5 January, 2007

The Rise of the Cuntocracy

Posted by alex in Congress, Congressmen, feminism, Feminists at 1:16 am | Permanent Link

Closing column from a women’s fashion magazine.

W magazine, Jan 2007. Article by Louise J. Esterhazy:

Girl Power
The countess takes stock of the midterm elections and declares macho out, feminine mystique in.

I, as usual have another angle. I can’t say I’m proud of it, but as an old-fashioned countess I would never dream to presume that women should take over from men. It’s hapening, though, in America, in Britain-where the head of MI5 is Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller and which started allof this more than 25 years ago with a female prime minister-and even perhaps in that male-chauvinist country France, where Segolene Royal is trying to become president. When you read Maureen Dowd’s column in The New York Times in which she writes that voters in the last election “were ready to trade in the deadbeat Daddy party for the sheltering Mommy party, it’s clear we are headed toward a “femitocracy.”

And that means Barbara Bush is more in control of her husband and son than ever. Women’s liberation is now about power in government-and everywhere else. Especially when, to quote Dowd, “the macho poses and tough talk of the cowboy president were undercut when he seemed flaccid in the face of the vicious Katrina and the vicious Iraq insurgency.”

So it follows that women today and of the Hillary-ite, Pelosi-ite, Condoleeza-ite future are on the move. The American political pendulum is swinging from iron to velvet (albeit cloaking a tough-as-nails interior). And even the men will be softer, kinder, less swaggering. Who says metrosexuals are finished? As Dowd writes of the rising star Senator Barack Obama, “His approach seems downright feminine when compared with the Bushies, or even Hillary Clinton. He languidly poses in fashion magazines, shares feelings with Oprah and dishes with the ladies on The View. After six years of chest-puffing, senator Obama seems very soothing.”

As candidates jockey to succeed the Bushes at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,, they had better take note of th new power of women. These warriors-soccer moms, football moms, baseball moms, hockey moms-are storming the barricades and will have to be courted in 2008.

But male (and female) candidates beware: It’s not about seduction any longer. Agression is in. These women can handle things on their own. Their menfolk are off trying to be macho while the women are having dinner with their female friends, running things and wondering just who has had Botox and an eyelift and who hasn’t. These females now know how to play the game and are determined to get their way.

And if they do, willthings really change that much? Even Dowd describes new Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as “an Armani granny with a whip.” These women love whips, big bags and boots. High ones with spiky heels so they can see above the crowd and jab people out of the way. Pelosi gets time on the Today show to depict herself as the perfect mother and daughter but still hurls insults at the president.

Then there’s Condoleeza Rice: thin, well dressed, well spoken and dining in a fancy French restaurant in Manhattan, where she orders a Diet Coke, asks for a salad with Russian dressing and can’t read the french menu. But I thought she claimed she started learning French at a very young age?

Are the Hillary-ites, Pelosi-ites and Condoleeza-ites just more spin, spin, spin? In the end, do we simply have more of the same, but this time with Boudicca at the head of the charge? Sure, the women have taken over, but let’s be frank: They’re just as tough as the men.

  • 23 Responses to “The Rise of the Cuntocracy”

    1. Socrates Says:

      The West was created by White males, and it must be managed by White males.

    2. Steve Says:

      The rise of Barrack Obama is precisely why I despise Republicans who support an incompetent Republican president, simply because he’s Republican. They don’t point out his incompetence, b/c that’s what “the liberals” do. Bush was not suitable as President in 2000 anymore than he is now that even most Republicans notice. Obama is a smiley, feel-good liberal who the masses might cozy up to simply b/c he could be construed to be less incompetent, only in comparison to Bush. When low standards are tolerated, slightly higher low standards are erroneously considered to be objectively high standards. 8 years of a C student as President has done great harm to lower the bar of respectability that any nation requires to survive. At least one thing is good about it. Bush II becoming president is proof of puppeteering in politics. For those minds capable of researching the power structure, such nepotism, and such unworthy nepotism at that, lends great credibility to the fact that politicians are merely figureheads, big-time celebrities with social connections. The real decisions are made by the advisors and special interests. In politics, you get what you pay for.

