22 March, 2007

Free Speech Roundup: New “Hate” Bill Introduced (Conyers); Stolz Busted; Rudolf Gets 30 Months

Posted by alex in free-speech martyrs at 2:36 pm | Permanent Link

Sylvia Stolz, Zundel’s lawyer, has been busted for the high crime of speaking truth to jews. She holds an opinion the semites hate, so she must be slandered, tried, imprisoned, and why not denounced as a witch, and executed?

Democracy means free to agree with…Hymie. Anything else is terrorism.

Meanwhile, chemist Germar Rudolf has been given 30 months in jail for the crime of proving the the gas-chambers myth is just that – a Big Lie unsupported by forensic evidence.

In Germany, truth is Hate. And hate is illegal. And the jews would like to make it the same here, hence their pushing the David Ray bill through the not-so-fine orificies of a Congressional babymamma. Always the jew is at pains to clothe his tyranny in noble humanism and scientific objectivity. Always the jew is self-seeking and other-wrecking. Is the man a jew? Then the man is your enemy. He knows that. Do you?

[Following includes update from Rev. Ted Pike on NEW “hate” bill introduced by another nigger, Conyers; older piece on original “hate” bill, David Ray, introduced by niggess Jackson-Lee; Adelaide Institute’s Friedrich Toeben on Germar Rudolf; AP on Stolz.]




By Rev. Ted Pike
21 Mar 07

Last month I warned that Rep. John Conyers, head of the House Judiciary Committee, might be using the federal “anti-hate” bill H.R. 254 as a decoy, soaking up most opposition from the political and religious right. Then, with opposition largely exhausted, he would slip in another hate bill, a longer and more dangerous one, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act (LLEHCPA). (That same bill passed the House overwhelmingly in 2005.) Conyers’ strategy is to send a new hate bill to the floor of the House free of any criticism attached to it … a bill of which busy and distracted House members might not be suspicious.

Well, it’s happening. The Anti-Defamation League announced yesterday arrival of LLEHCPA in House Judiciary. They strongly recommend it pass in order to end violent hate crimes in America.

H.R. 254, “David’s Law,” remains in the House Judiciary where it will probably die. But LLEHCPA will undoubtedly be on the fast track through the Subcommittee on Crime and the Judiciary Committee and onto the floor of the House. Since LLEHCPA passed the house 1-1/2 years ago, according to the House rules, no more deliberation is required. It could emerge from the Subcommittees on Crime and Judiciary after a mere voice vote. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is empowered to bring it to a vote in the House, even before other bills on the docket.

This is the decisive moment of which I have warned, when every patriot must once again protest as loudly as possible. Conyers is indeed pulling his “fast one.” We must react as quickly!

Here is how to stop Conyers and his hate bill:

  1. Come to www.truthtellers.org for the list of the 40 members of the House Judiciary Committee. Call each toll-free at 1-877-851-6437. Tell them: “Please don’t vote for Rep. Conyers’ hate crimes bill. Hate laws have taken away free speech in Canada and many European countries.” (No bill number has yet been assigned to LLEHCPA)
  2. Call the House member from your district and give the same message. Fax, email, or mail my hate crimes flyer, “Anti-Hate Laws will make you a Criminal,” to your member of Congress and their 8-10 influential legislative aides (available at www.truthtellers.org).

We have defeated ADL’s federal hate bills three times in the last two years, but only because thousands of Americans overcame lethargy and defeatism and let Congress know of their outrage. Now is the time to do it again!

Rev. Ted Pike is the director of the National Prayer Network – a Christian-conservative watchdog organization.

Come to video.google.com for the whole story of how ADL illegally spies on the religious right, keeping vast lists of those who might oppose them. Watch Rev. Ted Pike’s “Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians.” This shocking 80-minute video is available at www.truthtellers in VHS or DVD for $24.90, postpaid. Call 971-645-6751 for credit card orders.

TALK SHOW HOSTS: Interview Rev. Ted Pike on this subject! Call 503-631-3808.

National Prayer Network, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015


Freedom of Speech Threat, High Alert: Hate Bill Update

Who’s Warning About The Hate Bill?

Rev. Ted Pike . February 16, 2007

The federal “anti-hate” bill, HR 254, is stealth legislation at its most devious. Its language deceives all but the most suspicious and informed. Maybe this helps explain why evangelical watchdog organizations do little or nothing to sound the alarm, even though the hate bill has been in the House of Representatives for six weeks!

