Reading Reed on Curbyshire and Racial-Realism
Posted by alex in Fred Reed at 5:58 pm | Permanent Link
Thanks to Country Slicker (Fred Reed) for providing such a wunnerful backdrop for a BTL, in this case Wintermute (unless we’re mistaken).
He doesn’t mention his Jewish wife, which further muddies the waters of his true EGI, but plays his usual tricks: portraying Euros as solely manical and “twisted” by “clinical paranoia”, if concerned about their collective survival, usually by selective editing from his mailbag, and the relentless, and very feminine, insistence that the ‘end of civilization’ cannot be reconciled with his stepdaughter’s pretty face:
God almighty. I’m step-dad to international extinction. And I even supplied her iPod. The horror. One day I’ll have to live with my guilt. You know, like Vidkun.
[ . . ]
Note Davy Crockett’s fearful tone. Danger is everywhere. I need to defend my family. (The glowing eyes in the night are getting closer.) Our land faces extinction (how do you extinguish land?). Our religion – which one is that? – will be wiped out by intensely Christian Mexicans. Oh god. Curl up in a ball. Save the last bullet for yourself.
In other words, you who think the lights are going out all over Europe, look at my pretty little daughter: how could anything be going wrong? Concentrate on the here and now, the personal – NEVER the impersonal, what and whom came before, what and whom will come after. Interestingly, two other pretty little girls, Lynx and Lamb Gaede, were recently very sucessfully, and very viciously, linked with the monstrous “Holocaust narrative” – the Incarnation for a Secular Age – by a massive propaganda assault. The little girls were actually harassed onscreen by an adult, and were associated with “Hate”, which, while a vague sin, is the greatest a citizen of the modern world order can commit, and the only one for which one may be stripped of rights to speech, property, and association rights.
Fred obviously feels that the odd letter in his letterbox is grounds for denying Whites public legitimacy, and he puts his shoulder to that wheel with some effect. He may, without even trying, end up in a very lucrative print journalism job – lucrative and elite. Nothing lends authenticity to a modern agitprop journal like a collared ‘maverick’, who is free to denounce, ridicule, and demonize White needs for free association and free speech, which are currently blocked by hiring laws, unofficial speech codes which can and do result in job loss, and so forth.
I’ve never heard from Fred that antiWhite activity is worthy of denunciation. Indeed, his most recent column is nothing but – he is hardly in a postion to criticize the “media elites in LA and New York” – his term – or the Federal Government – when lending a hand to the universal demonization of gentile group association is what a suspicously large subset of his essays concern themselves with.
Of course, Fred isn’t a one-note writer. There are also columns where he publishes selectively from his mailbag so as to demonize discussion of Jewish power and social organization as well.
Fred is the Global Elite’s wet dream – the cornpone Jeffrey Sachs. Would any of his ideas, or beliefs as reflected in his personal or professional behavior, provide any real contrast with your average Bilderberger or CFR member? Is there some difference between his values and goals and those reflected in the the future Judah and Big Capital have in store for the peoples of the earth?
He even has the unsubtle skills of a dishonest propagandist: if you’re a White with political interests, who cares about the health of his heritage, civilization, race, people and culture well then, what you really hate is his pretty little stepdaughter.
Indeed, if you disagree with him, you are a disease:
“But there is something here, something mean and embittered and twisted. I’m glad I don’t have it.”
Human life, common fellow feeling, the hope for a future for our own: mean and embittered and twisted.
I suggest a different line of interpretation: I think Fred rightly suspects that any awareness of group interest among Whites would tend to inconvenience his wife and daughter, and therefore, by emotional investment and identity, himself.
The health and happiness of millions of Whites in dozens of nations means nothing to Fred, and he is using his not inconsiderable talents to prevent that awareness from ever arising. Readers of Culture of Critique will recognize the behavior immediately. Why should it be different for a Jew and a man with (for all intents and purposes) a Jewish wife and child? Scott McConnell and the Derb’s unreliability on the question of our continued existence is of a piece with his: cuttlefish squirting ink to muddy the waters. I think Fred’s essay should be broadly presented over White media and also on public boards, along with analysis and response that is fairly hard-hitting re: the situation on the ground: MS-13, the border, human sacrifice in Mexico, the social and educational failure of Mexican families in the United States, and other facts too little discussed with the exception of Other sites could discuss Fred’s EGI and self-deception (if it is that) in his anger at ‘conservative tribalism’ – i.e. White people. Fred has noticed, as the Jews did long before him, how aggravating and hateful the prospect of White Freedom is, so he moves, swiftly and surely, to nip it in the bud.
