7 March, 2007

Tonight: Free Talk Live

Posted by alex in Free Talk Live at 4:55 pm | Permanent Link

Show concluded.

Join host Whiteman4Whiteland for tonight’s Free Talk Live.

Music begins at 7:00 PM EST.

Talk at 9:00 EST.

Click here to listen:

Skype ID: vnnfreetalklive
Phone: 660 675 4388

For those with plain old telephones we have a conventional phone number: 660 675 4388, though we prefer skype calls. Regardless, please attempt to send a chat message with skype before calling.


1) Send a chat message to vnnfreetalklive with skype.

2) The host will accept your chat message, tell you approximately when you’ll be coming on, and will call you back.

3) When skype rings turn off the live feed, since there is a delay.

Note: to use skype you’ll need a headset and PC.


You’ll need winamp, itunes or any other type of software that can load .pls.

  • 9 Responses to “Tonight: Free Talk Live”

    1. ubersaxon Says:

      Well done, WM4WL. My only constructive criticism to your otherwise great show is the constant use of those negroid sound board clips (e.g. “Oprah don’t lie!”) Other than my nitpick, your show is well structured and the addition of the usual suspects make the show all that much better. I will be glad to listen in again next week. Thanks for the show.

    2. New America Says:

      One, per FTL Monday, have Bill White run his regular show at 8, and VNN FTL at 9.

      Two, ubersaxon is right – a LOT less “Oprah don’t lie,” because it steps on the speakers.

      Three, everyone gets an ANDREA USB NC-7100 headphone/microphone. The microphones that you wear just picks up too much of your clothes rustling when you move, the newspaper you are reading, the keyboard you are typing on – you get the idea. This includes Bill White, and Jarl.

      Four, GOD but I love it when Linder gets MAD – this is the Light that clears away the Darkness. THAT is the kind of clip we need to get out. THAT is what so many of our Brethren can relate to.

      Channon Christian and her boyfriend have been completely “disappeared” by the mainstrem (goddamn JEW-controlled) media; just an impassioned description of what happened to them – and the comment that you will ONLY hear about this on VNN – is an excellent clip to use at the beginning of VNN’s shows.

      Can you imagine Linder’s angry, impassioned voice – “THIS is what happened to them – and YOU, White Man, and your women, YOU are all NEXT, unless you join up with US!”

      And, remember, the audience at Chris Rock’s performance was his jungle savage brethern – they knew, better than us, how right he was.

      How right HE was, and WE are!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    3. Irish Pride Says:

      I enjoyed the show very much. Looking forward to Hibernian’s show. That guy is funny. I’ll be tuning in next Wednesday for sure.

    4. Me Says:

      The reason France has outlawed the filming and distribution of criminal violence is because all the rioting muslems are niggers, and footage of niggers going wild is amazingly hard to come by where it should not be. For example, when striking “security guards” decided to go ape in Jburg, few if any photos were published in the SA media–indeed, the SA media is outstanding in its lack of photos. Why? Because pics of niggers being niggers just might be a little dangerious to the anti-white agenda. Same thing applies in France. The Gov had to step in and threaten years of imprisonment for the “offence” of taking a picture of a riot, or a rapist, or a rock-throwing subhuman, because folks throughout the West could and would notice that the vast majority of such offenders are nothing more then niggers.

    5. Jim Donaldson Says:

      Has anyone seen this?


      “Washington/NY insiders”!

    6. Marcus Says:

      Here’s a Wikipedia link to the 16th amendment to the constitution that makes the federal income tax legal.


      I’m no fan of the income tax, but I don’t understand where the assertion comes from that the tax is illegal.

    7. New America Says:

      in reply to Jim Donaldson:
      I’ve read Harry Schulz for years, and he has finally admitted what we know – The Game Is OVER, as we have understood The Game. The plans the goddamn JEWS put into place a century ago are coming to fruition.

      We have to be prepared to Start Over as the functional equivalent of Isaiah’s Remnant, starting with the same mindset that has worked so well for the hook-nosed Satanists – RACE, and FAMILY as the temporal foundation of RACE, and from that, a NATION, and finally a NATION-STATE.

      We will have to Start Over, on the Higher Ground of Peter’s Shanks Insight – FAMILY, RACE, and CULTURE.

      Not necessarily in that order, by the way; but that’s for another time.

      in reply to Marcus:
      This is what Bob Whitaker calls the fallacy of Wordism in action.