On ten top conservative websites, I found no mention of the David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HR 254). I found just one alert on the citizen link page of Dr. Dobson’s Focus on the Family website. When several friends and I called D. James Kennedy’s Coral Ridge Ministries, American Family Association, and Jerry Falwell Ministries, they promised to research the hate bill immediately.

But this legislation is so disarmingly worded that even Christians and conservatives contact me to ask, “This bill just wants federal power to prosecute bias-motivated violent crimes in the states-what’s wrong with that?”

There’s plenty wrong with that!

What’s the Threat?

The Constitution does not grant federal government the police state privilege of intervention in local law enforcement. Unless the government finds evidence of slavery in the states, jury tampering, voter fraud, or crimes involving interstate commerce (where jurisdiction is unclear), the Constitution’s message to the federal government is blunt and emphatic: “Butt out of local law enforcement!”

But HR 254 gives the government the right to do what the Constitution forbids. Because five states do not have hate laws, this bill says the government has no choice but to “enhance federal enforcement of hate crimes” and “increase the number of [federal] personnel to prevent and respond to alleged violations [of hate crimes in the states]” (Introductory Statement of Purpose and Sec. 7). HR 254 asserts hate crimes and lack of effective countermeasures on the state level is a “serious national problem” necessitating federal intervention (Sec. 2[1])

The hate bill strains to find any pretext whereby a federal hate crimes bureaucracy can take over local law enforcement. Its arguments toward this end are so absurd they insult the reader’s intelligence.

Sneaking Around the Constitution

In order to evade the Constitution’s clear limitations on federal intervention in law enforcement, HR 254 alleges that hate crimes are actually slavery! “Violence motivated by bias is a relic of slavery that can constitute badges and incidents of slavery.” (Sec. 2, 8)

HR 254’s second absurd ruse is that hate criminals affect interstate commerce, by terrorizing their victims into traveling across state lines – or not. In the latter case such victims may be impeded in purchasing many products imported or exported across state lines, which adversely affects state economies. Also, since weapons of hate violence may have been imported from out of state or traveled across state boundaries, the government is entitled to intervene in “crimes involving interstate commerce.”

Considering the pervasive influence of interstate commerce upon our lives, how often can the government meddle in local hate crimes enforcement? Any time. In fact, this ridiculous argument could be used to justify federal intervention in a crime of any kind, since any crime victim might be scared into different spending or traveling choices.

Frighteningly, HR 254 says its goal is to “prevent and respond to alleged violations” of federal hate crimes laws. This means the government does not even have to wait until a hate crime has been committed but may act preemptively to “prevent” crime.

Further, penalties for violation of federal anti-hate law can be extremely severe, even tripling the normal penalties. 1 For example, what if a man calls a woman “bitch” (evidence of bias motivation against woman, a federally protected group under HR 254) and attempts to rape her, but fails. If convicted of this assault, he could be sentenced to prison for the rest of his life. (Sec. 4[B][B,ii]).

HR 254 Shatters Civil Rights

America’s justice system requires proof of physical tangible damage before an arrest can be made. Our English system of law evolved over at least 3500 years from both biblical and Roman legal precedent.

HR 254 is not based on this foundation. It seeks to establish a different “bias motivation” justice system, which will be defined in courts by judges, as has happened in Canada over the past 36 years. Closely advised and pressured by ADL, 2 these federal and local (and mostly liberal) judges will establish legal precedents-precedents that protect groups such as homosexuals not only from physical bias-motivated violence but also from “verbal violence.” This will include the “hate speech” of Bible-believing evangelical Christians. This is exactly what has occurred in Canada and the many European nations who accepted hate laws’ Orwellian chains.

HR 254 thus does more than violate states’ rights in law enforcement. It also leads inexorably to an end of free speech!