I have some experience in this matter, so I know his type reacts badly to sunlight. Let’s see if we can put a little pressure on him. If he begins reacting badly, this would be a small but significant tactical victory, and I know it can be done. Letters about the JQ have driven him into a regular tarantella on the issue, with the exception that he has a wide audience of people who are of interest to us. By causing him to expound on these questions, a small chink in the heretofore smooth surface of the Propasphere begins to crack. The lowliest Patriotard at Free Republic finally asks, Why are people talking about the Jews all the time now?
Of course, all they’re hearing are hysterical denials, but to the unconscious mind it sounds like this:
blah blah blah JEWS blah blah blah JEWS blah blah blah JEWS
Even Joe Sixpack knows that when the formerly unspeakable becomes something constantly spoken of, something is going on. I think Fred Reed is a man who could do with some reasoned argument, some emotional coercion in the form of guilt,and both as a steady drip . . . drip . . . drip. Somewhere down in him there is an uncorrupted country boy who remembers his all White childhood – not through rose colored lenses, but exactly as it was. I think his awakening sense of memory is causing him discomfort, and it’s our job to nurse that discomfort for all we’re worth.
His essay follows – distribute to all and sundry, construct responses, and send Fred replies. I know he reads his mailbag with great interest. He is an intelligent man with, I am sure, little intellectual stimulation in Mexico, but more importantly, he likes a fight and it is not difficult to get his ire up. Even polite notes bother him, and even if he hardly ever responds to you personally (he does sometimes, though!), but you will see the results of your needling very soon.
Magna Europa est Patria Nostra,
The Tribalism of the Conservatives
by Fred Reed
I usually regard liberals and conservatives as equally but not identically reprehensible, rather like the complementary halves of a migraine headache. Some differences do stand out. Peculiar to conservatives is a certain tribalism, often accompanied by subclinical paranoia. They seem to be looking fearfully about as the wolves circle closer. It doesn’t matter whether there actually are any wolves.
Recently I wrote of the quinceaños – i.e. fifteenth birthday party – of my Mexican stepdaughter Natalia. She’s a nice kid, highly literate for her years. I’m proud of her. She had dyed her hair blond, or golden I guess, which is something girls do. I got a lot of email wishing her a happy birthday, and then this:
Davy Crockett
“Nice fred. Where are your children and grandchildren?
Interesting how the girl dyes her hair blonde in an attempt to be Anglo looking. Cheap escape. You offer, as usual, no defense of anything or anyone – apparently not even your own family and kin.
If we all bail as you and your skanky compatriots demonstrate, we face extinction – of land, race, nationality, language, religion – and the ones left will dye their hair blonde hoping/pretending to be something they can never achieve. And we gave it up voluntarily, just as you have. Not even honor will be left.
God almighty. I’m step-dad to international extinction. And I even supplied her iPod. The horror. One day I’ll have to live with my guilt. You know, like Vidkun.
Actually my own very Anglo daughter once dyed her hair green. I suppose she was hoping/pretending to be something she could never be. A plant, perhaps. Or maybe she was just a girl kid dyeing her hair.
Note Davy Crockett’s fearful tone. Danger is everywhere. I need to defend my family. (The glowing eyes in the night are getting closer.) Our land faces extinction (how do you extinguish land?). Our religion – which one is that? – will be wiped out by intensely Christian Mexicans. Oh god. Curl up in a ball. Save the last bullet for yourself.
A curious delusion here is the notion that Natalia, and by implication all non-Anglos, want to be Anglos. This is characteristic of the psychically embattled conservative, that he sees himself as the envy of all, as a paladin of the Aryan super race fending off inferior wannabes. This springs I think from the tendency to see life as a struggle against enemies. Everyone is a potential threat.
The awful truth, to which Mr. Crockett will be impervious, is that Natalia has no desire to be an Anglo. She doesn’t dislike Anglos. She is just content being Mexican. She doesn’t want to live in the United States, and her first choice of a country to visit is France. Pocos Anglos there.
I suggest that Davy Crockett go to, say, UC Berkeley, or Harvard, and ask the (very large numbers of) Asian students whether they want to be Anglos. They don’t. In fact they quietly regard white Americans as lazy and not very bright, and they have the evidence to back it up.
