Local Blog: Vanquishing Georgia
Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Local Whiteblogging at 6:57 pm | 
Not so slowly but surely, an alternative media is building. Alternative to what? To the unending procession of Jewish Big Lies that is the ‘mainstream’ media.
Georgia Goes Soft On Jews, But They’re Still Crying
Atlanta, GA
Earlier this month the Anti Defamation League, a jewish terrorist group which supports worldwide zionist domination, issued a press release stating that anti-semitic incidents in Georgia during 2006 were below the national average.
The report says anti-semitic incidents were down 12 percent nationally from 2005 and cites 21 incidents, out of a nation wide total of 1554 incidents, claimed to have taken place in Georgia. These incidents consisted of 12 instances of harassment and 9 instances of vandalism allegedly perpetrated against Georgia jews by non-jews. This is contrary to recent claims by the group stating that anti-semitic attacks were up drastically worldwide.
“The fact that only 21 reports of anti-semitic incidents were reported in Georgia last year is encouraging,” said the zionist terrorist group’s Southeast Regional Director Bill Nigut. “But even that number is too many when you understand that each act reflects the perpetrator’s overt hostility toward jews.”
Ironically, the ADL was founded in the early 1900s by New York jews, for the specific purpose of defending and advancing deviant jewish interests, after Leo Frank murdered a young White girl in 1913 at the Atlanta Pencil Factory. Frank, a northern jew and president of the Atlanta B’nai B’rith, raped and murdered 13 year old Mary Phagan, who worked at the factory where Frank was a manager. Frank, with the other jews from B’nai B’rith backing him up, first tried placing blame for the atrocious crime on an anonymous negro. At Frank’s trial, the factory’s negro janitor, Jim Conley testified that Frank had murdered the girl and instructed him to hide the body with a note blaming a “light skinned negro“.
Frank was convicted of murdering Mary Phagan and sentenced to death by hanging. Several appeals were filed and denied, however B’nai B’rith and their newly formed, child raping murderer Leo Frank inspired ADL began a relentless campaign to pressure the Governor of Georgia to commute the sentence. In 1915, when the Governor gave in to the pressure being applied to his administration by the jews and commuted Frank’s sentence to life in prison, a group of Georgians decided to serve Frank up a dose of southern street justice. Within days, they seized the murderous jew from the Georgia Work Farm Prison in Milledgeville, brought him to Marietta and hung him in an oak tree on Frey Gin Road.
This was the beginning of a reign of anti-White hatred, jewish supremacism and zionist terrorism unleashed on the world by the jews of B’nai B’rith and the ADL which has lasted for more than 90 years. To this day, zionist worldwide proclaim Frank’s innocence. Unfortunately for them, the testimony is on record. The facts are that the jew Leo Frank demanded sex from a 13 year old White girl who was under his supervision. When she refused he raped and murdered her then blamed it on a negro. The ADL was founded to defend and promote this type of jewish behavior and has continued to do so for nearly a century. Pedophilia, rape and murder. This is part of what the ADL stands for, it’s the reason it was created.
For more about the jew Leo Frank and his vicious rape and murder of Mary Phagan, see the interview with a relative of Mary Phagan at the link below.
28 March, 2007 at 7:58 pm
Comment on VG:
Anonymous said…
How many times was “Deliverance” shown in Georgia last year?
If you say one word to a jew, it is recorded as an anti-semitic incident.
If the jew produces a major motion picture mocking your entire race as evil inbred hicks, it’s… played over and over again on cable tv for all eternity.
Great Blog!
28 March, 2007 at 11:39 pm
Great information. It also shows that lynching served a purpose, when dirty politics denied the people justice, they took it upon themselves to right the wrongs. Better times.
Could you imagine the sheeple of today lynching people? Hell, they can barely raise a hand to defend themselves.
29 March, 2007 at 12:15 am
Very Interesting.
29 March, 2007 at 9:19 am
Earlier this month the Anti Defamation League, a jewish terrorist group which supports worldwide zionist domination
Saying “zionist” instead of “jewish” is a way to exonerate “good Jews” [sic].
29 March, 2007 at 11:29 am
Deliverance is not that far away from the novel it is based on, by James Dickey. I guess if you are looking for anti-white bias, you will find it, but Dickey is from Georgia, and has villains in his novel as two hillbillies who rape a white guy, played by Ned Beatty in the film adaptation. Does it really matter that the four main characters are all white men, who are able to exact some vigilante justice on the guys who wronged them? Hollywood produced enough stereotypes of gays and blacks in the 1920s and 30s, white stereotypes maybe are more prevalent now. I guess you have to have an eye for things like that, and I don’t. Go watch Lucky Number Slevin and feel better when you see Morgan Freeman and Ben Kingsley as ruthless black and Jewish ganglords, ultimately killed by a white hero, played by Josh Hartnett. And the Jew is a rabbi whose son is gay.
29 March, 2007 at 5:10 pm
Sure, you can find the odd film with nigs or even jews as bad guys, but the rule is that whites are evil, whether racist inbred hicks or blond frat guys. And that is very definitely intentional. The jews set up stereotypes with no basis in reality, such as “dumb blondes,” but they bitch about hate when anybody else draws accurate generalizations about blacks or jews.