We Need You Now

The powerful Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith is determined to pass the hate bill in their Democrat-controlled Congress. ADL has vowed it will never give up until a federal hate crimes bureaucracy, like it established in Canada, shackles the United States. ADL has weathered six rejections of their hate bill by Congress since 1998. Their tenacity doesn’t come from concern for the emotions or safety of homosexuals. ADL is using the powerful homosexual lobby as a tool to pass a law that will ultimately make it a hate crime, punishable by prison or deportation to Israel, to criticize Zionism or matters Jewish. David Irving, like Galileo, Victim of ‘Thought Crimes’ Inquisition)

I never thought I would see the day when legislation so enormously destructive to freedom would be virtually unopposed by the religious right. 3 Incredibly, the many thousands of participants with the National Prayer Network, through massive calling and mailing of my hate crime flyer to Congress, have delivered the primary protest against imminent passage of HR 254.

Yet, we desperately need assistance from the vast constituencies of conservative evangelical organizations. These groups claim to protect America and our freedom. Yet they have been virtually oblivious to a very present danger that threatens to wipe away our freedom to fight all other battles. If we allow the hate bill to pass, we will soon have no free speech left with which to protest evils like abortion or the redefinition of marriage. The present silence of Christian/conservative organizations is ensuring their future death.

National Prayer Network can’t win alone. Freedom of speech is America’s lifeblood. It is the precious birthright of all Americans. Many, many more individuals-liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican, Christian and non-Christian-must help us save this freedom now.


1. This is mandated by ADL’s Violent Crime and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

2. ADL obtained such a mandate through passage of their Hate Crimes Statistics Act of 1990. It gave them power to teach U.S. Justice Department, FBI, and local police their twisted definitions of hate crimes and how to report them. It is out of 25 years of such indoctrination that ADL intends to create its national hate laws gestapo and police state.

3. As of Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2007, important conservative websites where we could find no mention of the David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act, HR 254, include:

American Family AssociationCoral Ridge MinistriesRenew America


Jerry Falwell Ministries

Christian Coalition of America

Family Research Council

Gary Bauer’s American Values

Concerned Women for America
(which has re-posted an excellent article from 2005 but makes no mention of the current threat in Congress)

Traditional Values Coalition
(while containing nothing about HR 254 on its website, has emailed alerts concerning the bill.)


HR 254 is presently assigned to the House Judiciary Committee, but as a streamlined version of a bill that previously passed in the House, it could race forward to passage very quickly. Call all 40 members, available at www.truthtellers.org and protest.

Also call your House member and two state senators at 1-877-851-6437. Send them and their influential legislative aides Rev. Ted Pike’s flyer, “Anti-Hate Laws Will Make You a Criminal.” All this information is available at www.truthtellers.org.

TALK SHOW HOSTS: Interview Rev. Pike! Call 503-631-3808.

NATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015


This is the primary text of HR 254, the David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007. This is a much shorter version of S 1145 which failed passage in the Senate last year. ADL, desperate to pass their hate bill, has deleted many items and is concentrating in this new streamlined version on getting what they want most: establishment of a bias-oriented justice system in American and union of federal and local police powers (creating a police state). With this foundation, ADL can then rely on federal and local judges to expand jurisdiction from violent physical crimes to verbal violence against protected groups.


1st Session

H. R. 254

To enhance Federal enforcement of hate crimes, and for other purposes.

January 5, 2007

Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

To enhance Federal enforcement of hate crimes, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007′ or `David’s Law’.


Congress finds that–

(1) the incidence of violence motivated by the actual or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or disability of the victim poses a serious national problem;

(2) such violence disrupts the tranquility and safety of communities and is deeply divisive;

(3) existing Federal law is inadequate to address this problem;

(4) such violence affects interstate commerce in many ways, including–

(A) by impeding the movement of members of targeted groups and forcing such members to move across State lines to escape the incidence or risk of such violence; and

(B) by preventing members of targeted groups from purchasing goods and services, obtaining or sustaining employment or participating in other commercial activity;

(5) perpetrators cross State lines to commit such violence;

(6) instrumentalities of interstate commerce are used to facilitate the commission of such violence;

(7) such violence is committed using articles that have traveled in interstate commerce;

(8) violence motivated by bias that is a relic of slavery can constitute badges and incidents of slavery;

(9) although many local jurisdictions have attempted to respond to the challenges posed by such violence, the problem is sufficiently serious, widespread, and interstate in scope to warrant Federal intervention to assist such jurisdictions; and

(10) many States have no laws addressing violence based on the actual or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or disability, of the victim, while other States have laws that provide only limited protection.


In this Act, the term `hate crime’ has the same meaning as in section 280003(a) of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (28 U.S.C. 994 note).