The following is by John Derbyshire of National Review Online, in response to the question of why the whole world hates the West:
“They hate us from wounded ethnic pride. They hate us because of our cultural superiority; which is to say, at one remove, our political superiority. They hate us because they can’t organize societies like ours, in which security, prosperity, and hope for the future are available to all, and creativity flourishes. They can’t, they know they can’t, and the knowledge drives them nuts.”
Now, “hate” may be a tad strong, when “resent” would describe attitudes of particular countries toward particular countries of the West. And the analysis seems a trifle overwrought. I picture myself walking in Buenos Aires and finding a man lying the street, frothing at the mouth. “May I help, sir? Epilepsy, perhaps?” I say.
“No, actually. You see, you organize such wonderful societies, and it drives me nuts.”
I know Derbyshire – “the Derb†as we say – slightly by internet. He is a bright guy of mathematical stripe, neither solemn nor an ass, and in fact has a sense of humor, which cannot be said of all of his acquaintances. His wife is Chinese and he speaks Chinese. He is not the cloistered paranoid living under a rock.
And yet the underlying text is the same. The Derb says they hate us because we are wonderful. Davy Crockett thinks Natalia wants to be an Anglo. President Bush tells us that Moslems hate us for our freedoms.
But does the world hate the West? Do Kenyans hate Finland? Uzbekis hate Norway? It just isn’t so. In a burst of journalistic dutifulness, I asked various Mexicans whether they hated France. No. Europe? No. How about that abstraction, The West? No. The question puzzled them.
Most of the world detests the United States, yes, for reasons that you can accept or not according to your politics. It isn’t for our cultural or political superiority. Often it is an objection to being bombed.
Now, if I were to write that the damned liberals have destroyed the American system of education, so that the Thais and Singaporeans score better academically, and that lefty Hollywood and New York have us awash in trash music and moral filth, and so on, conservatives would say, “Yeah! Yeah! Stick it to ’em, Fred!†If I mentioned that the French had noticed exactly the same things, I would be a commie lefty America-hater.
The point really is not whether the West or the US is or isn’t culturally or politically superior. Rather it is that most other countries don’t think it is. People who have anything resembling a civilization usually believe it to be better than all others. To an American, the authoritarianism of Singapore may look a bit constricting. The Singaporean, accustomed to it and eyeing the crime, drugs, and poor schools of the US, may think his political culture is just fine, thank you. Mexicans, believe it or not, envy the money but not the culture of the United States. The Japanese (unable to organize a secure prosperous society) are quite sure that theirs is a superior civilization.
These things may be endlessly argued, probably to no purpose. What intrigues me is the us-agin’-them mentality, the need for hierarchy, for a sense of superiority, and the closely associated habit of looking for enemies. Yes, Anglo-Saxons have done some remarkable things, and the white race has been for some centuries dominant in most things. It will be for several decades more. The West is the Rome of its age. It invented the modern world. Well and good.
But I really don’t care. I think that most people don’t care. Life is possible, even easier, without always measuring penises. If Davy Crockett were merely arguing for closing the American borders, I’d say fine. But there is something here, something mean and embittered and twisted. I’m glad I don’t have it.
Note for the record: Recently Vi and I went to Washington for a couple of weeks. Coming back, her US visa disappeared, probably pickpocketed in Atlanta is our best guess. On return, I went to the website of the consulate in Guad to report the loss. I expected to find a button saying something like “Report lost or stolen passports or visas.” Nope. Lotta stuff about how we must fear terrorism, but no button. I finally found an email address for the consulate and reported the lost visa. Weeks later, no response.
Odd. State Department people, while a bit otherworldly, are almost always smart, well educated, and conscientious. I wonder whether the US is more interested in real security or the theater of terrorism.
15 March, 2007 at 6:52 pm
Fred finds it “odd” and otherwise puzzling that
a. Vi’s visa was probably pickpocketed – in Atlanta; and
b. US State Dept. in Guad has not replied to his loss report in weeks.
TNB! But Fred looks the other way.
We can well imagine the use to which the visa is being put.
Guess Channon and Chris are among those chomped by the crocodile he was cheering on a few months ago, in his article on USA’s dysgenic demographics. Funny, men like him who knew better failed in his generation, leading to just such a state of affairs.
Keep cheering as we die, Fred! We bitter, twisted, pathological Whites whom you laugh to scorn! Your brothers and sisters you betrayed! You’ve gone to ground, and mutter with your last breath a vicious cough of hatred for the universe. At least the brown race that you – by God – subsidize to this day is okay.