    3. Mark Says:

      I think part of the reason why Bush got in office was to lower the bar so far that women and minorities would look competent.

    4. Jim Says:

      What a vapid kunt. I wonder how she feeds herself?

    5. Angle Says:

      As tough as the men eh? Only in their air filled craniums.

    6. brutus Says:

      These people would be nothing without the jew.

      They are vindictive and cruel because they are artificially inflated little people, and to pretend that “They’re just as tough as the men” is laughable.


    7. Carpenter Says:

      Reminds me of this picture:


      “I got the PUSSY, so I make the RULES”

    8. Antagonistes Says:

      From the movie, The Last of the Mohicans:

      (A convoy of British soldiers and some women are trudging through the American wilderness, led by their Indian guide, Magua)

      English Officer: We stop here. Our women are tired.

      Magua: No. We go on. Better water up ahead.

      English Officer: Did you hear me? I said we will stop here. Our women are tired! Do you understand?

      Magua (speaking in Mohawk): Magua understand that the English are dogs to their women and do whatever they are told by them.

      English Officer: What did you say?

      Magua: Magua say, Understand English very well.

      The above dialogue is paraphrased as accurately as I can remember it from the movie.

      While I certainly would not side with the Indians, Magua makes a good point. The English Aristocracy has alway elevated women to a plateau of godliness. Perhaps feminism is a result of this, or a reaction against this stupidity? Is that why a lot of men today are “dogs to their women?”

      At any rate, the roots of our sickness are deep. Cuntocracy is a natural outgrowth of the elevation of the feminine, which seems to be part of the European soul.

      The feminists took this feminine-affirming attribute of ours, mixed in some grievances (a few of which, I think, were valid) and turned our own conscientious feelings against us. The women were empowered on the virtue of our own magnanimous feelings for them.

      Men today are lost. There is an incredible “father-hunger” among men.
      Men ache for a father who will instruct them, discipline them, show them the way, show them what it means to be a man.

      By God, the savage barabarians did a better job of caring for their men than we do.

    9. Carpenter Says:

      “You must spread reputation around before you can give it to Antagonistes again” =)

    10. Grudge Says:

      Equal rights, equal rights … what the hell are these things anyways? Power and authority are available to those who master it. Mandated rights are paradoxical. This Boudica warrior queen, apparently she demonstrates that a woman can be masterful “in the field”, if she really has what it takes to lead and command. It’s interesting to note how far back one has to go to find such an example.

      But as we know, the “equal rights” of the feminists and the jews is just another Trojan horse, a cover for equal outcome, among other things.

      There is a distinction between equal treatment under the law, which I think is necessary for civilization*, and “equal rights”. So you should have rights to equal protection under the law, … what else is there really? (*Civilization requires citizens deserving of protection under the law, those who respect it as part of their nature, and would not include those who haven’t evolved an inherent moral compass.)

      A practical question on this issue of “equal rights” is women’s suffrage, their right to vote, but this question is complicated by the validity of democracy in general. In other words, there are woman who are qualified politicos, and qualified participants, as there are men who are not. Obviously. In fact I hate to condescend to women, but, as is always the case these days, are reactionary position is unavoidable and probably necessary. Actually women have excellent political instincts, but the ones the jews put out for us are loud little dogs foaming at the mouth, crazy to attack.

      Basically though, “equal rights” is a farce for the simple reason that a woman knows or expects that you won’t smack her in the face. (Every guy knows that if he gets too obnoxious, too big for his britches, he’ll get smacked, eventually, and this teaches him civility and manners. A woman doesn’t get this.)

      Feminism has been a devastating blow to Western Civilization, as it has turned white women away from white men, and away from their families and children. It’s obvious that women are more susceptible to the feel-good idealogical appeals of “human rights”. They will not be reasoned with in this regard. So as a practical matter, these women should not be argued with, but mocked.

    11. Dave Jones Says:

      Long before the insanity of egalitarianism and diversity gained foothold in Western Europe the jews were busily engaged in the promotion of the sick concept that was the emancipation of women. The lesbian split arse was drafted to inculcate our young women with the obsurdity of equality with men, that nurturing children and homemaking were somehow dehumanizing of women and only by the murdering of our offspring and the usurpation of male dominion could women reach their full potential. The abandonment of the natural role for women was the road to freedom they were told.