Section 245 of title 18, United States Code, is amended–

(1) by redesignating subsections (c) and (d) as subsections (d) and (e), respectively; and

(2) by inserting after subsection (b) the following:

`(c)(1) Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, or an explosive device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person–

`(A) shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, or fined in accordance with this title, or both; and

`(B) shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or fined in accordance with this title, or both if–

`(i) death results from the acts committed in violation of this paragraph; or

`(ii) the acts committed in violation of this paragraph include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill.

`(2)(A) Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, in any circumstance described in subparagraph (B), willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, or an explosive device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability of any person–

`(i) shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, or fined in accordance with this title, or both; and

`(ii) shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or fined in accordance with this title, or both, if–

`(I) death results from the acts committed in violation of this paragraph; or

`(II) the acts committed in violation of this paragraph include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill.

`(B) For purposes of subparagraph (A), the circumstances described in this subparagraph are that–

`(i) in connection with the offense, the defendant or the victim travels in interstate or foreign commerce, uses a facility or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce, or engages in any activity affecting interstate or foreign commerce; or

`(ii) the offense is in or affects interstate or foreign commerce.’.


(a) Amendment of Federal Sentencing Guidelines- Pursuant to its authority under section 994 of title 28, United States Code, the United States Sentencing Commission shall study the issue of adult recruitment of juveniles to commit hate crimes and shall, if appropriate, amend the Federal sentencing guidelines to provide sentencing enhancements (in addition to the sentencing enhancement provided for the use of a minor during the commission of an offense) for adult defendants who recruit juveniles to assist in the commission of hate crimes.

(b) Consistency With Other Guidelines- In carrying out this section, the United States Sentencing Commission shall–

(1) ensure that there is reasonable consistency with other Federal sentencing guidelines; and

(2) avoid duplicative punishments for substantially the same offense.


(a) Authority To Make Grants- The Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention of the Department of Justice shall make grants, in accordance with such regulations as the Attorney General may prescribe, to State and local programs designed to combat hate crimes committed by juveniles.

(b) Authorization of Appropriations- There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section.


There are authorized to be appropriated to the Department of the Treasury and the Department of Justice, including the Community Relations Service, for fiscal years 2007, 2008, and 2009 such sums as are necessary to increase the number of personnel to prevent and respond to alleged violations of section 245 of title 18, United States Code (as amended by this Act).

Germar Rudolf sentenced to 30 months prison

“Adelaide Institute” [email protected]
Friday, 16 Mar 2007

Germar Rudolf sentenced to 30 months prison
by Fredrick Töben

Germar Rudolf sentenced

On 15 March 2007 the Mannheim District Court handed down a 30 months prison sentence to the world’s leading Revisionist and publisher – in stark contrast to the sentence a Mannheim court a month earlier imposed on veteran Revisionist Ernst Zündel who received the maximum of five years. Both men have made it their life’s work to set the record straight about that vile allegation leveled against Germans that during World War two they exterminated six million European Jews in homicidal gas chambers. Zündel has been at it for almost half a century and Rudolf since the late 1980s.

In today’s The Australian newspaper the feature article discusses the Palestinian plight. In “Israel’s secret Gaza servants‚” Martin Chulov speaks with two Hamas executioners who reveal to him “how they hunted down and killed Palestinians- as a warning to other traitors”. The usual lures ensnared individuals to become traitors to the Palestinian cause: sex and money. In their battle for supremacy over the Palestinians, the Israelis have begun to target individuals with such soft weapons – a far more effective attack on the Palestinians than brute force, which the world, via the Internet, can observe without hindrance.

So, what relevance has the above to Revisionists? It goes to the heart of character and values! I am reminded what Ernst Zündel advised me years ago, that if you are into historical Revisionism, then this is a war, and so it is advisable not to have moral failings, such as sexual, drug or any material addictions. Spending time in jail is to be expected and not to be feared, and a fact that needs to be considered when embarking on this intellectual adventure, as Robert Faurisson termed it. Interestingly, Art Butz’s The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, first published in 1977 still remains definitive. Although weathering all kinds of personal public attacks in the media Art Butz still retains his professorship at a Chicago university – and no-one to date has refuted his book’s basic premise: that the homicidal gas chambers never existed and that Germans never had an official extermination policy.

