski’s full of shit too. Nobody in town has heard of him, nor would they like him if they had. I assume Szymanski probably lives in some townhouse in Tel Aviv, but I could be wrong.
[7] A recent email sent out to the public and signed by Michael Piper.
24 August, 2006 at 9:24 pm
Love it!
24 August, 2006 at 11:36 pm
“Others prefer not to, as they still fear the stigma attached to that all-too-common, overused and now tired-out label of anti-Semite.”
You will be interested to learn that, at our annual meeting in July, our members voted unanimously to declare “anti-Semite” to be a slur against European Americans, as a naming based on a claim of supremacy on the part of those doing the naming of someone not in their group, and as a supremely contemptuous naming like “goy,” “gentile,” and “shicksha.”
Feel free to cite this declaration. To see it, go to:
The stigma needs to be applied to the supremacists and contemptuous persons hurling “anti-Semite” at philosophical or ideological opponents.
25 August, 2006 at 1:47 am
“This article reflects my personal opinion and as such is protected by my First Amendment right to Freedom of Expression.”
Not to be nit picky, but it’s the right to the Freedom of Speech, NOT the Freedom of Expression. Specifically, the 1st Amendment states: “CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION, OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF; OR ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH” Speech and expression are not the same. Speech entails delivering thoughts and opinions; it is a general word for a discourse delivered to an audience, whether prepared or impromptu. Expression entails a much wider array of things which are not limited to merely speech but may include actions, drawings, art work, symbols, signs, etc.
Why is this distinction important? By stealthily changing a single word, our enemies were able to warp our Constitution into something it was not intended to be. For example, the US Supreme court ruled that pornographic images, say of a Negro humping a White woman, was protected under the First Amendment’s “Freedom of Expression”. Obviously, such a ruling would have been impossible had the Marxist clowns in black robes used the correct wording of “Freedom of Speech”. Such vile images, whether they be photos or film, of a Negro-beast copulating with a human being does not constitute speech! One person who is quite adept at using this tactic is that effete degenerate socialist Jew Noam Chomsky. Next time you listen to or read him, look for it. You’ll find many more examples of this in his presentations.
PS: I agree with Curt Maynard — Bill O’Reilly is a Lying Son of a Whore, a systems whore in fact who has sold his soul for the almighty shekel! What else would you expect from someone employed at FOX?
As always, Strength and Honor
25 August, 2006 at 7:06 am
“…Many of them are run by incredible writers, honest as the day is long; people like John Kaminski, Michael Collins Piper, and Christopher Bollyn are especially noteworthy….”
Add Edgar Steele to your list of notables. IMO, he is one of the most intelligent, knowledgeable, articulate, and witty spokesmen of our times.
25 August, 2006 at 11:09 am
Bill O’Reilly? More like Dild O’ Reilly.
25 August, 2006 at 1:22 pm
It’s amazing that a point of view persists that Bill O expresses his own opinion on da no spin zone. He ain’t no spinning indeed cause his spin iz
already coming a pre-done,all nice and written by those smarties in yermolkas, in a space behind O’Riley grimacing n’ girating (that is where
cameras don’t go).
26 August, 2006 at 1:52 pm
I lost about 99% of all common cause with billyo when he came out in favor of gay marriage/adoption. other stuff was simply icing on the cake.
i do give him credit for slamming a cia operative on air for the fact that our invasion of afghanistan reopening massive opium trade there. and voila! – just in time because other spots were starting to dry up worldwide.
26 August, 2006 at 7:19 pm
I have to agree with Misanthrope, Edgar Steele is a helluva writer and I should NOT have forgotten to mention him. Also, many thanks to Scipio Americanus for the correction of Freedom of Expression vs. Freedom of Speech. I shan’t make that mistake twice!
17 August, 2008 at 7:05 pm
maynard – you’re a wanker