Jews did portray blacks as buffoons in the early decades of the 20th century, but that is only because they had to move to the current state of things by degree. Once they had the blacks established (by founding the NAACP) and ‘liberated’ with ‘civil rights,’ they began browbeating ordinary whites. But jews themselves are never portrayed as the bad guys. The rare cases in which a jew might be a bad guy are never turned into stereotypes, whereas the “racist inbred hick” stereotype is all over the place, in commercials as well as content.
Remember also that Dickey, to be published, has to go through New York. That means using storylines and stereotypes that meet the approval of jews. Do you think he could have got a novel published about the depravity of a bunch of orthodox jews? John Grisham’s another example. The best-selling author of the nineties wrote a novel “A Time to Kill” in which a black seeks revenge for two Klansmen raping his daughter. In reality that kind of thing never happens. But blacks raping whites is common. Grisham, a lawyer with plenty of court experience, is well aware of the facts about crime and race. He’s also aware of the facts about race and publishing. He knows that he has no chance to get a major publishing house putting out his work if he depicts reality – a bunch of niggers carjacking, raping, torturing, and murdering a young U. Tennessee couple, for instance.
“White stereotypes are more prevalent now” – correct, but do you think that’s not by choice? Someone’s choosing it. It isn’t like weather. That’s what’s so amazing to me about politics. People act as though things just happen, they come from nowhere, and no greater meaning is to be attributed to them. The best example is the Mexinvasion. People act as though there’s nothing we can do about it, it’s just a force of nature. No. The truth was, is, and will remain that everything in politics happens because someone wanted it that way. That’s not me talking, that’s FDR saying that.
Someone, some group of people, is taking the well deliberated decision to produce literally endless streams of commercials and content in which blondes, whites males, Southerners, preachers, Germans, husbands — in sum, every single aspect of Normal Whitehood — is demonized. And that someone and someone is very obviously the people who own the major conglomerates and staff the ranks of executive producers. In a word, jews.
29 March, 2007 at 6:18 pm
Saying “zionist†instead of “jewish†is a way to exonerate “good Jews†[sic].
No. The use of the word “zionist” is my way of indicating that there are race traitor christians involved in this zionist assault against our culture as well as jews. You don’t have to be a jew to be a zionist. Just ask John Hagee or George W. Bush.
As for the “good jews” that you speak of…name one.
29 March, 2007 at 6:50 pm
Marlon Brando said much the same thing, but apparently only after his own career had gone down the crapper. His work with Elia Kazan was several decades in the past, and the only good role he had was in Apocalypse Now, where he was fat and bald.
This might draw the ire of many on this site, but my favorite movie of all time is Sunset Boulevard, directed by Austrian Jew Billy Wilder, who did three other movies I love, The Apartment, Some Like It Hot, and Double Indemnity. Casablanca was directed by Michael Curtiz, another Jew. I like Spielberg, the most prominent and influential Jew in Hollywood. I like and admire the work of Chaplin and Eisenstein.
Every studio head in Hollywood except Zanuck was a Jew, Goldwyn, Mayer, and Jack Warner. Like it matters. Hollywood is full of Jews, and once full of Communists, too, but a lot of artistic types (writers, painters, musicians, actors) are either gay or Jewish. Tchaikovsky, my favorite composer, was a homo. That does not diminish the quality of his music. Hell, I like Dustin Hoffman and a lot of Jewish stand-up comics. It doesn’t really matter to me. The only place you find anti-Jewish movies are on Arab television.
29 March, 2007 at 8:58 pm
As for the “good jews†that you speak of…name one.
I’m surprised you spelled tapir correctly.
If you mean goyish collaborator, say something like that, or at LEAST “Christian Zionist”. I know this is quibbling, but MOST PEOPLE use “Zionist” to sidestep saying “Jew”, also to LEAVE ROOM FOR what they believe to be “good Jews” [sic]. Carefully note the sic, this time.
29 March, 2007 at 9:07 pm
Great information. It also shows that lynching served a purpose, when dirty politics denied the people justice, they took it upon themselves to right the wrongs. Better times.
Lynching serves a number of bang-on benefits, kind of like fighting in hockey. If pols and judges know that if they get too far out of line people will string them up, they’re likelier to stick to the less remunerative forms of graft and the laws-as-actually-written. To say nothing of the benefits of one less nigger.
BTW, though you won’t learn it in school, most of the people lynched in the South were white. And for the most part, guilty.
29 March, 2007 at 9:10 pm
Every studio head in Hollywood except Zanuck was a Jew, Goldwyn, Mayer, and Jack Warner. Like it matters.
The point isn’t that jews don’t produce a good movie here and there, it’s that the average product is filled with anti-White material, and that affects all of us, whether we watch tv or not.
1 April, 2007 at 4:06 pm
“I’m surprised you spelled tapir correctly.
If you mean goyish collaborator, say something like that, or at LEAST “Christian Zionistâ€. I know this is quibbling, but MOST PEOPLE use “Zionist†to sidestep saying “Jewâ€, also to LEAVE ROOM FOR what they believe to be “good Jews†[sic]. Carefully note the sic, this time.”
I’m surprised that Mr. Linder would allow a tapirman such as jewrself to post on the front page of VNN.
I’m pleased that my refusal to use capitalization in words such as jew, zionist and christian has caught your clever tapir eye and sparked a substantial spike in your blood pressure.
You’ve confirmed that as a tactical method, it works.