Udo Walendy published his Historische Tatsachen until ordered by a court to desist, and after spending some years in prison, which he did on account of his age – he celebrated his 80th birthday this year. Siegfried Verbeke continued to publish and disseminate Revisionist material and is currently locked up in a Belgium prison, i.e. after last year spending some months at Heidelberg prison. Günter Deckert spent close to five years in a German prison because he had invited Fred Leuchter to address his Weinheim group on the 1988 published The Leuchter Report. Deckert, it was alleged, smirked or sneered while translating, thereby disparaging the memory of the dead! Then from prison he wrote a letter to a Mr Mannheim, who was traveling around German schools talking about his escapes from Auschwitz, etc. In his letter Deckert asked Mr Mannheim 12 questions, and Mr Mannheim felt hurt by the letter’s contents and took it to the police. This writing of a letter and asking questions earned Deckert another three months. I took up this matter and sent my views on the Deckert case to a number of German judges and public prosecutors. It was the contents of this letter that earned me a ten-month sentence in Mannheim in 1999, and the Adelaide Institute website’s content was not taken into consideration. Justice Klaus Kern accepted the push-pull argument, i.e. that material via the Internet is NOT pushed into Germany, but rather that an individual must pull it down from the Internet. A subsequent appeal reversed this decision; thereby my case became a precedent-setting case: German law extended around the globe – much like the Israeli Holocaust law that enables the Zionist-racist state to demand extradition to Israel of anyone and anywhere in the world who refuses to believe in the “Holocaust‚”

The December 2006 Teheran Holocaust Conference that aimed to review the “Holocaust” has been the single most significant event within the last decade, and it followed closely on Germar Rudolf in 2000 beginning his publishing of the Holocaust Handbook series – about 21 published volumes and as many waiting to be published ˆ now waiting for Germar to return to the USA and continue his work there. Anyone who believes in the “Holocaust” now needs to wade through these volumes to be informed of the Revisionist argument.

It was sadly noted that only Michael Collins Piper from the USA made it to the Teheran Holocaust conference, Patrick McNally and Bradley Smith do not live in the USA. American Revisionists such as Michael Hoffmann, Paul Grubach, Michael Santomauro and Mark Weber, to name only a few, would not take the risk of traveling to Teheran for fear of being pursued by their own internal security forces for having traveled to a country that the US
president labels “Axis of Evil”.

So, what will Germar do once released from prison? Will he continue the Revisionist enterprise and continue where he left off, and seek out Michael Santomauro who has taken over the distribution of his books in the USA, or will Germar continue to pursue his academic career and finally obtain that much-deserved doctorate in science, which the University of Stuttgart withheld from him on account of his having written that definitive Revisionist book: The Rudolf Report?

The human factor and David Irving

Well, the human factor has already kicked in because there are now some individuals within the Revisionist ranks who, for whatever reason, claim they have worked out why there is this discrepancy between the Zündel and Rudolf judgment.

Drawing on the early 20 December 2006 David Irving release, speculation is now rife that Germar Rudolf did a deal with the German prosecutors.

According to Dr Schaller, David Irving did a deal with his Austrian defense counsel in the hope of getting out of jail immediately after facing the judge, a week after his 11 November 2006 arrest. Before appearing in front of the judge and before being charged, Irving through his defense counsel, re-canted, i.e. that limited gassings occurred and that Auschwitz had gas chambers. This prior re-canting backfired and did not impress the judges who stooped so low during sentencing that one of them described Irving as a prostitute who had not seen the error of her ways. That such a statement came from a judge is shameful because it scapegoats without going any deeper into the problem of prostitution. I have noticed that men who have a special hatred for prostitutes are lacking a moral dimension where compassion has a home.

After settling down to prison life, so according to Wolfgang Fröhlich who was also spending his time in the Vienna jail, David Irving certainly saw the error of his ways by jettisoning his young defense counsel and reverting to the wise counsel of Dr Schaller for that appeal hearing on 20 December 2006.

Upon Irving’s release on 20 December 2007, something Dr Schaller predicted at the Teheran conference, one of the judges stated that his early release was justified because Irving had stated he now believes in the Holocaust. Of course, once back home in England, Irving stated that he does not now have to show any more remorse about what he has been doing for decades. For some Revisionists such a jumping about with one’s beliefs is tantamount to selling out.