15 March, 2007 at 6:53 pm
Just FYI: I recall speaking with a Wintermute on the forum, who, when the conversation took a slightly realistic turn, shall we say, expressed himself very willing to report to the Feds to cover his ass. In fact, he claimed he did just that.
No idea if it’s the same fellow. Hope it isn’t. You should too, as he’s a fucking coward.
15 March, 2007 at 6:56 pm
Having just found his profile, I can say it is the same guy. Vorsicht, gentlemen.
15 March, 2007 at 7:03 pm
“Somewhere down in him there is an uncorrupted country boy who remembers his all White childhood”
Horseshit. Reed is a conscious traitor. Consider the staggering scale of evasion necessary for him to write even this one sentence: “Our land faces extinction (how do you extinguish land?).”
He doesn’t have to have seen “The Line in the Sand” to know better; as canny a writer as he knows all that and more, besides.
“I really don’t care. I think most people don’t care,” Fred says to convince his audience to adopt his attitude. A clearer declaration of spiritual bankruptcy in this context cannot be conceived.
We can write off Fred Reed.
15 March, 2007 at 9:46 pm
Fred reed is garbage. I wont read him after I read this article.
He’s a fool. Ignore him.
16 March, 2007 at 12:23 am
I just grabbed this off the net:
This is where the culture shock set in. It had been fourteen months since my last trip to the States. Important for us, as we drove over the border, was a pit stop. I laughed and said, “Hey Betty, read the sign on the back of your stall door.” In both English and Spanish, it read:
“Please throw papers into the toilet.”
If you’ve never been to Mexico, you might not think this is as funny as we did. In most Mexican bathrooms, there is a trash can and a sign that says, “Please do not throw papers into the toilet. Toilet paper clogs up Mexican plumbing and septic systems and it’s expensive to dig up cement and tile floors to fix them.
One Canadian woman whom I met through my column, came down and found a rental for a few months. She pulled me aside and whispered, “But, I can’t ask my guests to throw toilet paper into the waste basket. They’d be mortified.”
“It’s better that than having to find a plumber to fix it,” I said, “and having your toilet out of commission then paying for the damages.”
Reed of course lives in Mexico, and given that’s he’s always begging for donations on his site he apparently doesn’t have enough money to insulate himself from these Mexican “plumbing” problems, so you have to ask yourself what kind of drunken loser can live in this environment? I’ve been to Mexico and what I saw (and smelled) was enough to convince me that I’d never want to return, even for a visit, much less live there. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that this is all an elaborate ruse by Reed to cover up the fact that he’s too creepy to attract White women. Screw this oddball.
16 March, 2007 at 7:35 am
His wife is Jewish? I thought she was Asian? Perhaps Mexican from this article? He has a Mexican step-daughter apparently.
I remember reading an article of his some time ago when he advocated for white males to marry Asian women, because white women, particularly American women, were so detestable. To me that is no better than a white woman advocating white women to marry black men. It’s disgusting and one of the vilest forms of treason.
It’s amazing to me how intelligent and outspoken some whites can be, but then they’re such personal cowards and traitors who not only don’t value their own heritage but work against it. It’s a very puzzling psychology that I don’t understand. You very rarely find the same mentality among non-whites or Jews.
Even when you have some of the Jewish dissenters like Norman Finkelstein, he still supports the Holocaust and the state of Israel, only arguing about the usage of them.
16 March, 2007 at 12:34 pm
Fred says:
But I really don’t care. I think that most people don’t care. Life is possible, even easier, without always measuring penises. If Davy Crockett were merely arguing for closing the American borders, I’d say fine. But there is something here, something mean and embittered and twisted. I’m glad I don’t have it.
What Fred really means, is he doesn’t have a soul. I suppose in his mind, he has to make it “mean and embittered and twisted” so he can get by somehow.
16 March, 2007 at 9:22 pm
Fred tends to meander, and, near the end, say what he really meant to say from the beginning.
Let’s try that with the last, say, three paragraphs:
Fred Reed wrote:
The point really is not whether the West or the US is or isn’t culturally or politically superior. Rather it is that most other countries don’t think it is. People who have anything resembling a civilization usually believe it to be better than all others.
in reply:
The irony is, “people who have anything resembling a civilization” tend to look to Western nations – WHITE COUNTRIES – for anything that enhances their quality of life.