      Even if the Sixteenth Amendment was not properly ratified, IT DOES NOT MATTER.

      The essence of Government is POWER; if these trivial challenges go to the Supreme Court, then the Supremes – whose power derives from the Government – will simply see a “penumbra” in the Founder’s Intentions that will allow the Income Tax to stand – simple as that.

      This is a useful false flag to get the Patriotards all worked up, to no good end.

      Incidentally, the Libertarians are no better; Boortz’s Flat Tax (not applied to investment income, by the wya, but to EARNED by the sweat of your brow income) of 25% WOULD Federalize the Income Tax, in any event, by making it a NATIONAL sales tax. I suspect you will see this coming along in another five years or so (a penny on the dollar), and the Alternative Minimum Tax will be ratcheted down to lower levels of income.

      In short, you will have become serfs – your LIVES will be the collateral for the tremendous national debt we have created, and THAT is the Deeper Truth that Harry Schulz could not – dare not – speak.

      THIS is where Harold Covington’s idea of a Northwest Republic begin to seem damn near prescient…

      Why don’t you check out Covington’s websites, blogs, and buy one of his books – “A Distant Thunder” is an excellent place to start.

      Along these lines, thanks to Hoosier for pointing out the Idea of the alternative Sam Francis becoming slimmer, harder, and with a clean, hard, look in his eye.

      Francis wrote a tremednous essay in 1991 called “Revolution From the Middle.” In the end of it he makes a remarkably Linder-like statement:

      “Having shattered the traditional American cultural and social order into disparate fragments bound together only bu universal and impersonal managerial routines and techniques, the leviathan regime is now confronted by a creature of its own making, an increasingly alienated and radicalized Middle American proletariat tha is beginning to glimpse the abyss of its own cultural, economic and political serfdom just over the precipice it is approaching. THE PROLETARIAT IS ALSO BEGINNING TO EVOLVE A COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS THAT CAN OVERCOME THE DIVISIVE, INDIVIDUATION, AND PURELY DEFENSIVE RESPONSE OFFERED BY TRADITIONAL CONSERVATISM AND TO FORGE A NEW AND UNIFIED CORE FROM WHICH AN ALTERNATIVE SUBCULTURE AND AUTHENTIC RADICALISM OF THE RIGHT CAN EMERGE. “(emphasis added)

      Now, replace the word RIGHT with the word RACE, and doesn’t so much suddenly seem so clear?

      Francis ends by citing a microcosm of our situation to come, and, indeed, a situation that may well be personal, as much as collective, the example of the protagonist of Wolfe’s “Bonfire of the Vanities”

      “The dynamic of the Middle American Revolution is captured at the end of Tom Wolfe’s Bonfire of the Vanities, when the flabby Yuppy protagonist Sherman McCoy has been stripped of his wealth, his status, his wife, his mistress, his children, his friends, his class, his privacy and his freedom. At last dispossessed of every garment of his external social identity, he turns to fight. Explaining what happened to him, he draws an analogy with a house pet that’s been turned into a vicious watchdog. ‘They don’t later that dog’s personality with dog biscuits or pills, ‘ he says. ‘They chain it up and bait it, and they taunt it, and they beat it some more, until it turns nad bares its fangs and is ready for the final fight every time it hears a sound…The dog doesn’t cling to the notion that he’s a fabulous house pet in some terrific dog show, the way a man does. The dog gets the idea. The dog knows when it’s time to turn into an animal, and fight.”

      The dog knows, and a handful of men have been laying it out – Pierce, Rockwell, Linder, Covington, Whitaker, and Bill White.

      While it is true that Only A Change Of Mind Can Save Our Kind, that Change of Mind includes a Change of Mindset.

      From the great movie:
      “The answer was staring us right in the face all of the time…” (pause)

      “Gentlemen. Welcome to Fight Club. The First Rule of Fight Club Is…?”

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    8. New America Says:

      Thanks to the late Brother Francis, a useful idea:

      Most of us came here from some form of “Conservatism,” on the political Right.

      Here’s a useful idea.

      Take the speeches and essays that inspired us, and replace the word “RIGHT” with the word “RACE.”


      Isn’t that better?

      Much more honest, too.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    9. Steve B Says:

      Just now listened to the show via VNN archives. Good stuff guys, WMFWL and Hibernian had me ROTFLMOL and Alex was great as always, thanks!