Neither Ernst Zündel nor Germar Rudolf re-canted, and that is befitting of two Germans whose lives are inextricably linked to the odious and oppressive “Holocaust”‚ story, while for British historian, David Irving, the “Holocaust“ remains a symbol of British imperial decline. Since 12 March Irving is in Budapest stirring up the nationalists with his knowledge. After all, Irving’s knowledge as a military historian of World War Two remains unsurpassed and his 30-odd books can be ignored but cannot be dismissed as not having contributed anything to world knowledge.

Interestingly, Georges Theil who also spent time in a French prison for Revisionist work, feels passionately for the German cause and has states as much in his book.

Back to Germar Rudolf’s case

Why was defense counsel Sylvia Stolz removed on the final day of the hearing, and replaced by another lawyer from a Munich legal firm? Why was there this sudden closing of the case that had been set down for a number more days?

On 10 March 2007 I phoned Sylvia Stolz to find out what had happened because the unofficial court report on that day wasn’t privy to what had occurred behind the scene, and thus only offered speculations as to what had happened.

Sylvia Stolz informed me that:

1. Germar Rudolf had said everything he wanted to say and that is why he did not make a final submission to the court and remained silent;

2. Rudolf did not recant in any way. Germar stands by the material he presented to court.

3. Stolz’s removal as a defense counsel from the case was a tactical matter because her task in any subsequent hearing was to contextualize the whole proceedings within an historical framework. It would have drawn parallels with Socrates‚ demise by drinking a cup of poison and with Giordano Bruno’s burning at the stake. This aspect of the Rudolf trial was dispensed with ˆ and instead the focus returned to Germar Rudolf, the scientist, the husband and father.

It is perhaps as a result of Sylvia Stolz from the very beginning of the proceedings adopting the Horst Mahler strategy that this somewhat light sentence came about. In the Zündel case there was no bargaining left at the very end, only more of the same. It is to be noted that Horst Mahler for his troubles is currently also resting in a prison for a total of nine months.

The fact that Germar has from his prison cell attempted to distance himself from overt political Revisionist figures can be seen as his way of retaining that pure scientific focus.

Yet, I am reminded of the Iranian maxim: everything is politics and everything is religion. The Iranian vision of the world ˆWeltanschauungˆ is of course far more all-embracing than our liberal western democratic fractured world where things are divided up and compartmentalized ˆ to the detriment of our holistic appreciation of life itself.

Is it little wonder then that when Western men cry, women generally regard this as a “macho” failing instead of viewing it as a source of strength for compassion and mercy. Islam has enabled men publicly to cry by adopting in its religious ritual observances such a public display of compassion. In the liberal democracies of the western world hat helps individuals to overcome the lack of a wholesome spiritual vacuum is alcohol, psychiatry and
consumerism held together by the slave system of predatory capitalism.

Germar – the personal perspective

As Germar, 42, he has spent much reflective time on himself, especially within the past 16 months. It is said that most men start to think only in their early 30s – and I think there is some truth in this observation. But whatever happens after Germar’s release from prison, I wish him well in his endeavour to re-establish contact with his family from which he was so brutally and unjustly ripped. Any talk about his person, and what he has done ˆ or did not do – for the Revisionist movement, is of secondary nature, though I hasten to add that on numerous occasions he has exclaimed to me that his first love is and always will be REVISIONISM. Whatever happens when he gets out of prison I sense we have not heard the last of Germar Rudolf, the POWERHOUSE of REVISIONISM.

As some hostile “Holocaust” believers advised Revisionists some time ago: get a life beyond REVISIONISM. To that I responded: any thinking person is a REVISIONIST.

So, let’s not diminish the REVISIONIST enterprise because I recall that someone in Sacramento in 2004 stated REVISIONISM IS DEAD. This was quite an accurate statement about that person’s own mental processes because when we stop being revisionists, then we stop to think, and when we stop to think, then we may as well terminate our life of our own free will. I don’t think the REVISIONISTS I know would even contemplate adopting such nihilistic thought patterns. For that we have too much work awaiting us, and so, quoting Germar, let’s get back to work!

Fredrick Töben
15 March 2007

German charged with denying Holocaust ever happened

BERLIN (AP) — German prosecutors on Tuesday charged the former lawyer for a far-right activist with incitement, accusing her of denying the Holocaust and ending one of her legal filings with “Heil Hitler.”