Fred Reed wrote:
To an American, the authoritarianism of Singapore may look a bit constricting. The Singaporean, accustomed to it and eyeing the crime, drugs, and poor schools of the US, may think his political culture is just fine, thank you.
in reply:
What was Singapore but a damn marsh, until Lee came along with BRITISH institutions, and a damn near eugenic social policy. In many ways, he has created the melding of an NS state in part (the Fuller model of economic development – smart people doing industrious things better and better), with an Asian community.
For the proof of the superiority of Western institutions, WHEN LED BY WISE MEN, look at the tremendous differences between (Asian) Malaysia, where Singapore came from, and Singapore, with the Asian family and work ethics, applied in an environment of Western institutions.
They refused to even tolerate lesser cultures – multiculturalism – and thus, drugs never got a foothold in the achievement-oriented WESTERN culture of Singapore.
Fred Reed wrote:
Mexicans, believe it or not, envy the money but not the culture of the United States.
in reply:
The ELITE of Mexico has adopted “the culture of the United States,” and the Mexican underclass (90% of the population!), well, they’ve always had the culture of our underclass.
And, the Mexican just can not grasp how the Culture supports the Creative Economy; they can not conceive that our “wealth” derices from our Culture.
The example of Mexico – rich with natural resources, poor with essentially net-negative people – should serve as instruction enough for them…and us.
Fred Reed wrote:
The Japanese (unable to organize a secure prosperous society) are quite sure that theirs is a superior civilization.
in reply:
Damn, I guess those Toyota factories just fell out of the sky, with the Toyota Production System.
The Toyota Production System, incidentally, demonstrates how a change of Mind – the Ideas behind TPS were from Ford, and Deming – can change the world, their world, and ours.
Fred Reed wrote:
These things may be endlessly argued, probably to no purpose. What intrigues me is the us-agin’-them mentality, the need for hierarchy, for a sense of superiority, and the closely associated habit of looking for enemies. Yes, Anglo-Saxons have done some remarkable things, and the white race has been for some centuries dominant in most things. It will be for several decades more. The West is the Rome of its age. It invented the modern world. Well and good.
in reply:
Actually, it CREATED and SUSTAINED the “Modern World.”
If it wasn’t for us, “our “us-again’-them mentality” (which they have in abundance, by the way), “our need for hierarchy” (Tradition versus democracy), our “sense of superiority” (demonstrably deserved, from the historical record), and our “closely associated habit of looking for enemies” (trust me – they were looking for us, FIRST, as all predators do), we of the West HAVE created the modern world – and it IS “well and good.”
Fred Reed wrote:
But I really don’t care. I think that most people don’t care. Life is possible, even easier, without always measuring penises. If Davy Crockett were merely arguing for closing the American borders, I’d say fine.
in reply:
Life is possible, but not really better, if we don’t measure genitalia – is that the direction Fred’s mind is focused on?), but, if we were to measure, say, the distance from where we were, to where we want to be, and then be what we want the world to become.
The benefits we create will be enjoyed by all of peoples, when they are ready.
Even Mexico…
Fred Reed wrote:
But there is something here, something mean and embittered and twisted. I’m glad I don’t have it.
in reply:
Fred’s right – there IS “something mean and embittered and twisted,” all throughout the world.
It’s called JUDAISM.
Mexicans – who turned a country of tremendous natural wealth into a Third World Country, and are trying to do that to our – are just footnotes…
New America
An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!
17 March, 2007 at 10:37 am
You’re no Goya of an expat … But what a Goyl!
Judah beckons, beloved wandering son of bitter discontent.
In you the fraudulent myth of the 20th comes to full flower.
Such beauty … Behold!
18 March, 2007 at 12:06 pm
It must have taken Freddy several weeks to think up “sub clinical paranoia”. Whites who value their race and cultural heritage are sub clinical paranoiacs, but shitskins who like being shitskins are just wondrous human beings who are a blessing to be around and justified in their loathing of us Anglos. Gee, just look at his wonderful brown stepdaughter, who could object to millions of people like her flowing over their borders? Trouble is, she is atypical of mexicans.
Fred must be senile if he thinks all are just like his cute as a button brown stepdaughter and her enchanting friends. If mexico is so idyllic then why do 50-60% of all mexicans wish to live in america or canada? Bet Freddy can’t answer that one. You won’t even find 5% of whites who wish to leave their own nations whether in America, Canada or Western Europe. How about all the spics in state and federal prison?
I noticed Freddy removed his e-mail address from his website and articles and I don’t think that’s because he was getting too many love letters and fan mail. Someone please post it so I can contact him and inform him of his erroneous outlook on the world.