      These jewish fables were the thin end of the wedge that has driven an ever widening casm in White Civilization into which the jews pours his pernicious venom. Before we had even begun the fight against the nigger we had lost the battle to the split arse so that now, every jumped up little scrubber that wishes she had been born with a dick has become so adept at brainwashing our womenfolk that even those men fortunate enough to have secured a mate find themselves fulfilling the role of a feminized denuded secondary wage provider. In Western Europe, soon it will be the norm that more women own/drive cars than men. In Western Europe, soon it will be the norm that more white children are dismembered in abortuaries than draw the first breath of life. But of course this is but the symptom, the jEw is the disease.

    12. Bill Franks Says:

      Cut and run girlyboy Bush was scared to play football at private elite schools Andover and Yale so he became a cheerleader with the girls while the real white men of that day played the mans they invented. The story of Bushs life. You think he runs the show? Take another look. His slow talking cunt Laura runs this silver spoon chickenshit just like Mr Mommy ran Daddy.
      Thats what the jew wants. Get rid of the white male dominance in European society and let the cunts and niggers take charge but they know who really rules at the top and thats themselves as the high priest jew bosses.
      All those lies about the Hillary cunt being a hard edge bull dyke lezbo bigtime bitch as opposed to the lil miss manners cookie making Laura cunt is total bullshit.
      Ones just as bad as the other although these Bush cunt slaves are actually worse. Look at the dumb nigger cunt he hired Rice to fuck up foreign policy.
      Bush is a pushead and bad in everything. Cut and run chickenshit owned lock stock and barrel by cunts jews and coons who dominate him. If he has played football like a real white man in school instead of being a chickenshit girlyboy cheerleader he might could have been saved.
      How the hell can a girlyboy cheerleader suddenly become a badass Texan cuntservative? What a fucking joke.

    13. van helsing Says:

      Mark I dont know if that was the plan but that sure is how it has worked out.

      I tend to agree with sobran. Speechwriters loved to write speeches for Reagan cause he could make their speeches come alive. W’s writers have to be careful to use words he can pronounce.

      Incidentally where I work, women are moving into certain management positions. Now not all of them are fucking idiots. But the head research engineer we have is a woman and an idiot. And she wants to promote more women! WHY? Cause she can! And cause the system rewards it! And cause the people she wants to cozy up to want her to promoe more women – they re easier to control, they know less and challetnge less, and as in soviet societies (which we have been for awhile), they function mostly to rat out actual males.

    14. Antagonistes Says:

      “You must spread reputation around before you can give it to Antagonistes again”=)

      I’m sorry, Carpenter, I just don’t understand what this means. I imbued a couple of Samuel Adams and tried again–I still don’t get it.


    15. New America Says:

      in reply to antagonistes:

      antginostes wrote:
      *snip*At any rate, the roots of our sickness are deep. Cuntocracy is a natural outgrowth of the elevation of the feminine, which seems to be part of the European soul.

      The feminists took this feminine-affirming attribute of ours, mixed in some grievances (a few of which, I think, were valid) and turned our own conscientious feelings against us. The women were empowered on the virtue of our own magnanimous feelings for them.

      Men today are lost. There is an incredible “father-hunger” among men.
      Men ache for a father who will instruct them, discipline them, show them the way, show them what it means to be a man.

      By God, the savage barabarians did a better job of caring for their men than we do.

      in reply:
      The goddamn JEWS created feminism first, to cut the balls off the rising middle class of skilled blue collar workers (and their unions(, and second, to destroy the masculine forces that lift us from the mud, to the stars.

      Women simply do not rebel – yet, the rebellious moment casts aside the archaic, and replaces it with what works for the coming social order. Of course, guess who deal with THEIR anger by taking tranquilizers, and blaming men? No challenge whatsoever.

      The key to keeping this going is to insure, institutionally, that white men never assume control – and those that do know the game, and know their place.

      Hence, the institutionalization of Affirmative Action, and the gelding of our sons in the public food and indoctrination system.