Sylvia Stolz represented Ernst Zundel in his first trial, which collapsed after Stolz was banned from proceedings on grounds she was trying to sabotage the proceedings.

Zundel’s second trial at the Mannheim state court ended last month with his conviction for incitement for denying the Holocaust. The 67-year-old, who was deported from Canada in 2005 and also once lived in Tennessee, was sentenced to the maximum five years in prison.

Mannheim prosecutors said in a statement that Stolz herself has now been charged with incitement, attempting to thwart a prosecution and using symbols of a banned organization.

During Zundel’s trial, Stolz repeatedly disputed the Nazis’ mass murder of Jews, called for hatred of the Jewish population and ended a legal document with the words “Heil Hitler,” the statement said. The document was freely accessible on the Internet, it added.

Stolz does not deny making the statements or writing “Heil Hitler” on the document. However, she told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that while she anticipated she might be charged, it was part of her fight against what she considers an illegitimate government built upon the postwar allied occupation of Germany.

“We are under foreign occupation, and this foreign occupation has portrayed Adolf Hitler as a devil for 60 years, but that is not true,” she said. “But the real truth can only be told when someone attempts to break this taboo.”

Stolz is also accused of trying to “force an end to the proceedings” with constant interventions and “provocations” that disturbed the conduct of the trial.

The presiding judge halted Zundel’s trial last March to ask for Stolz’s removal after she denounced the court as a “tool of foreign domination” and described the Jews as an “enemy people.”

In April, she was carried out of the court room, shouting “Resistance! The German people are rising up,” after defying an order for her removal.

Prosecutors said they are seeking a ban on Stolz working as a lawyer.

  • 9 Responses to “Free Speech Roundup: New “Hate” Bill Introduced (Conyers); Stolz Busted; Rudolf Gets 30 Months”

    1. fdtwainth Says:

      Looks like the threat of the second “hate” bill is real. We all must do our duty to stop it: call your congressman/senator today.

    2. Jim Donaldson Says:

      With regard to hate crimes: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17726075/?GT1=9145

    3. Filles du Roi's Boi Says:

      Let’s remember, the reason the leftists now have the power to push hate crimes legislation is because of the Jewish takeover of the conservative movement. The War for Israel is the reason the Democrats now control the House and Senate, and every piece of junk that comes out of Congress can be blamed on Izzy and the the Limbaugh/Hannity/Freeper dumbasses they so easily duped.

    4. SHMUELY Says:

      Sylvia, Volksgenoßin, Sie machen uns Stolz, und stärker.

    5. abe foxman Says:

      Given the US constitution and the rights that US citizens have been given by the bill of rights, it seems to me that this ‘hates bill’ introducer has made himself a legitimate target for elimination by freedom minded citizens.

    6. Kirksville Today » Writing: Jogging or Blood Sport? Says:

      […] Do you know what Oscar Wilde said, Andrew? No, you don’t, so I’ll tell you. He said evil is a word to explain the curious attractiveness of others. And the same goes for hate. Really, does “hate” explain Phelps or me? Of course not. It’s the accepted term – that is, the term used by the jews who run the mass media, but it is not the accurate term. Phelps is not driven by hate but by an interpretation of the Bible. I don’t agree with him, but that’s because I think he’s wrong, not because he suffers some kind of emotional problem. Calling those who disagree with us “haters” is the coward’s way out. The fact that the jews who produce the mass media have made it socially acceptable, nay, de rigueur, doesn’t change that it is, in fact, lazy, cowardly, and inaccurate. Do you have the courage to look into the motives driving the people who call everyone else haters? And imprison them wherever they can for daring to doubt their dogmas? Google Ernst Zundel, Sylvia Stoltz, Germar Rudolf, Simon Sheppard, Tom Winnicki and learn about the real world Truman State’s hothouse shields you from. […]

    7. no matter Says:

      Gentlemen-in Germany in the past year were there 16 000 NS attacks,actions and acts!

      Don’t worry-in Germany people lives and fights!

      And Germany has most successful and strongest NS Movement on Earth!

    8. Marge Alley Says:

      If you think you’ve heard everything, Google “The Earliest ‘Hate’ Criminals.” That article says it all! Marge

    9. Kirksville Today » ADL Targets First Amendment Says:

      […] [Read the background here. Learn what jews have done in other countries. Learn about their teaching t…] […]