      Yet, the Masculine Impulse, properly focused, developed in the Company of Men, both defends Civilization at the margins, AND EXTEND THE BORDERS FORWARD; feminist-controlled societies do neither, and favor Open Borders, in the name of those euphemisms for impotence, “tolerance,” and “equal opportunity.” By defining deviancy down, our sons become whiggers, and our daughters become whores – conquered, one and all.

      There is only one way out of it:

      We must be what we want the world to become; we must be the MEN the world will need to rebuild after these man-hating bitches, simple minded tools of the goddamn JEWS, have all but cost us everything our Ancestors died to Create, and left for us.

      Starting where we are is the first step; for many of us, this would involve simply enrolling our children at a judo instruction course, so they can learn physical confidence, from the ground up.

      That’s a START, a down payment, on what needs to be done for our family, and our RACE.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    16. sgruber Says:

      I have worked in a number of corporate environments. Every female manager I ever knew was an egregious idiot. No exceptions.

      Some females were okay but they weren’t “management track.” Small-time office managers who reported directly and frequently to male bosses were the most tolerable, in other words sensible.

      As to “father ache”: what about “husband ache”? So many young women miss strong men and don’t know it. How they would love being “pushed around” (though not beaten up) by a man who COMPELS respect from them. Note that women’s literature traditionally features rape fantasies or strong man fantasies. However, after enough years, enough bitterness, and enough brainwashing, corporate women become irretrievably hostile to men and are lost causes. It is a great maxim that women raise children and men raise women.

    17. Antagonistes Says:

      New America–

      Red hot and right on target! I have been thinking that one of the problems of Christianity is that is has been feminized.

      Yes, most of the early feminists were Jews, ugly Jews at that.

      And this feminine stuff ties in with the latest news about Kevin Alfred Strom–I don’t know if you are up to date on KAS, or even care, but apparently he was set up by his wife, whom he pissed off mightily. He is now in serious trouble with the FBI.

      Even WN women will turn against their own if they get pissed off mightily!


      Karate legend Bill Wallace once told me that women are much more viscious than men, and that the art of Kung Fu was refined by watching the actions of female animals protecting their young.

    18. DMS Says:

      Consider the article’s illustration: Brillo-haired, blimp-nosed jewess laying down the law. White man looking like a deer in the headlamps as he awaits decapitation, all to the delight of the women, including a negress.

      Try to imagine a woman forcing a man into a guillotine, if he does not go willingly. How is it done?

      I remember a “COPS” episode I saw a couple of years ago where some jackass of a man was making trouble in a bar and two female police officers tried to arrest him. When he resisted and the two women tried to wrestle him down, it looked like he was giving them piggy-back rides. The male bartender had to help them make the arrest!

      The only way I can imagine the pictured scenario taking place is that, somewhere out of the picture, other men have subdued the man in the guillotine. Out-of-picture because their appearance wouldn’t jibe with Louise Esterhazy’s fantasy.

      Women come to power within institutions created by men, in a country carved out of the wilderness by men, and depend on men to enforce their power. Is it possible for women to impose their will on men, without the cooperation and assistance of men?

    19. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      “Is it possible for women to impose their will on men, without the cooperation and assistance of men?”

      Is it possible for kike to impose their will on men, without the cooperation and assistance of men?

    20. sgruber Says:

      Shabbos Shabazz

      Kikes are composed of males and females. You’re comparing apples and poison.

      Try jewish males v. Ayran men – and jewish females v. Aryan women. That’s a direct comparison.

      Jews have sucked Aryan blood for thousands of years, through various swindles and lies. The true problem is jews. Aryans do have two major faults: gullibility and generosity. Aryans do fight back and win against jews (pograms), only we’ve never gone the whole way – which is not expulsion from an area, but “vertical expulsion.”

    21. Shabbos Shabazz Says:

      A kike is a male jew, I thought, in usual parlance.

      Am informal one liner, not a treatise. Aryans are cooperating, but they don’t know with what, due to thought control.

    22. simone Says:

      I’m a feminist and a Jew. I think you all are disgusting. But you don’t know any better I guess. It’s sad.. Your lives are meaningless. I pity you.

    23. Anoy Says:

      Cuntish kike.